d3d10umddi.h header
This header is used by display. For more information, see:
d3d10umddi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
Callback functions
PFND3D10_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEBLENDSTATESIZE The CalcPrivateBlendStateSize(D3D10_1) function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a blend state. |
PFND3D10_1DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERRESOURCEVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSize(D3D10_1) function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a shader resource view. |
PFND3D10_1DDI_CREATEBLENDSTATE The CreateBlendState(D3D10_1) function creates a blend state. |
PFND3D10_1DDI_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW The CreateShaderResourceView(D3D10_1) function creates a shader resource view. |
PFND3D10_1DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS The RelocateDeviceFuncs(D3D10_1) function notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. |
PFND3D10_2DDI_GETCAPS The GetCaps(D3D10_2) function queries for capabilities of the graphics adapter. |
PFND3D10_2DDI_GETSUPPORTEDVERSIONS The GetSupportedVersions function queries for the Direct3D interface versions that the driver supports. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEBLENDSTATESIZE The CalcPrivateBlendStateSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a blend state. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEDEPTHSTENCILSTATESIZE The CalcPrivateDepthStencilStateSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a depth stencil state. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateDepthStencilViewSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a depth stencil view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEDEVICESIZE PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEDEVICESIZE determines the size of the private memory region used by the user-mode display driver to store frequently-accessed data. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEELEMENTLAYOUTSIZE PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEELEMENTLAYOUTSIZE determines the size of the private memory region used by the user-mode display driver for an element layout. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEGEOMETRYSHADERWITHSTREAMOUTPUT The CalcPrivateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a geometry shader with stream output. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEOPENEDRESOURCESIZE The CalcPrivateOpenedResourceSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private shared region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for an opened resource. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATEQUERYSIZE The CalcPrivateQuerySize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a query. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATERASTERIZERSTATESIZE PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATERASTERIZERSTATESIZE determines the size of the private memory region used by the user-mode display driver for a rasterizer state. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATERENDERTARGETVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateRenderTargetViewSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a render target view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATERESOURCESIZE The CalcPrivateResourceSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory). |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATESAMPLERSIZE The CalcPrivateSamplerSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a sampler. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERRESOURCEVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a shader resource view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERSIZE The CalcPrivateShaderSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_CHECKCOUNTER The CheckCounter function retrieves information that describes a counter. |
PFND3D10DDI_CHECKCOUNTERINFO The CheckCounterInfo function determines global information that is related to manipulating counters. |
PFND3D10DDI_CHECKFORMATSUPPORT Retrieves the capabilities that the device has with the specified format. |
PFND3D10DDI_CHECKMULTISAMPLEQUALITYLEVELS The CheckMultisampleQualityLevels function retrieves the number of quality levels that the device supports for the specified number of samples. |
PFND3D10DDI_CLEARDEPTHSTENCILVIEW The ClearDepthStencilView function clears the specified currently bound depth-stencil view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CLEARRENDERTARGETVIEW The ClearRenderTargetView function clears the specified render-target view by setting it to a constant value. |
PFND3D10DDI_CLOSEADAPTER The CloseAdapter(D3D10) function releases resources for a graphics adapter object. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEBLENDSTATE The CreateBlendState function creates a blend state. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILSTATE The CreateDepthStencilState function creates a depth stencil state. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW The CreateDepthStencilView function creates a depth stencil view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEDEVICE The CreateDevice(D3D10) function creates a graphics context that is referenced in subsequent calls. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEELEMENTLAYOUT The CreateElementLayout function creates an element layout. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEGEOMETRYSHADER The CreateGeometryShader function creates a geometry shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEGEOMETRYSHADERWITHSTREAMOUTPUT The CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput function creates a geometry shader with stream output. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEPIXELSHADER The CreatePixelShader(D3D10) function creates a pixel shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEQUERY The CreateQuery(D3D10) function creates a query. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATERASTERIZERSTATE The CreateRasterizerState function creates a rasterizer state. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATERENDERTARGETVIEW The CreateRenderTargetView function creates a render target view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATERESOURCE The PFND3D10DDI_CREATERESOURCE callback function creates a user-mode display driver resource. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATESAMPLER The CreateSampler function creates a sampler. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW The CreateShaderResourceView function creates a shader resource view. |
PFND3D10DDI_CREATEVERTEXSHADER The CreateVertexShader(D3D10) function creates a vertex shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYBLENDSTATE The DestroyBlendState function destroys the specified blend state object. The blend state object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYDEPTHSTENCILSTATE The DestroyDepthStencilState function destroys the specified depth stencil state object. The depth stencil state object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYDEPTHSTENCILVIEW The DestroyDepthStencilView function destroys the specified depth stencil view object. The depth stencil view object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYDEVICE The DestroyDevice(D3D10) function destroys the specified device object. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYELEMENTLAYOUT The DestroyElementLayout function destroys the specified element layout object. The element layout object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYQUERY The DestroyQuery(D3D10) function destroys the specified query object. The query object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYRASTERIZERSTATE The DestroyRasterizerState function destroys the specified rasterizer state object. The rasterizer state object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYRENDERTARGETVIEW The DestroyRenderTargetView function destroys the specified render target view object. The render target view object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYRESOURCE The DestroyResource(D3D10) function destroys the specified resource object. The resource object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device, and if all views that refer to the resource are also destroyed. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYSAMPLER The DestroySampler function destroys the specified sampler object. The sampler object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYSHADER The DestroyShader function destroys the specified shader object. The shader object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DESTROYSHADERRESOURCEVIEW The DestroyShaderResourceView function destroys the specified shader resource view object. The shader resource view object can be destroyed only if it is not currently bound to a display device. |
PFND3D10DDI_DISABLE_DEFERRED_STAGING_RESOURCE_DESTRUCTION_CB The pfnDisableDeferredStagingResourceDestruction function disables the deferred destruction of staging resources. |
PFND3D10DDI_DRAW Learn more about the pfnDraw function. |
PFND3D10DDI_DRAWAUTO The DrawAuto function works similarly to the Draw function, except DrawAuto is used for the special case where vertex data is written through the stream-output unit and then recycled as a vertex buffer. |
PFND3D10DDI_DRAWINDEXED Learn more about the PFND3D10DDI_DRAWINDEXED callback function draws indexed primitives. |
PFND3D10DDI_DRAWINDEXEDINSTANCED The DrawIndexedInstanced function draws particular instances of indexed primitives. |
PFND3D10DDI_DRAWINSTANCED The DrawInstanced function draws particular instances of nonindexed primitives. |
PFND3D10DDI_FLUSH The Flush(D3D10) function submits outstanding hardware commands that are in the hardware command buffer to the display miniport driver. |
PFND3D10DDI_GENMIPS The GenMips function generates the lower MIP-map levels on the specified shader-resource view. |
PFND3D10DDI_IA_SETINDEXBUFFER The IaSetIndexBuffer function sets an index buffer for an input assembler. |
PFND3D10DDI_IA_SETTOPOLOGY The IaSetTopology function sets the primitive topology to enable drawing for the input assembler. |
PFND3D10DDI_IA_SETVERTEXBUFFERS The IaSetVertexBuffers function sets vertex buffers for an input assembler. |
PFND3D10DDI_OPENADAPTER The OpenAdapter10 function creates a graphics adapter object that is referenced in subsequent calls. |
PFND3D10DDI_OPENRESOURCE The OpenResource(D3D10) function opens a shared resource. |
PFND3D10DDI_QUERYBEGIN The QueryBegin function marks the beginning of a sequence of graphics commands for a query and transitions the query to the "building" state. |
PFND3D10DDI_QUERYEND The QueryEnd function marks the end of a sequence of graphics commands for a query and transitions the query to the "issued" state. |
PFND3D10DDI_QUERYGETDATA The QueryGetData function polls for the state of a query operation. |
