Troubleshoot a slow or failing job on a HDInsight cluster

If an application processing data on a HDInsight cluster is either running slowly or failing with an error code, you have several troubleshooting options. If your jobs are taking longer to run than expected, or you are seeing slow response times in general, there may be failures upstream from your cluster, such as the services on which the cluster runs. However, the most common cause of these slowdowns is insufficient scaling. When you create a new HDInsight cluster, select the appropriate virtual machine sizes.

To diagnose a slow or failing cluster, gather information about all aspects of the environment, such as associated Azure Services, cluster configuration, and job execution information. A helpful diagnostic is to try to reproduce the error state on another cluster.

  • Step 1: Gather data about the issue.
  • Step 2: Validate the HDInsight cluster environment.
  • Step 3: View your cluster's health.
  • Step 4: Review the environment stack and versions.
  • Step 5: Examine the cluster log files.
  • Step 6: Check configuration settings.
  • Step 7: Reproduce the failure on a different cluster.

Step 1: Gather data about the issue

HDInsight provides many tools that you can use to identify and troubleshoot issues with clusters. The following steps guide you through these tools and provide suggestions for pinpointing the issue.

Identify the problem

To help identify the problem, consider the following questions:

  • What did I expect to happen? What happened instead?
  • How long did the process take to run? How long should it have run?
  • Have my tasks always run slowly on this cluster? Did they run faster on a different cluster?
  • When did this problem first occur? How often has it happened since?
  • Has anything changed in my cluster configuration?

Cluster details

Important cluster information includes:

  • Cluster name.
  • Cluster region - check for region outages.
  • HDInsight cluster type and version.
  • Type and number of HDInsight instances specified for the head and worker nodes.

The Azure portal can provide this information:

HDInsight Azure portal Information.

You can also use Azure CLI:

az hdinsight list --resource-group <ResourceGroup>
az hdinsight show --resource-group <ResourceGroup> --name <ClusterName>

Another option is using PowerShell. For more information, see Manage Apache Hadoop clusters in HDInsight with Azure PowerShell.

Step 2: Validate the HDInsight cluster environment

Each HDInsight cluster relies on various Azure services, and on open-source software such as Apache HBase and Apache Spark. HDInsight clusters can also call on other Azure services, such as Azure Virtual Networks. A cluster failure can be caused by any of the running services on your cluster, or by an external service. A cluster service configuration change can also cause the cluster to fail.

Service details

  • Check the open-source library release versions.
  • Check for Azure Service Outages.
  • Check for Azure Service usage limits.
  • Check the Azure Virtual Network subnet configuration.

View cluster configuration settings with the Ambari UI

Apache Ambari provides management and monitoring of a HDInsight cluster with a web UI and a REST API. Ambari is included on Linux-based HDInsight clusters. Select the Cluster Dashboard pane on the Azure portal HDInsight page. Select the HDInsight cluster dashboard pane to open the Ambari UI, and enter the cluster login credentials.

Apache Ambari dashboard overview.

To open a list of service views, select Ambari Views on the Azure portal page. This list depends on which libraries are installed. For example, you may see YARN Queue Manager, Hive View, and Tez View. Select a service link to see configuration and service information.

Check for Azure service outages

HDInsight relies on several Azure services. It runs virtual servers on Azure HDInsight, stores data and scripts on Azure Blob storage or Azure Data Lake Storage, and indexes log files in Azure Table storage. Disruptions to these services, although rare, can cause issues in HDInsight. If you have unexpected slowdowns or failures in your cluster, check the Azure Status Dashboard. The status of each service is listed by region. Check your cluster's region and also regions for any related services.

Check Azure service usage limits

If you are launching a large cluster, or have launched many clusters simultaneously, a cluster can fail if you have exceeded an Azure service limit. Service limits vary, depending on your Azure subscription. For more information, see Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints. You can request that Microsoft increase the number of HDInsight resources available (such as VM cores and VM instances) with a Resource Manager core quota increase request.

Check the release version

Compare the cluster version with the latest HDInsight release. Each HDInsight release includes improvements such as new applications, features, patches, and bug fixes. The issue that is affecting your cluster may have been fixed in the latest release version. If possible, rerun your cluster using the latest version of HDInsight and associated libraries such as Apache HBase, Apache Spark, and others.

