Manage resource management private links

This article explains how to work with existing resource management private links. It shows API operations for getting and deleting existing resources.

If you need to create a resource management private link, see Use portal to create private link for managing Azure resources or Use APIs to create private link for managing Azure resources.

To get a specific resource management private link, send the following request:


# Login first with az login if not using Cloud Shell
az resourcemanagement private-link show --resource-group PrivateLinkTestRG --name NewRMPL

To get all resource management private links in a subscription, use:

# Login first with az login if not using Cloud Shell
az resourcemanagement private-link list

To delete a specific resource management private link, use:


# Login first with az login if not using Cloud Shell
az resourcemanagement private-link delete --resource-group PrivateLinkTestRG --name NewRMPL

To get a specific private link association for a management group, use:


# Login first with az login if not using Cloud Shell
az private-link association show --management-group-id fc096d27-0434-4460-a3ea-110df0422a2d --name 1d7942d1-288b-48de-8d0f-2d2aa8e03ad4

To delete a private link association, use:


# Login first with az login if not using Cloud Shell
az private-link association delete --management-group-id 24f15700-370c-45bc-86a7-aee1b0c4eb8a --name 1d7942d1-288b-48de-8d0f-2d2aa8e03ad4

Next steps