PFND3D10DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS PFND3D10DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCECOPY The ResourceCopy function copies an entire source resource to a destination resource. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCECOPYREGION The ResourceCopyRegion function copies a source subresource region to a location on a destination subresource. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCEISSTAGINGBUSY The ResourceIsStagingBusy function determines whether a resource is currently being used by the graphics pipeline. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCEMAP The ResourceMap function maps a subresource of a resource. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCEREADAFTERWRITEHAZARD The ResourceReadAfterWriteHazard function informs the user-mode display driver that the specified resource was used as an output from the graphics processing unit (GPU) and that the resource will be used as an input to the GPU. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCERESOLVESUBRESOURCE The ResourceResolveSubresource function resolves multiple samples to one pixel. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCEUNMAP The ResourceUnmap function unmaps a subresource of a resource. |
PFND3D10DDI_RESOURCEUPDATESUBRESOURCEUP The DefaultConstantBufferUpdateSubresourceUP function updates a destination subresource region that stores constant buffers from a source system-memory region. |
PFND3D10DDI_RETRIEVESUBOBJECT Retrieves subparts of the Direct3D driver device object. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETBLENDSTATE The SetBlendState function sets a blend state. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETCONSTANTBUFFERS The CsSetConstantBuffers function sets constant buffers for a compute shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETDEPTHSTENCILSTATE The SetDepthStencilState function sets a depth-stencil state. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETERROR_CB The pfnSetErrorCb function sets the return error code of a user-mode display driver's function. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETINPUTLAYOUT The IaSetInputLayout function sets an input layout for the input assembler. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETPREDICATION The SetPredication function specifies whether rendering and resource-manipulation commands that follow are actually performed. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETRASTERIZERSTATE The SetRasterizerState function sets the rasterizer state. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETRENDERTARGETS The SetRenderTargets function sets render target surfaces. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETSAMPLERS The CsSetSamplers function sets samplers for a compute shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETSCISSORRECTS The SetScissorRects function marks portions of render targets that rendering is confined to. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETSHADER The CsSetShader function sets the compute shader code so that all of the subsequent dispatching operations use that code. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETSHADERRESOURCES The CsSetShaderResources function sets resources for a compute shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETTEXTFILTERSIZE The SetTextFilterSize function sets the width and height of the monochrome convolution filter. |
PFND3D10DDI_SETVIEWPORTS The SetViewports function sets viewports. |
PFND3D10DDI_SHADERRESOURCEVIEWREADAFTERWRITEHAZARD The ShaderResourceViewReadAfterWriteHazard function informs the user-mode display driver that the specified resource was used as an output from the graphics processing unit (GPU) and that the resource will be used as an input to the GPU. |
PFND3D10DDI_SO_SETTARGETS The SoSetTargets function sets stream output target resources. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_GS_CONSTBUF_CB The pfnStateGsConstBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the geometry shader constant buffer state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_GS_SAMPLER_CB The pfnStateGsSamplerCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the geometry shader sample state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_GS_SHADER_CB The pfnStateGsShaderCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the geometry shader. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_GS_SRV_CB The pfnStateGsSrvCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the geometry shader constant shader resource view state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_IA_INDEXBUF_CB The pfnStateIaIndexBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the index buffer state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_IA_INPUTLAYOUT_CB The pfnStateIaInputLayoutCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the input layout state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_IA_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_CB The pfnStateIaPrimitiveTopologyCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the primitive topology state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_IA_VERTEXBUF_CB The pfnStateIaVertexBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the set of vertex buffers that are bound to the input assembler. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_OM_BLENDSTATE_CB The pfnStateOmBlendStateCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the output merger blend state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_OM_DEPTHSTATE_CB The pfnStateOmDepthStateCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the output merger depth state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_OM_RENDERTARGETS_CB The pfnStateOmRenderTargetsCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the output merger's bound render targets. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_PS_CONSTBUF_CB The pfnStatePsConstBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the pixel shader stage's bound constant buffers. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_PS_SAMPLER_CB The pfnStatePsSamplerCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the pixel shader stage's bound samplers. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_PS_SHADER_CB The pfnStatePsShaderCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the pixel shader stage's shader program. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_PS_SRV_CB The pfnStatePsSrvCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the pixel shader stage's bound shader resource views. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_RS_RASTSTATE_CB The pfnStateRsRastStateCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the rasterization state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_RS_SCISSOR_CB The pfnStateRsScissorCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the scissor state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_RS_VIEWPORTS_CB The pfnStateRsViewportsCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the viewport state. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_SO_TARGETS_CB The pfnStateSoTargetsCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the stream-out targets. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_TEXTFILTERSIZE_CB The pfnStateTextFilterSizeCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the width and height of the monochrome convolution filter. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_VS_CONSTBUF_CB The pfnStateVsConstBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the vertex shader stage's bound constant buffers. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_VS_SAMPLER_CB The pfnStateVsSamplerCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the vertex shader stage's bound samplers. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_VS_SHADER_CB The pfnStateVsShaderCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the vertex shader stage's shader program. |
PFND3D10DDI_STATE_VS_SRV_CB The pfnStateVsSrvCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime to refresh the vertex shader stage's bound shader resource views. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_ASSIGNDEBUGBINARY Provides the full shader binary that is available after shader creation. The full shader binary lets a driver retrieve debugging information or other shader binary information that would not normally be available to the driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the authenticated channel state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEBLENDSTATESIZE PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEBLENDSTATESIZE determines the size of the private memory region used by the user-mode display driver for a blend state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATECRYPTOSESSIONSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the cryptographic session state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEGEOMETRYSHADERWITHSTREAMOUTPUT Determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a geometry shader with stream output. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATERASTERIZERSTATESIZE Determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a rasterizer state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERSIZE PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERSIZE determines the size of the private memory region used by the user-mode display driver for a shader. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEVIDEODECODEROUTPUTVIEWSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the video decoder view state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEVIDEODECODERSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the video decoder state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEVIDEOPROCESSORENUMSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the video processor enumeration state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEVIDEOPROCESSORINPUTVIEWSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the video processor input view state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEVIDEOPROCESSOROUTPUTVIEWSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the video processor output view state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CALCPRIVATEVIDEOPROCESSORSIZE Returns the number of bytes that the driver requires to store private data for the video processor state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CHECKDIRECTFLIPSUPPORT PFND3D11_1DDI_CHECKDIRECTFLIPSUPPORT is called by the Desktop Window Manager to verify that the user-mode display driver supports Direct Flip operations. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CHECKVIDEODECODERFORMAT Determines whether a specified format can be used as a video decoder output format for a specified DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) profile. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CHECKVIDEOPROCESSORFORMAT Queries whether the video processor supports a specified video format. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CLEARVIEW Sets all the elements in a resource view to one value. A resource view is a surface descriptor that indicates a format and possibly a subset of the resource. