Configuration examples for creating an isolation domain
This article gives examples of how to configure isolation domains in various scenarios.
Create an L2 isolation domain
In this example, we create a layer 2 isolation domain with the following properties:
- Name:
- Resource group:
- Location:
- Network fabric ID:
- VLAN ID: 600
az networkfabric l2domain create \
--resource-group rg1 \
--name l2domain1 \
--location eastus \
--network-fabric-id nf1 \
--vlan-id 600
Expected output:
"administrativeState": "Enabled",
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l2IsolationDomains/l2domain1",
"name": "l2domain1",
"networkFabricId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/NFResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/NetworkFabrics/nf1",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceGroup": "rg1",
"systemData": {
"createdAt": "2023-XX-XXT12:34:56.789012+00:00",
"createdBy": "",
"createdByType": "User",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-XX-XXT12:34:56.789012+00:00",
"lastModifiedBy": "",
"lastModifiedByType": "User"
"type": "microsoft.managednetworkfabric/l2isolationdomains",[^2^][2]
"vlanId": 600
Create an L3 isolation domain.
To create an L3 isolation domain, you can follow these steps:
Use the
az networkfabric l3domain create
command to create an L3 isolation domain. You must specify the required parameters:- Resource group
- Resource name
- Location
- Network fabric ID.
You can also specify optional parameters, such as:
- Redistribute connected subnets
- Redistribute static routes
- Aggregate route configuration
- Connected subnet route policy.
Use the
az networkfabric internalnetwork create
command to create one or more internal networks for the L3 isolation domain. You need to provide:- The VLAN ID
- Connected IPv4 or IPv6 subnets
- BGP configuration for each internal network.
You can also specify optional parameters, such as:
- Static route configuration
- Extension.
Use the
az networkfabric externalnetwork create
command to create an external network for the L3 isolation domain. You need to choose the peering option (Option A or Option B) and provide the corresponding properties, such as peer ASN, VLAN ID, primary and secondary IPv4 or IPv6 prefixes, and route targets.Use the
az networkfabric l3domain update-admin-state
command to enable the L3 isolation domain. You must enable the isolation domain to push the configuration to the network fabric devices.
Example :
In this example, we create an L3 isolation domain with the following properties:
- Name:
- Network fabric ID
az networkfabric l3domain create \
--resource-group "ResourceGroupName" \
--resource-name "example-l3domain" \
--location "eastus" \
--nf-id "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/NFResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/NetworkFabrics/NFName"
Create an Internal Network
In this example, we create an internal network with the following properties:
- VLAN ID: 1001
- IPv4 subnet:
- L3 isolation domain name:
az networkfabric internalnetwork create \
--resource-group "ResourceGroupName" \
--l3-isolation-domain-name "example-l3domain" \
--resource-name "example-internalnetwork" \
--vlan-id 1001 \
--connected-ipv4-subnets '[{"prefix":""}]' \
--mtu 1500
This similar example uses an IPv6 address instead of IPv4:
az networkfabric internalnetwork create \
--resource-group "ResourceGroupName" \
--l3-isolation-domain-name "example-l3domain" \
--resource-name "example-internalnetwork" \
--vlan-id 1002 \
--connected-ipv6-subnets '[{"prefix":"10:101:1::0/64"}]' \
--mtu 1500
In this example, we add BGP configuration:
az networkfabric internalnetwork create \
--resource-group "ResourceGroupName" \
--l3-isolation-domain-name "example-l3domain" \
--resource-name "example-internalnetwork" \
--vlan-id 1003 \
--connected-ipv4-subnets '[{"prefix":""}]' \
--mtu 1500 \
--bgp-configuration '{"defaultRouteOriginate": "True", "allowAS": 2, "allowASOverride": "Enable", "PeerASN": 65535, "ipv4ListenRangePrefixes": [""]}'
Creating External Networks
This example creates an external network using Option B with IPv4 and IPv6 route targets
az networkfabric externalnetwork create \
--resource-group "ResourceGroupName" \
--l3domain "example-l3domain" \
--resource-name "example-externalnetwork" \
--peering-option "OptionB" \
--option-b-properties "{routeTargets:{exportIpv4RouteTargets:['65045:2001'],importIpv4RouteTargets:['65045:2001'],exportIpv6RouteTargets:['65045:2002'],importIpv6RouteTargets:['65045:2002']}}"
Expected output:
"administrativeState": "Enabled",
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/NFResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/example-l3domain/externalNetworks/example-externalnetwork",
"name": "example-externalnetwork",
"optionBProperties": {
"exportRouteTargets": [
"importRouteTargets": [
"routeTargets": {
"exportIpv4RouteTargets": [
"importIpv4RouteTargets": [
"exportIpv6RouteTargets": [
"importIpv6RouteTargets": [
"peeringOption": "OptionB",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceGroup": "ResourceGroupName",
"systemData": {
"createdAt": "2023-XX-XXT15:45:31.938216+00:00",
"createdBy": "",
"createdByType": "User",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-XX-XXT15:45:31.938216+00:00",
"lastModifiedBy": "",
"lastModifiedByType": "User"
"type": "microsoft.managednetworkfabric/l3isolationdomains/externalnetworks"
This example creates an external network using Option A with IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes:
az networkfabric externalnetwork create \
--resource-group "ResourceGroupName" \
--l3domain "example-l3domain" \
--resource-name "example-externalnetwork" \
--peering-option "OptionA" \
--option-a-properties '{"peerASN": 65026,"vlanId": 2423, "mtu": 1500, "primaryIpv4Prefix": "", "secondaryIpv4Prefix": "", "primaryIpv6Prefix": "fda0:d59c:da16::/127", "secondaryIpv6Prefix": "fda0:d59c:da17::/127"}'
Expected output:
"administrativeState": "Enabled",
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/ResourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/l3IsolationDomains/example-l3domain/externalNetworks/example-externalnetwork",
"name": "example-externalnetwork",
"optionAProperties": {
"fabricASN": 65050,
"mtu": 1500,
"peerASN": 65026,
"primaryIpv4Prefix": "",
"secondaryIpv4Prefix": "",
"primaryIpv6Prefix": "fda0:d59c:da16::/127",
"secondaryIpv6Prefix": "fda0:d59c:da17::/127",
"vlanId": 2423
"peeringOption": "OptionA",
"provisioningState": "Succeeded",
"resourceGroup": "ResourceGroupName",
"systemData": {
"createdAt": "2023-XX-XXT09:54:00.4244793Z",
"createdAt": "2023-XX-XXT07:23:54.396679+00:00",
"createdBy": "",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-XX-XX1T07:23:54.396679+00:00",
"lastModifiedBy": "",
"lastModifiedByType": "User"
"type": "microsoft.managednetworkfabric/l3isolationdomains/externalnetworks"