ContextMenu control

A control used to input commands.


Full documentation and source code found in the GitHub code components repository.

ContextMenu control.


A contextual menu (ContextMenu) is a list of commands that are based on the context of selection, mouse hover, or keyboard focus. They're one of the most effective and highly used command surfaces, and can be used in various places.

This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI ContextualMenu control bound to a button for use in canvas apps and custom pages.


Key Properties

Property Description
Items The action items to render. The first item is considered the root item.

Items Properties

Name Description
ItemDisplayName The Display Name of the menu item.
ItemKey The key to use to indicate which item is selected, and when adding sub items. The keys must be unique.
ItemEnabled Set to false if the option is disabled.
ItemVisible Set to false if the option is not visible.
ItemChecked Set to true if the option is checked.
ItemIconName The Fluent UI icon to use (see Fluent UI icons)
ItemIconColor The color to render the icon as (e.g. named, rgb or hex value).
ItemIconOnly Do not show the text label - only the icon.
ItemHeader Render the item as a section header. If there are items that have their ItemParentKey set to the key of this item, then they are added as semantically grouped items under this section.
ItemTopDivider Render a divider at the top of the section.
ItemDivider Render the item as a section divider - or if the item is a header (ItemHeader = true), then controls whether to render a divider at the bottom of the section.
ItemParentKey Render the option as child item of another option.


  • ItemIconColor will override the component's Theme value and ignore other state colors (e.g., disabled).
  • ItemHeader and ItemDivider must be set to true to render as a divider. If set to false, it expects other values and will render blank.
  • Adding the ItemChecked property and behavior of submenu items will prevent the submenu from closing on click.


Example Power Fx formula for Items:

          ItemKey: "File",
          ItemIconName: "save",
          ItemDisplayName: "Save",
          ItemKey: "Delete",
          ItemIconName: "Delete",
          ItemDisplayName: "Delete",

Style Properties

Property Description
Theme Accepts a JSON string that is generated using Fluent UI Theme Designer ( Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps. Leaving this blank will use the default theme defined by Power Apps. See theming for guidance on how to configure.
Chevron Show or hide the down chevron on the root button
IconColor Optional. color of the icon on the context menu button.
HoverIconColor Optional. color of the icon when hovered over the context menu button.
IconSize Optional. In pixels, the size of the icon on the context menu button.
FontSize Optional. In pixels, the size of the text on the context menu button.
FontColor Optional. the color of the text on the context menu button.
HoverFontColor Optional. the color of the text when hovered over the context menu button.
FillColor Optional. the background color of the context menu button.
HoverFillColor Optional. the background color when hovered over the context menu button.
TextAlignment The alignment of the button text. Possible values: Center, Left or Right
AccessibilityLabel Screen reader aria-label

Event Properties

Property Description
InputEvent An event to send to the control. E.g. SetFocus. See below.


Supports SetFocus as an InputEvent.

Configure 'On Select' behavior

Use the Switch() formula in the component's OnSelect property to configure specific actions for each item by referring to the control's selected ItemKey as the switch value.

Replace the false values with appropriate expressions in the Power Fx language.

  Switch( Self.Selected.ItemKey,
    /* Action for ItemKey 1 */
    "File", false,
    /* Action for ItemKey 2 */
    "Delete", false,
    /* Default action */

Setting Focus on the control

When a new dialog is shown, and the default focus should be on the control, an explicit set focus will be needed.

To make calls to the input event, you can set a context variable that is bound to the Input Event property to a string that starts with SetFocus and followed by a random element to ensure that the app detects it as a change.


UpdateContext({ctxResizableTextareaEvent:"SetFocus" & Text(Rand())}));

The context variable ctxResizableTextareaEvent would then be bound to the property Input Event property.


This code component can only be used in canvas apps and custom pages.