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CONFIGUREAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL Processes a request from an application to configure an authenticated channel for content protection. Implemented by a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 or later user-mode display driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL Creates an authenticated channel object. Implemented by a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 or later user-mode display driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEBLENDSTATE The PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEBLENDSTATE callback function creates a user-mode display driver blend state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATECRYPTOSESSION Creates a cryptographic session to encrypt video content that is sent to the display miniport driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEDOMAINSHADER Creates a domain shader. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEGEOMETRYSHADER Creates a geometry shader. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEGEOMETRYSHADERWITHSTREAMOUTPUT Creates a geometry shader with stream output. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEHULLSHADER Creates a hull shader. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEPIXELSHADER Converts pixel shader code into a hardware-specific format and associates this code with a shader handle. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATERASTERIZERSTATE The PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATERASTERIZERSTATE callback function creates a user-mode display driver rasterizer state. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVERTEXSHADER Creates a vertex shader. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVIDEODECODER Creates a video decoder object. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVIDEODECODEROUTPUTVIEW Creates a resource view for a video decoder. This view defines the output sample for the video decoding operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOR Creates a video processor object. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSORENUM Creates an enumeration object for the video processor capabilities of the driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSORINPUTVIEW Creates a resource view for a video processor. This view defines the input sample for the video processing operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOROUTPUTVIEW Creates a resource view for a video processor. This view defines the output sample for the video processing operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_CRYPTOSESSIONGETHANDLE Returns a handle for a cryptographic session. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DECRYPTIONBLT Writes encrypted data to a protected surface. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL Releases resources for the authenticated channel that were created through a call to the CreateAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYCRYPTOSESSION Releases resources for the cryptographic session that were created through a call to the CreateCryptoSession function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYVIDEODECODER Releases resources for the video decoder object that were created through a call to the CreateVideoDecoder function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYVIDEODECODEROUTPUTVIEW Releases resources for the video decoder output view that were created through a call to the CreateVideoDecoderOutputView function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYVIDEOPROCESSOR Releases resources for the video processor object that were created through a call to the CreateVideoProcessor function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYVIDEOPROCESSORENUM Releases resources for the video processor enumeration object that were created through a call to the CreateVideoProcessorEnum function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYVIDEOPROCESSORINPUTVIEW Releases resources for the video processor input view that were created through a call to the CreateVideoProcessorInputView function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DESTROYVIDEOPROCESSOROUTPUTVIEW Releases resources for the video processor output view that were created through a call to the CreateVideoProcessorOutputView function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_DISCARD Discards (evicts) an allocation from video display memory. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_ENCRYPTIONBLT Reads encrypted data from a protected surface. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_FINISHSESSIONKEYREFRESH Completes the switch to a new session key. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_FLUSH Submits outstanding hardware commands that are in the hardware command buffer to the display miniport driver. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETCAPTUREHANDLE Returns the handle for a specified resource that was allocated by the driver. This function also returns the size and location of specified data within the resource. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETCERTIFICATE Returns a certificate that the display miniport driver uses for either the cryptographic session certificate or authenticated channel. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETCERTIFICATESIZE Queries the size in bytes of the certificate that the display miniport driver uses for either the cryptographic session certificate or authenticated channel. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETCONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS Queries the available content protection for a specified encryption algorithm and video decoder profile. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETCRYPTOKEYEXCHANGETYPE Queries the type of key exchange that is supported by the cryptographic engine of the display adapter for a specified encryption algorithm and video decoder profile. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETENCRYPTIONBLTKEY Queries the key that is used to decrypt the data returned by the EncryptionBlt(D3D11_1) function. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEODECODERBUFFERINFO Queries the description of a video decoder buffer for a specified video operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEODECODERBUFFERTYPECOUNT Queries the number of buffer types that the display miniport driver requires to perform a specified decode operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEODECODERCONFIG Queries the video decoder configuration for a specified video operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEODECODERCONFIGCOUNT Queries the number of video decoder configurations that are supported by the display miniport driver for the specified decoder operation. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEODECODERPROFILE Queries the attributes of a specified video decoder profile. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEODECODERPROFILECOUNT Queries the number of video decoder profiles that are supported by the display miniport driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEOPROCESSORCAPS Queries the capabilities of a specified video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEOPROCESSORCUSTOMRATE Queries a custom frame rate that is associated with a rate conversion capability group. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEOPROCESSORFILTERRANGE Queries the range of values that the display miniport driver supports for a specified video processor filter. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_GETVIDEOPROCESSORRATECONVERSIONCAPS Queries a specified group of video processing capabilities that are associated with frame-rate conversion, including deinterlacing and inverse telecine. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_NEGOTIATEAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELKEYEXCHANGE Establishes a session key for an authenticated channel. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_NEGOTIATECRYPTOSESSIONKEYESCHANGE The PFND3D11_1DDI_NEGOTIATECRYPTOSESSIONKEYESCHANGE callback function establishes a session key for a cryptographic session object. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_QUERYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL Queries an authenticated channel for capability and state information. Implemented by a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 or later user-mode display driver. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS Notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_RESOURCECOPYREGION Copies a source subresource region to a location on a destination subresource. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_RESOURCEUPDATESUBRESOURCEUP Updates a destination subresource region that stores constant buffers from a source system-memory region. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_SETCONSTANTBUFFERS Sets constant buffers for a compute shader. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_STARTSESSIONKEYREFRESH Gets a random number that can be used to refresh the session key. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME The PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME callback function starts a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding operation on a video frame. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODERENDFRAME Completes a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding operation for a video frame. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODEREXTENSION Performs an extended function for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding. This method enables extensions to the basic DXVA decoder functionality. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODERGETHANDLE Returns the driver's handle for a video decoder that can be used by the application to configure content protection. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODERSUBMITBUFFERS The PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEODECODERSUBMITBUFFERS callback function submits one or more video frame buffers for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORBLT Performs a video processing operation on one or more input samples and writes the result to a Direct3D surface. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORGETOUTPUTEXTENSION Returns private state data from a video processor to an application. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORGETSTREAMEXTENSION Returns the private state data for a video processor stream to an application. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUTVIEWREADAFTERWRITEHAZARD Notifies the display miniport driver that the VideoProcessorBlt function is about to be called to read from a specified input view resource for a video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTALPHAFILLMODE Sets the alpha fill mode for data that the video processor writes to the render target. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTBACKGROUNDCOLOR Sets the background color for the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTCOLORSPACE Sets the output color space for the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTCONSTRICTION Sets the amount of downsampling to perform on the output. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTEXTENSION Sets private state data for a video processor from an application. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTSTEREOMODE Specifies whether the video processor produces stereo video frames. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTTARGETRECT Sets the target rectangle for the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMALPHA Sets the planar alpha for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMAUTOPROCESSINGMODE Enables or disables automatic processing features for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMCOLORSPACE Sets the color space for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMDESTRECT Sets the destination rectangle for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMEXTENSION Sets the private state data for a video processor stream from an application. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMFILTER Enables or disables an image filter for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMFRAMEFORMAT Specifies whether an input stream on the video processor contains interlaced or progressive frames. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMLUMAKEY Sets the luma key for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMOUTPUTRATE Sets the rate at which the video processor produces output frames for an input stream. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMPALETTE Sets the color-palette entries for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMPIXELASPECTRATIO Sets the pixel aspect ratio for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMROTATION Enables or disables rotation on an input stream of the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMSOURCERECT Sets the source rectangle for an input stream on the video processor. |
