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One Louder

Exploring the fine line between clever and stupid. Heather Hamilton is a Staffing Manager and Microsoft Employee Evangelist.

All the stuff I want to blog about but don't

I secretly want to blog about all sorts of things that probably interest me more than they do you....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/27/2006

Jazzy Quotes

I love these (from Presentation Zen). Why is it that the jazz man/woman is so eloquent? I suspect...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/25/2006

Eat it!

What do you do when your company accidental sends out hundreds of thousands of $4 checks to it's...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/24/2006

Speaking of the quest for green-ness

Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus goes solar At least they have found something to do with that...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/24/2006

Life is strange

In a good way. 1) Our head of staffing just started his own internal staffing blog. 2) We just got...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/21/2006

An answer to the question "what Microsoft teams sit in the Silicon Valley office?"

is here. Of course I'm happy to get your resume to the recruiting team based there, if you'd like.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/21/2006

Ozzie impact

Here's another article on Ray Ozzie's impact on Microsoft. Here's why I'm a fan: "Ray really starts...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/20/2006

How important is self-awareness in the interview?

You've heard of the interview question "what's your greatest weakness?", so you know there must be...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/20/2006

What if we all had to adopt a weather-person name?

Ever wonder if weather people are actually born with names that denote environmental conditions?...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/18/2006

Entertaining Tech Support

I had to call help desk yesterday. Seems I had neglected to install some updates so I was having...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/18/2006

MSN tells you to play video games at work

Go ahead, it's good for you. Just have this link to the Pause2Play initiative availble for when your...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/14/2006

What does awesome look like on a resume?

I met with a Marketing GM, Keith White, and his recruiter, Allison, this week to discuss putting...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/07/2006

Coffee Coke: for reals?

Unfortunately, yes. OK, admission time: I've tried coffee flavored beer. Two great tastes that taste...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/06/2006

Small businesses and competing with Wal-mart

NPR's "All Things Considered" piece on Wal-mart opening 50 new stores in urban areas and offering...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/06/2006

There is such a thing as a free lunch but nobody cares

I have to laugh when I get e-mails offering a "free lunch" in the context of some kind of product...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/06/2006

American Idol I don't get, but this I get!

I can't tell you how many people have asked me whether I watch American Idol (I don't...really don't...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/04/2006

GM: Viral Advertising Gone Awry?

GM invited people to make their own Chevy Tahoe TV ads over on Lots of the ads...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/04/2006

Start-up position at Microsoft?

Last week I was reminded that amidst all my ramblings about peanut butter and carbohydrates, I'm...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/04/2006

Senior Incubation Product Manager

Do you have a passion for innovation? Do you believe that small and committed teams can have big and...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/04/2006

Weird but good

Every once in a while I find a product that feels like it was made just for me. I tend to be a bit...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/03/2006

I'm a Microsoft Blogging Poster-Child (pun intended)

Over on BtoBOnline, Paul Gillin writes about my blogging efforts. I think that much of what he...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/03/2006

What's worse than bad e-mail marketing?

Overzealous, premature bad e-mail marketing: From: [] Sent:...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 04/03/2006

What's an eggcorn? You know, the thing that chipmunks eat? No?

So I am not the only one bothered by eggcorns. "Should of" drives me nuts. Yeah, eggcorns are the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/29/2006

Business Innovations

Or as Business 2.0 puts it, "Best 'best practices'". Keep in mind that they referred to one of the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/28/2006

The difference between companies that WANT their employees to blog and companies that ALLOW their employees to blog

Julian, over at Exceler8ion, discusses corporate blogging policies. I'm with Julian. I'd be...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/27/2006

Stop the presses!

What, there are no more presses? Stop the web servers. You gotta love it when news headlines trail...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/24/2006

What I know about bread (not the musical group, not the benjamins)

I'm slightly obsessed with bread. Problem is I love it but most of it isn't that great for you. When...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/23/2006

An opportunity to do actual marketing in our staffing department

Remember recently how I said I am not a "marketer"? And remember how I talked about collaborating...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/23/2006

A day late and sixpence short

But Éireann go Brách (or Erin go Braugh, if you prefer)!

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/18/2006

Shaking things up

I love hearing about Ray Ozzie shaking things up at Microsoft. Let's face it, outside experience...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/14/2006

"Can you connect me with someone at Microsoft?"

I'm getting more and more mail from folks that want to be connected with someone at Microsoft to...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/10/2006

The year of collaborative thinking

People talk about collaboration all the time. It's not that easy. People come to the table with...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/09/2006


So Mark Jen is fired from google for blogging about confidential financial info (that was the reason...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/08/2006

A Hundred Little Victories

OK, this post is going to be all over the place, but stick with me because there is a theme: a...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/07/2006

Fear in the heart of one sedentary blogger

Today is my first official session with my personal trainer. I'm scared. He referred to me as...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/03/2006

How I know I am different than other people (blog metrics)

I don't care about blog metrics. Oh yeah, page views are interesting and it's always cool to hear...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/03/2006

Today, I cleaned up my blog roll. I think I could call it an annual event since it's been quite a...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/02/2006

Microsoft Researcher and Academy Award Winner?

Sounds funny, but it's true. Must meet John Platt because I really like Kevin Bacon.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/02/2006

"Top" Business Schools...You decide what "top" means

An AIRS e-mail newsletter I received today included a link to CareerJournal's listings of "top...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 03/01/2006


Remember when I complained about not answering my e-mail from their wine buyer page? Well,...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/28/2006

When a Competitor Moves into Your Space and Eats Your Lunch (and your customers are eating theirs)

I might just have food on the mind (South Beach day 4 and still surviving), but I've been thinking...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/23/2006

You're both fired! Now go away and hush up!

Donald Trump Lashes Out at Martha. Just because you can say something doesn't mean you should....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/22/2006

Calling in Sick (when by "sick" you mean "I love tequila!")

I rarely do it. Call in sick, that is. Others do it a lot, I guess, according to the MSN Careers...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/21/2006

I knew it..

Jonas' butt is good for the environment. I can't help but sing the theme song to the Beverly...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 02/21/2006

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