PFND3DDDI_CHECKCOUNTERINFO callback function (d3dumddi.h)
Called by the Microsoft Direct3D runtime to determine global information that's related to manipulating counters. Must be implemented by Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.3 and later user-mode display drivers.
PFND3DDDI_CHECKCOUNTERINFO Pfnd3dddiCheckcounterinfo;
void Pfnd3dddiCheckcounterinfo(
HANDLE hDevice,
A handle to the display device (graphics context).
pCounterInfo [out]
A pointer to a D3DDDIARG_COUNTER_INFO structure that the driver populates with global information that's related to manipulating counters.
Return value
The driver can use the pfnSetErrorCb callback function to set an error code. For more information about setting error codes, see the following Remarks section.
This function should behave similarly to the CheckCounterInfo function that supports Microsoft Direct3D 10 and later.
If the user-mode display driver does not support any of the concepts that are represented in the members of the D3DDDIARG_COUNTER_INFO structure, it can populate the members of D3DDDIARG_COUNTER_INFO with zeros.
The driver's pfnCheckCounterInfo function cannot call the pfnSetErrorCb callback function to set the D3DDDIERR_DEVICEREMOVED error code because pfnCheckCounterInfo is a capability-check type of function. The driver must ensure that it has enough information after device creation to respond to a call to pfnCheckCounterInfo, even in the presence of D3DDDIERR_DEVICEREMOVED. pfnCheckCounterInfo should not encounter any errors. However, pfnCheckCounterInfo might call pfnSetErrorCb for critical errors.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 8.1 |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Header | d3dumddi.h (include D3d10umddi.h) |