Azure CLI conceptual article list
This article provides an A - Z list of published content for each Azure CLI reference group. Use these links to find tested code snippets and scripts that show the use of parameter values for different tasks. For common Azure CLI commands, like az group
, only the most popular articles have been listed.
With over 9,000 reference commands, not every Azure CLI command has been used in Azure published content. For a complete list of Azure CLI commands, see the A - Z reference list. For a list of Azure CIL samples, see Azure CLI sample scripts
az account
az acr
az ad
az afd
az aks
az aksarc
az akshybrid
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az akshybrid | Before you begin: uninstall the AKS cluster provisioning preview |
az akshybrid nodepool | Create Windows Server containers |
az akshybrid vnet | Before you begin: uninstall the AKS cluster provisioning preview |
az alerts-management
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az alerts-management prometheus-rule-group | Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus rule groups |
az alias
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az alias | How to use the Azure CLI alias extension |
az aosm
az apic
az apim
az appconfig
az appservice
az arcappliance
az arcdata
az aro
az artifacts
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az artifacts universal | Publish and download Universal Packages in Azure Artifacts |
az attestation
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az attestation | Deploy an AKS cluster with Confidential Containers and a default policy |
az automation
az azurestackhci
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az azurestackhci image | Create Azure Stack HCI VM image using Azure Marketplace images |
Create Azure Stack HCI VM image using images in a local share | |
Create Azure Stack HCI VM image using image in Azure Storage account |
az backup
az baremetalinstance
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az baremetalinstance | Connect BareMetal Infrastructure instances in Azure |
Work with Azure Large Instances in the Azure portal |
az batch
az bicep
az billing
az blueprint
az boards
az bot
az capacity
az cdn
az cloud
az cognitiveservices
az communication
az confcom
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az confcom | Deploy an AKS cluster with Confidential Containers and a default policy |
Tutorial: Prepare a deployment for a confidential container on Azure Container Instances |
az confidentialledger
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az confidentialledger managedccfs | Quickstart: Create an Azure Managed CCF resource using Azure CLI |
az config
az configure
az confluent
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az confluent organization | Manage the Confluent Cloud resource |
QuickStart: Get started with Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud - Azure CLI |
az connectedk8s
az connectedmachine
az connectedvmware
az connection
az consumption
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az consumption budget | Tutorial: Create and manage budgets |
Quickstart: Create a budget with an ARM template | |
Quickstart: Create a budget with Bicep |
az container
az containerapp
az cosmosdb
az costmanagement
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az costmanagement export | Tutorial: Create and manage exported data |
View and download your Azure usage and charges | |
Get usage data with the Azure CLI |
az customlocation
az custom-providers
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az custom-providers resource-provider | Quickstart: Create Azure Custom Resource Provider and deploy custom resources |
az databox
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az databox job | Tutorial: Order Azure Data Box |
Quickstart: Deploy Azure Data Box Disk using the Azure portal | |
Tutorial: Order an Azure Data Box Disk | |
Quickstart: Deploy Azure Data Box Heavy using the Azure portal |
az databoxedge
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az databoxedge device | Tutorial: Prepare to deploy Azure Stack Edge Mini R |
Tutorial: Prepare to deploy Azure Stack Edge Pro R | |
az databoxedge order | Tutorial: Prepare to deploy Azure Stack Edge Mini R |
Tutorial: Prepare to deploy Azure Stack Edge Pro R |
az databricks
az datafactory
az datamigration
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az datamigration | Known issues, limitations, and troubleshooting |
az datamigration sql-managed-instance | Migrate databases at scale using automation (Preview) |
az datamigration sql-service | Migrate databases at scale using automation (Preview) |
az dataprotection
az datashare
az deployment
az deployment-scripts
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az deployment-scripts | Use deployment scripts in ARM templates |
Use deployment scripts in Bicep |
az desktopvirtualization
az devcenter
az devops
az disk
az disk-access
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az disk-access | Azure CLI - Restrict import/export access for managed disks with Private Links |
az disk-encryption-set
az dms
az dns-resolver
az dt
az edge-zones
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az edge-zones extended-zone | Request access to an Azure Extended Zone |
az elastic-san
az eventgrid
az eventhubs
az extension
az feature
az feedback
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
Azure CLI | Install Azure CLI on Windows |
Install Azure CLI on macOS | |
Get started with Azure CLI |
az find
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
Azure CLI | Get started with Azure CLI |
Manage an App Service Environment | |
Tutorial: Order Azure Data Box | |
Manage your Azure AI Search service with the Azure CLI |
az firmwareanalysis
