Renderer.Draw 方法 (IntPtr, Stroke, DrawingAttributes)
以 DrawingAttributes 在傳入本身控制代碼的裝置內容上繪製 Stroke 物件。
命名空間: Microsoft.Ink
組件: Microsoft.Ink (在 Microsoft.Ink.dll 中)
<UIPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Window := UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows)> _
<SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode := True)> _
<PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name := "FullTrust")> _
Public Sub Draw ( _
hdc As IntPtr, _
stroke As Stroke, _
da As DrawingAttributes _
Dim instance As Renderer
Dim hdc As IntPtr
Dim stroke As Stroke
Dim da As DrawingAttributes
instance.Draw(hdc, stroke, da)
[UIPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows)]
[SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
public void Draw(
IntPtr hdc,
Stroke stroke,
DrawingAttributes da
[UIPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction::Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow::SafeTopLevelWindows)]
[SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction::Demand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
[PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction::InheritanceDemand, Name = L"FullTrust")]
void Draw(
IntPtr hdc,
Stroke^ stroke,
DrawingAttributes^ da
/** @attribute UIPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows) */
/** @attribute SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, UnmanagedCode = true) */
/** @attribute PermissionSetAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust") */
public void Draw(
IntPtr hdc,
Stroke stroke,
DrawingAttributes da
public function Draw(
hdc : IntPtr,
stroke : Stroke,
da : DrawingAttributes
- hdc
- stroke
要繪製的 Stroke 物件。
- da
要用於繪圖的 DrawingAttributes 屬性。如果指定了繪圖屬性,則會覆寫 Stroke 物件上的繪圖屬性。
![]() |
畫筆寬度會根據您使用 SetViewTransform 方法的方式適當調整。具體來說,畫筆寬度會乘以檢視轉換之行列式的平方根 (或據以調整)。
![]() |
如果尚未明確設定畫筆寬度,則預設為 53。您必須將畫筆寬度乘以行列式的平方根,才能得出正確的週框方塊。週框方塊的高度和寬度會依這個數目的一半,朝各方向放大。 |
例如,試想畫筆寬度為 53,行列式的平方根為 50,而且週框方塊為 (0,0,1000,1000)。依據週框方塊朝各方向調整的畫筆寬度計算方式為 (53*50)/2,右邊和底部則會加一。這樣會產生週框方塊 (-1325,-1325,2326,2326)。
Renderer 物件會強制將檢視區和視窗原點設定為 0,0。任何現有的設定都會被儲存及還原,但不會被 Renderer 使用。若要執行捲動,請使用 Renderer 物件的 GetViewTransform 和 GetObjectTransform 方法。
![]() |
如果在部分信任的情況下使用,除了 InkCollector 所需的權限之外,這個方法還需要 SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode (英文) 權限。如需安全性問題和部分信任的詳細資訊,請參閱Security and Trust。 |
在這個範例中,會在與 InkOverlay 物件本身無關的 Panel (英文) 上,顯示與 InkOverlay 物件相關聯之 Ink 物件的完整 Strokes 集合。
此外,在替代面板上顯示 Stroke 物件時,會使用修改過的 DrawingAttributes 物件。所套用的修改包含反轉筆劃的色彩,以及筆劃寬度放大兩倍。然後,會透過 da 參數將修改過的 DrawingAttributes 物件傳遞至 Draw 方法。這不會影響原始筆劃的 DrawingAttributes。
' Access to the Ink.Strokes property returns a copy of the Strokes object.
' This copy must be implicitly (via using statement) or explicitly
' disposed of in order to avoid a memory leak.
Using allStrokes As Strokes = mInkOverlay.Ink.Strokes
' get a graphics object for another panel
Using g As Graphics = Me.panelForDraw.CreateGraphics()
' get a Renderer object. We could have used
' mInkOverlay.Renderer, this is another way
Dim R As Renderer = New Renderer()
' get the handle to the device context
Dim hdc As IntPtr = g.GetHdc()
' traverse the stroke collection
For Each oneStroke As Stroke In allStrokes
Dim da As DrawingAttributes = oneStroke.DrawingAttributes.Clone()
' invert the stroke color
Dim cR As Byte = Not da.Color.R
Dim cG As Byte = Not da.Color.G
Dim cB As Byte = Not da.Color.B
da.Color = Color.FromArgb(da.Color.A, cR, cG, cB)
' double the stroke width
da.Width *= 2
' draw the stroke
R.Draw(hdc, oneStroke, da)
' release the handle to the device context
End Using
End Using
// Access to the Ink.Strokes property returns a copy of the Strokes object.
// This copy must be implicitly (via using statement) or explicitly
// disposed of in order to avoid a memory leak.
using (Strokes allStrokes = mInkOverlay.Ink.Strokes)
// get a graphics object for another panel
using (Graphics g = this.panelForDraw.CreateGraphics())
// get a Renderer object. We could have used
// mInkOverlay.Renderer, this is another way
Renderer R = new Renderer();
// get the handle to the device context
IntPtr hdc = g.GetHdc();
// traverse the stroke collection
foreach (Stroke oneStroke in allStrokes)
DrawingAttributes da = oneStroke.DrawingAttributes.Clone();
// invert the stroke color
byte cR = (byte)~(da.Color.R);
byte cG = (byte)~(da.Color.G);
byte cB = (byte)~(da.Color.B);
da.Color = Color.FromArgb(da.Color.A, cR, cG, cB);
// double the stroke width
da.Width *= 2;
// draw the stroke
R.Draw(hdc, oneStroke, da);
// release the handle to the device context
Windows Vista
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