QuickStart: Get started with Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud - Azure CLI

In this quickstart, you'll use the Azure Marketplace and Azure CLI to create an instance of Apache Kafka® & Apache Flink® on Confluent Cloud™ - An Azure Native ISV Service.


  • An Azure account. If you don't have an active Azure subscription, create a free account.
  • You must have the Owner or Contributor role for your Azure subscription. The integration between Azure and Confluent can only be set up by users with Owner or Contributor access. Before getting started, confirm that you have the appropriate access.

Find offer

Use the Azure portal to find the Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud application.

  1. In a web browser, go to the Azure portal and sign in.

  2. If you've visited the Marketplace in a recent session, select the icon from the available options. Otherwise, search for Marketplace.

  3. From the Marketplace page, you have two options based on the type of plan you want. You can sign up for a pay-as-you-go plan or commitment plan. Pay-as-you-go is publicly available. The commitment plan is available to customers who have been approved for a private offer.

    • For pay-as-you-go customers, search for Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud. Select the offer for Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud.

      search Azure Marketplace offer.

    • For commitment customers, select the link to View Private offers. The commitment requires you to sign up for a minimum spend amount. Use this option only when you know you need the service for an extended time.

      view private offers.

      Look for Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud.

      select private offer.

Create resource

After you've selected the offer for Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud, you're ready to set up the application.

Start by preparing your environment for the Azure CLI:

After you sign in, use the az confluent organization create command to create the new organization resource:

az confluent organization create --name "myOrganization" --resource-group "myResourceGroup" \
 --location "my location" \ 
 --offer-detail id="string" plan-id="string" plan-name="string" publisher-id="string" term-unit="string" \ 
 --user-detail email-address="contoso@microsoft.com" first-name="string" last-name="string" \ 
 --tags Environment="Dev" 


If you want the command to return before the create operation completes, add the optional parameter --no-wait. The operation continues to run until the Confluent organization is created.

To pause CLI execution until an organization's specific event or condition occurs, use the az confluent organization wait command. For example, to wait until an organization is created:

az confluent organization wait --name "myOrganization" --resource-group "myResourceGroup" --created

To see a list of existing organizations, use the az confluent organization list command.

You can view all of the organizations in your subscription:

az confluent organization list

Or, view the organizations in a resource group:

az confluent organization list --resource-group "myResourceGroup"

To see the properties of a specific organization, use the az confluent organization show command.

You can view the organization by name:

az confluent organization show --name "myOrganization" --resource-group "myResourceGroup"

Or, view the organization by resource ID:

az confluent organization show --ids "/subscriptions/{SubID}/resourceGroups/{myResourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Confluent/organizations/{myOrganization}"

If you get an error, see Troubleshooting Apache Kafka & Apache Flink on Confluent Cloud solutions.

Next steps