Manage Viva Glint Advanced Configuration settings and tasks

Microsoft Viva Glint offers Advanced Configuration options which allow users to view and modify advanced platform settings and perform complex data updates. Use Advanced Configuration to:

  • Review and edit reporting thresholds in the Details or Surveys section. Learn more.
  • Manage advanced survey settings, like Sensitive Comments. Learn more.
  • Import external, historical data from a previous employee survey vendor. Learn more.
  • Export a detailed snapshot of employee data at the time of a past survey launch. Learn more
  • Update employee data that is tied to a closed survey to correct reporting. Learn more.
  • Perform uploads to update custom access. Learn more.
  • Monitor Advanced Configuration tasks that are still running in the Running Jobs section.

Screenshot that displays the Advanced configuration option icon in Viva Glint tenant.


Changing certain settings in Advanced Configuration may be irreversible. These options should only be modified by trained Viva Glint users.

Grant user access to Advanced Configuration

To access, a Viva Glint Admin must enable Advanced Configuration access on an admin user's profile in Viva Glint.

Grant access to an existing admin user


Viva Glint Admins can update their own access to Advanced Configuration.

  1. Select the Configuration symbol, then in Employees, choose People.
  2. In the Search People field, enter the user's first and last name or email address.
  3. Select the user when they appear as a search result.
  4. On the user's detail page, in Company Admin: Advanced Configuration Access, select the pencil symbol to edit.
  5. In the dialog, turn on Advanced Configuration access and select Save.

After enabling access, when a user selects the Configuration symbol, then goes to Service Configuration, they see Advanced Configuration.


A user may need to refresh or sign in to Viva Glint again to see Advanced Configuration.

Grant access to a Support user

To manage Support users' access to Viva Glint and Advanced Configuration, follow the guidance in this article: Manage Support users in Viva Glint.

Advanced Configuration: Details

View specifics about how information displays in Viva Glint reporting and which features are enabled. For more information on reviewing and editing reporting thresholds in the Details or Surveys section, see Manage confidentiality thresholds.

Setting Description
Auto Action Plans Enable autogeneration of action plans for eligible users
Custom Surveys Enabled Advanced survey customization, no action required
Rated Confidentiality Threshold Scores don't display for fewer responses than this threshold. Viva Glint standard: 5
Suppression Threshold To prevent guessing the scores of respondent groups with insufficient data, the next biggest group is suppressed until the total insufficient + suppressed = or exceeds this number. Viva Glint standard: 2
Parent Team Suppression Threshold Access results for teams that would have been suppressed for parent team respondents greater than or equal to this threshold. Viva Glint standard: 400
Industry average eSat score Industry average for eSat
Industry average response rate Industry average for response rate
Response Rate Threshold Response rates don't display for groups smaller than this value. Viva Glint standard: 5
Default Rating Scale Number of responses available on rating questions. Viva Glint standard: 5
Minimum Threshold for Alerts Report In the Alerts report, minimum number of respondents for a group to be considered. Viva Glint standard: 20
Minimum Score Difference for the Alerts Report In the Alerts report, minimum difference from benchmark score for a group. Viva Glint standard: 8
Maximum number of Alerts In the Alerts report, the maximum number of alerts to display. Viva Glint standard: 2000
Maximum number of Alerts for a population In the Alerts report, the maximum number of attributes to combine for a group. Viva Glint standard: 2
Alert and Insight Hierarchy Limitation In the Alerts report, when hierarchies are selected, the maximum number of levels considered. Viva Glint standard: 3
Attribute Cardinality Management In the Alerts report, when values for an attribute exceed this number, the attribute isn't included in the report. Viva Glint standard: 100
Insight Probability Threshold In the Alerts report, the statistical likelihood that results aren't by chance and are significant. Viva Glint standard: 0.05
Comments Search Threshold Comments don't display for fewer question responses than this threshold. Viva Glint standard: 10
Comments Confidentiality Threshold Comments don't display by topics for fewer responses than this threshold. Viva Glint standard: 10
Minimum Difference for Driver Impact Report In the Driver Impact report, the minimum difference from the item score for the entire company. Viva Glint standard: 5
Driver Impact Report Threshold In the Driver Impact report, the minimum number of respondents to display results. Viva Glint standard: 20
Exclude negative strengths and positive weaknesses Exclude negative strengths and positive weaknesses for Driver Impact calculation.
Enable Kiosk Page Allow users to access attribute-based surveys without a registered kiosk. Learn more
Self-Serve Mode EDIT_AND_CREATE allows admins to edit and create survey programs
Support Users for Survey Notifications No action needed, leave blank. Admins can add users in the Support role to surveys in the Distribution section.
Action Plans to Goals enabled? No action needed, leave as true
Enable Cross Program Filtering Filter results across multiple surveys programs. Viva Glint standard: true
Percentage Probability of following up on marked question To encourage open-ended comments, percentage of users that are prompted with follow-up questions in surveys. Viva Glint standard: 15
Frequency of in-product feedback shown MLE Dashboard Percentage of users that see in-product feedback questions in their Team Summary dashboard. Viva Glint standard: 100
Frequency of in-product feedback shown on non-MLE Dashboard Percentage of users that see in-product feedback questions in their non-Team Summary dashboard. Viva Glint standard: 10
Enable Filter Suppression on Scores Disable users' ability to filter to teams whose scores are suppressed