PFND3D11_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMSTEREOFORMAT Enables or disables stereo 3D video for an input stream on the video processor. In addition, this function specifies the layout of the video frames in memory. |
PFND3D11DDI_ABANDONCOMMANDLIST The AbandonCommandList function abandons the command list. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCDEFERREDCONTEXTHANDLESIZE The CalcDeferredContextHandleSize function queries for the amount of storage space that the driver requires to satisfy deferred context handles to the given immediate context object. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATECOMMANDLISTSIZE The CalcPrivateCommandListSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a command list. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATEDEFERREDCONTEXTSIZE The CalcPrivateDeferredContextSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a deferred context. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateDepthStencilViewSize(D3D11) function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a depth-stencil view. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATEGEOMETRYSHADERWITHSTREAMOUTPUT The CalcPrivateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput(D3D11) function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a geometry shader with stream output. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATERESOURCESIZE The CalcPrivateResourceSize(D3D11) function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory). |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERRESOURCEVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSize(D3D11) function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a shader resource view. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATETESSELLATIONSHADERSIZE The CalcPrivateTessellationShaderSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for a hull or domain shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_CALCPRIVATEUNORDEREDACCESSVIEWSIZE The CalcPrivateUnorderedAccessViewSize function determines the size of the user-mode display driver's private region of memory (that is, the size of internal driver structures, not the size of the resource video memory) for an unordered access view. |
PFND3D11DDI_CHECKDEFERREDCONTEXTHANDLESIZES The CheckDeferredContextHandleSizes function verifies the sizes of the driver-private memory spaces that hold the handle data of deferred context handles. |
PFND3D11DDI_CLEARUNORDEREDACCESSVIEWFLOAT The ClearUnorderedAccessViewFLOAT function clears the specified unordered-access view by setting it to a constant value. |
PFND3D11DDI_CLEARUNORDEREDACCESSVIEWUINT The ClearUnorderedAccessViewUINT function clears the specified unordered-access view by setting it to a constant value. |
PFND3D11DDI_COMMANDLISTEXECUTE The CommandListExecute function runs a command list. |
PFND3D11DDI_COPYSTRUCTURECOUNT The CopyStructureCount function copies the number of items in the filled portion (that is, the filled-size value) of an append buffer unordered access view (UAV) to an offset into a destination buffer. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATECOMMANDLIST The CreateCommandList function creates a command list. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATECOMPUTESHADER The CreateComputeShader function creates a compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATEDEFERREDCONTEXT The CreateDeferredContext function creates a deferred context. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW The CreateDepthStencilView(D3D11) function creates a depth-stencil view. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATEDOMAINSHADER The CreateDomainShader function creates a domain shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATEGEOMETRYSHADERWITHSTREAMOUTPUT The CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput(D3D11) function creates a geometry shader with stream output. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATEHULLSHADER The CreateHullShader function creates a hull shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATERESOURCE The PFND3D11DDI_CREATERESOURCE callback function creates a user-mode display driver resource. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW The CreateShaderResourceView(D3D11) function creates a shader resource view. |
PFND3D11DDI_CREATEUNORDEREDACCESSVIEW The CreateUnorderedAccessView function creates an unordered access view. |
PFND3D11DDI_DESTROYCOMMANDLIST The DestroyCommandList function destroys a command list. |
PFND3D11DDI_DESTROYUNORDEREDACCESSVIEW Destroys an unordered access view. |
PFND3D11DDI_DISPATCH The Dispatch function executes the compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_DISPATCHINDIRECT The DispatchIndirect function executes the compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_DRAWINDEXEDINSTANCEDINDIRECT The DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect function draws particular instances of indexed primitives. |
PFND3D11DDI_DRAWINSTANCEDINDIRECT The DrawInstancedIndirect function draws particular instances of non-indexed primitives. |
PFND3D11DDI_PERFORM_AMORTIZED_PROCESSING_CB The pfnPerformAmortizedProcessingCb function performs amortized processing. |
PFND3D11DDI_RECYCLECOMMANDLIST The RecycleCommandList function recycles a command list. |
PFND3D11DDI_RECYCLECREATECOMMANDLIST The RecycleCreateCommandList function creates a command list and makes a previously unused DDI handle completely valid again. |
PFND3D11DDI_RECYCLECREATEDEFERREDCONTEXT The RecycleCreateDeferredContext function clears out the pipeline state for a deferred context. |
PFND3D11DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS The RelocateDeviceFuncs(D3D11) function notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. |
PFND3D11DDI_SETRENDERTARGETS The SetRenderTargets(D3D11) function sets render target surfaces. |
PFND3D11DDI_SETRESOURCEMINLOD The SetResourceMinLOD function sets the minimum level of detail (LOD) for a resource. |
PFND3D11DDI_SETSHADER_WITH_IFACES The CsSetShaderWithIfaces function sets the compute shader code along with a group of interfaces so that all of the subsequent dispatching operations use that code and those interfaces. |
PFND3D11DDI_SETUNORDEREDACCESSVIEWS The CsSetUnorderedAccessViews function sets unordered access view (UAV) objects for a compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_CS_CONSTBUF_CB The pfnStateCsConstBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the compute shader constant buffer state. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_CS_SAMPLER_CB The pfnStateCsSamplerCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the compute shader sample state. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_CS_SHADER_CB The pfnStateCsShaderCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_CS_SRV_CB The pfnStateCsSrvCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the constant shader resource view state for the compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_CS_UAV_CB The pfnStateCsUavCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the constant unordered access view state for the compute shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_DS_CONSTBUF_CB The pfnStateDsConstBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the domain shader constant buffer state. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_DS_SAMPLER_CB The pfnStateDsSamplerCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the domain shader sample state. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_DS_SHADER_CB The pfnStateDsShaderCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the domain shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_DS_SRV_CB The pfnStateDsSrvCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the constant shader resource view state for the domain shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_HS_CONSTBUF_CB The pfnStateHsConstBufCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the hull shader constant buffer state. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_HS_SAMPLER_CB The pfnStateHsSamplerCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the hull shader sample state. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_HS_SHADER_CB The pfnStateHsShaderCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the hull shader. |
PFND3D11DDI_STATE_HS_SRV_CB The pfnStateHsSrvCb function causes the Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime to refresh the constant shader resource view state for the hull shader. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_CHECKMULTISAMPLEQUALITYLEVELS Retrieves the number of quality levels that the device supports for the specified number of samples. Supported. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_COPYTILEMAPPINGS Copies mappings from a source tiled resource to a destination tiled resource. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_COPYTILES Copies tiles from buffer to tiled resource or vice versa. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_GETMIPPACKING For a given tiled resource, returns how many mips are packed, and how many tiles are needed to store all the packed mips. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS Notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_RESIZETILEPOOL Resizes a tile pool. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_SETMARKER Notifies the user-mode display driver that it must generate a new time stamp if any GPU work has completed since the last call to SetMarker. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_SETMARKERMODE Notifies the user-mode display driver that it should support a type of Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event. Must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILEDRESOURCEBARRIER Specifies a data access ordering constraint between multiple tiled resources. For more info about this constraint, see Remarks. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_UPDATETILEMAPPINGS Updates mappings of tile locations in tiled resources to memory locations in a tile pool. |
