d3dumddi.h header
This header is used by display. For more information, see:
d3dumddi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
D3DDDI_BUILD16_FROM_VERSION32 Converts a 16 bit build from a 32 bit version. |
D3DDDI_BUILD16_FROM_VERSION64 Converts a 16 bit build from a 64 bit version. |
D3DDDI_INTERFACE32_FROM_VERSION64 Converts a 32 bit interface from a 64 bit version. |
D3DDDI_MAJOR16_FROM_INTERFACE32 Converts a 16 bit major from a 32 bit interface. |
D3DDDI_MAJOR16_FROM_VERSION64 Converts a 16 bit major from a 64 bit version. |
D3DDDI_MINOR16_FROM_INTERFACE32 Converts a 16 bit minor from a 32 bit interface. |
D3DDDI_MINOR16_FROM_VERSION64 Converts a 16 bit minor from a 64 bit version. |
D3DDDI_REVISION16_FROM_VERSION32 Converts a 16 bit revision from a 32 bit version. |
D3DDDI_REVISION16_FROM_VERSION64 Converts a 16 bit revision from a 64 bit version. |
D3DDDI_VERSION32_FROM_VERSION64 Converts a 32 bit version from a 64 bit version. |
D3DDDI_VERSION64_FROM16 Converts a 64 bit version from a 16 bit. |
D3DDDI_VERSION64_FROM32 Converts a 64 bit version from a 32 bit. |
MAKE_D3DDDIHRESULT Makes a Direct3D handle to a result. |
Callback functions
PFND3DDDI_ALLOCATECB The pfnAllocateCb function allocates system or video memory. |
PFND3DDDI_AUTHENTICATEDCHANNELKEYEXCHANGE The AuthenticatedChannelKeyExchange function negotiates the session key. |
PFND3DDDI_BLT The PFND3DDDI_BLT callback function copies the contents of a source surface to a destination surface. |
PFND3DDDI_BUFBLT The BufBlt function performs a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation from a source vertex or index buffer to a destination vertex or index buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_BUFBLT1 Performs a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation from a source vertex or index buffer to a destination vertex or index buffer. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 or later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_CAPTURETOSYSMEM The CaptureToSysMem function copies the contents of a capture buffer to a destination surface. |
PFND3DDDI_CHECKCOUNTER Learn more about the PFND3DDDI_CHECKCOUNTER callback function. |
PFND3DDDI_CHECKCOUNTERINFO Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to determine global information that's related to manipulating counters. Must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_CHECKDIRECTFLIPSUPPORT PFND3DDDI_CHECKDIRECTFLIPSUPPORT is called by the Desktop Window Manager to verify that the user-mode display driver supports Direct Flip operations. |
PFND3DDDI_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to check the details on hardware support for multiplane overlays. |
PFND3DDDI_CHECKPRESENTDURATIONSUPPORT Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to request that the user-mode display driver get hardware device capabilities for seamlessly switching to a new monitor refresh rate. |
PFND3DDDI_CLEAR The Clear function performs hardware-assisted clearing on the rendering target, depth buffer, or stencil buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_CLOSEADAPTER The CloseAdapter function releases resources for a graphics adapter object. |
PFND3DDDI_COLORFILL The ColorFill function fills a rectangle on the surface with a particular color. |
PFND3DDDI_COMPOSERECTS The ComposeRects function composes two-dimensional areas from a source surface to a destination surface. |
PFND3DDDI_CONFIGUREAUTHENICATEDCHANNEL The ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel function sets state within an authenticated channel. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL The CreateAuthenticatedChannel function creates a channel that the Microsoft Direct3D runtime and the driver can use to set and query protections. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATECONTEXTVIRTUALCB pfnCreateContextVirtualCb should be used with contexts that support virtual addressing. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATECRYPTOSESSION The CreateCryptoSession function creates a crypto session that the Direct3D runtime uses to manage a session key and to perform crypto operations into and out of protected memory. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEDECODEDEVICE The CreateDecodeDevice function creates a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) decode device that is used to decode video. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEDEVICE The CreateDevice function creates a graphics context that is referenced in subsequent calls. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEHWCONTEXTCB A callback to create a new hardware context. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEHWQUEUECB A callback to create a new hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATELIGHT The CreateLight function creates a light source. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEOVERLAY The CreateOverlay function allocates overlay hardware and makes the overlay visible. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEOVERLAYCB The pfnCreateOverlayCb function creates a kernel-mode overlay object and calls the display miniport driver to display the overlay. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEPAGINGQUEUECB pfnCreatePagingQueueCb is used to create a device paging queue that can be used to synchronize with video memory management operations for the device, such as making the device resource resident. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEPIXELSHADER The CreatePixelShader function converts pixel shader code into a hardware-specific format and associates this code with a shader handle. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEQUERY The CreateQuery function creates driver-side resources for a query that the Microsoft Direct3D runtime subsequently issues for processing. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATERESOURCE The CreateResource function creates a resource. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATERESOURCE2 Creates a resource. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATESYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT2CB Creates a GPU synchronization object that a device context can signal and wait for. Used by WDDM 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATESYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTCB The pfnCreateSynchronizationObjectCb function creates a synchronization object that a device context can signal and wait for. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEVERTEXSHADERDECL The CreateVertexShaderDecl function converts the vertex shader declaration into a hardware-specific format and associates the declaration with a shader handle. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEVERTEXSHADERFUNC The CreateVertexShaderFunc function converts vertex shader code into a hardware-specific format and associates the code with a shader handle. |
PFND3DDDI_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSDEVICE The CreateVideoProcessDevice function creates a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) video processing device that is used to process video (for example, to deinterlace the video and adjust ProcAmp properties of the video). |
PFND3DDDI_CRYPTOSESSIONKEYEXCHANGE The CryptoSessionKeyExchange function negotiates a session key. |
PFND3DDDI_DEALLOCATE2CB The pfnDeallocate2Cb user mode callback function releases allocations for a kernel-mode resource object if the resource object was created. |
PFND3DDDI_DEALLOCATECB The pfnDeallocateCb callback function releases allocations or a kernel-mode resource object if the resource object was created. |
PFND3DDDI_DECODEBEGINFRAME The DecodeBeginFrame function notifies the user-mode display driver that decoding can begin on the specified Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) decode device. |
PFND3DDDI_DECODEENDFRAME The DecodeEndFrame function notifies the user-mode display driver that all of the data that was required to decode the current frame was submitted. |
PFND3DDDI_DECODEEXECUTE The DecodeExecute function performs a decode operation by using the given Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) decode device. |
PFND3DDDI_DECRYPTIONBLT The DecryptionBlt function writes data to a protected surface. |
PFND3DDDI_DELETEPIXELSHADER The DeletePixelShader function cleans up driver-side resources that are associated with pixel shader code. |
PFND3DDDI_DELETEVERTEXSHADERDECL The DeleteVertexShaderDecl function cleans up driver-side resources that are associated with the vertex shader declaration. |
PFND3DDDI_DELETEVERTEXSHADERFUNC The DeleteVertexShaderFunc function cleans up driver-side resources that are associated with vertex shader code. |
PFND3DDDI_DEPTHFILL The DepthFill function fills a depth buffer with a pixel value that is specified in native format. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL The DestroyAuthenticatedChannel function releases resources for the authenticated channel that the CreateAuthenticatedChannel function creates. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYCRYPTOSESSION The DestroyCryptoSession function releases resources for the encryption session that the CreateCryptoSession function creates. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYDECODEDEVICE The DestroyDecodeDevice function releases resources for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) decode device. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYDEVICE The DestroyDevice function destroys a graphics context. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYEXTENSIONDEVICE The DestroyExtensionDevice function releases resources for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) extension device. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYHWCONTEXTCB A callback to destroy a hardware context. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYHWQUEUECB A callback to destroy a hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYLIGHT The DestroyLight function deactivates a light source. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYOVERLAY The DestroyOverlay function disables the overlay hardware and frees the overlay handle. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYOVERLAYCB The pfnDestroyOverlayCb function disables the overlay hardware and destroys the kernel-mode overlay object. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYPAGINGQUEUECB pfnDestroyPagingQueueCb waits for a paging queue to finish all operations queued to it and destroys it along with the associated sync object. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYQUERY The DestroyQuery function releases resources for a query. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYRESOURCE The DestroyResource function releases a specified resource. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTCB The pfnDestroySynchronizationObjectCb function destroys the synchronization object that was created through a call to the pfnCreateSynchronizationObjectCb function. |