Advanced Configuration: Surveys

For a simpler view of existing survey programs, go to Configuration symbol and select Survey Programs. Use the Advanced Configuration Surveys option to view advanced technical details related to your survey programs. The main page for Surveys includes:

  • Name
  • Type
  • State
  • Program
  • Start Date
  • Frequency
  • Recurrence Rule
  • Show Last Modified (when enabled)

Select a survey program to view more details and options. For more information on reviewing and editing reporting thresholds in the Details or Surveys section, see Manage confidentiality thresholds.

Survey setting Description
State ACTIVE (ready to be enabled) or DRAFT (edit mode)
Domain No action needed, leave blank
Survey Trigger Type How surveys generate: Schedule, Event (example: Hire Date), User Initiated
Event Trigger Survey Questionnaire Shelf Life Days to complete survey
Generate DISABLED survey cycle in Self Serve True. Recurring/upcoming surveys don't enable until an admin enables them
Resubmit Submit Enabled Allow users to resubmit their own surveys
Survey Type Recurring, On demand, Employee Lifecycle (ELC), or Always-On
Event Trigger Survey Minimum Pulsing Interval (Days) Minimum days before a user can be surveyed again
Icon Name (css class) No action needed, leave blank
Contact Method Company Email or Company and Personal Email
Minimum Sample Size Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
Minimum Group Size Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
No Suppression Parent Team Size Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
Minimum sample Size Survey Stats Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
Minimum Respondent size for Driver Impact Report Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
Minimum Respondent Size for Comments Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
Minimum Group Size for Comments Blank. Refer to platform-level settings in Details
Run action plans True. Generate action plans for eligible users
Default survey locale Displays selection from Survey Programs: Survey: Program Setup
Additional Survey Locales Displays selection from Survey Programs: Survey: Program Setup
Enable Follow Up Enable follow up questions that encourage more open-ended comments in surveys
Sensitive Comments Enable sensitive comment flagging in the admin view of the Comments report for personally identifiable information (PII), sensitive topics, and profanity. Learn more

Advanced Configuration: Users

To export Viva Glint users select the Configuration symbol, choose People, and then Export.

Advanced Configuration: External Import

Import external survey results to see trend for past items that continue to be asked in Viva Glint survey programs. Learn more.

Advanced Configuration: Data Apps

Use Viva Glint Data Apps to export recipients or update attribute values for users in closed surveys. Learn more.

App UUID Description
EXPORT_USERS_FROM_SURVEY_CYCLE Export survey recipients, attributes, and hierarchies as they existed when a survey launched
RETROACTIVE_PULSE_UPDATE Update employee attributes associated with a closed survey cycle

Advanced Configuration: Uploads

Use the Uploads option to:

  • View file upload details.
  • Update users' custom data access in bulk.
  • Perform retroactive data updates to correct employee attributes in reporting.

Upload types:

Advanced Configuration: Running Jobs

Review details, statuses, and start times for Advanced Configuration tasks performed within the last 15 minutes to 48 hours, depending on the selected timeframe.