PeoplePicker control (preview)

[This article is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.]

A control used to create a loading experience.


Full documentation and source code found in the GitHub code components repository.

PeoplePicker control.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.


The people picker (PeoplePicker) is used to select one or more entities, such as people or groups, from a list. It makes composing an email to someone, or adding them to a group, easy if you don’t know their full name or email address.

This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI PeoplePicker control for use in canvas & custom pages. See component documentation for best practices.

Key properties

Property Description
Items The Pre-selected Persona(members) to appear on Peoplepicker
Suggestions_Items List of Suggested members to pick from. This is a required dataset property
PeoplePickerType Type of Peoplepicker to be used.
MaxPeople Maximum number of user(s) to be allowed for selection
NoResultFoundMesage Message to be shown if no result are found based on the specified search text.
MinimumSearchTermLength Minimum search term length to be entered before providing the suggestions.
SearchTermToShortMessage Custom message to be shown when the search text is less than MinimumSearchTermLength.
Error To highlighting the people picker in red to represent that it has certain error that required validation.
ShowSecondaryText Specify Yes or no, depending upon whether the Secondary text(for example, JobTitle) to be shown or not.

Items properties

Property Description
PersonaName Display Name of the Persona.
PersonaKey The key identify the specific Item. The key must be unique.
PersonaImgUrl Url or Base64 Content of Persona Image(Profile Picture).
PersonaRole Secondary Text, Preferably JobTitle of the Persona
PersonaPresence Optional - Presence of the person to display - won't display presence if undefined. Value should be from one of the following: away, blocked, busy, dnd, none, offline, online
PersonaOOF Optional - True or False, Based on whether the persona if Out of office or not.

Suggestions_Items properties

Property Description
SuggestionName Display Name of the Persona.
SuggestionKey The key identify the specific Item. The key must be unique.
SuggestionImgUrl Url or Base64 Content of Persona Image(Profile Picture).
SuggestionRole Secondary Text, Preferably JobTitle of the Persona
SuggestionPresence Optional - Presence of the person to display - won't display presence if undefined. Value should be from one of the following: away, blocked, busy, dnd, none, offline, online
SuggestionOOF Optional - True or False, Based on whether the persona if Out of office or not.

Additional properties

Property Description
Theme Accepts a JSON string that is generated using Fluent UI Theme Designer ( Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps.
AccessibilityLabel Screen reader aria-label
InputEvent An event to send to the control. Supports SetFocus as an InputEvent.


PeoplePicker supports other sources from where the input collection can be retrieved. Following are the examples on how to use the PeoplePicker component.

Office 365 Users Connector

  1. Add the Office 365 Users connector as a data source.

  2. Assign the below Power Fx formula to the On Search property of the control to create a collection called UserCollection.

                        searchTerm: Self.SearchText,
                        top: 500
                !(Mail in Self.SelectedPeople.PersonaKey)
  3. Set the Suggestions_Items property to UserCollection.


    The above formula includes a consecutive request to get UserPhoto, which increases loading time. If you do not need photos and want to decrease search time, use the following formula in the Suggestions_Items property of the control instead of UserCollection:

        Office365Users.SearchUser({ searchTerm: Self.SearchText, top: 500 }),
        "SuggestionKey", Mail, 
        "SuggestionName", DisplayName,
        "SuggestionRole", JobTitle

At this point the control is functioning and selected members can be obtained from the SelectedPeople property.


With Dataverse tables - Microsoft Entra Users or Users

  1. Set up the Suggestions_Items Property by specifying the below code snippet.

    Add Users or specific users(using below code) from table to the items collection(under Suggestions_Items property) of PeoplePicker.

    -AAD Users table

    Search('AAD Users', Self.SearchText,"displayname" ,"mail")

    -Users table

    Search('Users', Self.SearchText,"fullname","internalemailaddress")
  2. Map the columns according to your need using AddColumns(). Below is an example of Column-Property Mapping:

    Property Name AADUser Table Column User Table Column
    SuggestionKey "mail" "internalemailaddress"
    SuggestionName "displayname" "fullname"
    SuggestionRole "jobtitle" "jobtitle"

At this point, the people picker should be working and the selected members can be obtained from SelectedPeople Property.



This canvas component can only be used in canvas apps and custom pages.