Overview of the Creator Kit components
[This article is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.]
The following table lists the components included with the Creator Kit, and describes whether the component has Fluent UI and which app type supports it—canvas apps, custom pages, or model-driven apps.
Release status key:
- Shipped: Stable release, ready for production use.
- Preview: Stable release but subject to change. Not ready for production use.
- Experimental: This feature is a work in progress. Not ready for production use.
Code component | Type | Overview | Fluent UI | Canvas apps | Custom pages | Model-driven apps | Release status |
AutoWidthLabel aka.ms/ck/autowidthlabel |
User interface | Has behavior similar to the standard canvas app label, but expands dynamically in width to accommodate the text. This functionality is currently not supported in canvas apps today. | No | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
Breadcrumb aka.ms/ck/breadcrumb |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Breadcrumb control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
Calendar aka.ms/ck/calendar |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Calendar control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
ContextMenu aka.ms/ck/contextmenu |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI ContextMenu control bound to a button for use in canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
CommandBar aka.ms/ck/commandbar |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI CommandBar control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
DetailsList aka.ms/ck/detailslist |
User Interface | Allows the use of the Fluent UI DetailsList component. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
DonutChart aka.ms/ck/donutchart |
User Interface | Allows the use of the Fluent UI DonutChart component. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
Dialog aka.ms/ck/dialog |
User Interface | Mimics the style and behavior of the Fluent UI Dialog component. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Experimental |
Elevation aka.ms/ck/elevation |
User Interface | Provides Fluent UI elevation support with mouse hover events. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
ExpandMenu aka.ms/ck/expandmenu |
User Interface | Provides an expandable menu interface (also known as hamburger menu). | No | Yes | Yes | No | Experimental |
Facepile aka.ms/ck/facepile |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Facepile control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
GaugeChart aka.ms/ck/gaugechart |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI GaugeChart control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
HorizontalBarChart aka.ms/ck/horizontalbarchart |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI HorizontalBarChart control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
HorizontalBarChart-Stacked aka.ms/ck/stackedbarchart |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI HorizontalBarChart-Stacked control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
Icon aka.ms/ck/icon |
User Interface | Fluent UI font icon, icon button, and action button with custom styling. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
KeyboardShortcuts aka.ms/ck/keyboardshortcuts |
Utility | Registers keypress event handlers to allow keyboard shortcuts to be used inside canvas apps. | No | Yes | No | No | Shipped |
Nav aka.ms/ck/nav |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Nav component control bound to a button for use in canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
Panel aka.ms/ck/panel |
User Interface | Mimics the style and behavior of the Fluent UI Panel component from inside canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Experimental |
PeoplePicker aka.ms/ck/peoplepicker |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI PeoplePicker control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
Persona aka.ms/ck/persona |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Persona control. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
Picker aka.ms/ck/picker |
User Interface | Provides Fluent UI Tag Picker support with custom item styling to allow for color and icon tags. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
Pivot aka.ms/ck/pivot |
User Interface | Wraps the Fluent UI Pivot control for use in canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
ProgressIndicator aka.ms/ck/progressindicator |
User Interface | Mimics the style and behavior of the Fluent UI ProgressIndicator component from inside canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
ResizableTextArea aka.ms/ck/resizabletextarea |
User interface | A text area control that the user can resize by using a handle in the lower-right corner. Can be styled to look like either the classic, Fluent UI, or model-driven text field controls. | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Shipped |
SearchBox aka.ms/ck/searchbox |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI SearchBox control for use in canvas & custom pages. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
Shimmer aka.ms/ck/shimmer |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI Shimmer control for use in canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
SpinButton aka.ms/ck/spinbutton |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI SpinButton control for use in canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
Spinner aka.ms/ck/spinner |
User Interface | Mimics the style and behavior of the Fluent UI Spinner component from inside canvas apps and custom pages. |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |
SubwayNav aka.ms/ck/subwaynav |
User Interface | Provides a wrapper around the Office 365 Admin SubwayNav control for use in canvas & custom pages. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Preview |
TagList aka.ms/ck/taglist |
User Interface | Provides a tag list that provides flexible-width rendering bound to a collection. | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Shipped |