PFND3DDDI_DESTROYVIDEOPROCESSDEVICE The DestroyVideoProcessDevice function releases resources for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) video processing device. |
PFND3DDDI_DISCARD Discards (evicts) a set of subresources from video display memory. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_DRAWINDEXEDPRIMITIVE The DrawIndexedPrimitive function draws indexed primitives that the Microsoft Direct3D runtime has not transformed the index data in. |
PFND3DDDI_DRAWINDEXEDPRIMITIVE2 The DrawIndexedPrimitive2 function draws indexed primitives that the Microsoft Direct3D runtime has transformed the index data in. |
PFND3DDDI_DRAWPRIMITIVE The DrawPrimitive function draws nonindexed primitives in which the Microsoft Direct3D runtime has not transformed the vertex data. |
PFND3DDDI_DRAWPRIMITIVE2 The DrawPrimitive2 function draws nonindexed primitives in which the Microsoft Direct3D runtime has transformed the vertex data. |
PFND3DDDI_DRAWRECTPATCH The DrawRectPatch function draws a new or cached rectangular patch or updates the specification of a previously defined patch. |
PFND3DDDI_DRAWTRIPATCH The DrawTriPatch function draws a new or cached triangular patch or updates the specification of a previously defined patch. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOR The CreateVideoProcessor function creates a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) video processor that is used to process high-definition video. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_DESTROYVIDEOPROCESSOR The DestroyVideoProcessor function releases resources for a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) video processor. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_GETVIDEOPROCESSBLTSTATEPRIVATE The GetVideoProcessBltStatePrivate function retrieves the state data of a private bit-block transfer (bitblt) for a video processor. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_GETVIDEOPROCESSSTREAMSTATEPRIVATE The GetVideoProcessStreamStatePrivate function retrieves the private stream-state data for a video processor. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_SETVIDEOPROCESSBLTSTATE The SetVideoProcessBltState function sets the state of a bit-block transfer (bitblt) for a video processor. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_SETVIDEOPROCESSSTREAMSTATE The SetVideoProcessStreamState function sets the stream state for a video processor. |
PFND3DDDI_DXVAHD_VIDEOPROCESSBLTHD The VideoProcessBltHD function processes video input streams and composes to an output surface. |
PFND3DDDI_ENCRYPTIONBLT The EncryptionBlt function reads encrypted data from a protected surface. |
PFND3DDDI_ESCAPECB The pfnEscapeCb callback function shares information with the display miniport driver. |
PFND3DDDI_EVICTCB pfnEvictCb is used to instruct the OS to decrement the residency reference count. Once this count reaches zero, it will remove the allocation from the device residency list. |
PFND3DDDI_FINISHSESSIONKEYREFRESH The FinishSessionKeyRefresh function indicates that all buffers from that point in time use the updated session key value. |
PFND3DDDI_FLIPOVERLAY The FlipOverlay function causes the overlay hardware to start displaying the given new allocation. |
PFND3DDDI_FLIPOVERLAYCB The pfnFlipOverlayCb function changes the allocation to display on the overlay or indicates to display the other field of the currently displaying allocation, when deinterlacing an interleaved resource. |
PFND3DDDI_FLUSH The Flush function submits outstanding hardware commands that are in the hardware command buffer to the display miniport driver. |
PFND3DDDI_FLUSH1 Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to submit outstanding hardware commands that are in the hardware command buffer to the display miniport driver. Must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_FREEGPUVIRTUALADDRESSCB pfnFreeGpuVirtualAddressCb releases a range of graphics processing unit (GPU) virtual addresses that was previously reserved or mapped. |
PFND3DDDI_GENERATEMIPSUBLEVELS The GenerateMipSubLevels function regenerates the sublevels of a MIP-map texture. |
PFND3DDDI_GETCAPS The GetCaps function queries for capabilities of the graphics adapter. |
PFND3DDDI_GETCAPTUREALLOCATIONHANDLE The GetCaptureAllocationHandle function maps the given capture resource handle to a kernel-mode allocation handle. |
PFND3DDDI_GETENCRYPTIONBLTKEY The GetEncryptionBltKey function returns the key that is used to decrypt the data that the driver's EncryptionBlt function returns. |
PFND3DDDI_GETINFO The GetInfo function retrieves information about the specified display device. |
PFND3DDDI_GETMULTISAMPLEMETHODLISTCB The pfnGetMultisampleMethodListCb function retrieves a list of multiple-sample methods that are used for the given width, height, and format of an allocation. |
PFND3DDDI_GETOVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS The GetOverlayColorControls function retrieves color-control settings for the given overlay. |
PFND3DDDI_GETPITCH The GetPitch function retrieves the pitch of a protected or non-lockable surface. |
PFND3DDDI_GETQUERYDATA The GetQueryData function retrieves information about a query. |
PFND3DDDI_GETRESOURCEPRESENTPRIVATEDRIVERDATACB pfnGetResourcePresentPrivateDriverDataCb is used to query the resource private data, which is associated with the resource during Present. |
PFND3DDDI_ISSUEQUERY The IssueQuery function processes a query. |
PFND3DDDI_LOCK The Lock function locks the given resource or a surface within the resource. |
PFND3DDDI_LOCK2CB The pfnLock2Cb function locks an allocation and obtains a pointer to the allocation from the display miniport driver or video memory manager. |
PFND3DDDI_LOCKASYNC The LockAsync function locks the specified resource or a surface within the resource. |
PFND3DDDI_LOCKCB The pfnLockCb function locks an allocation and obtains a pointer to the allocation from the display miniport driver or video memory manager. |
PFND3DDDI_LOGSTRINGTABLE Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to request that the user-mode display driver log a custom Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event. Optionally implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_LOGUMDMARKERCB Called by the user-mode display driver to log a custom Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event. |
PFND3DDDI_MAKERESIDENTCB PFND3DDDI_MAKERESIDENTCB instructs the OS to add a resource to the device residency list and to increment the residency reference count on this allocation. |
PFND3DDDI_MAPGPUVIRTUALADDRESSCB Learn more about the pfnMapGpuVirtualAddressCb function. |
PFND3DDDI_MULTIPLYTRANSFORM The MultiplyTransform function modifies the current transform. |
PFND3DDDI_OFFERALLOCATIONS2CB The PFND3DDDI_OFFERALLOCATIONS2CB callback function is called by the user-mode display driver to offer video memory allocations for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_OFFERALLOCATIONSCB The PFND3DDDI_OFFERALLOCATIONSCB callback function is called by the user-mode display driver to offer video memory allocations for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_OFFERRESOURCES Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to request that the user-mode display driver offer video memory resources for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_OPENADAPTER Learn more about the PFND3DDDI_OPENADAPTER callback function. |
PFND3DDDI_OPENRESOURCE The OpenResource function informs the driver that a shared resource is opened. |
PFND3DDDI_PRESENT The Present function notifies the user-mode display driver that an application finished rendering and requests that the driver display the source surface by either copying or flipping or that the driver perform a color-fill operation. |
PFND3DDDI_PRESENT1 Notifies the user-mode display driver that an application finished rendering and that all ownership of the shared resource is released, and requests that the driver display to the destination surface. |
PFND3DDDI_PRESENTCB The pfnPresentCb function copies content from a source allocation. |
PFND3DDDI_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAY Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to notify the user-mode display driver that an application finished rendering and requests that the driver display the source surface by either copying or flipping or that the driver perform a color-fill operation. Must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 or later drivers that support multiplane overlays. |
PFND3DDDI_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAYCB Copies content from a source multiplane overlay allocation to a destination allocation. Can be called by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 or later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_QUERYADAPTERINFOCB The pfnQueryAdapterInfoCb function retrieves graphics adapter information. |
PFND3DDDI_QUERYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL The QueryAuthenticatedChannel function queries an authenticated channel for capability and state information. |
PFND3DDDI_QUERYDLISTFORAPPLICATION1 Called during Microsoft Direct3D initialization on a hybrid system to determine which GPU an application should run on. A dList is a list of applications that need cross-adapter shared surfaces for high-performance rendering on the discrete GPU. |
