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az storage fs access

Manage file system access and permissions for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.


Name Description Type Status
az storage fs access remove-recursive

Remove the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

Core GA
az storage fs access set

Set the access control properties of a path(directory or file) in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

Core GA
az storage fs access set-recursive

Set the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

Core GA
az storage fs access show

Show the access control properties of a path (directory or file) in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

Core GA
az storage fs access update-recursive

Modify the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

Core GA

az storage fs access remove-recursive

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Remove the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access remove-recursive --acl
                                      [--auth-mode {key, login}]
                                      [--continue-on-failure {false, true}]


Remove the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access remove-recursive --acl "default:user:21cd756e-e290-4a26-9547-93e8cc1a8923" -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name myadlsaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Required Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Remove POSIX access control rights on files and directories. The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) consists of a scope, a type, and a user or group identifier in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]".

--file-system -f
Experimental Preview Deprecated

File system name (i.e. container name).

--path -p
Experimental Preview Deprecated

The path to a file or directory in the specified file system.

Optional Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account key. Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_KEY.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account name. Related environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. If neither are present, the command will try to query the storage account key using the authenticated Azure account. If a large number of storage commands are executed the API quota may be hit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The mode in which to run the command. "login" mode will directly use your login credentials for the authentication. The legacy "key" mode will attempt to query for an account key if no authentication parameters for the account are provided. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_AUTH_MODE.

Accepted values: key, login
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional. If data set size exceeds batch size then operation will be split into multiple requests so that progress can be tracked. Batch size should be between 1 and 2000. The default when unspecified is 2000.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage data service endpoint. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. You can find each service primary endpoint with az storage account show. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account connection string. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional continuation token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

If set to False, the operation will terminate quickly on encountering user errors (4XX). If True, the operation will ignore user errors and proceed with the operation on other sub-entities of the directory. Continuation token will only be returned when --continue-on-failure is True in case of user errors. If not set the default value is False for this.

Accepted values: false, true
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional. Define maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute. If maximum is reached before all sub-paths are processed, then continuation token can be used to resume operation. Empty value indicates that maximum number of batches in unbound and operation continues till end.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

A Shared Access Signature (SAS). Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Request timeout in seconds. Applies to each call to the service.

Global Parameters
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Show this help message and exit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json
Experimental Preview Deprecated

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az storage fs access set

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Set the access control properties of a path(directory or file) in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access set --file-system
                         [--auth-mode {key, login}]


Set the access control list of a path.

az storage fs access set --acl "user::rwx,group::r--,other::---" -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name mystorageaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Set permissions of a path.

az storage fs access set --permissions "rwxrwx---" -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name mystorageaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Set owner of a path.

az storage fs access set --owner -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name mystorageaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Set owning group of a path.

az storage fs access set --group 68390a19-a897-236b-b453-488abf67b4dc -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name mystorageaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Required Parameters

--file-system -f
Experimental Preview Deprecated

File system name (i.e. container name).

--path -p
Experimental Preview Deprecated

The path to a file or directory in the specified file system.

Optional Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account key. Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_KEY.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account name. Related environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. If neither are present, the command will try to query the storage account key using the authenticated Azure account. If a large number of storage commands are executed the API quota may be hit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Invalid in conjunction with acl. POSIX access control rights on files and directories in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]". e.g. "user::rwx,group::r--,other::---,mask::rwx".

The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) consists of a scope, a type, a user or group identifier, and permissions in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]". The scope must be "default" to indicate the ACE belongs to the default ACL for a directory; otherwise scope is implicit and the ACE belongs to the access ACL. There are four ACE types: "user" grants rights to the owner or a named user, "group" grants rights to the owning group or a named group, "mask" restricts rights granted to named users and the members of groups, and "other" grants rights to all users not found in any of the other entries. The user or group identifier is omitted for entries of type "mask" and "other". The user or group identifier is also omitted for the owner and owning group. For example, the following ACL grants read, write, and execute rights to the file owner an john.doe@contoso, the read right to the owning group, and nothing to everyone else: "user::rwx,user:john.doe@contoso:rwx,group::r--,other::---,mask::rwx". For more information, please refer to

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The mode in which to run the command. "login" mode will directly use your login credentials for the authentication. The legacy "key" mode will attempt to query for an account key if no authentication parameters for the account are provided. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_AUTH_MODE.

Accepted values: key, login
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage data service endpoint. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. You can find each service primary endpoint with az storage account show. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account connection string. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The owning group of the file or directory. The group Azure Active Directory object ID or user principal name to set as the owning group. For more information, please refer to

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The owning user of the file or directory. The user Azure Active Directory object ID or user principal name to set as the owner. For more information, please refer to

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Invalid in conjunction with acl. POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, and others. Each class may be granted read(r), write(w), or execute(x) permission. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766) are supported.'.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

A Shared Access Signature (SAS). Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN.

Global Parameters
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Show this help message and exit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json
Experimental Preview Deprecated

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az storage fs access set-recursive

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Set the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access set-recursive --acl
                                   [--auth-mode {key, login}]
                                   [--continue-on-failure {false, true}]


Set the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access set-recursive --acl "default:user:21cd756e-e290-4a26-9547-93e8cc1a8923:rwx" -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name myadlsaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Required Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) consists of a scope, a type, a user or group identifier, and permissions in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]". For more information, please refer to

--file-system -f
Experimental Preview Deprecated

File system name (i.e. container name).

