Back up SQL databases in Azure VM using Azure CLI

Azure CLI is used to create and manage Azure resources from the Command Line or through scripts. This article describes how to back up an SQL database in Azure VM and trigger on-demand backups using Azure CLI. You can also perform these actions using the Azure portal.

This article assumes that you already have an SQL database installed on an Azure VM. (You can also create a VM using Azure CLI).

In this article, you'll learn how to:

  • Create a Recovery Services vault
  • Register SQL server and discover database(s) on it
  • Enable backup on an SQL database
  • Trigger an on-demand backup

See the currently supported scenarios for SQL in Azure VM.


Create a Recovery Services vault

A Recovery Services vault is a logical container that stores the backup data for each protected resource, such as Azure VMs or workloads running on Azure VMs - for example, SQL or HANA databases. When the backup job for a protected resource runs, it creates a recovery point inside the Recovery Services vault. You can then use one of these recovery points to restore data to a given point in time.

Create a Recovery Services vault with the az backup vault create command. Use the resource group and location as that of the VM you want to protect. Learn how to create a Windows VM and a Linux VM using Azure CLI.

For this article, we'll use:

  • A resource group named SQLResourceGroup
  • A VM named testSQLVM
  • Resources in the westus2 location.

Run the following command to create a vault named SQLVault.

az backup vault create --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --name SQLVault \
    --location westus2

By default, the Recovery Services vault is set for Geo-Redundant storage. Geo-Redundant storage ensures your backup data is replicated to a secondary Azure region even if that's hundreds of miles away from the primary region. If the storage redundancy setting needs to be modified, use the az backup vault backup-properties set command.

az backup vault backup-properties set \
    --name SQLVault  \
    --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --backup-storage-redundancy "LocallyRedundant/GeoRedundant"

To verify if the vault is successfully created, use the az backup vault list command. The response appears as:

Location   Name             ResourceGroup
---------  ---------------  -------------  
westus2    SQLVault     	SQLResourceGroup

Register and protect the SQL Server

To register the SQL Server with the Recovery Services vault, use the az backup container register command. VMResourceId is the resource ID of the VM that you created to install SQL.

az backup container register --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --vault-name SQLVault \
    --workload-type SQLDataBase \
    --backup-management-type AzureWorkload \
    --resource-id VMResourceId


If the VM isn't present in the same resource group as the vault, SQLResourceGroup uses the resource group where the vault was created.

Registering the SQL server automatically discovers all its current databases. However, to discover any new databases that may be added in the future, see the Discovering new databases added to the registered SQL server section.

Use the az backup container list command to verify if the SQL instance is successfully registered with your vault. The response appears as:

Name                                                    Friendly Name    Resource Group        Type           Registration Status
------------------------------------------------------  --------------   --------------------  ---------      ----------------------
VMAppContainer;Compute;SQLResourceGroup;testSQLVM   	testSQLVM        SQLResourceGroup  		AzureWorkload  Registered


The column name in the above output refers to the container name. This container name is used in the next sections to enable backups and trigger them. For example, VMAppContainer;Compute;SQLResourceGroup;testSQLVM.

Enable backup on the SQL database

The az backup protectable-item list command lists all the databases discovered on the SQL instance that you registered in the previous step.

az backup protectable-item list --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --vault-name SQLVault \
    --workload-type SQLDataBase \
	--backup-management-type AzureWorkload \
	--protectable-item-type SQLDataBase
    --output table

You should find the database in this list that you want to back up, which appears as:

Name                           		Protectable Item Type    ParentName    ServerName    	IsProtected
-----------------------------  		----------------------   ------------  -----------   	------------
sqldatabase;mssqlserver;master      SQLDataBase              MSSQLServer   testSQLVM        NotProtected  
sqldatabase;mssqlserver;model       SQLDataBase              MSSQLServer   testSQLVM        NotProtected  
sqldatabase;mssqlserver;msdb        SQLDataBase              MSSQLServer   testSQLVM        NotProtected  

Now, configure backup for the sqldatabase;mssqlserver;master database.

To configure and protect backups on a database, one at a time, use the az backup protection enable-for-azurewl command. Provide the name of the policy that you want to use. To create a policy using CLI, use the az backup policy create command. For this article, we've used the testSQLPolicy policy.

az backup protection enable-for-azurewl --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --vault-name SQLVault \
    --policy-name SQLPolicy \
    --protectable-item-name "sqldatabase;mssqlserver;master"  \
    --protectable-item-type SQLDataBase \
    --server-name testSQLVM \
    --workload-type SQLDataBase \
    --output table

You can use the same command, if you have an SQL Always On Availability Group and want to identify the protectable datasource within the availability group. Here, the protectable item type is SQLAG.

To verify if the above backup configuration is complete, use the az backup job list command. The output appears as:

Name                                  Operation         Status     Item Name   Start Time UTC
------------------------------------  ---------------   ---------  ----------  -------------------  
e0f15dae-7cac-4475-a833-f52c50e5b6c3  ConfigureBackup   Completed  master         2019-12-03T03:09:210831+00:00  

The az backup job list command lists all backup jobs (scheduled or on-demand) that have run or are currently running on the protected database, in addition to other operations, such as register, configure backup, and delete backup data.


Azure Backup doesn't automatically adjust for daylight saving time changes when backing up an SQL database running in an Azure VM.

Modify the policy manually as needed.

Enable auto-protection

For seamless backup configuration, all databases added in the future can be automatically protected with a certain policy. To enable auto-protection, use the az backup protection auto-enable-for-azurewl command.

As the instruction is to back up all future databases, the operation is done at a SQLInstance level.

az backup protection auto-enable-for-azurewl --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --vault-name SQLVault \
    --policy-name SQLPolicy \
    --protectable-item-name "sqlinstance;mssqlserver"  \
    --protectable-item-type SQLInstance \
    --server-name testSQLVM \
    --workload-type MSSQL\
    --output table

Trigger an on-demand backup

To trigger an on-demand backup, use the az backup protection backup-now command.


The retention period of this backup is determined by the type of on-demand backup you have run.

  • On-demand full retains backups for a minimum of 45 days and a maximum of 99 years.
  • On-demand copy only full accepts any value for retention.
  • On-demand differential retains backup as per the retention of scheduled differentials set in policy.
  • On-demand log retains backups as per the retention of scheduled logs set in policy.
az backup protection backup-now --resource-group SQLResourceGroup \
    --item-name sqldatabase;mssqlserver;master \
    --vault-name SQLVault \
    --container-name VMAppContainer;Compute;SQLResourceGroup;testSQLVM \
    --backup-type Full
    --retain-until 01-01-2040
    --output table

The output appears as:

Name                                  ResourceGroup
------------------------------------  -------------
e0f15dae-7cac-4475-a833-f52c50e5b6c3  sqlResourceGroup

The response provides you the job name. You can use this job name to track the job status using the az backup job show command.

Next steps