Neighbor Group Configuration Overview

A neighbor group allows you to group endpoints (either IPv4 or IPv6) under a single logical resource. A neighbor group can be used to send load-balanced filtered traffic across different probe endpoints. You can use the same Neighbor group across different Network TAPs & Network Tap rules.

Parameters for a Neighbor Group

Parameter Description Example Required
resource-group The resource group that contains the neighbor group. ResourceGroupName True
resource-name The name of the neighbor group. example-Neighbor True
location The Azure region that contains the neighbor group. eastus True
destination List of Ipv4 or Ipv6 destinations to forward traffic. True

Creating a Neighbor Group

The following command creates a neighbor group:

az networkfabric neighborgroup create \
    --resource-group "example-rg" \
    --location "westus3" \
    --resource-name "example-neighborgroup" \
    --destination "{ipv4Addresses:['']}"

Expected output:

  "properties": {
    "networkTapIds": [
    "networkTapRuleIds": [
    "destination": {
      "ipv4Addresses": [
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "annotation": "annotation"
  "tags": {
    "keyID": "KeyValue"
  "location": "eastus",
  "id": "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/example-neighborGroup",
  "name": "example-neighborGroup",
  "type": "microsoft.managednetworkfabric/neighborGroups",
  "systemData": {
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdByType": "User",
    "createdAt": "2023-05-23T05:49:59.193Z",
    "lastModifiedBy": "",
    "lastModifiedByType": "User",
    "lastModifiedAt": "2023-05-23T05:49:59.194Z"

Show a Neighbor Group

This command displays an IP extended community resource:

az networkfabric neighborgroup show \
    --resource-group "example-rg" \
    --resource-name "example-neighborgroup"

Expected output:

  "properties": {
    "networkTapIds": [
    "networkTapRuleIds": [
    "destination": {
      "ipv4Addresses": [
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "annotation": "annotation"
  "tags": {
    "keyID": "KeyValue"
  "location": "eastus",
  "id": "/subscriptions/subscriptionId/resourceGroups/example-rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/neighborGroups/example-neighborGroup",
  "name": "example-neighborGroup",
  "type": "microsoft.managednetworkfabric/neighborGroups",
  "systemData": {
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdByType": "User",
    "createdAt": "2023-05-23T05:49:59.193Z",
    "lastModifiedBy": "",
    "lastModifiedByType": "User",
    "lastModifiedAt": "2023-05-23T05:49:59.194Z"