Speaking of the quest for green-ness
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus goes solar
At least they have found something to do with that annoying sunshine (ahh, just kidding. We had a beautiful sunny weekend here as well)
- Anonymous
April 24, 2006
Good for you guys! Next step, Seattle? - Anonymous
April 24, 2006
Tim-not sure it would work as well here through the winter months. We'll see. - Anonymous
April 29, 2006
Is this part of the green-ness drive too... or you call it garbage disposal...
8 weeks ago when I visited Microsoft Campus, saw multiple broken Computer Kiosks in several buildings. None existed in my last week's visit. What a relief... keep up the Green drive... you have more to do... - Anonymous
April 29, 2006
"Good for you guys! Next Step, Seattle?"
Wow! hold your enthu... when you have plenty to clean within to improve MS's competitiveness and market responsiveness...! 'Who Says Elephants Can't Dance' - Anonymous
May 01, 2006
Su-thanks for sharing your feedback!