PFND3DDDI_QUERYRESIDENCYCB The pfnQueryResidencyCb function queries the residency status of a resource or list of allocations. |
PFND3DDDI_QUERYRESOURCERESIDENCY The QueryResourceResidency function determines the residency of the given list of resources. |
PFND3DDDI_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS2CB pfnReclaimAllocations2Cb is called by the user mode driver to reclaim video memory allocations that were previously offered for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS3CB pfnReclaimAllocations3Cb is called by the user mode driver to reclaim video memory allocations that were previously offered for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_RECLAIMALLOCATIONSCB Called by the user-mode display driver to reclaim video memory allocations that were previously offered for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_RECLAIMRESOURCES Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to reclaim video memory resources that it previously offered for reuse. |
PFND3DDDI_RENAME The Rename function informs a user-mode display driver to start using the renamed allocation that the LockAsync function previously returned for the specified resource. |
PFND3DDDI_RENDERCB The pfnRenderCb function submits the current command buffer for rendering to the display miniport driver. |
PFND3DDDI_RESOLVESHAREDRESOURCE The ResolveSharedResource function informs a user-mode display driver that ownership of a shared surface changed or that a surface is being used for GDI interoperation. |
PFND3DDDI_SETASYNCCALLBACKSCB The pfnSetAsyncCallbacksCb function notifies the Microsoft Direct3D runtime whether the runtime will start or stop receiving calls to the runtime's callback functions from a worker thread. |
PFND3DDDI_SETCLIPPLANE The SetClipPlane function sets a clip plane. |
PFND3DDDI_SETCONVOLUTIONKERNELMONO The SetConvolutionKernelMono function defines the resolution and weights of the kernel filter, which is used when the D3DTEXF_CONVOLUTIONMONO texture filtering mode is set. |
PFND3DDDI_SETDECODERENDERTARGET The SetDecodeRenderTarget function sets the render target surface for decoding operations. |
PFND3DDDI_SETDEPTHSTENCIL The SetDepthStencil function sets the depth buffer in the driver's context. |
PFND3DDDI_SETDISPLAYMODE The SetDisplayMode function switches to a display mode or primary that is not supported by the GDI desktop. |
PFND3DDDI_SETDISPLAYMODECB The pfnSetDisplayModeCb function sets the allocation that is used to scan out to the display. |
PFND3DDDI_SETDISPLAYPRIVATEDRIVERFORMATCB The pfnSetDisplayPrivateDriverFormatCb function changes the private-format attribute of a video present source. |
PFND3DDDI_SETINDICES The SetIndices function sets the current index buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_SETINDICESUM The SetIndicesUM function sets the current index buffer to the given user memory buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_SETLIGHT The SetLight function sets properties for a light source. |
PFND3DDDI_SETMARKER Notifies the user-mode display driver that it must generate a new time stamp if any GPU work has completed since the last call to pfnSetMarker. |
PFND3DDDI_SETMARKERMODE Notifies the user-mode display driver that it should support a type of Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event. |
PFND3DDDI_SETMATERIAL The SetMaterial function sets the material properties that devices on the system use to create the required effect during rendering. |
PFND3DDDI_SETOVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS The SetOverlayColorControls function changes color-control settings for the given overlay. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPALETTE The SetPalette function associates a palette with a texture. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPIXELSHADER The SetPixelShader function sets a pixel shader to be used in all drawing operations. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPIXELSHADERCONST The SetPixelShaderConst function sets one or more pixel shader constant registers with floating-point values. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPIXELSHADERCONSTB The SetPixelShaderConstB function sets one or more pixel shader constant registers with Boolean values. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPIXELSHADERCONSTI The SetPixelShaderConstI function sets one or more pixel shader constant registers with integer values. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPRIORITY The SetPriority function sets the eviction-from-memory priority for a managed texture. |
PFND3DDDI_SETPRIORITYCB The pfnSetPriorityCb function sets the priority level of a resource or list of allocations. |
PFND3DDDI_SETRENDERSTATE The SetRenderState function updates a render state. |
PFND3DDDI_SETRENDERTARGET The SetRenderTarget function sets the render target surface. |
PFND3DDDI_SETSCISSORRECT The SetScissorRect function marks a portion of a render target that rendering is confined to. |
PFND3DDDI_SETSTREAMSOURCE The SetStreamSource function binds a portion of a vertex stream source to a vertex buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_SETSTREAMSOURCEFREQ The SetStreamSourceFreq function sets the frequency divisor of a stream source that is bound to a vertex buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_SETSTREAMSOURCEUM The SetStreamSourceUM function binds a vertex stream source to a user memory buffer. |
PFND3DDDI_SETTEXTURE The SetTexture function inserts a texture at a particular stage in a multiple-texture group. |
PFND3DDDI_SETTEXTURESTAGESTATE The SetTextureStageState function updates the state of a texture at a particular stage in a multiple-texture group. |
PFND3DDDI_SETTRANSFORM The SetTransform function sets up a transform. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVERTEXSHADERCONST The SetVertexShaderConst function sets one or more vertex shader constant registers with floating-point values. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVERTEXSHADERCONSTB The SetVertexShaderConstB function sets one or more vertex shader constant registers with Boolean values. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVERTEXSHADERCONSTI The SetVertexShaderConstI function sets one or more vertex shader constant registers with integer values. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVERTEXSHADERDECL The SetVertexShaderDecl function sets the vertex shader declaration so that all of the subsequent drawing operations use that declaration. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVERTEXSHADERFUNC The SetVertexShaderFunc function sets the vertex shader code so that all of the subsequent drawing operations use that code. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVIDEOPROCESSRENDERTARGET The SetVideoProcessRenderTarget function sets the render target surface that is used for video processing. |
PFND3DDDI_SETVIEWPORT The SetViewport function informs guard-band-aware drivers of the view-clipping rectangle. |
PFND3DDDI_SETZRANGE The SetZRange function informs the driver about the range of z values. |
PFND3DDDI_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT2CB Inserts a signal on the specified synchronization objects in the specified context direct memory access (DMA) stream. Used by WDDM 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTCB The pfnSignalSynchronizationObjectCb function inserts a signal on the specified synchronization objects in the specified context DMA stream. |
PFND3DDDI_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMCPUCB pfnSignalSynchronizationObjectFromCpuCb enables a driver to signal a monitored fence. |
PFND3DDDI_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMGPU2CB pfnSignalSynchronizationObjectFromGpu2Cb is used to signal a monitored fence. |
PFND3DDDI_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMGPUCB pfnSignalSynchronizationObjectFromGpuCb is used to signal a monitored fence. |
PFND3DDDI_STARTSESSIONKEYREFRESH The StartSessionKeyRefresh function returns a random number that the driver's FinishSessionKeyRefresh function subsequently uses to perform an exclusive OR operation (XOR) with the session key. |
PFND3DDDI_STATESET The StateSet function sets a state block. |
PFND3DDDI_SUBMITCOMMANDCB pfnSubmitCommandCb is used to submit command buffers on contexts that support graphics processing unit (GPU) virtual addressing. |
PFND3DDDI_SUBMITCOMMANDTOHWQUEUECB A callback to submit a command to the hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_SUBMITPRESENTBLTTOHWQUEUECB Implemented by the client driver to submit a present blt to the hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_SUBMITPRESENTTOHWQUEUECB The PFND3DDDI_SUBMITPRESENTTOHWQUEUECB callback function is invoked by user mode drivers to submit a Blt Present operation to a hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_SUBMITSIGNALSYNCOBJECTSTOHWQUEUECB A callback to submit a signal command to the hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_SUBMITWAITFORSYNCOBJECTSTOHWQUEUECB A callback to submit a wait command to the hardware queue. |
PFND3DDDI_SYNCTOKEN The PFND3DDDI_SYNCTOKEN callback creates a sync token. |
PFND3DDDI_SYNCTOKENCB The PFND3DDDI_SYNCTOKENCB callback creates a sync token. |
PFND3DDDI_TEXBLT The TexBlt function performs a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation from a source texture to a destination texture, including all of the sublevels of the source texture. |
PFND3DDDI_TEXBLT1 Performs a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation from a source texture to a destination texture, including all of the sublevels of the source texture. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 or later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_TRIMRESIDENCYSET pfnTrimResidencySet is used to trim the residency list for a given device. User mode drivers are required to implement this callback in order to participate in the new memory residency model. |
PFND3DDDI_UNLOCK The Unlock function unlocks a resource or a surface within the resource that was previously locked by the Lock function. |
PFND3DDDI_UNLOCK2CB The pfnUnlock2Cb function unlocks an allocation that was locked by a call to the pfnLock2Cb function. |
