WorksheetFunction 对象 (Excel)
用作可从 Visual Basic 中调用的 Microsoft Excel 工作表函数的容器。
使用 Application 对象的 WorksheetFunction 属性返回 WorksheetFunction 对象。
以下示例对单元格区域 A1:C10 应用 Min 工作表函数,并显示结果。
Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C10")
answer = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(myRange)
MsgBox answer
本示例使用 CountA 工作表函数确定列 A 中包含某个值的单元格数量。 在本示例中,列 A 中的值为文本。 在本示例中,将对列 A 中的每个值执行拼写检查,如果值拼写不正确,则会在列 B 中插入文本“Wrong”;否则,将在列 B 中插入“OK”。
Sub StartSpelling()
'Set up your variables
Dim iRow As Integer
'And define your error handling routine.
'Go through all the cells in column A, and perform a spellcheck on the value.
'If the value is spelled incorrectly, write "Wrong" in column B; otherwise, write "OK".
For iRow = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(1))
If Application.CheckSpelling( _
Cells(iRow, 1).Value, , True) = False Then
Cells(iRow, 2).Value = "Wrong"
Cells(iRow, 2).Value = "OK"
End If
Next iRow
Exit Sub
'Error handling routine.
MsgBox "The spell check feature is not installed!"
End Sub
- AccrInt
- AccrIntM
- Acos
- Acosh
- Acot
- Acoth
- Aggregate
- AmorDegrc
- AmorLinc
- And
- Arabic
- Asc
- Asin
- Asinh
- Atan2
- Atanh
- AveDev
- Average
- AverageIf
- AverageIfs
- BahtText
- Base
- BesselI
- BesselJ
- BesselK
- BesselY
- Beta_Dist
- Beta_Inv
- BetaDist
- BetaInv
- Bin2Dec
- Bin2Hex
- Bin2Oct
- Binom_Dist
- Binom_Dist_Range
- Binom_Inv
- BinomDist
- Bitand
- Bitlshift
- Bitor
- Bitrshift
- Bitxor
- Ceiling
- Ceiling_Math
- Ceiling_Precise
- ChiDist
- ChiInv
- ChiSq_Dist
- ChiSq_Dist_RT
- ChiSq_Inv
- ChiSq_Inv_RT
- ChiSq_Test
- ChiTest
- Choose
- Clean
- Combin
- Combina
- Complex
- Confidence
- Confidence_Norm
- Confidence_T
- Convert
- Correl
- Cosh
- Cot
- Coth
- Count
- CountA
- CountBlank
- CountIf
- CountIfs
- CoupDayBs
- CoupDays
- CoupDaysNc
- CoupNcd
- CoupNum
- CoupPcd
- Covar
- Covariance_P
- Covariance_S
- CritBinom
- Csc
- Csch
- CumIPmt
- CumPrinc
- DAverage
- "天"
- Days360
- Db
- Dbcs
- DCount
- DCountA
- Ddb
- Dec2Bin
- Dec2Hex
- Dec2Oct
- Decimal
- Degrees
- Delta
- DevSq
- DGet
- Disc
- DMax
- DMin
- Dollar
- DollarDe
- DollarFr
- DProduct
- DStDev
- DStDevP
- DSum
- Duration
- DVar
- DVarP
- EDate
- Effect
- EncodeUrl
- EoMonth
- Erf
- Erf_Precise
- ErfC
- ErfC_Precise
- Even
- Expon_Dist
- ExponDist
- F_Dist
- F_Dist_RT
- F_Inv
- F_Inv_RT
- F_Test
- Fact
- FactDouble
- FDist
- FilterXML
- 查找
- FindB
- FInv
- Fisher
- FisherInv
- Fixed
- Floor
- Floor_Math
- Floor_Precise
- Forecast