PFND3DWDDM1_3DDI_UPDATETILES Updates tiles by copying from app memory to the tiled resource. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_CALCPRIVATESHADERRESOURCEVIEWSIZE Learn more about the CalcPrivateShaderResourceViewSize function. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_CALCPRIVATEUNORDEREDACCESSVIEWSIZE Learn more about the CalcPrivateUnorderedAccessViewSize function. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_CHECKCRYPTOSESSIONSTATUS CheckCryptoSessionStatus returns the status of a CryptoSession object. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_CHECKVIDEOPROCESSORFORMATCONVERSION Indicates whether the driver supports a specific format/color-space conversion combination. This function must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0 or later drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW Learn more about the CreateShaderResourceView function. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_CREATEUNORDEREDACCESSVIEW Learn more about the CreateUnorderedAccessView function. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_GETCRYPTOSESSIONPRIVATEDATASIZE GetCryptoSessionPrivateDataSize retrieves sizes for optional private driver data. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_GETDATAFORNEWHARDWAREKEY Allows the driver to return independent hardware vendor (IHV)-specific information used when initializing the new hardware key. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_GETRESOURCELAYOUT The pfnGetResourceLayout callback function supports getting resource layout information. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_QUERYVIDEOCAPABILITIES Queries the driver for video capabilities. Required for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0 or later drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_SETHARDWAREPROTECTION SetHardwareProtection allows the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) full-screen swap chain buffers to transfer between protected and non-protected states without having to be recreated. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEODECODERENABLEDOWNSAMPLING Indicates that decoder down-sampling will be used and that the driver should allocate the appropriate reference frames. Optional for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0 or later drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEODECODERSUBMITBUFFERS1 VideoDecoderSubmitBuffers1 submits one or more buffers for decoding. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEODECODERUPDATEDOWNSAMPLING Updates the decoder down sampling parameters. Optional for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0, or later, drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORGETBEHAVIORHINTS Returns driver hints as to which video processor operations are best performed using multi-plane overlay hardware rather than VideoProcessorBlt. Optional for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0, or later, drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTCOLORSPACE1 Sets the color space information for the video processor output surface. This function must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0, or later, drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTSHADERUSAGE Sets the color space information for the video processor output surface. Optional for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0, or later, drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMCOLORSPACE1 Sets the color space information for the video processor input stream. This function must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0, or later, drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMMIRROR Indicates whether the stream should be flipped vertically or horizontally. Optional for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0, or later, drivers. |
PFND3DWDDM2_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETOUTPUTHDRMETADATA Includes HDR metadata to allow the video processor to optimize video for display. |
PFND3DWDDM2_1DDI_VIDEOPROCESSORSETSTREAMHDRMETADATA Sets stream HDR metadata to optimize video for display. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_CALCPRIVATE_SHADERCACHE_SESSION_SIZE The pfnCalcPrivateShaderCacheSessionSize callback function returns the size of a private shader cache session. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_CREATE_SHADERCACHE_SESSION The pfnCreateShaderCacheSession callback function creates a shader cache session. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_DESTROY_SHADERCACHE_SESSION The pfnDestroyShaderCacheSession callback function destroys a shader cache session. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS The pfnRelocateDeviceFuncs callback function specifies the device functions table. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_SET_SHADERCACHE_SESSION The pfnSetShaderCacheSession callback function sets a shader cache session. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_SHADERCACHE_ADDREF_RELEASE_CB The pfnShaderCacheAddRefCb callback function supports the ability to extend the lifetime of a shader cache. |
PFND3DWDDM2_2DDI_SHADERCACHE_STORE_VALUE_CB The pfnShaderCacheStoreValue callback function stores a shader cache value. |
PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_NEGOTIATECRYPTOSESSIONKEYEXCHANGE The PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_NEGOTIATECRYPTOSESSIONKEYEXCHANGE callback function establishes a session key for a cryptographic session object. |
PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME The PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME callback function starts a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding operation on a video frame. |
PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME_RS4_0 The PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME_RS4_0 callback function starts a DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding operation on a video frame. |
PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODECODERSUBMITBUFFERS The PFND3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODECODERSUBMITBUFFERS callback function submits one or more video frame buffers for DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding. |
PFND3DWDDM2_6DDI_PREPARE_SCANOUT_TRANSFORMATION Invokes the driver to schedule work to perform the necessary transformations from the input resource, to the "shadow" allocation which will actually be scanned out. |
PFND3DWDDM2_6DDI_QUERY_SCANOUT_CAPS Queries whether or not a transformation should occur in preparation for a flip operation. |
PFND3DWDDM2_6DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS The PFND3DWDDM2_6DDI_RELOCATEDEVICEFUNCS function notifies the user-mode display driver about the new location of the driver function table. |
D3D10_1_DDI_BLEND_DESC The D3D10_1_DDI_BLEND_DESC structure describes a blend state. |
D3D10_1DDI_DEVICEFUNCS The D3D10_1DDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure contains functions that a user-mode display driver that is optimized for the Microsoft Direct3D version 10.1 runtime can implement to render graphics primitives and process state changes. |
D3D10_1DDIARG_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10_1DDIARG_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes the shader resource view to create. |
D3D10_1DDIARG_TEXCUBE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10_1DDIARG_TEXCUBE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes cube textures that are used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView(D3D10_1) function. |
D3D10_2DDI_ADAPTERFUNCS The D3D10_2DDI_ADAPTERFUNCS structure contains functions that the user-mode display driver can implement to communicate with a graphics adapter object. |
D3D10_2DDIARG_GETCAPS The D3D10_2DDIARG_GETCAPS structure contains display device capabilities of a particular type. |
D3D10_DDI_BLEND_DESC The D3D10_DDI_BLEND_DESC structure describes a blend state. |
D3D10_DDI_BOX The D3D10_DDI_BOX structure describes a volume. |
D3D10_DDI_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC The D3D10_DDI_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC structure describes a depth stencil state. |
D3D10_DDI_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC The D3D10_DDI_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC structure describes a depth stencil operation. |
D3D10_DDI_QUERY_DATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICS The D3D10_DDI_QUERY_DATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICS structure describes statistics for each stage of the graphics pipeline that is used in a call to the CreateQuery(D3D10) function to create a D3D10DDI_QUERY_PIPELINESTATS query type and in a call to the QueryGetData function to return information about the query. |
D3D10_DDI_QUERY_DATA_SO_STATISTICS The D3D10_DDI_QUERY_DATA_SO_STATISTICS structure describes stream output statistics that is used in a call to the CreateQuery(D3D10) function to create a D3D10DDI_QUERY_STREAMOUTPUTSTATS query type and in a call to the QueryGetData function to return information about the query. |
D3D10_DDI_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT The D3D10_DDI_QUERY_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DISJOINT structure describes timestamp-disjoint information that is used in a call to the CreateQuery(D3D10) function to create a D3D10DDI_QUERY_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT query type and in a call to the QueryGetData function to return information about the query. |
D3D10_DDI_RASTERIZER_DESC The D3D10_DDI_RASTERIZER_DESC structure describes a rasterizer state. |
D3D10_DDI_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1 The D3D10_DDI_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC1 structure describes a blend state for a render target. |
D3D10_DDI_SAMPLER_DESC The D3D10_DDI_SAMPLER_DESC structure describes a sampler. |
D3D10_DDI_VIEWPORT The D3D10_DDI_VIEWPORT structure describes a viewport. |
D3D10_DDIARG_SUBRESOURCE_UP The D3D10_DDIARG_SUBRESOURCE_UP structure describes initialization information about a subresource. |
D3D10DDI_ADAPTERFUNCS The D3D10DDI_ADAPTERFUNCS structure contains functions that the user-mode display driver can implement to communicate with a graphics adapter object. |
D3D10DDI_CORELAYER_DEVICECALLBACKS The D3D10DDI_CORELAYER_DEVICECALLBACKS structure contains Microsoft Direct3D 10 runtime callback functions that the user-mode display driver can use. |
D3D10DDI_COUNTER_INFO The D3D10DDI_COUNTER_INFO structure describes information to manipulate counters. |
D3D10DDI_DEVICEFUNCS The D3D10DDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure contains functions that the user-mode display driver can implement to render graphics primitives and process state changes. |
D3D10DDI_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE The D3D10DDI_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE structure describes a subresource that the driver maps to through a call to the driver's ResourceMap function. |
D3D10DDI_MIPINFO The D3D10DDI_MIPINFO structure describes the MIP-level texture and physical coordinates of a surface. |