--path -p
Experimental Preview Deprecated

The path to a file or directory in the specified file system.

Optional Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account key. Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_KEY.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account name. Related environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. If neither are present, the command will try to query the storage account key using the authenticated Azure account. If a large number of storage commands are executed the API quota may be hit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The mode in which to run the command. "login" mode will directly use your login credentials for the authentication. The legacy "key" mode will attempt to query for an account key if no authentication parameters for the account are provided. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_AUTH_MODE.

Accepted values: key, login
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional. If data set size exceeds batch size then operation will be split into multiple requests so that progress can be tracked. Batch size should be between 1 and 2000. The default when unspecified is 2000.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage data service endpoint. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. You can find each service primary endpoint with az storage account show. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account connection string. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional continuation token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

If set to False, the operation will terminate quickly on encountering user errors (4XX). If True, the operation will ignore user errors and proceed with the operation on other sub-entities of the directory. Continuation token will only be returned when --continue-on-failure is True in case of user errors. If not set the default value is False for this.

Accepted values: false, true
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional. Define maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute. If maximum is reached before all sub-paths are processed, then continuation token can be used to resume operation. Empty value indicates that maximum number of batches in unbound and operation continues till end.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

A Shared Access Signature (SAS). Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Request timeout in seconds. Applies to each call to the service.

Global Parameters
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Show this help message and exit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json
Experimental Preview Deprecated

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az storage fs access show

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Show the access control properties of a path (directory or file) in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access show --file-system
                          [--auth-mode {key, login}]


Show the access control properties of a path.

az storage fs access show -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name myadlsaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Required Parameters

--file-system -f
Experimental Preview Deprecated

File system name (i.e. container name).

--path -p
Experimental Preview Deprecated

The path to a file or directory in the specified file system.

Optional Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account key. Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_KEY.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account name. Related environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. If neither are present, the command will try to query the storage account key using the authenticated Azure account. If a large number of storage commands are executed the API quota may be hit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The mode in which to run the command. "login" mode will directly use your login credentials for the authentication. The legacy "key" mode will attempt to query for an account key if no authentication parameters for the account are provided. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_AUTH_MODE.

Accepted values: key, login
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage data service endpoint. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. You can find each service primary endpoint with az storage account show. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account connection string. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

A Shared Access Signature (SAS). Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN.

Global Parameters
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Show this help message and exit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json
Experimental Preview Deprecated

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.

az storage fs access update-recursive

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Modify the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access update-recursive --acl
                                      [--auth-mode {key, login}]
                                      [--continue-on-failure {false, true}]


Modify the Access Control on a path and sub-paths in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 account.

az storage fs access update-recursive --acl "user::r-x" -p dir -f myfilesystem --account-name myadlsaccount --account-key 0000-0000

Required Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The value is a comma-separated list of access control entries. Each access control entry (ACE) consists of a scope, a type, a user or group identifier, and permissions in the format "[scope:][type]:[id]:[permissions]". For more information, please refer to

--file-system -f
Experimental Preview Deprecated

File system name (i.e. container name).

--path -p
Experimental Preview Deprecated

The path to a file or directory in the specified file system.

Optional Parameters

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account key. Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_KEY.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account name. Related environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. If neither are present, the command will try to query the storage account key using the authenticated Azure account. If a large number of storage commands are executed the API quota may be hit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

The mode in which to run the command. "login" mode will directly use your login credentials for the authentication. The legacy "key" mode will attempt to query for an account key if no authentication parameters for the account are provided. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_AUTH_MODE.

Accepted values: key, login
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional. If data set size exceeds batch size then operation will be split into multiple requests so that progress can be tracked. Batch size should be between 1 and 2000. The default when unspecified is 2000.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage data service endpoint. Must be used in conjunction with either storage account key or a SAS token. You can find each service primary endpoint with az storage account show. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SERVICE_ENDPOINT.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Storage account connection string. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional continuation token that can be used to resume previously stopped operation.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

If set to False, the operation will terminate quickly on encountering user errors (4XX). If True, the operation will ignore user errors and proceed with the operation on other sub-entities of the directory. Continuation token will only be returned when --continue-on-failure is True in case of user errors. If not set the default value is False for this.

Accepted values: false, true
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Optional. Define maximum number of batches that single change Access Control operation can execute. If maximum is reached before all sub-paths are processed, then continuation token can be used to resume operation. Empty value indicates that maximum number of batches in unbound and operation continues till end.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

A Shared Access Signature (SAS). Must be used in conjunction with storage account name or service endpoint. Environment variable: AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Request timeout in seconds. Applies to each call to the service.

Global Parameters
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.

--help -h
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Show this help message and exit.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Only show errors, suppressing warnings.

--output -o
Experimental Preview Deprecated

Output format.

Accepted values: json, jsonc, none, table, tsv, yaml, yamlc
Default value: json
Experimental Preview Deprecated

JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID.

Experimental Preview Deprecated

Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.