Use Advanced Configuration Data Apps
For highly trained users, Microsoft Viva Glint Advanced Configuration Data Apps allow you to perform complex data updates and export recipients for closed surveys. Use the following guidance to understand when and how to use Data Apps.
For one or multiple survey cycles, export a snapshot of employee data as they were when a survey launched.
Use this information to:
- Confirm manager reporting lines at a fixed point in the past.
- Confirm attribute values for employees when a survey launched.
- Prepare a file for a retroactive update.
To export users:
- Select parameters:
- surveyName: Select Load Values and choose an option from the dropdown list.
- cycleName: Select Load Values and choose an option from the dropdown list.
- includeAttributes: Select yes to include all attributes. Select no to include required attributes only.
- includeAllCycles: Select yes to include all cycles. Select no to include the selected cycle only.
- includePersonalEmail: Select yes to include the personal email attribute (if applicable). Select no to exclude.
- Select Save as ZIP to download.
To preserve special characters and formatting, always open files by importing data from .csv in Microsoft Excel.
When a survey closes, Manager Hierarchy information that displays in reporting isn't updated with usual employee data uploads. To update data in reporting, use the Retroactive Pulse Update Data App to apply new values.
If your update doesn't involve Manager Hierarchy, use the Retroactive Upload feature instead.
Employee Lifecycle and Always-On surveys
Ongoing survey types like Lifecycle and Always-On can have the same user respond multiple times in a survey cycle that may need a retroactive update. Viva Glint retroactive updates don't currently support attribute value updates to multiple records for the same user during a retroactive update. An admin can remove users who have multiple records when preparing a file of corrected user data.
If duplicated users aren't removed, admins see a "Failed to run the data app RETROACTIVE_PULSE_UPDATE" error message.
- Do not perform a retroactive update while a Viva Glint survey is live.
- Deleted user data can't be retroactively updated.
To perform a retroactive update to Manager Hierarchy:
Use these steps when manager reporting lines need to be corrected for a closed survey.
Export current employee data from the Viva Glint People page to preserve employees and Manager IDs in their current state. When the retroactive update is complete, reload this data to reset users to their current information.
Export survey cycle data with the EXPORT_USERS_FROM_SURVEY_CYCLE Data App for the survey needs to be updated.
Keep this export of original survey cycle data in case any retroactive updates need to be reverted.
Prepare an update file with the EXPORT_USERS_FROM_SURVEY_CYCLE file from Step 2. If the employee data loaded to Viva Glint is already correct, skip to Step 6 to create a Distribution List.
Retain all users from the survey cycle in your update file. Even users who are not directly impacted by a Manager ID change can have a reporting line impact.
- To preserve special characters and formatting, always open files by importing data from .csv in Microsoft Excel.
- Delete all columns except for:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Employee ID
- Status
- Manager ID
- All date fields, like Hire and Term Date.
- Columns use to create derived attributes. Go to the People page and select Manage User Attributes from the Actions menu to view Derived Attributes. Keep the fields listed in the Calculated From section.
- Correct values for users that should have their Manager ID updated.
- Save your edited file with corrected values as a .csv (with UTF-8 or UTF-8 with BOM encoding) or .xlsx file.
Go to Configuration and select People and choose the Import option.
Leave the Checking this box will update ALL employee records setting unselected.
Drag your update file to this window or select the browse to choose a file option to select it.
Select Import File and select Close on the file processing message that appears.
Refresh the People page to update the file processing status at the top of the page.
When the upload completes, select Review Upload.
Download and review any errors.
Select Confirm Import.
If uploads aren't confirmed within 60 minutes, they expire and don't process.
After the import completes successfully, use the Export option on the People page to confirm that Manager Hierarchy levels and teams are updated as expected.
Create a Distribution List and import all users that are part of the retroactive update.
After uploading your corrected data on the People page and creating a Distribution List, go to Advanced Configuration and select Data Apps.
Select parameters to update Manager ID:
surveyName: Select Load Values and choose an option from the dropdown list.
cycleName: Select Load Values and choose an option from the dropdown list.
roleOrDistributionList: Select Load Values and choose the Distribution List created in Step 6.
Don't select the "(all)" option when choosing a role or list of users. It causes the retroactive update to fail.
attributeName: Select Load Values and choose your Manager ID attribute.
reloadAnalytics: Switch toggle to Off.
Select Execute, and show first 500 log records.
Select parameters to update the overall Manager Hierarchy:
surveyName: Select Load Values and choose an option from the dropdown list.
cycleName: Select Load Values and choose an option from the dropdown list.
roleOrDistributionList: Select Load Values and choose the Distribution List created in Step 6.
Don't select the "(all)" option when choosing a role or list of users. It causes the retroactive update to fail.
attributeName: Select Load Values and choose (hierarchy) Manager.
reloadAnalytics: Switch toggle to On.
Select Execute, and show first 500 log records.
Confirm Manager Hierarchy changes in your Dashboard and Reports.
If the user data updates made by the correction file loaded for this update should be reset to current attribute values, load the data exported in Step 1 to the Viva Glint People page.
- For example, if Manager corrections apply to survey data in the past, but Manager IDs now different for employees, load data exported in Step 1 to restore current information.
Optionally, delete the Distribution List created to target users for the update.
Depending on the number of Manager ID updates and users involved, it may take up to an hour to see changes reflected in reporting.