PFND3DDDI_UNLOCKASYNC The UnlockAsync function unlocks a resource or a surface within the resource that the LockAsync function previously locked. |
PFND3DDDI_UNLOCKCB The pfnUnlockCb function unlocks an allocation that was locked by a call to the pfnLockCb function. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATEALLOCATIONPROPERTYCB The pfnUpdateAllocationPropertyCb functions updates the property of an allocation without creating a new allocation. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESSCB pfnUpdateGpuVirtualAddressCb is a special operation used in the context of tile resources. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATEOVERLAY The UpdateOverlay function reconfigures or moves an overlay that is being displayed. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATEOVERLAYCB The pfnUpdateOverlayCb function modifies a kernel-mode overlay object. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATEPALETTE The UpdatePalette function updates a texture palette. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATESUBRESOURCEUP Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to update a destination subresource region from a source system-memory region. Must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_UPDATEWINFO The UpdateWInfo function updates the w range for w buffering. |
PFND3DDDI_VALIDATEDEVICE The ValidateDevice function returns the number of passes in which the hardware can perform the blending operations that are specified in the current state. |
PFND3DDDI_VIDEOPROCESSBEGINFRAME The VideoProcessBeginFrame function notifies the user-mode display driver that processing of a video frame can begin on the specified Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) video processing device. |
PFND3DDDI_VIDEOPROCESSBLT The VideoProcessBlt function processes a video frame by using the specified Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) video processing device. |
PFND3DDDI_VIDEOPROCESSENDFRAME The VideoProcessEndFrame function notifies the user-mode display driver that all of the data that is required to process the current frame was submitted. |
PFND3DDDI_VOLBLT The VolBlt function performs a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation from a source volume texture to a destination volume texture. |
PFND3DDDI_VOLBLT1 Performs a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation from a source volume texture to a destination volume texture. Implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 or later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT2CB Inserts a wait command for the specified synchronization objects in the specified context command stream. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2 and later user-mode display drivers. |
PFND3DDDI_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTCB The pfnWaitForSynchronizationObjectCb function inserts a wait for the specified synchronization objects in the specified context DMA stream. |
PFND3DDDI_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMCPUCB pfnWaitForSynchronizationObjectFromCpuCb waits for a monitored fence to reach a certain value before processing subsequent context commands. |
PFND3DDDI_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMGPUCB pfnWaitForSynchronizationObjectFromGpuCb waits for a monitored fence to reach a certain value before processing subsequent context commands. |
PFND3DDDICB_LOGSTRINGTABLEENTRY Locates a string table entry that is used by the LogMarkerStringTable function to log an Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event. Optionally implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later drivers. |
D3D12DDICB_OFFERALLOCATIONS The D3D12DDICB_OFFERALLOCATIONS structure is used to offer allocations. |
D3D12DDICB_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS2 Describes video memory resources that are to be reclaimed and that the driver previously offered for reuse. |
D3DDDI_ADAPTERFUNCS The D3DDDI_ADAPTERFUNCS structure contains functions that the user-mode display driver can implement to communicate with a graphics adapter object. |
D3DDDI_BATCHEDMARKERDATA The D3DDDI_BATCHEDMARKERDATA structure provides high-performance marker data from D3D12 drivers. |
D3DDDI_BLTFLAGS The D3DDDI_BLTFLAGS structure identifies the type of bit-block transfer (bitblt) to perform. |
D3DDDI_CHECK_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_PLANE_INFO Used to check multiplane overlay support plane info. |
D3DDDI_COLORFILLFLAGS The D3DDDI_COLORFILLFLAGS structure describes how to color-fill a rectangle on a surface. |
D3DDDI_CREATEDEVICEFLAGS The D3DDDI_CREATEDEVICEFLAGS structure describes how to create a device. |
D3DDDI_DEVICEFUNCS The D3DDDI_DEVICEFUNCS structure contains functions that the user-mode display driver can implement to render graphics primitives and process state changes. |
D3DDDI_EXECUTIONSTATEESCAPE Specifies the state of the device. |
D3DDDI_FLIPOVERLAYFLAGS The D3DDDI_FLIPOVERLAYFLAGS structure identifies how to flip a resource on an overlay. |
D3DDDI_FRAMELATENCYESCAPE Specifies an app's maximum frame latency. |
D3DDDI_ISSUEQUERYFLAGS The D3DDDI_ISSUEQUERYFLAGS structure identifies the state of a query issue. |
D3DDDI_LIGHT The D3DDDI_LIGHT structure describes a set of lighting properties. |
D3DDDI_LOCKASYNCFLAGS The D3DDDI_LOCKASYNCFLAGS structure identifies how to lock a resource. |
D3DDDI_LOCKFLAGS The D3DDDI_LOCKFLAGS structure identifies how to lock a resource. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_ALLOCATION_INFO The D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_ALLOCATION_INFO structure specifies information about a multiplane overlay allocation. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTES The _D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_ATTRIBUTES structure contains information that is used by the user-mode display driver to specify overlay plane attributes. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS The D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_CAPS structure contains information that is used by the user-mode display driver to specify overlay plane capabilities. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS Used by the user-mode display driver to specify a group of overlay plane capabilities. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_GROUP_CAPS_INPUT Specifies info on a multiplane overlay capability group. |
D3DDDI_OPENRESOURCEFLAGS The D3DDDI_OPENRESOURCEFLAGS structure identifies the type of resource to open. |
D3DDDI_OVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS The D3DDDI_OVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS structure describes color-control settings for an overlay. |
D3DDDI_OVERLAYCOLORCONTROLSFLAGS The D3DDDI_OVERLAYCOLORCONTROLSFLAGS structure identifies color-control settings that the overlay hardware supports. |
D3DDDI_OVERLAYINFO The D3DDDI_OVERLAYINFO structure describes information about an overlay. |
D3DDDI_OVERLAYINFOFLAGS The D3DDDI_OVERLAYINFOFLAGS structure identifies the type of overlay operation to perform. |
D3DDDI_PRESENT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY Specifies an overlay plane to display. |
D3DDDI_PRESENTFLAGS The D3DDDI_PRESENTFLAGS structure identifies how to perform a present operation. |
D3DDDI_UNLOCKASYNCFLAGS The D3DDDI_UNLOCKASYNCFLAGS structure identifies how to unlock a resource. |
D3DDDI_UNLOCKFLAGS The D3DDDI_UNLOCKFLAGS structure identifies how to unlock a resource. |
D3DDDIARG_AUTHENTICATEDCHANNELKEYEXCHANGE The D3DDDIARG_AUTHENTICATEDCHANNELKEYEXCHANGE structure describes a buffer that contains the session key, which the authenticated channel uses. |
D3DDDIARG_BLT The D3DDDIARG_BLT structure describes the parameters of a bit-block transfer (bitblt). |
D3DDDIARG_BUFFERBLT The D3DDDIARG_BUFFERBLT structure describes the parameters of a buffer bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation. |
D3DDDIARG_BUFFERBLT1 Describes the parameters of a buffer bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation. |
D3DDDIARG_CAPTURETOSYSMEM The D3DDDIARG_CAPTURETOSYSMEM structure describes the parameters of a bit-block transfer (bitblt) from a capture buffer to a video memory surface. |
D3DDDIARG_CHECKDIRECTFLIPSUPPORT Specifies resources used for Direct Flip operations, in which video memory is seamlessly flipped between an application's managed primary allocations and the Desktop Window Manager's (DWM) managed primary allocations. |
D3DDDIARG_CHECKMULTIPLANEOVERLAYSUPPORT Used in a call to the pfnCheckMultiPlaneOverlaySupport (D3D) function to check details on hardware support for multiplane overlays. |
D3DDDIARG_CHECKPRESENTDURATIONSUPPORT Used in a call to the CheckPresentDurationSupport function to check details on hardware device support for seamlessly switching to a new monitor refresh rate. |
D3DDDIARG_CLEAR The D3DDDIARG_CLEAR structure describes the parameters of a hardware-assisted clearing operation. |
D3DDDIARG_COLORFILL The D3DDDIARG_COLORFILL structure describes the parameters of a color-fill operation. |
D3DDDIARG_COMPOSERECTS The D3DDDIARG_COMPOSERECTS structure describes the parameters that are used to compose rectangular areas. |
D3DDDIARG_CONFIGUREAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL The D3DDDIARG_CONFIGUREAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL structure describes the state that is set within an authenticated channel by using the ConfigureAuthenticatedChannel function. |
D3DDDIARG_COPYFLAGS Describes how to handle the existing contents of a resource during a copy or update operation of a region within that resource. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3DDDIARG_COUNTER_INFO Describes info to manipulate counters. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATECRYPTOSESSION The D3DDDIARG_CREATECRYPTOSESSION structure describes an encryption session to create. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEDEVICE The D3DDDIARG_CREATEDEVICE structure contains information that describes the display device to create. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATELIGHT The D3DDDIARG_CREATELIGHT structure contains the index into the light array. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEOVERLAY The D3DDDIARG_CREATEOVERLAY structure describes an overlay to create. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEPIXELSHADER The D3DDDIARG_CREATEPIXELSHADER structure specifies a shader handle to associate with pixel shader code. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEQUERY The D3DDDIARG_CREATEQUERY structure identifies a query to create. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEVERTEXSHADERDECL The D3DDDIARG_CREATEVERTEXSHADERDECL structure specifies a shader handle to associate with the vertex shader declaration. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEVERTEXSHADERFUNC The D3DDDIARG_CREATEVERTEXSHADERFUNC structure specifies a shader handle to associate with vertex shader code. |