Restart your cluster services

If you are experiencing slowdowns in your cluster, consider restarting your services through the Ambari UI or the Azure Classic CLI. The cluster may be experiencing transient errors, and restarting is the quickest way to stabilize your environment and possibly improve performance.

Step 3: View your cluster's health

HDInsight clusters are composed of different types of nodes running on virtual machine instances. Each node can be monitored for resource starvation, network connectivity issues, and other problems that can slow down the cluster. Every cluster contains two head nodes, and most cluster types contain a combination of worker and edge nodes.

For a description of the various nodes each cluster type uses, see Set up clusters in HDInsight with Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, and more.

The following sections describe how to check the health of each node and of the overall cluster.

Get a snapshot of the cluster health using the Ambari UI dashboard

The Ambari UI dashboard (https://<clustername> provides an overview of cluster health, such as uptime, memory, network and CPU usage, HDFS disk usage, and so forth. Use the Hosts section of Ambari to view resources at a host level. You can also stop and restart services.

Check your WebHCat service

One common scenario for Apache Hive, Apache Pig, or Apache Sqoop jobs failing is a failure with the WebHCat (or Templeton) service. WebHCat is a REST interface for remote job execution, such as Hive, Pig, Scoop, and MapReduce. WebHCat translates the job submission requests into Apache Hadoop YARN applications, and returns a status derived from the YARN application status. The following sections describe common WebHCat HTTP status codes.

BadGateway (502 status code)

This code is a generic message from gateway nodes, and is the most common failure status codes. One possible cause for this is the WebHCat service being down on the active head node. To check for this possibility, use the following CURL command:

curl -u admin:{HTTP PASSWD} https://{CLUSTERNAME}

Ambari displays an alert showing the hosts on which the WebHCat service is down. You can try to bring the WebHCat service back up by restarting the service on its host.

Apache Ambari Restart WebHCat Server.

If a WebHCat server still does not come up, then check the operations log for failure messages. For more detailed information, check the stderr and stdout files referenced on the node.

WebHCat times out

An HDInsight Gateway times out responses that take longer than two minutes, returning 502 BadGateway. WebHCat queries YARN services for job statuses, and if YARN takes longer than two minutes to respond, that request can time out.

In this case, review the following logs in the /var/log/webhcat directory:

  • webhcat.log is the Log4j log to which server writes logs
  • webhcat-console.log is the stdout of the server when started
  • webhcat-console-error.log is the stderr of the server process


Each webhcat.log is rolled over daily, generating files named webhcat.log.YYYY-MM-DD. Select the appropriate file for the time range you are investigating.

The following sections describe some possible causes for WebHCat timeouts.

WebHCat level timeout

When WebHCat is under load, with more than 10 open sockets, it takes longer to establish new socket connections, which can result in a timeout. To list the network connections to and from WebHCat, use netstat on the current active headnode:

netstat | grep 30111

30111 is the port WebHCat listens on. The number of open sockets should be less than 10.

If there are no open sockets, the previous command does not produce a result. To check if Templeton is up and listening on port 30111, use:

netstat -l | grep 30111
YARN level timeout

Templeton calls YARN to run jobs, and the communication between Templeton and YARN can cause a timeout.

At the YARN level, there are two types of timeouts:

  1. Submitting a YARN job can take long enough to cause a timeout.

    If you open the /var/log/webhcat/webhcat.log log file and search for "queued job", you may see multiple entries where the execution time is excessively long (>2000 ms), with entries showing increasing wait times.

    The time for the queued jobs continues to increase because the rate at which new jobs get submitted is higher than the rate at which the old jobs are completed. Once the YARN memory is 100% used, the joblauncher queue can no longer borrow capacity from the default queue. Therefore, no more new jobs can be accepted into the job launcher queue. This behavior can cause the waiting time to become longer and longer, causing a timeout error that is usually followed by many others.

    The following image shows the job launcher queue at 714.4% overused. This is acceptable so long as there is still free capacity in the default queue to borrow from. However, when the cluster is fully utilized and the YARN memory is at 100% capacity, new jobs must wait, which eventually causes timeouts.

    HDInsight Job launcher queue view.

    There are two ways to resolve this issue: either reduce the speed of new jobs being submitted, or increase the consumption speed of old jobs by scaling up the cluster.

  2. YARN processing can take a long time, which can cause timeouts.

    • List all jobs: This is a time-consuming call. This call enumerates the applications from the YARN Resource Manager, and for each completed application, gets the status from the YARN JobHistoryServer. With higher numbers of jobs, this call can time out.