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az firmwareanalysis firmware | Quickstart: Upload firmware images to Defender for IoT Firmware Analysis using Azure CLI |
az firmwareanalysis workspace | Quickstart: Upload firmware images to Defender for IoT Firmware Analysis using Azure CLI |
az fleet
az fluid-relay
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az fluid-relay server | How to rotate Fluid Relay Server access keys |
az functionapp
az grafana
az graph
az group
az hdinsight
az hdinsight-on-aks
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az hdinsight-on-aks clusterpool | Quickstart: Create an HDInsight on AKS cluster pool using Azure CLI |
az healthcareapis
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az healthcareapis acr | Converting your data to FHIR for Azure API for FHIR |
az healthcareapis service | Configure customer-managed keys at rest |
Quickstart: Use an ARM template to deploy Azure API for FHIR |
az hpc-cache
az identity
az image
az import-export
az init
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
Azure CLI | Azure CLI configuration |
Prepare your environment for the Azure CLI |
az interactive
az iot
az k8s-configuration
az k8s-extension
az k8s-runtime
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az k8s-runtime bgp-peer | Create a MetalLB load balancer using Azure Arc and Azure CLI |
az k8s-runtime load-balancer | Create a MetalLB load balancer using Azure Arc and Azure CLI |
az keyvault
az kusto
az lab
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az lab vm | Quickstart: Create a lab in Azure DevTest Labs using Terraform |
Create and manage virtual machines with DevTest Labs using the Azure CLI | |
Azure CLI Samples for Azure DevTest Labs |
az load
az lock
az logic
az logicapp
az login
az logout
az maintenance
az managedapp
az managed-cassandra
az managedservices
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az managedservices assignment | Onboard a customer to Azure Lighthouse |
Remove access to a delegation | |
az managedservices definition | Onboard a customer to Azure Lighthouse |
az managementpartner
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az managementpartner | Link a partner ID to your account thatGÇÖs used to manage customers |
Link a partner ID to your Power Platform and Dynamics Customer Insights accounts |
az maps
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az maps account keys | Create your Azure Maps account using an ARM template |
az mariadb
az ml
az mobile-network
az monitor
az mysql
az netappfiles
az network
az networkcloud
az networkfabric
az notification-hub
az peering
az pipelines
az policy
az portal
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az portal dashboard | Quickstart: Create an Azure portal dashboard with Azure CLI |
az postgres
az ppg
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az ppg | Use proximity placement groups to reduce latency for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters |
Deploy VMs to proximity placement groups using Azure CLI |
az private-link
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az private-link association | Use APIs to create a private link for managing Azure resources |
Manage resource management private links |
az provider
az purview
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az purview account | Tutorial: Set up a data product batch |
az quantum
az redis
az redisenterprise
az relay
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az relay namespace | Tutorial: Route custom events to Azure Relay Hybrid Connections with Azure CLI and Event Grid |
az repos
az resource
az resourcemanagement
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az resourcemanagement private-link | Use APIs to create a private link for managing Azure resources |
Manage resource management private links |
az resource-mover
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az resource-mover move-collection | Move a virtual machine in an availability zone using Azure PowerShell and CLI |
az resource-mover move-resource | Move a virtual machine in an availability zone using Azure PowerShell and CLI |
az rest
az role
az search
az servicebus
az sf
az sig
az signalr
az snapshot
az spatial-anchors-account
az spring
az spring-cloud
az sql
az ssh
az sshkey
az stack
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az stack group | Deployment stacks |
Quickstart: Create and deploy a deployment stack with Bicep | |
Tutorial: use deployment stack with Bicep | |
Quickstart: Create and deploy a deployment stack with Bicep from template specs | |
az stack mg | Deployment stacks |
az stack sub | Deployment stacks |
az stack-hci
az stack-hci-vm
az standby-vm-pool
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az standby-vm-pool | Create a standby pool (Preview) |
Update or delete a standby pool (Preview) |
az staticwebapp
az storage
az storage-mover
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az storage-mover | Create an Azure Storage Mover resource |
az storagesync
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az storagesync sync-group | Deploy Azure File Sync |
az storagesync sync-group cloud-endpoint | Deploy Azure File Sync |
az storagesync sync-group server-endpoint | Deploy Azure File Sync |
az stream-analytics
az synapse
az tag
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az tag | Learn Azure CLI syntax differences in Bash, PowerShell and Cmd |
Apply tags with Azure CLI | |
Tutorial: Route policy state change events to Event Grid with Azure CLI |
az term
az trustedsigning
Reference subgroup | Azure CLI article showing reference use |
az trustedsigning | Quickstart: Set up Trusted Signing |
az trustedsigning certificate-profile | Quickstart: Set up Trusted Signing |
az ts
az tsi
az upgrade
az version
az vm
az vmss
az vmware
az webapp
az webpubsub
az workloads
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