D3DDDIARG_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSDEVICE The D3DDDIARG_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSDEVICE structure describes a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) video processing device to create. |
D3DDDIARG_CRYPTOSESSIONKEYEXCHANGE The D3DDDIARG_CRYPTOSESSIONKEYEXCHANGE structure describes a buffer that contains the session key, which is used for encryption. |
D3DDDIARG_DECODEBEGINFRAME The D3DDDIARG_DECODEBEGINFRAME structure specifies the Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) decoder that should start decoding a frame. |
D3DDDIARG_DECODEENDFRAME The D3DDDIARG_DECODEENDFRAME structure specifies the Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) decoder that should stop decoding a frame. |
D3DDDIARG_DECODEEXECUTE The D3DDDIARG_DECODEEXECUTE structure describes a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) decode operation to perform. |
D3DDDIARG_DECODEEXTENSIONEXECUTE The D3DDDIARG_DECODEEXTENSIONEXECUTE structure describes a nonstandard Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) decode operation to perform. |
D3DDDIARG_DECRYPTIONBLT The D3DDDIARG_DECRYPTIONBLT structure describes the parameters of a decrypted bit-block transfer (bitblt) in a call to the DecryptionBlt function. |
D3DDDIARG_DEPTHFILL The D3DDDIARG_DEPTHFILL structure describes the parameters of a depth-fill operation. |
D3DDDIARG_DESTROYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL The D3DDDIARG_DESTROYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL structure contains the handle to an authenticated channel that is destroyed in a call to the DestroyAuthenticatedChannel function. |
D3DDDIARG_DESTROYCRYPTOSESSION The D3DDDIARG_DESTROYCRYPTOSESSION structure contains the handle to an encryption session that is destroyed in a call to the DestroyCryptoSession function. |
D3DDDIARG_DESTROYLIGHT The D3DDDIARG_DESTROYLIGHT structure contains the index into a light array for the light to destroy. |
D3DDDIARG_DESTROYOVERLAY The D3DDDIARG_DESTROYOVERLAY structure contains a handle to the overlay to disable. |
D3DDDIARG_DISCARD Defines video display memory that can be discarded because the contents are no longer needed. |
D3DDDIARG_DRAWINDEXEDPRIMITIVE The D3DDDIARG_DRAWINDEXEDPRIMITIVE structure describes an indexed primitive to draw. |
D3DDDIARG_DRAWINDEXEDPRIMITIVE2 The D3DDDIARG_DRAWINDEXEDPRIMITIVE2 structure describes an indexed primitive to draw. |
D3DDDIARG_DRAWPRIMITIVE The D3DDDIARG_DRAWPRIMITIVE structure describes a nonindexed primitive to draw. |
D3DDDIARG_DRAWPRIMITIVE2 The D3DDDIARG_DRAWPRIMITIVE2 structure describes a nonindexed primitive to draw. |
D3DDDIARG_DRAWRECTPATCH The D3DDDIARG_DRAWRECTPATCH structure describes a rectangular patch to draw. |
D3DDDIARG_DRAWTRIPATCH The D3DDDIARG_DRAWTRIPATCH structure describes a triangular patch to draw. |
D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOR The D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_CREATEVIDEOPROCESSOR structure describes a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) video processor to create. |
D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_GETVIDEOPROCESSBLTSTATEPRIVATE The D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_GETVIDEOPROCESSBLTSTATEPRIVATE structure describes the private bit-block transfer (bitblt) state of the video processor to retrieve. |
D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_SETVIDEOPROCESSBLTSTATE The D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_SETVIDEOPROCESSBLTSTATE structure describes the bit-block transfer (bitblt) state of the video processor to change and the data that is used to change the state. |
D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_SETVIDEOPROCESSSTREAMSTATE The D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_SETVIDEOPROCESSSTREAMSTATE structure describes the stream state of the video processor to change and the data that is used to change the state. |
D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_VIDEOPROCESSBLTHD The D3DDDIARG_DXVAHD_VIDEOPROCESSBLTHD structure describes a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) video processing high definition operation to perform. |
D3DDDIARG_ENCRYPTIONBLT The D3DDDIARG_ENCRYPTIONBLT structure describes the parameters of an encrypted bit-block transfer (bitblt) in a call to the EncryptionBlt function. |
D3DDDIARG_EXTENSIONEXECUTE The D3DDDIARG_EXTENSIONEXECUTE structure describes a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) extension operation to perform. |
D3DDDIARG_FINISHSESSIONKEYREFRESH The D3DDDIARG_FINISHSESSIONKEYREFRESH structure contains the handle to an encryption session to end in a call to the FinishSessionKeyRefresh function. |
D3DDDIARG_FLIPOVERLAY The D3DDDIARG_FLIPOVERLAY structure describes a new resource to display on a given overlay. |
D3DDDIARG_GENERATEMIPSUBLEVELS The D3DDDIARG_GENERATEMIPSUBLEVELS structure describes how to generate the sublevels of a MIP-map texture. |
D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS The D3DDDIARG_GETCAPS structure contains display device capabilities of a particular type. |
D3DDDIARG_GETCAPTUREALLOCATIONHANDLE The D3DDDIARG_GETCAPTUREALLOCATIONHANDLE structure describes the parameters for retrieving an allocation handle from a capture resource handle. |
D3DDDIARG_GETENCRYPTIONBLTKEY The _GETENCRYPTIONBLTKEY structure describes an encrypted bit-block transfer (bitblt) session for which the GetEncryptionBltKey function retrieves the encryption key. |
D3DDDIARG_GETOVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS The D3DDDIARG_GETOVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS structure describes the parameters for retrieving an overlay's color-control settings. |
D3DDDIARG_GETPITCH The D3DDDIARG_GETPITCH structure describes an encrypted surface for which the GetPitch function retrieves the pitch. |
D3DDDIARG_GETQUERYDATA The D3DDDIARG_GETQUERYDATA structure contains query information that was retrieved from the user-mode display driver. |
D3DDDIARG_ISSUEQUERY The D3DDDIARG_ISSUEQUERY structure describes how to process a query that was created by the CreateQuery function. |
D3DDDIARG_LOCK The D3DDDIARG_LOCK structure describes a resource or a surface within the resource to lock. |
D3DDDIARG_LOCKASYNC The D3DDDIARG_LOCKASYNC structure describes a resource or a surface within the resource to lock. |
D3DDDIARG_MULTIPLYTRANSFORM The D3DDDIARG_MULTIPLYTRANSFORM structure describes how to modify the current transform. |
D3DDDIARG_OFFERRESOURCES Describes video memory resources that the user-mode display driver offers for reuse. Used with the OfferResources function. |
D3DDDIARG_OPENRESOURCE The D3DDDIARG_OPENRESOURCE structure contains information for opening a shared resource. |
D3DDDIARG_PRESENT The D3DDDIARG_PRESENT structure describes a resource to display. |
D3DDDIARG_PRESENT1 Describes a resource to display. Used with the pfnPresent1(D3D) function by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3DDDIARG_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAY The D3DDDIARG_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAY structure contains information that specifies a multiplane overlay resource to display. |
D3DDDIARG_PRESENTSURFACE The D3DDDIARG_PRESENTSURFACE structure contains a resource handle and a subresource index that describes a surface to display. |
D3DDDIARG_QUERYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL The D3DDDIARG_QUERYAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL structure describes authenticated-channel information to query by using the QueryAuthenticatedChannel function. |
D3DDDIARG_QUERYRESOURCERESIDENCY The D3DDDIARG_QUERYRESOURCERESIDENCY structure describes a list of resources on which residency is verified through the QueryResourceResidency function. |
D3DDDIARG_RECLAIMRESOURCES Describes video memory resources that are to be reclaimed and that the user-mode display driver previously offered for reuse. Used with the ReclaimResources function. |
D3DDDIARG_RENAME The D3DDDIARG_RENAME structure describes a resource or a surface within the resource to rename with a new allocation. |
D3DDDIARG_RENDERSTATE The D3DDDIARG_RENDERSTATE structure describes how to update a specific render state. |
D3DDDIARG_RESOLVESHAREDRESOURCE The D3DDDIARG_RESOLVESHAREDRESOURCE structure specifies the resource that the user-mode display driver's ResolveSharedResource function uses as a synchronized shared surface or a GDI interoperable surface. |
D3DDDIARG_SETCLIPPLANE The D3DDDIARG_SETCLIPPLANE structure describes a clip plane. |
D3DDDIARG_SETCONVOLUTIONKERNELMONO The D3DDDIARG_SETCONVOLUTIONKERNELMONO structure describes parameters for setting the monochrome convolution kernel. |
D3DDDIARG_SETDECODERENDERTARGET The D3DDDIARG_SETDECODERENDERTARGET structure describes the decode render target surface. |
D3DDDIARG_SETDISPLAYMODE The D3DDDIARG_SETDISPLAYMODE structure describes parameters for setting the display mode. |
D3DDDIARG_SETINDICES The D3DDDIARG_SETINDICES structure describes parameters for setting the current index buffer. |
D3DDDIARG_SETLIGHT The D3DDDIARG_SETLIGHT structure describes how to set light properties. |
D3DDDIARG_SETMATERIAL The D3DDDIARG_SETMATERIAL structure describes the material properties that are used for rendering. |
D3DDDIARG_SETOVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS The D3DDDIARG_SETOVERLAYCOLORCONTROLS structure describes the parameters for changing an overlay's color-control settings. |
