Connect virtual networks in different subscriptions with service principal names
Scenarios exist where you need to connect virtual networks in different subscriptions without the use of user accounts or guest accounts. In this virtual network how-to, learn how to peer two virtual networks with service principal names (SPNs) in different subscriptions. Virtual network peerings between virtual networks in different subscriptions and Microsoft Entra ID tenants must be peered via Azure CLI or PowerShell. Currently there isn't an option in the Azure portal to peer virtual networks with SPNs in different subscriptions.
An Azure account with two active subscriptions and two Microsoft Entra ID tenants. Create an account for free.
Account permissions to create a service principal, assign app permissions, and create resources in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with each subscription.
Use the Bash environment in Azure Cloud Shell. For more information, see Quickstart for Bash in Azure Cloud Shell.
If you prefer to run CLI reference commands locally, install the Azure CLI. If you're running on Windows or macOS, consider running Azure CLI in a Docker container. For more information, see How to run the Azure CLI in a Docker container.
If you're using a local installation, sign in to the Azure CLI by using the az login command. To finish the authentication process, follow the steps displayed in your terminal. For other sign-in options, see Sign in with the Azure CLI.
When you're prompted, install the Azure CLI extension on first use. For more information about extensions, see Use extensions with the Azure CLI.
Run az version to find the version and dependent libraries that are installed. To upgrade to the latest version, run az upgrade.
- This how-to article requires version 2.31.0 or later of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.
Resources used
SPN | Resource group | Subscription/Tenant | Virtual network | Location |
spn-1-peer-vnet | test-rg-1 | subscription-1 | vnet-1 | East US 2 |
spn-2-peer-vnet | test-rg-2 | subscription-2 | vnet-2 | West US 2 |
Create subscription-1 resources
Use az sign-in to sign-in to subscription-1 with a user account with permissions to create a resource group, a virtual network, and an SPN in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with subscription-1
az login
Create a resource group with az group create.
az group create \ --name test-rg-1 \ --location eastus2
Use az network vnet create to create a virtual network named vnet-1 in subscription-1.
az network vnet create \ --resource-group test-rg-1 \ --location eastus2 \ --name vnet-1 \ --address-prefixes \ --subnet-name subnet-1 \ --subnet-prefixes
Create spn-1-peer-vnet
Create spn1-peer-vnet with a scope to the virtual network created in the previous step. This SPN is added to the scope of vnet-2 in a future step to allow for the virtual network peer.
Use az network vnet show to place the resource ID of the virtual network you created earlier in a variable for use in the later step.
vnetid=$(az network vnet show \ --resource-group test-rg-1 \ --name vnet-1 \ --query id \ --output tsv)
Use az ad sp create-for-rbac to create spn-1-peer-vnet with a role of Network Contributor scoped to the virtual network vnet-1.
az ad sp create-for-rbac \ --name spn-1-peer-vnet \ --role "Network Contributor" \ --scope $vnetid
Make note of the output of the creation in the step. The password is only displayed here in this output. Copy the password to a place safe for use in the later sign-in steps.
{ "appId": "11112222-bbbb-3333-cccc-4444dddd5555", "displayName": "spn-1-peer-vnet", "password": "", "tenant": "aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e" }
The appId of the service principal is used in the subsequent steps to finish the configuration of the SPN. Use az ad sp list to place the appId of the SPN into a variable for later use.
appid1=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-1-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv)
The SPN created in the previous step must have a redirect URI to finish the authentication process approval and must be converted to multitenant use. Use az ad app update to add as a redirect URI and enable multitenant on spn-1-peer-vnet.
az ad app update \ --id $appid1 \ --sign-in-audience AzureADMultipleOrgs \ --web-redirect-uris
The service principal must have User.Read permissions to the directory. Use az ad app permission add and az ad app permission grant to add the Microsoft Graph permissions of User.Read to the service principal.
az ad app permission add \ --id $appid1 \ --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 \ --api-permissions e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d=Scope az ad app permission grant \ --id $appid1 \ --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 \ --scope User.Read
Create subscription-2 resources
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-2 with a user account with permissions to create a resource group, a virtual network, and an SPN in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with subscription-2
az login
Create resource group with az group create.
az group create \ --name test-rg-2 \ --location westus2
Use az network vnet create to create a virtual network named vnet-2 in subscription-2.
az network vnet create \ --resource-group test-rg-2 \ --location westus2 \ --name vnet-2 \ --address-prefixes \ --subnet-name subnet-1 \ --subnet-prefixes
Create spn-2-peer-vnet
Create spn-2-peer-vnet with a scope to the virtual network created in the previous step. This SPN is added to the scope of vnet-2 in a future step to allow for the virtual network peer.