    • List jobs older than seven days: The HDInsight YARN JobHistoryServer is configured to retain completed job information for seven days (mapreduce.jobhistory.max-age-ms value). Trying to enumerate purged jobs results in a timeout.

To diagnose these issues:

  1. Determine the UTC time range to troubleshoot
  2. Select the appropriate webhcat.log file(s)
  3. Look for WARN and ERROR messages during that time

Other WebHCat failures

  1. HTTP status code 500

    In most cases where WebHCat returns 500, the error message contains details on the failure. Otherwise, look through webhcat.log for WARN and ERROR messages.

  2. Job failures

    There may be cases where interactions with WebHCat are successful, but the jobs are failing.

    Templeton collects the job console output as stderr in statusdir, which is often useful for troubleshooting. stderr contains the YARN application identifier of the actual query.

Step 4: Review the environment stack and versions

The Ambari UI Stack and Version page provides information about cluster services configuration and service version history. Incorrect Hadoop service library versions can be a cause of cluster failure. In the Ambari UI, select the Admin menu and then Stacks and Versions. Select the Versions tab on the page to see service version information:

Apache Ambari Stack and Versions.

Step 5: Examine the log files

There are many types of logs that are generated from the many services and components that comprise an HDInsight cluster. WebHCat log files are described previously. There are several other useful log files you can investigate to narrow down issues with your cluster, as described in the following sections.

  • HDInsight clusters consist of several nodes, most of which are tasked to run submitted jobs. Jobs run concurrently, but log files can only display results linearly. HDInsight executes new tasks, terminating others that fail to complete first. All this activity is logged to the stderr and syslog files.

  • The script action log files show errors or unexpected configuration changes during your cluster's creation process.

  • The Hadoop step logs identify Hadoop jobs launched as part of a step containing errors.

Check the script action logs

HDInsight script actions run scripts on the cluster manually or when specified. For example, script actions can be used to install additional software on the cluster or to alter configuration settings from the default values. Checking the script action logs can provide insight into errors that occurred during cluster setup and configuration. You can view the status of a script action by selecting the ops button in the Ambari UI, or by accessing the logs from the default storage account.

The script action logs reside in the \STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME\DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME\custom-scriptaction-logs\CLUSTER_NAME\DATE directory.

The HDInsight Ambari UI includes a number of Quick Links sections. To access the log links for a particular service in your HDInsight cluster, open the Ambari UI for your cluster, then select the service link from the list at left. Select the Quick Links dropdown, then the HDInsight node of interest, and then select the link for its associated log.

For example, for HDFS logs:

Ambari Quick Links to Log Files.

View Hadoop-generated log files

An HDInsight cluster generates logs that are written to Azure tables and Azure Blob storage. YARN creates its own execution logs. For more information, see Manage logs for an HDInsight cluster.

Review heap dumps

Heap dumps contain a snapshot of the application's memory, including the values of variables at that time, which are useful for diagnosing problems that occur at runtime. For more information, see Enable heap dumps for Apache Hadoop services on Linux-based HDInsight.

Step 6: Check configuration settings

HDInsight clusters are pre-configured with default settings for related services, such as Hadoop, Hive, HBase, and so on. Depending on the type of cluster, its hardware configuration, its number of nodes, the types of jobs you are running, and the data you are working with (and how that data is being processed), you may need to optimize your configuration.

For detailed instructions on optimizing performance configurations for most scenarios, see Optimize cluster configurations with Apache Ambari. When using Spark, see Optimize Apache Spark jobs for performance.

Step 7: Reproduce the failure on a different cluster

To help diagnose the source of a cluster error, start a new cluster with the same configuration and then resubmit the failed job's steps one by one. Check the results of each step before processing the next one. This method gives you the opportunity to correct and rerun a single failed step. This method also has the advantage of only loading your input data once.

  1. Create a new test cluster with the same configuration as the failed cluster.
  2. Submit the first job step to the test cluster.
  3. When the step completes processing, check for errors in the step log files. Connect to the test cluster's master node and view the log files there. The step log files only appear after the step runs for some time, finishes, or fails.
  4. If the first step succeeded, run the next step. If there were errors, investigate the error in the log files. If it was an error in your code, make the correction and rerun the step.
  5. Continue until all steps run without error.
  6. When you are done debugging the test cluster, delete it.

Next steps