D3DDDIARG_SETPALETTE The D3DDDIARG_SETPALETTE structure describes how to associate a palette with a texture. |
D3DDDIARG_SETPIXELSHADERCONST The D3DDDIARG_SETPIXELSHADERCONST structure describes how to set the pixel shader constant registers. |
D3DDDIARG_SETPRIORITY The D3DDDIARG_SETPRIORITY structure describes the priority level to set for a managed texture. |
D3DDDIARG_SETRENDERTARGET The D3DDDIARG_SETRENDERTARGET structure describes the render target surface. |
D3DDDIARG_SETSTREAMSOURCE The D3DDDIARG_SETSTREAMSOURCE structure describes the portion of the vertex stream to bind to a vertex buffer. |
D3DDDIARG_SETSTREAMSOURCEFREQ The D3DDDIARG_SETSTREAMSOURCEFREQ structure describes how the frequency divisor for a portion of the vertex stream source is set. |
D3DDDIARG_SETSTREAMSOURCEUM The D3DDDIARG_SETSTREAMSOURCEUM structure describes the vertex stream to bind to a user-memory buffer. |
D3DDDIARG_SETTRANSFORM The D3DDDIARG_SETTRANSFORM structure describes how to set up a transform. |
D3DDDIARG_SETVERTEXSHADERCONST The D3DDDIARG_SETVERTEXSHADERCONST structure describes how to set vertex shader constant registers. |
D3DDDIARG_SETVIDEOPROCESSRENDERTARGET The D3DDDIARG_SETVIDEOPROCESSRENDERTARGET structure describes the render target surface for video processing. |
D3DDDIARG_STARTSESSIONKEYREFRESH The D3DDDIARG_STARTSESSIONKEYREFRESH structure contains information about the random number for the encryption session. |
D3DDDIARG_STATESET The D3DDDIARG_STATESET structure describes how to set a state block. |
D3DDDIARG_SYNCTOKEN A structure to provide sync token info. |
D3DDDIARG_TEXBLT The D3DDDIARG_TEXBLT structure describes parameters for a texture bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation. |
D3DDDIARG_TEXBLT1 Describes parameters for a texture bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation. |
D3DDDIARG_TEXTURESTAGESTATE The D3DDDIARG_TEXTURESTAGESTATE structure describes how to update a texture at a particular stage in a multiple-texture group. |
D3DDDIARG_TRIMRESIDENCYSET D3DDDIARG_TRIMRESIDENCYSET is used with pfnTrimResidencySet by a user mode driver to trim the residency list for a given device. |
D3DDDIARG_UNLOCK The D3DDDIARG_UNLOCK structure describes a resource or a surface within the resource to unlock. |
D3DDDIARG_UNLOCKASYNC The D3DDDIARG_UNLOCKASYNC structure describes a resource or a surface within the resource to unlock. |
D3DDDIARG_UPDATEOVERLAY The D3DDDIARG_UPDATEOVERLAY structure describes an overlay to modify. |
D3DDDIARG_UPDATEPALETTE The D3DDDIARG_UPDATEPALETTE structure describes parameters that are used to update a texture palette. |
D3DDDIARG_UPDATESUBRESOURCEUP Describes info that's used to update a destination subresource region from a source system-memory region. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3DDDIARG_VALIDATETEXTURESTAGESTATE The D3DDDIARG_VALIDATETEXTURESTAGESTATE structure contains the number of passes in which the hardware can perform the blending operations that are specified in the current state. |
D3DDDIARG_VIDEOPROCESSBLT The D3DDDIARG_VIDEOPROCESSBLT structure describes a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (VA) video processing operation to perform. |
D3DDDIARG_VIDEOPROCESSENDFRAME The D3DDDIARG_VIDEOPROCESSENDFRAME structure specifies the Microsoft DirectX Video Accelerator (VA) video process that should stop processing a frame. |
D3DDDIARG_VIEWPORTINFO The D3DDDIARG_VIEWPORTINFO structure describes the location and size of a view-clipping rectangle. |
D3DDDIARG_VOLUMEBLT The D3DDDIARG_VOLUMEBLT structure describes parameters for a volume bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation. |
D3DDDIARG_VOLUMEBLT1 Describes parameters for a volume bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation. |
D3DDDIARG_WINFO The D3DDDIARG_WINFO structure describes a w range for w buffering. |
D3DDDIARG_ZRANGE The D3DDDIARG_ZRANGE structure specifies z-range minimum and maximum values. |
D3DDDIBOX Describes the bounds of a volume texture. |
D3DDDICAPS_ARCHITECTURE_INFO The D3DDDICAPS_ARCHITECTURE_INFO structure provides information about display adapter architecture. |
D3DDDICAPS_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT The D3DDDICAPS_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT structure describes precision support options for shaders in the user-mode display driver. |
D3DDDICAPS_SIMPLE_INSTANCING_SUPPORT Describes whether simple instancing is supported. |
D3DDDICB_ALLOCATE The D3DDDICB_ALLOCATE structure contains information for allocating memory. |
D3DDDICB_CREATECONTEXT The D3DDDICB_CREATECONTEXT structure describes a context to create. |
D3DDDICB_CREATECONTEXTVIRTUAL D3DDDICB_CREATECONTEXTVIRTUAL is used with pfnCreateContextVirtualCb to create contexts that support virtual addressing. |
D3DDDICB_CREATEHWCONTEXT A structure that gives information for creating a hardware context. |
D3DDDICB_CREATEHWQUEUE A structure that holds information to create a hardware queue. |
D3DDDICB_CREATEOVERLAY The D3DDDICB_CREATEOVERLAY structure describes overlay hardware. |
D3DDDICB_CREATEPAGINGQUEUE D3DDDICB_CREATEPAGINGQUEUE is used with pfnCreatePagingQueueCb to create a device paging queue that can be used to synchronize with video memory management operations for the device, such as making the device resource resident. |
D3DDDICB_CREATESYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT The D3DDDICB_CREATESYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT structure describes a synchronization object that the pfnCreateSynchronizationObjectCb function creates. |
D3DDDICB_CREATESYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT2 Describes a synchronization object that the pfnCreateSynchronizationObject2Cb function creates. |
D3DDDICB_DEALLOCATE The D3DDDICB_DEALLOCATE structure describes allocations to release. |
D3DDDICB_DEALLOCATE2 The D3DDDICB_DEALLOCATE2 structure describes parameters for releasing allocations with pfnDeallocate2Cb. |
D3DDDICB_DESTROYCONTEXT The D3DDDICB_DESTROYCONTEXT structure contains the handle to a context to destroy. |
D3DDDICB_DESTROYHWCONTEXT A structure that holds information to destroy a hardware context. |
D3DDDICB_DESTROYHWQUEUE A structure that holds information to destroy a hardware queue. |
D3DDDICB_DESTROYOVERLAY The D3DDDICB_DESTROYOVERLAY structure contains the handle to the overlay to destroy. |
D3DDDICB_DESTROYSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT The D3DDDICB_DESTROYSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT structure contains the handle to a synchronization object to destroy. |
D3DDDICB_ESCAPE The D3DDDICB_ESCAPE structure describes information that a user-mode display driver shares with a display miniport driver. |
D3DDDICB_EVICT D3DKMT_EVICT is used with pfnEvictCb to subtract one from the residency reference count. |
D3DDDICB_FLIPOVERLAY The D3DDDICB_FLIPOVERLAY structure describes a new allocation to display for the overlay. |
D3DDDICB_FREEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS D3DDDICB_FREEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS is used with pfnFreeGpuVirtualAddressCb to release a range of graphics processing unit (GPU) virtual addresses that were previously reserved or mapped. |
D3DDDICB_GETMULTISAMPLEMETHODLIST The D3DDDICB_GETMULTISAMPLEMETHODLIST structure describes parameters to retrieve the list of multiple-sample methods for an allocation. |
D3DDDICB_INVALIDATECACHE Arguments used to invalidate cache. |
D3DDDICB_LOCK The D3DDDICB_LOCK structure describes parameters for locking an allocation. |
D3DDDICB_LOCK2 D3DDDICB_LOCK2 describes parameters for locking an allocation. |
D3DDDICB_LOGUMDMARKER Specifies info about the location of an Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event that the user-mode display driver has defined. |
D3DDDICB_OFFERALLOCATIONS Defines the video memory allocations that the driver offers for reuse. Used with the pfnOfferAllocationsCb function. |
D3DDDICB_OFFERALLOCATIONS2 Used to offer allocations. |
D3DDDICB_PRESENT The D3DDDICB_PRESENT structure describes allocations that content is copied to and from. |
D3DDDICB_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAY The D3DDDICB_PRESENTMULTIPLANEOVERLAY structure contains information that describes multiplane overlay allocations that content is copied to and from. |
D3DDDICB_QUERYADAPTERINFO The D3DDDICB_QUERYADAPTERINFO structure contains information that describes the graphics adapter. |
D3DDDICB_QUERYRESIDENCY The D3DDDICB_QUERYRESIDENCY structure describes the residency status of a resource or list of allocations. |
D3DDDICB_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS Describes video memory resources that are to be reclaimed and that the user-mode display driver previously offered for reuse. Used with the pfnReclaimAllocationsCb function. |
D3DDDICB_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS2 D3DDDICB_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS2 is used with pfnReclaimAllocations2Cb to describe video memory resources, previously offered for reuse by the driver, that are to be reclaimed. |
D3DDDICB_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS3 D3DDDICB_RECLAIMALLOCATIONS3 is used with pfnReclaimAllocations3Cb to describe video memory resources, previously offered for reuse by the driver, that are to be reclaimed. |
D3DDDICB_RENDER Learn more about the D3DDDICB_RENDER structure. |
D3DDDICB_RENDERFLAGS The D3DDDICB_RENDERFLAGS structure identifies information about a command buffer to be rendered. |
D3DDDICB_SETDISPLAYMODE The D3DDDICB_SETDISPLAYMODE structure describes the primary allocation that is used to scan out to the display. |
D3DDDICB_SETDISPLAYPRIVATEDRIVERFORMAT The D3DDDICB_SETDISPLAYPRIVATEDRIVERFORMAT structure describes the private-format attribute to set for a video present source in a call to the pfnSetDisplayPrivateDriverFormatCb function. |
D3DDDICB_SETPRIORITY The D3DDDICB_SETPRIORITY structure describes the priority level to which to set a resource or list of allocations. |
D3DDDICB_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT The D3DDDICB_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT structure describes the parameters that are required to set up signaling in a call to the pfnSignalSynchronizationObjectCb function. |