Use az network vnet show to place the resource ID of the virtual network you created earlier in a variable for use in the later step.
vnetid=$(az network vnet show \ --resource-group test-rg-2 \ --name vnet-2 \ --query id \ --output tsv)
Use az ad sp create-for-rbac to create spn-2-peer-vnet with a role of Network Contributor scoped to the virtual network vnet-2.
az ad sp create-for-rbac \ --name spn-2-peer-vnet \ --role "Network Contributor" \ --scope $vnetid
Make note of the output of the creation in the step. Copy the password to a place safe for use in the later sign-in steps. The password isn't displayed again.
The output looks similar to the following output.
{ "appId": "22223333-cccc-4444-dddd-5555eeee6666", "displayName": "spn-2-peer-vnet", "password": "", "tenant": "bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f" }
The appId of the service principal is used in the subsequent steps to finish the configuration of the SPN. Use az ad sp list to place the ID of the SPN into a variable for later use.
appid2=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-2-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv)
The SPN created in the previous step must have a redirect URI to finish the authentication process approval and must be converted to multitenant use. Use az ad app update to add as a redirect URI and enable multitenant on spn-2-peer-vnet.
az ad app update \ --id $appid2 \ --sign-in-audience AzureADMultipleOrgs \ --web-redirect-uris
The service principal must have User.Read permissions to the directory. Use az ad app permission add and az ad app permission grantto add the Microsoft Graph permissions of User.Read to the service principal.
az ad app permission add \ --id $appid2 \ --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 \ --api-permissions e1fe6dd8-ba31-4d61-89e7-88639da4683d=Scope az ad app permission grant \ --id $appid2 \ --api 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 \ --scope User.Read
Register spn-2-peer-vnet in subscription-1 and assign permissions to vnet-1
A user account with administrator permissions in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant must complete the process of adding spn-2-vnet-peer to subscription-1. Once completed, spn-2-vnet-peer can be assigned permissions to vnet-1.
Register spn-2-peer-vnet app in subscription-1
An administrator in the subscription-1 Microsoft Entra ID tenant must approve the service principal spn-2-peer-vnet so that it can be added to the virtual network vnet-1. Use the following command to sign-in to subscription-2 to find the appID of spn-2-peer-vnet.
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-2.
az login
Use az ad sp list to obtain the appId of spn-2-peer-vnet. Note the appID in the output. This appID is used in the authentication URL in the later steps.
appid2=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-2-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv) echo $appid2
Use the appid for spn-2-peer-vnet and the Microsoft Entra ID tenant ID for subscription-1 to build the sign-in URL for the approval. The URL is built from the following example:{$appid2}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=
The URL looks similar to the below example.
Open the URL in a web browser and sign-in with an administrator in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant in subscription-1.
Approve the application spn-2-peer-vnet. The homepage displays if the authentication was successful.
Assign spn-2-peer-vnet to vnet-1
After the administrator approves spn-2-peer-vnet, add it to the virtual network vnet-1 as a Network Contributor.
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-1.
az login
Use az ad sp list to find the appId for spn-2-peer-vnet and place in a variable for later use.
appid2=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-2-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv)
Use Use az network vnet show to obtain the resource ID of vnet-1 into a variable for use in the later steps.
vnetid=$(az network vnet show \ --resource-group test-rg-1 \ --name vnet-1 \ --query id \ --output tsv)
Use az role assignment create the following command to add spn-2-peer-vnet to vnet-1 as a Network Contributor.
az role assignment create --assignee $appid2 \ --role "Network Contributor" \ --scope $vnetid
Register spn-1-peer-vnet in subscription-2 and assign permissions to vnet-2
A user account with administrator permissions in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant must complete the process of adding spn-1-peer-vnet to subscription-2. Once completed, spn-1-peer-vnet can be assigned permissions to vnet-2.
Register spn-1-peer-vnet app in subscription-2
An administrator in the subscription-2 Microsoft Entra ID tenant must approve the service principal spn-1-peer-vnet so that it can be added to the virtual network vnet-2. Use the following command to sign-in to subscription-1 to find the appID of spn-1-peer-vnet.
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-1.
az login
Use az ad sp list to obtain the appId of spn-1-peer-vnet. Note the appID in the output. This appID is used in the authentication URL in the later steps.
appid1=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-1-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv) echo $appid1
Use the appid for spn-1-peer-vnet and the Microsoft Entra ID tenant ID for subscription-2 to build the sign-in URL for the approval. The URL is built from the following example:{$appid1}&response_type=code&redirect_uri=
The URL looks similar to the below example.