D3D10DDI_VERTEX_CACHE_DESC The D3D10DDI_VERTEX_CACHE_DESC structure describes mesh-optimization data. |
D3D10DDIARG_BUFFER_RENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_BUFFER_RENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes a buffer that is used to create a render target view in a call to the CreateRenderTargetView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_BUFFER_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_BUFFER_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes a buffer that is used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_CALCPRIVATEDEVICESIZE The D3D10DDIARG_CALCPRIVATEDEVICESIZE structure describes the parameters that the user-mode display driver uses to calculate the size of a memory block that the driver requires to store frequently-accessed data. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW structure describes the depth stencil view to create. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEVICE The D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEVICE structure describes the display device to create. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATEELEMENTLAYOUT The D3D10DDIARG_CREATEELEMENTLAYOUT structure describes the element layout to create. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATEQUERY The D3D10DDIARG_CREATEQUERY structure describes the query to create. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATERENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_CREATERENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes the render target view to create. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE The D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE structure describes the parameters that the user-mode display driver uses to create a resource. |
D3D10DDIARG_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_CREATESHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes the shader resource view to create. |
D3D10DDIARG_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC The D3D10DDIARG_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC structure describes an element of a layout. |
D3D10DDIARG_OPENADAPTER The D3D10DDIARG_OPENADAPTER structure describes the graphics adapter object. |
D3D10DDIARG_OPENRESOURCE The D3D10DDIARG_OPENRESOURCE structure contains information for opening a shared resource. |
D3D10DDIARG_SIGNATURE_ENTRY The D3D10DDIARG_SIGNATURE_ENTRY structure describes an entry for a signature. |
D3D10DDIARG_STAGE_IO_SIGNATURES The D3D10DDIARG_STAGE_IO_SIGNATURES structure describes an I/O signature. |
D3D10DDIARG_STREAM_OUTPUT_DECLARATION_ENTRY The D3D10DDIARG_STREAM_OUTPUT_DECLARATION_ENTRY structure describes a portion of the stream output for a geometry shader. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX1D_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX1D_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW structure describes a one-dimensional texture (1-D) that is used to create a depth stencil view in a call to the CreateDepthStencilView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX1D_RENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX1D_RENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes a one-dimensional (1-D) texture that is used to create a render target view in a call to the CreateRenderTargetView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX1D_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX1D_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes a one-dimensional (1-D) texture that is used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX2D_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX2D_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW structure describes a two-dimensional (2-D) texture that is used to create a depth stencil view in a call to the CreateDepthStencilView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX2D_RENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX2D_RENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes a two-dimensional (2-D) texture that is used to create a render target view in a call to the CreateRenderTargetView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX2D_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX2D_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes a two-dimensional (2-D) texture that is used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX3D_RENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX3D_RENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes a three-dimensional (3-D) texture that is used to create a render target view in a call to the CreateRenderTargetView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEX3D_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEX3D_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes a three-dimensional (3-D) texture that is used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEXCUBE_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEXCUBE_DEPTHSTENCILVIEW structure describes a cube texture that is used to create a depth stencil view in a call to the CreateDepthStencilView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEXCUBE_RENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEXCUBE_RENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes a cube texture that is used to create a render target view in a call to the CreateRenderTargetView function. |
D3D10DDIARG_TEXCUBE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D10DDIARG_TEXCUBE_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes a cube texture that is used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView function. |
D3D11_1_DDI_BLEND_DESC Describes a blend state. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3D11_1_DDI_RASTERIZER_DESC Describes a rasterizer state. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3D11_1_DDI_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC Describes a blend state for a render target. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3D11_1DDI_AES_CTR_IV Contains an initialization vector (IV) for 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard CTR mode (AES-CTR) block cipher encryption. |
D3D11_1DDI_ARCHITECTURE_INFO_DATA The D3D11_1DDI_ARCHITECTURE_INFO_DATA structure provides information about display adapter architecture. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_ACCESSIBLE_ENCRYPTION Contains input data for a call to the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function when D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT.ConfigureType has a GUID value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_SHARED_RESOURCE. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_CRYPTO_SESSION Contains input data for a call to the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function when D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT.ConfigureType has a GUID value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_CRYPTO_SESSION. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT Contains input data for the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_OUTPUT Contains output data for the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_PROTECTION Contains input data for a call to the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function when D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT.ConfigureType has a GUID value of D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_PROTECTION. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_SHARED_RESOURCE Contains input data for a call to the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function when D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT.ConfigureType has a GUID value of D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_SHARED_RESOURCE. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_PROTECTION_FLAGS Specifies the protection level for video content. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_CHANNEL_TYPE_OUTPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_CHANNEL_TYPE. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_CRYPTO_SESSION_INPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_INPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_CRYPTO_SESSION. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_CRYPTO_SESSION_OUTPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_CRYPTO_SESSION. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_DEVICE_HANDLE_OUTPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_DEVICE_HANDLE. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_INPUT Contains input data for the QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT Contains a response from the QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT_ID_COUNT_INPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_INPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT_ID_COUNT. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT_ID_INPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_INPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT_ID. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT_ID_OUTPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT_ID. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_PROTECTION_OUTPUT Contains the response to a QueryAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) query with a D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_OUTPUT.QueryType value of D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_QUERY_PROTECTION. |
D3D11_1DDI_CERTIFICATE_INFO Specifies a cryptographic session certificate or authenticated channel. |
D3D11_1DDI_D3D11_OPTIONS_DATA Specifies options to provide data to the user-mode display driver. |
D3D11_1DDI_DEVICEFUNCS Contains functions that a user-mode display driver that is optimized for the Microsoft Direct3D version 11.1 runtime can implement to render graphics primitives and process state changes. |
D3D11_1DDI_ENCRYPTED_BLOCK_INFO Specifies which bytes in a video surface are encrypted. |
D3D11_1DDI_GETCAPTUREHANDLEDATA Defines a resource allocation in a call to the GetCaptureHandle function. |