D3DDDICB_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT2 Describes the parameters that are required to set up signaling in a call to the pfnSignalSynchronizationObject2Cb function. |
D3DDDICB_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMCPU D3DDDICB_SIGNALSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMCPU is used with pfnSignalSynchronizationObjectFromCpuCb to enable a driver to signal a monitored fence. |
D3DDDICB_SUBMITCOMMANDFLAGS D3DDDICB_SUBMITCOMMANDFLAGS is used to indicate how to process command buffers on contexts that support graphics processing unit (GPU) virtual addressing. |
D3DDDICB_SUBMITCOMMANDTOHWQUEUE A structure that holds information to queue hardware. |
D3DDDICB_SUBMITCOMMANDTOHWQUEUEFLAGS A structure that holds information to queue hardware flags. |
D3DDDICB_SUBMITPRESENTBLTTOHWQUEUE A structure that contains information to present Blt to the hardware queue. |
D3DDDICB_SUBMITSIGNALSYNCOBJECTSTOHWQUEUE A structure that holds information to submit a signal synchronization object to a hardware queue. |
D3DDDICB_SUBMITWAITFORSYNCOBJECTSTOHWQUEUE A structure that holds information to wait for synchronized objects. |
D3DDDICB_SYNCTOKEN Arguments used to create a sync token. |
D3DDDICB_UNLOCK The D3DDDICB_UNLOCK structure describes allocations to unlock. |
D3DDDICB_UNLOCK2 D3DDDICB_UNLOCK2 describes an allocation to unlock. |
D3DDDICB_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS D3DDDICB_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS is used with pfnUpdateGpuVirtualAddressCb to allow the user mode driver to specify a number of mapping operations to be applied to the process virtual address space in a single batch of page table updates. |
D3DDDICB_UPDATEOVERLAY The D3DDDICB_UPDATEOVERLAY structure describes parameters for modifying an overlay. |
D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT The D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT structure describes the parameters that are required to set up the wait in a call to the pfnWaitForSynchronizationObjectCb function. |
D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT2 Describes the parameters that are required to set up the wait in a call to the pfnWaitForSynchronizationObject2Cb function. |
D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMCPU D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMCPU is used with pfnWaitForSynchronizationObjectFromCpuCb to wait for a monitored fence to reach a certain value. |
D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMGPU D3DDDICB_WAITFORSYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECTFROMGPU is used with pfnWaitForSynchronizationObjectFromGpuCb to wait for a monitored fence to reach a certain value. |
D3DDDIDEVINFO_VCACHE The D3DDDIDEVINFO_VCACHE structure describes the vertex-cache information of a device. |
D3DDDIENCRYPTED_BLOCK_INFO The D3DDDIENCRYPTED_BLOCK_INFO structure describes the portions of a buffer that are encrypted. |
D3DDDIRANGE Specifies a range of memory within a buffer. |
D3DDDIRECTPATCH_INFO Contains direct patch info. |
D3DDDITRIPATCH_INFO Contains tri-patch info. |
D3DDDIVERTEXELEMENT The D3DDDIVERTEXELEMENT structure describes an element in the array for a vertex shader declaration. |
DDICERTIFICATEINFO The DDICERTIFICATEINFO structure describes information about the certificate that the driver uses. |
DDICHECKOVERLAYSUPPORTINPUT The DDICHECKOVERLAYSUPPORTINPUT structure describes an overlay display mode that the user-mode display driver uses to verify overlay support. |
DDICONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS The DDICONTENTPROTECTIONCAPS structure describes a specific encryption and decode combination that the driver uses. |
DDIGAMMACAPS The DDIGAMMACAPS structure describes gamma-ramp capabilities that the user-mode display driver supports. |
DDIMULTISAMPLEQUALITYLEVELSDATA The DDIMULTISAMPLEQUALITYLEVELSDATA structure describes the number of multiple-sample quality levels for a given render-target format. |
DDRAW_CAPS The DDRAW_CAPS structure describes general Microsoft DirectDraw capabilities that the user-mode display driver supports. |
DDRAW_MODE_SPECIFIC_CAPS The DDRAW_MODE_SPECIFIC_CAPS structure describes Microsoft DirectDraw capabilities that are specific to a particular display device (head) on the graphics card. |
DXVADDI_AYUVSAMPLE16 The DXVADDI_AYUVSAMPLE16 structure describes 16-bit Cr, Cb, and Y color values and an associated opacity. |
DXVADDI_AYUVSAMPLE8 The DXVADDI_AYUVSAMPLE8 structure describes 8-bit Cr, Cb, and Y color values and an associated opacity. |
DXVADDI_CONFIGPICTUREDECODE The DXVADDI_CONFIGPICTUREDECODE structure describes the configuration for compressed picture decoding. |
DXVADDI_DECODEBUFFERDESC The DXVADDI_DECODEBUFFERDESC structure describes a buffer that is currently passed from the host decoder to the accelerator. |
DXVADDI_DECODEBUFFERINFO The DXVADDI_DECODEBUFFERINFO structure describes information about a particular type of compressed buffer that is required for a video decoding scenario. |
DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT The DXVADDI_DECODEINPUT structure describes a render target format that is supported by a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration (DirectX VA) decode type. |
DXVADDI_EXTENDEDFORMAT The DXVADDI_EXTENDEDFORMAT structure describes the extended format of the video frame. |
DXVADDI_FILTERVALUES The DXVADDI_FILTERVALUES structure describes values that are related to a filter. |
DXVADDI_FIXED32 The DXVADDI_FIXED32 structure describes a floating-point number from a 16.16 fixed-point number. |
DXVADDI_FREQUENCY The DXVADDI_FREQUENCY structure describes the video frame rate in Hertz (Hz). For example, NTSC TV is 60000 over 1001. |
DXVADDI_PRIVATEBUFFER The DXVADDI_PRIVATEBUFFER structure describes a private buffer that a nonstandard decoder uses to perform a decode operation. |
DXVADDI_PROCAMPVALUES The DXVADDI_PROCAMPVALUES structure describes the ProcAmp control adjustment values. |
DXVADDI_PVP_BLOCK128 The DXVADDI_PVP_KEY128 structure contains a 128-bit key that the decode device uses to start decoding a frame. |
DXVADDI_PVP_HW_IV The DXVADDI_PVP_HW_IV structure contains two 64-bit values that combine to form a 128-bit protected video path (PVP) value. |
DXVADDI_PVP_SETKEY The DXVADDI_PVP_SETKEY structure describes a key that the decode device uses to start decoding a frame. |
DXVADDI_QUERYEXTENSIONCAPSINPUT The DXVADDI_QUERYEXTENSIONCAPSINPUT structure describes a capability of an extension GUID that information is requested for. |
DXVADDI_QUERYFILTERPROPERTYRANGEINPUT The DXVADDI_QUERYFILTERPROPERTYRANGEINPUT structure describes a filter setting on a video stream that range information is requested for. |
DXVADDI_QUERYPROCAMPINPUT The DXVADDI_QUERYPROCAMPINPUT structure describes a ProcAmp control property on a video stream that range information is requested for. |
DXVADDI_VALUERANGE The DXVADDI_VALUERANGE structure describes values of a property (such as, the value spread and default value). |
DXVADDI_VIDEODESC The DXVADDI_VIDEODESC structure describes a video stream. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSBLTFLAGS The DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSBLTFLAGS structure identifies changes in the current destination surface from the previous destination surface. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORCAPS The DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORCAPS structure describes the video processing capabilities of a specific deinterlace mode. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT The DXVADDI_VIDEOPROCESSORINPUT structure describes a video stream that is processed by a video processing device type. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOSAMPLE The DXVADDI_VIDEOSAMPLE structure describes the format of a video sample that is used in a video processing operation. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOSAMPLEFLAGS The DXVADDI_VIDEOSAMPLEFLAGS structure identifies changes in the current sample frame from the previous sample frame. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_ALPHA_FILL_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_ALPHA_FILL_DATA structure describes data that specifies the alpha-fill mode of the output. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_BACKGROUND_COLOR_DATA structure describes data that specifies the background color to fill in the target rectangle of the output. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_CONSTRICTION_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_CONSTRICTION_DATA structure describes data that specifies the down-sampling of the output. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA structure describes data that specifies the color space of the output. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA structure describes data that specifies the private bit-block transfer (bitblt) state. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_TARGET_RECT_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE_TARGET_RECT_DATA structure describes data that specifies the target rectangle of the output. |
DXVAHDDDI_COLOR The DXVAHDDDI_COLOR union contains information that specifies color with either a YCbCr or RGB color structure. |
DXVAHDDDI_COLOR_RGBA The DXVAHDDDI_COLOR_RGBA structure describes color in RGB terms. |
DXVAHDDDI_COLOR_YCbCrA The DXVAHDDDI_COLOR_YCbCrA structure describes color in YCbCr terms. |
DXVAHDDDI_CONTENT_DESC The DXVAHDDDI_CONTENT_DESC structure describes the video content that a decode device processes. |
DXVAHDDDI_CUSTOM_RATE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_CUSTOM_RATE_DATA structure describes the video content that a decode device processes. |
DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_DESC The DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_DESC structure describes a decode device. |
DXVAHDDDI_FILTER_RANGE_DATA Describes a filter range. |
