What if we all had to adopt a weather-person name?
Ever wonder if weather people are actually born with names that denote environmental conditions? Like weather-person Dallas Raines? They insist that those are their real names. Alrighty, whatever you say.
Wouldn't it be interesting if we all had to come up with names that expressed something about our professional life? What would be even better is if our co-workers bore the responsibility of picking the names: Sneaky McBackstabber, Ivana Promo, May Worktoday, Al Beinlater, Anita Lunchbreak. I don't work with any of these people, but I know they exist.
Maybe not. Slow blogging day.
- Anonymous
April 18, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
But there has to be a law firm named Dewey, Cheatam and Howe out there!!
And I know that there is a plumber named Phil McKrackin also.
:) - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
Many years ago I got some direct mail addressed to Paul R. Mktg. I thought they were rebranding me (you know, like Toys R Us), so I decided to let it stick. I thought it was so good that I got a piece of paper and wrote Paul R Mktg and stuck it to the name plate on the door.
Does it count if it wasn't deliberate?
Slow day indeed. - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
When I was a wee lad, we had Storm Field come to our school and talk about careers in meteorology. Of course the topic of his name came up. Yes, that is his real name. His father, meteorologist Frank Field, wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, so he named him after the weather. - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
My own t shirt would rock. I dont have a common name so, I was never a kid who had one of those plastic license plates on their bikes, or a mug with my name. Still working these issues out in therapy. sniff sniff
Along the same lines of unique names... what about people whos names end up being sort of related to their profession.
Some examples:
Someone told me theres a OB/GYN in the DC area named Dr. (sorry I am not making this up)
My dads dentist is named Dr. Smiles
Another friend has a podiatrist named Dr. Soretoe. - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
I went to 7 schools between 4th and 7th grades. I'll arm wrestle you for the therapy ; )
I don't believe you on those names...even if they are true...I refuse to believe! I had to edit out one of them....this is a PG 13 blog, Wine-Oh! Naughty! - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
Had to throw in my two cents (and, btw, Heather, this is generating a lot of convo for a slow blog day), even though you deleted the name of Wine-Oh's DC OB/GYN, I know the one. And it is true. My old coworker's father (also an OB/GYN) worked with them. - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
Wine-Oh...seriosuly, don't worry about it. And my mom didn't believe I was sick sometimes even when I was. I remember having to go to a business dinner with her and nearly passing out at the table (I'm sure she'll read this and remember that).
Tim-do you think that guy could introdice himself without laughing or at least acknowledging it. I'd be going by "Harold" if I were him. - Anonymous
April 19, 2006
http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2006/01/whats_in_a_name.html - Anonymous
April 20, 2006
I won't go into too much detail, but being a diabetic, I have seen a number of specialists. I always laugh when I pencil in on the calendar my appointment with my urologist, Dr Little. - Anonymous
April 24, 2006
A couple of people have asked me if it was THE Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) that linked above. I don't know...wouldn't know how to prove it. I suspect that he's not a regular reader but may have come across this topic as it related to something he also blogged about via some kind of meme tracker. Regardless, if it was him, I'm flattered.