D3D11_1DDI_OMAC Contains a Message Authentication Code (MAC). |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_COLOR Defines a color value for Microsoft Direct3D 11 video. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_COLOR_RGBA Specifies an RGB color value. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_COLOR_YCbCrA Specifies a YCbCr color value. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS Describes the content-protection capabilities of the user-mode display driver. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC Describes a compressed buffer for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_INFO Specifies information about a video decoder buffer. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_CONFIG Describes the configuration of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 decoder device for Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA). |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_DESC Describes a video stream for a Microsoft Direct3D video decoder or video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_INPUT Learn more about the D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_INPUT structure. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_OUTPUT Microsoft reserves the D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_OUTPUT structure for internal use only. Don't use this structure in your driver. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CAPS Describes the capabilities of a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_COLOR_SPACE Specifies the color space for video processing. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CONTENT_DESC Describes a video stream for a video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CUSTOM_RATE Specifies a custom rate for frame-rate conversion or inverse telecine (IVTC). |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_RANGE The D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_RANGE structure defines the range of supported values for an image filter. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_RATE_CONVERSION_CAPS Defines a group of video processor capabilities that are associated with frame-rate conversion, including deinterlacing and inverse telecine. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STREAM Contains stream-level data for the VideoProcessorBlt function. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEODEVICEFUNCS Learn more about the D3D11_1DDI_VIDEODEVICEFUNCS structure. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL Specifies the attributes of the authenticated channel to be created by the user-mode driver's CreateAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATECRYPTOSESSION Specifies the attributes of the cryptographic session to be created by the user-mode driver's CreateCryptoSession function. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEVIDEODECODER Specifies the attributes of a video decoder object. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEVIDEODECODEROUTPUTVIEW Describes the video decoder's output-view state. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOR Specifies the attributes of a video processor object. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSORENUM Specifies the attributes of a video processor enumeration object. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSORINPUTVIEW Describes the video processor's input view. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOROUTPUTVIEW Describes the video processor's output view. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_SIGNATURE_ENTRY Describes an entry for a signature. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_STAGE_IO_SIGNATURES Describes an I/O signature. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_TESSELLATION_IO_SIGNATURES Describes a tessellation I/O signature. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME Specifies a content key in a call to the VideoDecoderBeginFrame function. |
D3D11_1DDIARG_VIDEODECODEREXTENSION Specifies driver-specific data for the extended Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) decoding function that is provided by a call to the VideoDecoderExtension function. |
D3D11_DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INITIALIZE Contains input data for a call to the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel(D3D11_1) function when D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INPUT.ConfigureType has a GUID value of D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CONFIGURE_INITIALIZE. |
D3D11_DDI_QUERY_DATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICS The D3D11_DDI_QUERY_DATA_PIPELINE_STATISTICS structure describes statistics for each stage of the graphics pipeline that is used in a call to the CreateQuery(D3D10) function to create a D3D10DDI_QUERY_PIPELINESTATS query type and in a call to the QueryGetData function to return information about the query. |
D3D11_DDI_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT_DATA The D3D11_DDI_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT_DATA structure describes precision support options for shaders in the user-mode display driver. |
D3D11DDI_3DPIPELINESUPPORT_CAPS The D3D11DDI_3DPIPELINESUPPORT_CAPS structure contains display device pipeline capabilities. |
D3D11DDI_CORELAYER_DEVICECALLBACKS The D3D11DDI_CORELAYER_DEVICECALLBACKS structure contains Microsoft Direct3D 11 runtime callback functions that the user-mode display driver can use. |
D3D11DDI_DEVICEFUNCS The D3D11DDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure contains functions that a user-mode display driver that is optimized for the Microsoft Direct3D version 11 runtime can implement to render graphics primitives and process state changes. |
D3D11DDI_HANDLESIZE The D3D11DDI_HANDLESIZE structure describes a handle. |
D3D11DDI_SHADER_CAPS The D3D11DDI_SHADER_CAPS structure contains display device shader capabilities. |
D3D11DDI_THREADING_CAPS The D3D11DDI_THREADING_CAPS structure contains display device threading capabilities. |
D3D11DDIARG_BUFFER_RENDERTARGETVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_BUFFER_RENDERTARGETVIEW structure describes a buffer that is used to create a render target view in a call to the CreateRenderTargetView function. |
D3D11DDIARG_BUFFER_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_BUFFER_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW structure describes a buffer that is used to create an unordered access view (UAV) in a call to the CreateUnorderedAccessView function. |
D3D11DDIARG_BUFFEREX_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_BUFFEREX_SHADERRESOURCEVIEW structure describes a buffer that is used to create a shader resource view in a call to the CreateShaderResourceView(D3D11) function. |
D3D11DDIARG_CALCPRIVATEDEFERREDCONTEXTSIZE The D3D11DDIARG_CALCPRIVATEDEFERREDCONTEXTSIZE structure describes the parameters that the user-mode display driver uses to calculate the size of a memory block that the driver requires to store frequently-accessed data. |
D3D11DDIARG_CREATECOMMANDLIST The D3D11DDIARG_CREATECOMMANDLIST structure contains a handle to the deferred context that was created by the CreateDeferredContext function. |
D3D11DDIARG_CREATEDEFERREDCONTEXT The D3D11DDIARG_CREATEDEFERREDCONTEXT structure describes the deferred context to create. |
D3D11DDIARG_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW structure describes the depth-stencil view to create. |
D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE The D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE structure describes the parameters that the user-mode display driver uses to create a resource. |
D3D11DDIARG_POINTERDATA The D3D11DDIARG_POINTERDATA structure describes the location of the data that is reference by a class instance that has been assigned to an interface implementation. |
D3D11DDIARG_STREAM_OUTPUT_DECLARATION_ENTRY The D3D11DDIARG_STREAM_OUTPUT_DECLARATION_ENTRY structure describes a portion of the stream output for a geometry shader. |
D3D11DDIARG_TEX1D_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_TEX1D_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW structure describes a one-dimensional texture (1-D) that is used to create an unordered access view in a call to the CreateUnorderedAccessView function. |
D3D11DDIARG_TEX2D_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_TEX2D_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW structure describes a two-dimensional texture (2-D) that is used to create an unordered access view in a call to the CreateUnorderedAccessView function. |
D3D11DDIARG_TEX3D_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW The D3D11DDIARG_TEX3D_UNORDEREDACCESSVIEW structure describes a three-dimensional (3-D) texture that is used to create an unordered access view in a call to the CreateUnorderedAccessView function. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_D3D11_OPTIONS_DATA1 Specifies the level of support by the hardware and user-mode display driver for tiled resources. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_DEVICEFUNCS Contains functions that a user-mode display driver that is optimized for the Microsoft Direct3D version 11.2 runtime can implement to render graphics primitives and process state changes. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILE_REGION_SIZE Specifies a tiled region. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE Specifies the (x, y, z) coordinate values below the index tiles of a tiled resource, along with the respective subresource. Note that the coordinate values do not indicate pixels or bytes. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_CHECK_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CONVERSION D3DWDDM2_0DDI_CHECK_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CONVERSION is used with CheckVideoProcessorFormatConversion to indicate whether the driver supports a specific format/color space conversion combination. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_CORELAYER_DEVICECALLBACKS This structure contains the function table for the core layer device callback functions. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_DEVICEFUNCS This structure contains the user mode device function table for Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 2.0. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_KEY_EXCHANGE_HW_PROTECTION_DATA D3DWDDM2_0DDI_KEY_EXCHANGE_HW_PROTECTION_DATA is used with NegotiateCryptoSessionKeyExchange in the implementation of Digital Rights Management (DRM). |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_DECODER_CAPS D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_DECODER_CAPS contains information describing the capabilities of the video decoder. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_RECOMMEND_DECODER_DOWNSAMPLING D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_RECOMMEND_DECODER_DOWNSAMPLING is used by the user-mode driver to recommend downsampling parameters that can be used to decode the stream in real-time. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BEGIN_FRAME_CRYPTO_SESSION D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BEGIN_FRAME_CRYPTO_SESSION is used along with CreateCryptoSession to perform crypto operations into and out of protected memory. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC1 D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC1 is used with VideoDecoderSubmitBuffers1 to submit one or more buffer for decoding. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_SUB_SAMPLE_MAPPING_BLOCK D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_SUB_SAMPLE_MAPPING_BLOCK is used with VideoDecoderSubmitBuffers1 to describe the decoder buffer sub sample mapping block size. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_INPUT Learn more about the D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_INPUT structure. |
D3DWDDM2_1DDI_DEVICEFUNCS Learn more about the D3DWDDM2_1DDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure. |
D3DWDDM2_1DDI_VIDEO_INPUT Learn more about the D3DWDDM2_1DDI_VIDEO_INPUT structure. |
D3DWDDM2_2DDI_CORELAYER_DEVICECALLBACKS Specifies core layer device callback functions. |
D3DWDDM2_2DDI_DEVICEFUNCS Specifies the callback functions that operate on a shader cache. |
D3DWDDM2_2DDI_SHADERCACHE_HASH Contains a hash value for a shader cache. |
