How to mask sensitive data on Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door

The Web Application Firewall's (WAF) Log Scrubbing tool helps you remove sensitive data from your WAF logs. It works by using a rules engine that allows you to build custom rules to identify specific portions of a request that contain sensitive data. Once identified, the tool scrubs that information from your logs and replaces it with *******.


When you enable the log scrubbing feature, Microsoft still retains IP addresses in our internal logs to support critical security features.

The following table shows examples of log scrubbing rules that can be used to protect your sensitive data:

Match Variable Operator Selector What gets scrubbed
Request Header Names Equals keytoblock {"matchVariableName":"HeaderValue:keytoblock","matchVariableValue":"****"}
Request Cookie Names Equals cookietoblock {"matchVariableName":"CookieValue:cookietoblock","matchVariableValue":"****"}
Request Post Arg Names Equals var {"matchVariableName":"PostParamValue:var","matchVariableValue":"****"}
Request Body JSON Arg Names Equals JsonValue {"matchVariableName":"JsonValue:key","matchVariableValue":"****"}
Query String Arg Names Equals foo {"matchVariableName":"QueryParamValue:foo","matchVariableValue":"****"}
Request IP Address* Equals Any NULL {"matchVariableName":"ClientIP","matchVariableValue":"****"}
Request URI Equals Any NULL {"matchVariableName":"URI","matchVariableValue":"****"}

* Request IP Address and Request URI rules only support the equals any operator and scrubs all instances of the requestor's IP address that appears in the WAF logs.

For more information, see What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door Sensitive Data Protection?

Enable Sensitive Data Protection

Use the following information to enable and configure Sensitive Data Protection.

To enable Sensitive Data Protection:

  1. Open an existing Front Door WAF policy.
  2. Under Settings, select Sensitive data.
  3. On the Sensitive data page, select Enable log scrubbing.

To configure Log Scrubbing rules for Sensitive Data Protection:

  1. Under Log scrubbing rules, select a Match variable.
  2. Select an Operator (if applicable).
  3. Type a Selector (if applicable).
  4. Select Save.

Repeat to add more rules.

Verify Sensitive Data Protection

To verify your Sensitive Data Protection rules, open the Front Door firewall log and search for ****** in place of the sensitive fields.

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