- Forecast_ETS
- Forecast_ETS_ConfInt
- Forecast_ETS_Seasonality
- Forecast_ETS_STAT
- Forecast_Linear
- Frequency
- FTest
- Fv
- FVSchedule
- Gamma
- Gamma_Dist
- Gamma_Inv
- GammaDist
- GammaInv
- GammaLn
- GammaLn_Precise
- Gauss
- Gcd
- GeoMean
- GeStep
- Growth
- HarMean
- Hex2Bin
- Hex2Dec
- Hex2Oct
- HLookup
- HypGeom_Dist
- HypGeomDist
- IfError
- IfNa
- ImAbs
- Imaginary
- ImArgument
- ImConjugate
- ImCos
- ImCosh
- ImCot
- ImCsc
- ImCsch
- ImDiv
- ImExp
- ImLn
- ImLog10
- ImLog2
- ImPower
- ImProduct
- ImReal
- ImSec
- ImSech
- ImSin
- ImSinh
- ImSqrt
- ImSub
- ImSum
- ImTan
- 索引
- Intercept
- IntRate
- Ipmt
- Irr
- IsErr
- IsError
- IsEven
- IsFormula
- IsLogical
- IsNA
- IsNonText
- IsNumber
- ISO_Ceiling
- IsOdd
- IsoWeekNum
- Ispmt
- IsText
- Kurt
- Large
- Lcm
- LinEst
- Ln
- Log
- Log10
- LogEst
- LogInv
- LogNorm_Dist
- LogNorm_Inv
- LogNormDist
- Lookup
- Match
- Max
- MDeterm
- MDuration
- Median
- Min
- MInverse
- MIrr
- MMult
- 模式
- Mode_Mult
- Mode_Sngl
- MRound
- MultiNomial
- Munit
- NegBinom_Dist
- NegBinomDist
- NetworkDays
- NetworkDays_Intl
- Nominal
- Norm_Dist
- Norm_Inv
- Norm_S_Dist
- Norm_S_Inv
- NormDist
- NormInv
- NormSDist
- NormSInv
- NPer
- Npv
- NumberValue
- Oct2Bin
- Oct2Dec
- Oct2Hex
- Odd
- OddFPrice
- OddFYield
- OddLPrice
- OddLYield
- 或
- PDuration
- Pearson
- Percentile
- Percentile_Exc
- Percentile_Inc
- PercentRank
- PercentRank_Exc
- PercentRank_Inc
- Permut
- Permutationa
- Phi
- Phonetic
- Pi
- Pmt
- Poisson
- Poisson_Dist
- 电源
- Ppmt
- Price
- PriceDisc
- PriceMat
- Prob
- Product
- Proper
- Pv
- Quartile
- Quartile_Exc
- Quartile_Inc
- Quotient
- Radians
- RandBetween
- Rank
- Rank_Avg
- Rank_Eq
- Rate
- Received
- Replace
- ReplaceB
- Rept
- Roman
- Round
- RoundDown
- RoundUp
- Rri
- RSq
- 搜索
- SearchB
- Sec
- Sech
- SeriesSum
- Sinh
- Skew
- Skew_p
- Sln
- Slope
- Small
- SqrtPi
- Standardize
- StDev
- StDev_P
- StDev_S
- StDevP
- StEyx
- Substitute
- Subtotal
- Sum
- SumIf
- SumIfs
- SumProduct
- SumSq
- SumX2MY2
- SumX2PY2
- SumXMY2
- Syd
- T_Dist
- T_Dist_2T
- T_Dist_RT
- T_Inv
- T_Inv_2T
- T_Test
- Tanh
- TBillEq
- TBillPrice
- TBillYield
- TDist
- Text
- TInv
- Transpose
- Trend
- Trim
- TrimMean
- TTest
- Unichar
- Unicode
- USDollar
- Var
- Var_P
- Var_S
- VarP
- Vdb
- VLookup
- WebService
- Weekday
- WeekNum
- Weibull
- Weibull_Dist
- WorkDay
- WorkDay_Intl
- Xirr
- Xnpv
- Xor
- YearFrac
- YieldDisc
- YieldMat
- Z_Test
- ZTest
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