D3DWDDM2_2DDI_SWIZZLE_PATTERN_DESC The D3DWDDM2_2DDI_SWIZZLE_PATTERN_DESC structure describes a display driver swizzle pattern. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_DESC Represents additional decode parameters. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM The D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM structure contains decode histogram output buffer information such as decode profile, resolution, and format. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_RS4_0 The D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_RS4_0 structure contains decode histogram output buffer information such as decode profile, resolution, and format. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_INPUT Learn more about the D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_INPUT structure. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_INPUT_RS4_0 Learn more about the D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_INPUT_RS4_0 structure. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_OUTPUT The D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_OUTPUT structure is not implemented. Don't use this structure in your code. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_OUTPUT_RS4_0 The D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_OUTPUT_RS4_0 structure is not implemented. Don't use this structure in your code. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODEVICEFUNCS The D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEODEVICEFUNCS structure specifies the video function table for the Microsoft Direct3D driver device object. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDIARG_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME The D3DWDDM2_4DDIARG_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME structure contains a collection of histogram output buffers. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDIARG_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME_RS4_0 The D3DWDDM2_4DDIARG_VIDEODECODERBEGINFRAME_RS4_0 structure contains a collection of histogram output buffers. |
D3DWDDM2_6DDI_DEVICEFUNCS Learn more about the D3DWDDM2_6DDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure. |
D3D10_1_DDIARG_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS The D3D10_1_DDIARG_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS enumeration type contains values that identify quality levels for multisample patterns. |
D3D10_2DDICAPS_TYPE The D3D10_2DDICAPS_TYPE enumeration type contains values that identify the type of capability information that is retrieved from a call to the driver's GetCaps(D3D10_2) function. |
D3D10_DDI_BLEND The D3D10_DDI_BLEND enumeration type contains values that identify blend modes in a call to the driver's CreateBlendState function. |
D3D10_DDI_BLEND_OP The D3D10_DDI_BLEND_OP enumeration type contains values that identify blending operations in a call to the driver's CreateBlendState function. |
D3D10_DDI_COMPARISON_FUNC The D3D10_DDI_COMPARISON_FUNC enumeration type contains values that identify the comparison function to perform. |
D3D10_DDI_FILTER The D3D10_DDI_FILTER enumeration type contains values that identify filter properties of a sampler in a call to the driver's CreateSampler function. |
D3D10_DDI_MAP The D3D10_DDI_MAP enumeration type contains values that identify the access levels to map to a subresource in a call to the driver's ResourceMap function. |
D3D10_DDI_MAP_FLAG The D3D10_DDI_MAP_FLAG enumeration type contains flags that identify how to map to a subresource in a call to the driver's ResourceMap function. |
D3D10_DDI_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY The D3D10_DDI_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY enumeration type contains values that identify primitive topologies in a call to the driver's IaSetTopology function. |
D3D10_DDI_RESOURCE_BIND_FLAG Identifies how a resource is bound. |
D3D10_DDI_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG Identifies miscellaneous information about a resource. |
D3D10_DDI_RESOURCE_USAGE The D3D10_DDI_RESOURCE_USAGE enumeration type contains values that identify how a resource is used. |
D3D10_DDI_STENCIL_OP The D3D10_DDI_STENCIL_OP enumeration type contains values that identify operations on stencil buffers in a call to the driver's CreateDepthStencilState function. |
D3D10_DDI_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE The D3D10_DDI_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE enumeration type contains values that identify the texture address mode of a sampler. |
D3D10DDI_QUERY The D3D10DDI_QUERY enumeration type contains values that identify a query type. |
D3D10DDIRESOURCE_TYPE Learn more about the D3D10DDIRESOURCE_TYPE enumeration. |
D3D11_1_DDI_CHECK_DIRECT_FLIP_FLAGS Used by the CheckDirectFlipFlags parameter of the CheckDirectFlipSupport(D3D11_1) function to specify seamless flipping of video memory. |
D3D11_1_DDI_COPY_FLAGS Specifies how to handle the existing contents of a resource during a copy or update operation of a region within that resource. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3D11_1_DDI_FLUSH_FLAGS In calls to the Flush(D3D11_1) function, indicates whether the driver should continue to submit command buffers. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3D11_1_DDI_LOGIC_OP Indicates shader logic operations used in a blend state. |
D3D11_1DDI_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE Specifies the type of Microsoft Direct3D authenticated channel. |
D3D11_1DDI_BUS_TYPE Specifies the type of I/O bus that is used by the graphics adapter. |
D3D11_1DDI_CERTIFICATE_TYPE Specifies the type of authenticated certificate that is used to establish trust and perform a key exchange. |
D3D11_1DDI_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS Describes content-protection capabilities. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT Describes how a video stream is interlaced. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE Specifies the alpha fill mode for video processing. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS Specifies the automatic image processing capabilities of the video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_CONVERSION_CAPS Specifies video processor-specific capabilities. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS Defines video processing capabilities for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS Defines features that a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor can support. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER Identifies a video processor filter. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS Identifies video processor capabilities that the user-mode driver supports. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS Defines capabilities related to input formats for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT Specifies how a video format can be used for video processing. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS Specifies the inverse telecine (IVTC) capabilities of a video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE The D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE enumeration indicates the luminance range of YUV color encoding system data. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE Specifies the rate at which the video processor produces output frames from an input stream. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION Specifies the clockwise rotation of the input stream of the video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS Defines stereo 3-D capabilities for a Microsoft Direct3D 11 video processor. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE For stereo 3-D video, specifies whether the data in frame 0 or frame 1 is flipped, either horizontally or vertically. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT Specifies the layout in memory of a stereo 3-D video frame. |
D3D11_1DDI_VIDEO_USAGE Identifies how the decode device plays video. |
D3D11_DDI_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW_FLAG The D3D11_DDI_CREATEDEPTHSTENCILVIEW_FLAG enumeration type contains values that identify the type of depth-stencil view to create through a call to the driver's CreateDepthStencilView(D3D11) function. |
D3D11_DDI_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION The D3D11_DDI_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION enumeration specifies minimum precision levels that the user-mode driver supports in shaders. |
D3D11_UMD_MODE Learn more about the D3D11_UMD_MODE enumeration. |
D3D11DDI_3DPIPELINELEVEL The D3D11DDI_3DPIPELINELEVEL enumeration type contains values that identify the pipeline level that the driver supports, which is retrieved from a call to the driver's GetCaps(D3D10_2) function. |
D3D11DDI_HANDLETYPE Contains values that identify handle types. |
D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE Learn more about: D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE enumeration (d3d10umddi.h) |
D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE Learn how this enumeration defines the format of high dynamic range (HDR) metadata. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG Identifies how to check multisample quality levels using the CheckMultisampleQualityLevels(D3D11_2) function. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_MARKER_TYPE Indicates the type of marker that the user-mode display driver supports. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILE_COPY_FLAG Identifies how to copy a tile using the CopyTiles function. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG Indicates how to update a tile mapping. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILE_RANGE_FLAG Specifies a range of tile mappings to use with the UpdateTileMappings function. |
D3DWDDM1_3DDI_TILED_RESOURCES_SUPPORT_FLAG Indicates the level of support by the hardware and user-mode display driver for tiled resources. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_CONTEXTTYPE_FLAG D3DWDDM2_0DDI_CONTEXTTYPE_FLAG describes the type of context being created for interacting with JPEG hardware. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS Provides status information for an existing CryptoSession object. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_SWIZZLE_PATTERN_FLAGS Contains swizzle pattern flag values. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_CAPABILITY_QUERY Describes the video capabilities to query. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS Describes the video decoder capabilities. |
D3DWDDM2_0DDI_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS Describes operations that the video processor can perform more efficiently than VideoProcessorBlt. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS The crypto session key exchange flags. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT Convenience indices for arrays of per component histogram information. |
D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS D3DWDDM2_4DDI_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS enumeration flags that indicate a subset of components used with a video decode histogram. |
D3DWDDM2_6DDI_SCANOUT_FLAGS Indicates the transformation requirement in preparation for a flip operation. |
DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE The DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE enumeration defines stream color space information. |