Configure the Admin for Spring component in Azure Container Apps

The Admin for Spring managed component offers an administrative interface for Spring Boot web applications that expose actuator endpoints. This article shows you how to configure and manage your Spring component.


You can view the details of an individual component by name using the show command.

Before you run the following command, replace placeholders surrounded by <> with your values.

az containerapp env java-component admin-for-spring show \
  --environment <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> \
  --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \


You can update the replica count and configuration of an Admin for Spring component using the update command.

Before you run the following command, replace placeholders surrounded by <> with your values. Supported configurations are listed in the properties list table.

az containerapp env java-component admin-for-spring update \
  --environment <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> \
  --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
  --min-replicas <REPLICA_COUNT> \
  --max-replicas <REPLICA_COUNT> \


You can list all registered Java components using the list command.

Before you run the following command, replace placeholders surrounded by <> with your values.

az containerapp env java-component list \
  --environment <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> \
  --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP>


To remove a binding from a container app, use the --unbind option.

Before you run the following command, replace placeholders surrounded by <> with your values.

az containerapp update \
  --name <APP_NAME> \
  --unbind <JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME> \
  --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP>


When you use the admin component in your container app, you need to add the following dependency in your pom.xml file. Replace the version number with the latest version available on the Maven Repository.


Configurable properties

Starting with Spring Boot 2, endpoints other than health and info are not exposed by default. You can expose them by adding the following configuration in your file.


Allowed configuration list for your Admin for Spring

The following list details the admin component properties you can configure for your app. You can find more details in Spring Boot Admin docs.

Property name Description Default value
spring.boot.admin.server.enabled Enables the Spring Boot Admin Server. true
spring.boot.admin.context-path The path prefix where the Admin Server’s statics assets and API are served. Relative to the Dispatcher-Servlet.
spring.boot.admin.monitor.status-interval Time interval in milliseconds to check the status of instances. 10,000ms
spring.boot.admin.monitor.status-lifetime Lifetime of status in milliseconds. The status isn't updated as long the last status isn’t expired. 10,000 ms Time interval in milliseconds to check the info of instances. 1m Lifetime of info in minutes. The info isn't as long the last info isn’t expired. 1m
spring.boot.admin.monitor.default-timeout Default timeout when making requests. Individual values for specific endpoints can be overridden using spring.boot.admin.monitor.timeout.*. 10,000
spring.boot.admin.monitor.timeout.* Key-value pairs with the timeout per endpointId. Defaults to default-timeout value.
spring.boot.admin.monitor.default-retries Default number of retries for failed requests. Requests that modify data (PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE) are never retried. Individual values for specific endpoints can be overridden using spring.boot.admin.monitor.retries.*. 0
spring.boot.admin.monitor.retries.* Key-value pairs with the number of retries per endpointId. Requests that modify data (PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE) are never retried. Defaults to default-retries value.
spring.boot.admin.metadata-keys-to-sanitize Metadata values for the keys matching these regex patterns used to sanitize in all JSON output. Starting from Spring Boot 3, all actuator values are masked by default. For more information about how to configure the unsanitization process, see (Sanitize Sensitive Values). ".**password$", ".\*secret$", ".\*key$", ".\*token$", ".\*credentials.**", ".*vcap_services$"
spring.boot.admin.probed-endpoints For Spring Boot 1.x client applications Spring Boot Admin probes for the specified endpoints using an OPTIONS request. If the path differs from the ID, you can specify this value as id:path (for example: health:ping) "health", "env", "metrics", "httptrace:trace", "threaddump:dump", "jolokia", "info", "logfile", "refresh", "flyway", "liquibase", "heapdump", "loggers", "auditevents"
spring.boot.admin.instance-proxy.ignored-headers Headers not to forwarded when making requests to clients. "Cookie", "Set-Cookie", "Authorization"
spring.boot.admin.ui.title The displayed page title. "Spring Boot Admin"
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.cache Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new cache data. 2500
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.datasource Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new data source data. 2500
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.gc Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new gc data. 2500
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.process Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new process data. 2500
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.memory Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new memory data. 2500
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.threads Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new threads data. 2500
spring.boot.admin.ui.poll-timer.logfile Polling duration in milliseconds to fetch new logfile data. 1000
spring.boot.admin.ui.enable-toasts Enables or disables toast notifications. false
spring.boot.admin.ui.title Browser's window title value. ""
spring.boot.admin.ui.brand HTML code rendered in the navigation header and defaults to the Spring Boot Admin label. By default the Spring Boot Admin logo is followed by its name. ""
management.scheme Value that is substituted in the service URL used for accessing the actuator endpoints.
management.address Value that is substituted in the service URL used for accessing the actuator endpoints.
management.port Value that is substituted in the service URL used for accessing the actuator endpoints.
management.context-path Value that is appended to the service URL used for accessing the actuator endpoints. ${}
health.path Value that is appended to the service URL used for health checking. Ignored by the EurekaServiceInstanceConverter. ${}
spring.boot.admin.discovery.enabled Enables the DiscoveryClient support for the admin server. true Value that is appended to the service-url of the discovered service when the management-url value is converted by the DefaultServiceInstanceConverter. /actuator Value that is appended to the management-url of the discovered service when the health-url value is converted by the DefaultServiceInstanceConverter. "health"
spring.boot.admin.discovery.ignored-services Services that are ignored when using discovery and not registered as application. Supports simple patterns such as "foo*", "*bar", "foo*bar*". Services included when using discovery and registered as application. Supports simple patterns such as "foo*", "*bar", "foo*bar*". "*"
spring.boot.admin.discovery.ignored-instances-metadata Services ignored if they contain at least one metadata item that matches patterns in this list. Supports patterns such as "discoverable=false".
spring.boot.admin.discovery.instances-metadata Services included if they contain at least one metadata item that matches patterns in list. Supports patterns such as "discoverable=true".

Common configurations

  • Logging related configurations:
    • logging.level.*
    • Any other configurations under logging.* namespace should be forbidden. For example, writing log files by using logging.file should be forbidden.

Next steps