Open the URL in a web browser and sign-in with an administrator in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant in subscription-2.
Approve the application spn-1-peer-vnet. The homepage displays if the authentication was successful.
Assign spn-1-peer-vnet to vnet-2
Once the administrator approves spn-1-peer-vnet, add it to the virtual network vnet-2 as a Network Contributor.
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-2.
az login
Use az ad sp list to find the appId for spn-1-peer-vnet and place in a variable for later use.
appid1=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-1-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv)
Use az network vnet show to obtain the resource ID of vnet-2 into a variable for use in the later steps.
vnetid=$(az network vnet show \ --resource-group test-rg-2 \ --name vnet-2 \ --query id \ --output tsv)
Use az role assignment create to add spn-1-peer-vnet to vnet-2 as a Network Contributor.
az role assignment create --assignee $appid1 \ --role "Network Contributor" \ --scope $vnetid
Peer vnet-1 to vnet-2 and vnet-2 to vnet-1
To peer vnet-1 to vnet-2, you use the service principal appId and password to sign-in to the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with subscription-1.
Obtain the appId of spn-1-peer-vnet and spn-2-peer-vnet
For the purposes of this article, sign-in to each subscription and obtain the appID of each SPN and the resource ID of each virtual network. Use these values to sign-in to each subscription with the SPN in the later steps. These steps aren't required to peer the virtual networks if both sides already have the appID of the SPNs and the resource ID of the virtual networks.
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-1 with a regular user account.
az login
Use az network vnet show to obtain the resource ID of vnet-1 into a variable for use in the later steps.
vnetid1=$(az network vnet show \ --resource-group test-rg-1 \ --name vnet-1 \ --query id \ --output tsv)
Use az ad sp list to obtain the appId of spn-1-peer-vnet and place in a variable for use in the later steps.
appid1=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-1-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv)
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-2 with a regular user account.
az login
Use az network vnet show to obtain the resource ID of vnet-2 into a variable for use in the later steps.
vnetid2=$(az network vnet show \ --resource-group test-rg-2 \ --name vnet-2 \ --query id \ --output tsv)
Use az ad sp list to obtain the appId of spn-2-peer-vnet and place in a variable for use in the later steps.
appid2=$(az ad sp list \ --display-name spn-2-peer-vnet \ --query [].appId \ --output tsv) echo $appid2
Use az logout to sign out of the Azure CLI session with the following command. Don't close the terminal.
az logout
Peer the virtual networks
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-1 with spn-1-peer-vnet. You need the tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with subscription-1 to complete the command. The password is shown in the example with a variable placeholder. Replace with the password you noted during the resource creation. Replace the placeholder in
with the tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with login \ --service-principal \ --username $appid1 \ --password $password \ --tenant aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e
Use az login to sign-in to subscription-2 with spn-2-peer-vnet. You need the tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with subscription-2 to complete the command. The password is shown in the example with a variable placeholder. Replace with the password you noted during the resource creation. Replace the placeholder in
with the tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant associated with login \ --service-principal \ --username $appid2 \ --password $password \ --tenant bbbb1b1b-cc2c-dd3d-ee4e-ffffff5f5f5f
Use az account set to change the context to subscription-1.
az account set --subscription "subscription-1-subscription-id-NOT-ENTRA-TENANT-ID"
Use az network vnet peering create to create the virtual network peering between vnet-1 and vnet-2.
az network vnet peering create \ --name vnet-1-to-vnet-2 \ --resource-group test-rg-1 \ --vnet-name vnet-1 \ --remote-vnet $vnetid2 \ --allow-vnet-access
Use az network vnet peering list to verify the virtual network peering between vnet-1 and vnet-2.
az network vnet peering list \ --resource-group test-rg-1 \ --vnet-name vnet-1 \ --output table
Use az account set to change the context to subscription-2.
az account set --subscription "subscription-2-subscription-id-NOT-ENTRA-TENANT-ID"
Use az network vnet peering create to create the virtual network peering between vnet-2 and vnet-1.
az network vnet peering create \ --name vnet-2-to-vnet-1 \ --resource-group test-rg-2 \ --vnet-name vnet-2 \ --remote-vnet $vnetid1 \ --allow-vnet-access
Use az network vnet peering list to verify the virtual network peering between vnet-2 and vnet-1.
az network vnet peering list \ --resource-group test-rg-2 \ --vnet-name vnet-2 \ --output table