Tutorial: Connect to a managed Admin for Spring in Azure Container Apps

The Admin for Spring managed component offers an administrative interface for Spring Boot web applications that expose actuator endpoints. As a managed component in Azure Container Apps, you can easily bind your container app to Admin for Spring for seamless integration and management.

This tutorial shows you how to create an Admin for Spring Java component and bind it to your container app so you can monitor and manage your Spring applications with ease.

Screenshot of overview of the Admin for Spring insights dashboard.

In this tutorial, you learn to:

  • Create an Admin for Spring Java component
  • Bind your container app to Admin for Spring Java component


If you want to integrate Admin for Spring with Eureka Server for Spring, see Integrate Admin for Spring with Eureka Server for Spring in Azure Container Apps instead.


This tutorial uses services that can affect your Azure bill. If you decide to follow along step-by-step, make sure you delete the resources featured in this article to avoid unexpected billing.


To complete this project, you need the following items:

Requirement Instructions
Azure account An active subscription is required. If you don't have one, you can create one for free.
Azure CLI Install the Azure CLI.


When running Admin for Spring in Azure Container Apps, be aware of the following details:

Item Explanation
Scope Components run in the same environment as the connected container app.
Scaling Component can’t scale. The scaling properties minReplicas and maxReplicas are both set to 1.
Resources The container resource allocation for components is fixed. The number of the CPU cores is 0.5, and the memory size is 1Gi.
Pricing Component billing falls under consumption-based pricing. Resources consumed by managed components are billed at the active/idle rates. You can delete components that are no longer in use to stop billing.
Binding Container apps connect to a component via a binding. The bindings inject configurations into container app environment variables. Once a binding is established, the container app can read the configuration values from environment variables and connect to the component.


Before you begin to work with the Admin for Spring, you first need to create the required resources.

The following commands help you create your resource group and Container Apps environment.

  1. Create variables to support your application configuration. These values are provided for you for the purposes of this lesson.

    export LOCATION=eastus
    export RESOURCE_GROUP=my-resource-group
    export ENVIRONMENT=my-environment
    export JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME=admin
    export APP_NAME=sample-admin-client
    export IMAGE="mcr.microsoft.com/javacomponents/samples/sample-admin-for-spring-client:latest"
    Variable Description
    LOCATION The Azure region location where you create your container app and Java component.
    ENVIRONMENT The Azure Container Apps environment name for your demo application.
    RESOURCE_GROUP The Azure resource group name for your demo application.
    JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME The name of the Java component created for your container app. In this case, you create an Admin for Spring Java component.
    IMAGE The container image used in your container app.
  2. Log in to Azure with the Azure CLI.

    az login
  3. Create a resource group.

    az group create \
      --name $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --location $LOCATION \
      --query "properties.provisioningState"

    Using the --query parameter filters the response down to a simple success or failure message.

  4. Create your container apps environment.

    az containerapp env create \
      --name $ENVIRONMENT \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --location $LOCATION

Use the component

Now that you have an existing environment, you can create your container app and bind it to a Java component instance of Admin for Spring component.

  1. Create the Admin for Spring Java component.

    az containerapp env java-component admin-for-spring create \
      --environment $ENVIRONMENT \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name $JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME \
      --min-replicas 1 \
      --max-replicas 1
  2. Update the Admin for Spring Java component.

    az containerapp env java-component admin-for-spring create \
      --environment $ENVIRONMENT \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name $JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME \
      --min-replicas 2 \
      --max-replicas 2

Bind your container app to the Admin for Spring Java component

  1. Create the container app and bind to the Admin for Spring.

    az containerapp create \
      --name $APP_NAME \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --environment $ENVIRONMENT \
      --image $IMAGE \
      --min-replicas 1 \
      --max-replicas 1 \
      --ingress external \
      --target-port 8080 \

The bind operation binds the container app to the Admin for Spring Java component. The container app can now read the configuration values from environment variables, primarily the SPRING_BOOT_ADMIN_CLIENT_URL property and connect to the Admin for Spring.

The binding also injects the following property:


This property indicates that the Admin for Spring component client should prefer the IP address of the container app instance when connecting to the Admin for Spring server.

(Optional) Unbind your container app from the Admin for Spring Java component

To remove a binding from a container app, use the --unbind option.

  az containerapp update \
    --name $APP_NAME \
    --unbind $JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

View the dashboard


To view the dashboard, you need to have at least the Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments/write role assigned to your account on the managed environment resource. You can either explicitly assign Owner or Contributor role on the resource or follow the steps to create a custom role definition and assign it to your account.

  1. Create the custom role definition.

    az role definition create --role-definition '{
        "Name": "<ROLE_NAME>",
        "IsCustom": true,
        "Description": "Can access managed Java Component dashboards in managed environments",
        "Actions": [
        "AssignableScopes": ["/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"]

    Make sure to replace the placeholders in between the <> brackets with your values.

  2. Assign the custom role to your account on managed environment resource.

    Get the resource id of the managed environment:

    export ENVIRONMENT_ID=$(az containerapp env show \
        --name $ENVIRONMENT --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \ 
        --query id -o tsv)
  3. Assign the role to your account.

    Before running this command, replace the placeholder in between the <> brackets with your user or service principal ID.

    az role assignment create \
      --assignee <USER_OR_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID> \
      --role "<ROLE_NAME>" \
      --scope $ENVIRONMENT_ID


    <USER_OR_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID> usually should be the identity that you use to access Azure Portal. <ROLE_NAME> is the name you assigned in step 1.

  4. Get the URL of the Admin for Spring dashboard.

    az containerapp env java-component admin-for-spring show \
      --environment $ENVIRONMENT \
      --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name $JAVA_COMPONENT_NAME \
      --query properties.ingress.fqdn -o tsv

    This command returns the URL you can use to access the Admin for Spring dashboard. Through the dashboard, your container app is also to you as shown in the following screenshot.

    Screenshot of the overview the Admin for Spring dashboard.

Clean up resources

The resources created in this tutorial have an effect on your Azure bill. If you aren't going to use these services long-term, run the following command to remove everything created in this tutorial.

az group delete \
  --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

Next steps