Quickstart: Create and configure Route Server using Azure CLI

This article helps you configure Azure Route Server to peer with a Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) in your virtual network using Azure PowerShell. Route Server learns routes from your NVA and program them on the virtual machines in the virtual network. Azure Route Server will also advertise the virtual network routes to the NVA. For more information, see Azure Route Server.

Diagram of Route Server deployment environment using the Azure CLI.


Azure Route Servers created before November 1, 2021, that don't have a public IP address associated, are deployed with the public preview offering. The public preview offering is not backed by General Availability SLA and support. To deploy Azure Route Server with the General Availability offering, and to achieve General Availability SLA and support, please delete and recreate your Route Server.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
  • The steps in this article run the Azure CLI commands interactively in Azure Cloud Shell. To run the commands in the Cloud Shell, select Open Cloudshell at the upper-right corner of a code block. Select Copy to copy the code, and paste it into Cloud Shell to run it. You can also run the Cloud Shell from within the Azure portal. You can also install Azure CLI locally to run the commands. If you run Azure CLI locally, sign in to Azure using the az login command.
  • Review the service limits for Azure Route Server.

Create a resource group and a virtual network

Create a resource group

Before you can create an Azure Route Server, you have to create a resource group to host the Route Server. Create a resource group with az group create. This example creates a resource group named myRouteServerRG in the westus location:

az group create \
    --name myRouteServerRG \
    --location westus

Create a virtual network

Create a virtual network with az network vnet create. This example creates a default virtual network named myVirtualNetwork. If you already have a virtual network, you can skip to the next section.

az network vnet create \
    --name myVirtualNetwork \
    --resource-group myRouteServerRG \

Add a dedicated subnet

Azure Route Server requires a dedicated subnet named RouteServerSubnet. The subnet size has to be at least /27 or shorter prefix (such as /26 or /25), otherwise you might receive an error message when deploying the Route Server. Create a subnet configuration named RouteServerSubnet with az network vnet subnet create:

  1. Run the following command to add the RouteServerSubnet to your virtual network.

    az network vnet subnet create \
        --name RouteServerSubnet \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG \
        --vnet-name myVirtualNetwork \
  2. Make note of the RouteServerSubnet ID. To obtain and store the resource ID of the RouteServerSubnet to the subnet_id variable, use az network vnet subnet show:

    subnet_id=$(az network vnet subnet show \
        --name RouteServerSubnet \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG \
        --vnet-name myVirtualNetwork \
        --query id -o tsv) 
    echo $subnet_id

Create the Route Server

  1. To ensure connectivity to the backend service that manages Route Server configuration, assigning a public IP address is required. Create a Standard Public IP named RouteServerIP with az network public-ip create:

    az network public-ip create \
        --name RouteServerIP \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG \
        --version IPv4 \
        --sku Standard
  2. Create the Azure Route Server with az network routeserver create. This example creates an Azure Route Server named myRouteServer. The hosted-subnet is the resource ID of the RouteServerSubnet created in the previous section.

    az network routeserver create \
        --name myRouteServer \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG \
        --hosted-subnet $subnet_id \
        --public-ip-address RouteServerIP


    The deployment of the Route Server can take up to 30 minutes.

Create BGP peering with an NVA

Use az network routeserver peering create to establish BGP peering between the Route Server and the NVA:

The peer-ip is the virtual network IP assigned to the NVA. The peer-asn is the Autonomous System Number (ASN) configured in the NVA. The ASN can be any 16-bit number other than the ones in the range of 65515-65520. This range of ASNs is reserved by Microsoft.

az network routeserver peering create \
    --name myNVA \
    --peer-ip \
    --peer-asn 65501 \
    --routeserver myRouteServer \
    --resource-group myRouteServerRG

To set up peering with a different NVA or another instance of the same NVA for redundancy, use the previous command with different PeerName, PeerIp, and PeerAsn.

Complete the configuration on the NVA

To complete the configuration on the NVA and enable the BGP sessions, you need the IP and the ASN of Azure Route Server. You can get this information by using az network routeserver show:

az network routeserver show \
    --name myRouteServer \
    --resource-group myRouteServerRG 

The output will look like the following example:

RouteServerAsn  : 65515 

RouteServerIps  : {,}  "virtualRouterAsn": 65515, 

  "virtualRouterIps": [ 





We recommend peering each NVA with both route server instances to ensure that virtual network routes are advertised over the NVA connections and achieve high availability.

Configure route exchange

If you have a virtual network gateway (ExpressRoute or VPN) in the same virtual network, you can enable b2b traffic to exchange routes between the gateway and the Route Server.


The Azure VPN gateway must be configured in active-active mode and have the ASN set to 65515. It's not a requirement to have BGP enabled on the VPN gateway to communicate with the route server.


When you create or delete a route server in a virtual network that contains a virtual network gateway (ExpressRoute or VPN), expect downtime until the operation is complete. If you have an ExpressRoute circuit connected to the virtual network where you're creating or deleting the route server, the downtime doesn't affect the ExpressRoute circuit or its connections to other virtual networks.

  1. To enable route exchange between Azure Route Server and the gateways, use az network routerserver update with the --allow-b2b-traffic flag set to true:

    az network routeserver update \
        --name myRouteServer \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG \
        --allow-b2b-traffic true 
  2. To disable route exchange between Azure Route Server and the gateways, use az network routerserver update with the --allow-b2b-traffic flag set to false:

    az network routeserver update \
        --name myRouteServer \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG \
        --allow-b2b-traffic false 


Use the az network routeserver peering list-advertised-routes to view routes advertised by the Azure Route Server:

az network routeserver peering list-advertised-routes \
    --name myNVA \
    --routeserver myRouteServer \
    --resource-group myRouteServerRG

Use the az network routeserver peering list-learned-routes to view routes learned by the Azure Route Server:

az network routeserver peering list-learned-routes \
    --name myNVA \
    --routeserver myRouteServer
    --resource-group myRouteServerRG \

The Azure CLI can run in several shell environments, but with slight format variations. If you have unexpected results with Azure CLI commands, see How to use the Azure CLI successfully.

Clean up resources

If you no longer need the Azure Route Server, use the first command to remove the BGP peering and then the second command to remove the Route Server.

  1. Remove the BGP peering between Azure Route Server and an NVA with az network routeserver peering delete:

    az network routeserver peering delete \
        --name myNVA \
        --routeserver myRouteServer \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG
  2. Remove the Azure Route Server with az network routeserver delete:

    az network routeserver delete \
        --name myRouteServer \
        --resource-group myRouteServerRG

Next step

Continue to learn more about how Azure Route Server interacts with ExpressRoute and VPN Gateways: