Clear |
Overloaded. Clears the viewport depth buffer, and erases the stencil buffer. |
Dispose |
Overloaded. Immediately releases the unmanaged resources used by this object. |
DrawIndexedPrimitives |
Renders the specified geometric primitive, based on indexing into an array of vertices. |
DrawPrimitives |
Renders a sequence of non-indexed geometric primitives of the specified type from the current set of data input streams. |
DrawUserIndexedPrimitives |
Overloaded. Renders the specified geometric primitive with data specified by the user. |
DrawUserPrimitives |
Renders the given geometric primitive with data specified by the user. |
Equals |
Overloaded. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. |
EvictManagedResources |
Evicts all managed resources, including Microsoft Direct3D resources and those that are driver managed. |
GetGammaRamp |
Gets the gamma correction ramp. |
GetHashCode |
Gets the hash code for this instance. |
GetPixelShaderBooleanConstant |
Gets an array of Boolean values from the pixel shader constant Boolean registers. |
GetPixelShaderInt32Constant |
Gets an array of Int32 values from the pixel shader constant integer registers. |
GetPixelShaderMatrixArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Matrix values from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderMatrixConstant |
Gets a Matrix value from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderQuaternionArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Quaternion values from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderQuaternionConstant |
Gets a Quaternion value from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderSingleConstant |
Gets an array of Single values from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderVector2ArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Vector2 values from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderVector2Constant |
Gets a Vector2 value from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderVector3ArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Vector3 values from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderVector3Constant |
Gets a Vector3 value from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderVector4ArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Vector4 values from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetPixelShaderVector4Constant |
Gets a Vector4 value from the pixel shader constant float registers. |
GetRenderTarget |
Gets a render target surface. |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
GetVertexShaderBooleanConstant |
Gets an array of Boolean values from the vertex shader constant Boolean registers. |
GetVertexShaderInt32Constant |
Gets an array of Int32 values from the vertex shader constant integer registers. |
GetVertexShaderMatrixArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Matrix values from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderMatrixConstant |
Gets a Matrix value from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderQuaternionArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Quaternion values from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderQuaternionConstant |
Gets a Quaternion value from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderSingleConstant |
Gets an array of Single values from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderVector2ArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Vector2 values from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderVector2Constant |
Gets a Vector2 value from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderVector3ArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Vector3 values from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderVector3Constant |
Gets a Vector3 value from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderVector4ArrayConstant |
Gets an array of Vector4 values from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
GetVertexShaderVector4Constant |
Gets a Vector4 value from the vertex shader constant float registers. |
op_Equality |
Compares two objects to determine whether they are the same. |
op_Inequality |
Compares two objects to determine whether they are different. |
Present |
Overloaded. Presents the display with the contents of the next buffer in the sequence of back buffers owned by the GraphicsDevice. |
ReferenceEquals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
Reset |
Overloaded. Resets the presentation parameters for the current GraphicsDevice. |
ResolveBackBuffer |
Overloaded. Copies the current back buffer contents to a texture. |
ResolveRenderTarget |
Signifies that the device has finished drawing to a render target and prepares the render target for a call to RenderTarget2D.GetTexture or RenderTargetCube.GetTexture. |
SetGammaRamp |
Sets the gamma correction ramp. |
SetPixelShaderConstant |
Overloaded. Sets a pixel shader constant. |
SetRenderTarget |
Overloaded. Sets a new color buffer for a GraphicsDevice. |
SetVertexShaderConstant |
Overloaded. Sets a vertex shader constant. |
ToString |
Retrieves a string representation of this object. |