Deploy a static web app with Azure Static Web Apps CLI


To improve the security of deployments from the Static Web Apps CLI, a breaking change was introduced that requires you to upgrade to the latest version (2.0.2) of the Static Web Apps CLI by Jan. 15th, 2025.

The Azure Static Web Apps CLI (SWA CLI) features the deploy command to deploy the current project to Azure Static Web Apps.

Common deployment scenarios include:

  • A front-end app without an API
  • A front-end app with an API
  • Blazor apps

Deployment token

The SWA CLI supports deploying using a deployment token to enable setups in CI/CD environments.

You can get a deployment token from:

  • Azure portal: Home → Static Web App → Your Instance → Overview → Manage deployment token

  • Azure CLI: Using the secrets list command:

    az staticwebapp secrets list --name <APPLICATION_NAME> --query "properties.apiKey"
  • Azure Static Web Apps CLI: Using the deploy command:

    swa deploy --print-token

You can then use the token value with the --deployment-token <TOKEN> or you can create an environment variable called SWA_CLI_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN and set it to the deployment token.


Don't store deployment tokens in a public repository.

Deploy a front-end app without an API

You can deploy a front-end application without an API to Azure Static Web Apps. If your front-end application requires a build step, run swa build or refer to your application build instructions.

Select the option that best suits your needs to configure your deployment

  • Option 1: From build folder you would like to deploy, run the deploy command:

    cd build/
    swa deploy


    The build folder must contain the static content of your app to be deployed.

  • Option 2: You can also deploy a specific folder:

    1. If your front-end application requires a build step, run swa build or refer to your application build instructions.

    2. Deploy your app:

    swa deploy ./my-dist

Deploy a front-end app with an API

Use the following steps to deploy an application that has API endpoints.

  1. If your front-end application requires a build step, run swa build or refer to your application build instructions.

  2. Ensure the API language runtime version in the staticwebapp.config.json file is set correctly, for example:

      "platform": {
        "apiRuntime": "node:16"


    If your project doesn't have the staticwebapp.config.json file, add one under your outputLocation folder.

  3. Deploy your app:

    swa deploy ./my-dist --api-location ./api

Deploy a Blazor app

You can deploy a Blazor app using the following steps.

  1. Build your Blazor app in Release mode:

    dotnet publish -c Release -o bin/publish
  2. From the root of your project, run the deploy command:

    swa deploy ./bin/publish/wwwroot --api-location ./Api

Deploy using a configuration file


The path for outputLocation must be relative to the appLocation.

If you're using a swa-cli.config.json configuration file in your project with a single configuration entry, then you can deploy your application by running the following steps.

For reference, an example of a single configuration entry looks like the following code snippet.

  "configurations": {
    "my-app": {
      "appLocation": "./",
      "apiLocation": "api",
      "outputLocation": "frontend",
      "start": {
        "outputLocation": "frontend"
      "deploy": {
        "outputLocation": "frontend"
  1. If your front-end application requires a build step, run swa build or refer to your application build instructions.

  2. Deploy your app.

swa deploy

If you have multiple configuration entries, you can provide the entry ID to specify which one to use:

swa deploy my-otherapp


The following are options you can use with swa deploy:

  • -a, --app-location <path>: the folder containing the source code of the front-end application (default: ".")
  • -i, --api-location <path>: the folder containing the source code of the API application
  • -O, --output-location <path>: the folder containing the built source of the front-end application. The path is relative to --app-location (default: ".")
  • -w, --swa-config-location <swaConfigLocation>: the directory where the staticwebapp.config.json file is located
  • -d, --deployment-token <secret>: the secret token used to authenticate with the Static Web Apps
  • -dr, --dry-run: simulate a deploy process without actually running it (default: false)
  • -pt, --print-token: print the deployment token (default: false)
  • --env [environment]: the type of deployment environment where to deploy the project (default: "preview")
  • -S, --subscription-id <subscriptionId>: Azure subscription ID used by this project (default: process.env.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)
  • -R, --resource-group <resourceGroupName>: Azure resource group used by this project
  • -T, --tenant-id <tenantId>: Azure tenant ID (default: process.env.AZURE_TENANT_ID)
  • -C, --client-id <clientId>: Azure client ID
  • -CS, --client-secret <clientSecret>: Azure client secret
  • -n, --app-name <appName>: Azure Static Web App application name
  • -cc, --clear-credentials: clear persisted credentials before sign in (default: false)
  • -u, --use-keychain: enable using the operating system native keychain for persistent credentials (default: true)
  • -nu, --no-use-keychain: disable using the operating system native keychain
  • -h, --help: display help for command


Deploy using a deployment token.

swa deploy ./dist/ --api-location ./api/ --deployment-token <TOKEN>

Deploy using a deployment token from the environment variables.

SWA_CLI_DEPLOYMENT_TOKEN=123 swa deploy ./dist/ --api-location ./api/

Deploy using swa-cli.config.json file

swa deploy
swa deploy myconfig

Print the deployment token.

swa deploy --print-token

Deploy to a specific environment.

swa deploy --env production

Next steps