DXVAHDDDI_RATIONAL The DXVAHDDDI_RATIONAL structure describes a fractional value that represents the vertical and horizontal frequencies of a video mode (that is, vertical sync and horizontal sync). |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_DATA structure describes an input stream that is processed. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_ALPHA_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_ALPHA_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the alpha blend level per-plane. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_ASPECT_RATIO_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_ASPECT_RATIO_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the pixel aspect ratio. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_DESTINATION_RECT_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_DESTINATION_RECT_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the destination rectangle. The driver scales the source rectangle within the input surface to the destination rectangle within the output surface. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_FILTER_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_FILTER_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the filter level. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_FRAME_FORMAT_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_FRAME_FORMAT_DATA structure describes data that specifies the frame format of the input. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the color space of the input stream. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_LUMA_KEY_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_LUMA_KEY_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the luma key of the input. The driver assumes that a pixel that has a luma value within the luma-key range is transparent. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_OUTPUT_RATE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_OUTPUT_RATE_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the output rate of the input stream. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_PALETTE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_PALETTE_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the palette entries of the input. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies a private stream state. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_IVTC_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_PRIVATE_IVTC_DATA structure describes private stream-state data that is used to query the inverse telecine statistics from the driver. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_ROTATION_DATA Describes stream-state data that specifies the clockwise rotation of the display output surface. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_SOURCE_RECT_DATA The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE_SOURCE_RECT_DATA structure describes stream-state data that specifies the source rectangle of the input stream. |
DXVAHDDDI_SURFACE The DXVAHDDDI_SURFACE structure describes a surface. |
DXVAHDDDI_VPCAPS Describes a video processor and its capabilities. |
DXVAHDDDI_VPDEVCAPS The DXVAHDDDI_VPDEVCAPS structure describes the video processor capabilities that the decode device supports. |
FORMATOP The FORMATOP structure describes a surface format and operations that can be performed with such a surface. |
D3DDDI_CERTIFICATETYPE The D3DDDI_CERTIFICATETYPE enumeration contains values that identify certificate types. |
D3DDDI_CHECK_DIRECT_FLIP_FLAGS Used by the CheckDirectFlipFlags parameter of the CheckDirectFlipSupport function to specify seamless flipping of video memory. |
D3DDDI_COMPOSERECTSOP Describes the ways in which to compose rectangle areas. |
D3DDDI_COPY_FLAGS Specifies how to handle the existing contents of a resource during a copy or update operation of a region within that resource. |
D3DDDI_COUNTER_TYPE Learn more about the D3DDDI_COUNTER_TYPE enumeration. |
D3DDDI_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE Indicates the state of the device. |
D3DDDI_DLIST_QUERY_DECISION_FACTOR A D3DDDI_DLIST_QUERY_DECISION_FACTOR enum value describes the factor that determined the GPU preference returned by pfnQueryDlistForApplication2Cb. |
D3DDDI_DLIST_QUERY_RESULT A D3DDDI_DLIST_QUERY_RESULT enum value describes the GPU preference returned by pfnQueryDlistForApplication2Cb for the queried application. |
D3DDDI_FLUSH_FLAGS In calls to the pfnFlush1 function, indicates whether the driver should free as much memory as possible. Used by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers. |
D3DDDI_MARKERLOGTYPE Indicates the type of marker in the Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) log that the user-mode display driver supports. |
D3DDDI_MARKERTYPE Indicates the type of Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) marker event that the user-mode display driver supports. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND The D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND enumeration identifies a blend operation to be performed on an overlay plane. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FEATURE_CAPS The _D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FEATURE_CAPS enumeration contains values that indicate the capabilities of the overlay plane. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS The D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS enumeration identifies a flip operation to be performed on an overlay plane. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY specifies the filtering process that the hardware will perform when it stretches or shrinks multiplane overlay data. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT Identifies the overlay plane's video frame format. Only the D3DDDI_MULIIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_PROGRESSIVE value is supported. |
D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS The D3DDDI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS enumeration identifies YUV range and conversion info that describes a multiplane overlay. |
D3DDDI_RESIDENCYSTATUS The residency status. |
D3DDDI_SETLIGHT_TYPE The set light type. |
D3DDDIBASISTYPE The basis type. |
D3DDDICAPS_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION The D3DDDICAPS_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION enumeration specifies minimum precision levels that the user-mode driver supports in shaders. |
D3DDDICAPS_TYPE The D3DDDICAPS_TYPE enumeration type contains values that identify the type of capability information that is received from a call to the driver's GetCaps function. |
D3DDDIDEGREETYPE The degree type. |
D3DDDIQUERYTYPE The query type. |
D3DDDIRENDERSTATETYPE The render state type. |
D3DDDITEXTUREFILTERTYPE The texture filter type. |
D3DDDITEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE The texture stage state type. |
DDIAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE The DDIAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE enumeration contains values that identify authenticated-channel types. |
DXVADDI_NOMINALRANGE The DXVADDI_NOMINALRANGE enumeration type contains values that identify whether sample data includes headroom (that is, values beyond 1.0 white) and toeroom (that is, superblacks below the reference 0.0 black). |
DXVADDI_SAMPLEFORMAT The DXVADDI_SAMPLEFORMAT enumeration type contains values that identify how a video frame is sampled. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOCHROMASUBSAMPLING The DXVADDI_VIDEOCHROMASUBSAMPLING enumeration type contains values that identify the chroma encoding scheme for Y'Cb'Cr' data. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOLIGHTING The DXVADDI_VIDEOLIGHTING enumeration type contains values that identify lighting conditions for viewing video. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOPRIMARIES The DXVADDI_VIDEOPRIMARIES enumeration type contains values that identify the color primaries, which state which RGB basis functions are used. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOTRANSFERFUNCTION The DXVADDI_VIDEOTRANSFERFUNCTION enumeration type contains values that identify the conversion function from R'G'B' to RGB. |
DXVADDI_VIDEOTRANSFERMATRIX The DXVADDI_VIDEOTRANSFERMATRIX enumeration type contains values that identify the conversion matrix from Y'Cb'Cr' to (studio) R'G'B'. |
DXVAHDDDI_ALPHA_FILL_MODE The DXVAHDDDI_ALPHA_FILL_MODE enumeration contains values that identify the type of alpha fill mode to set. |
DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE The DXVAHDDDI_BLT_STATE enumeration contains values that identify the bit-block transfer (bitblt) state data for a video processor. |
DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_CAPS DirectX video acceleration device capabilities. |
DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_USAGE The DXVAHDDDI_DEVICE_USAGE enumeration contains values that identify how the decode device plays video. |
DXVAHDDDI_FEATURE_CAPS DirectX video acceleration feature capabilities. |
DXVAHDDDI_FILTER The DXVAHDDDI_FILTER enumeration contains values that identify the filter range, which the driver should retrieve when the driver's GetCaps function is called with the D3DDDICAPS_DXVAHD_GETVPFILTERRANGE value set. |
DXVAHDDDI_FILTER_CAPS DirectX video acceleration filter capabilities. |
DXVAHDDDI_FRAME_FORMAT The DXVAHDDDI_FRAME_FORMAT enumeration contains values that identify the frame format. |
DXVAHDDDI_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS DirectX video acceleration input format capabilities. |
DXVAHDDDI_ITELECINE_CAPS Specifies the inverse telecine (IVTC) capabilities of a Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor. |
DXVAHDDDI_NOMINAL_RANGE The DXVAHDDDI_NOMINAL_RANGE enumeration indicates the luminance range of YUV color encoding system data. |
DXVAHDDDI_OUTPUT_RATE The DXVAHDDDI_OUTPUT_RATE enumeration contains values that identify the output rate that the driver should use. |
DXVAHDDDI_PROCESSOR_CAPS Specifies Microsoft DirectX Video Acceleration High Definition (DXVA-HD) video processor capabilities. |
DXVAHDDDI_ROTATION Specifies the clockwise rotation of the display output surface. |
DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE The DXVAHDDDI_STREAM_STATE enumeration contains values that identify the stream-state data for a video processor. |