How-to: Build a real-time collaborative whiteboard using Web PubSub for Socket.IO and deploy it to Azure App Service

A new class of applications is reimagining what modern work could be. While Microsoft Word brings editors together, Figma gathers up designers on the same creative endeavor. This class of applications builds on a user experience that makes us feel connected with our remote collaborators. From a technical point of view, user's activities need to be synchronized across users' screens at a low latency.


In this how-to guide, we take a cloud-native approach and use Azure services to build a real-time collaborative whiteboard and we deploy the project as a Web App to Azure App Service. The whiteboard app is accessible in the browser and allows anyone can draw on the same canvas.

Animation of the overview of the finished project.


In order to follow the step-by-step guide, you need

Create Azure resources using Azure CLI

Sign in

  1. Sign in to Azure CLI by running the following command.

    az login
  2. Create a resource group on Azure.

    az group create \
      --location "westus" \  
      --name "<resource-group-name>"

Create a Web App resource

  1. Create a free App Service plan.

    az appservice plan create \ 
      --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" \ 
      --name "<app-service-plan-name>" \ 
      --sku FREE
  2. Create a Web App resource

    az webapp create \
      --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" \
      --name "<webapp-name>" \ 
      --plan "<app-service-plan-name>" \
      --runtime "NODE:16-lts"

Create a Web PubSub for Socket.IO

  1. Create a Web PubSub resource.

    az webpubsub create \
      --name "<socketio-name>" \
      --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" \
      --kind SocketIO
      --sku Premium_P1
  2. Show and store the value of primaryConnectionString somewhere for later use.

    az webpubsub key show \
      --name "<socketio-name>" \
      --resource-group "<resource-group-name>"

Get the application code

Run the following command to get a copy of the application code.

git clone

Deploy the application to App Service

  1. App Service supports many deployment workflows. For this guide, we're going to deploy a ZIP package. Run the following commands to install and build the project.

    npm install
    npm run build
    # bash
    zip -r *
    # Poweshell
  2. Compress into a zip

    Use Bash

    zip -r *

    Use PowerShell

    Compress-Archive -Path * -DestinationPath
  3. Set Azure Web PubSub connection string in the application settings. Use the value of primaryConnectionString you stored from an earlier step.

    az webapp config appsettings set \
    --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" \
    --name "<webapp-name>" \
    --setting Web_PubSub_ConnectionString="<primaryConnectionString>"
  4. Use the following command to deploy it to Azure App Service.

    az webapp deployment source config-zip \
    --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" \
    --name "<webapp-name>" \

View the whiteboard app in a browser

Now head over to your browser and visit your deployed Web App. The url usually is https://<webapp-name> . It's recommended to have multiple browser tabs open so that you can experience the real-time collaborative aspect of the app. Or better, share the link with a colleague or friend.

Next steps