Will a Backup Vault for a Deleted PostgreSQL Flexible Server be Retained?
We had problems migrating our PostgreSQL single server to flexible server because of some large database audit tables. It was an offline migration and we didn't want our public facing application down for many hours waiting for the audit tables to…
How do I see Azure SQL Database automatic backups report on Backup Center
Is there a way that I can configure Azure SQL Database backups to show on Azure Backup Center? I need to do some reporting on the backups but it looks like there is no way to pull them in backup center.

How do I go from Enhanced backup to standard backup for Azure
Hello, Pretty simple question which doesn't seem to be simple to achieve. I have an Azure VM that has the enhanced backup enabled but I want to go to the standard backup because I do not need the enhanced backup. Can someone tell me how to do it when I…

How do I configure the Backup Management Group to backup numerous resources across subscriptions?
I try to configure the Business Continuity Center for backup central management across multiple subscriptions. I think that I need to create vaults, backup policies and apply it to recourses in subscriptions.

I cannot get local PC to backup to my local azure backup server
I have a local backup server. I havent had to backup anything other than our VMs in the past. I've had a request to backup a windows desktop machine. it is not on the domain. I just want to back this up to the local backup server and not to the azure…
Unable to register the on-premise server to Azure Backup
Invalid vault credentials provided. The file is either corrupted or does not have the latest credentials associated with recovery services (ID: 34513) But credentials are latest and are correct. I have tried so many times in many different ways like…

Azure Backup servers issue
Azure Backup servers issue with MABS, backups are fail one another Every time while I run this will not working

How to obtain the total amount of Backup storage in GB or TB with a script
Hello everyone. I am working on obtaining the total amount of backup storage space as you can see below, I can get that inside the recovery services vaults pane, but I want to find a way to obtain that same value using a script either PowerShell or Bash,…
How to backup OS disk?
Hi all, I have a VM that's being encrypted with encryption at host. And I have set up with it with standard default policy backup to a recovery service vault. What I am trying to do is to just to manual backup via the azure portal by selecting…
Azure Backup Exclude Specific Datadisk/osdisk
Is possible to exclude specific disks from a VM when enabling Azure Backup? Can we exclude Os disk?
Azure Monitor Alert: AgentExpiry on VaultXXX ( microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults ).
"Azure Monitor Alert AgentExpiry on VaultXXX ( microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults )" "Critical: Azure Site Recovery components of Recovery Services vault: 'VaultXXX' has expired." Hello, We've had two of the alerts stated above, over…
How to rename a locked Azure backup vault for Azure Blobs
Hello, I hope you're doing well. I have a locked immutable azure backup vault for my storage account blob and I have named this vault badly. I'd like to know if it's possible to rename it and if yes, how. Thank you!
Azure recovery services vault and backup
I would like to know what sort of Azure services can leverage Azure backup functionality. From my research, virtual machines can be protected by recovery services vault, however how about Azure PaaS SQL server datababases, Azure managed disks, Azure…
Price to enable CRR for Azure Backup
Hello, I am trying to determine pricing to enable CRR on a 23TB recovery services vault currently using GRS. As I understand, it would convert from GRS to use RA-GRS. Using the Microsoft calculator it appears this increase would be less than $300 OR will…
Can we backup a virtual machine residing in different subscription to a vault associated with different subscription.
Hello Team, We do not want to create multiple vaults and we want to keep all the backup copies at one place. Hence, we would like to know if it is possible to backup VMs from another subscription to a vault located in different subscription. If yes then…
File Level Restore on my Azure Virtual Machine
I'm having trouble mounting and accessing file level restore on Azure Backup. Can i get an engineer to get on a screen share to review and troubleshoot?
Using Azure Backup to backup SQL Server database that's running in an Azure VM
I am looking to use Azure Backup to backup SQL that is running inside an Azure VM. The entire VM itself is already doing an azure backup. I came across this and am wondering if I must allow access (such as NSG tags first). "For all operations, a…
Unable to delete Recovery Services vault
I am unable to delete immutable vault from the RG, I was using as learning purpose. So need to delete this from backend Second issue is like, while doing the practical Azure have created Azure Backup drive which I am not able to delete. Whenever I…
Unable to perform file recovery after upgrading the VMs disks to premium SSDv2
We have recently upgraded most of the large VM disks to premium ssdv2. These VMs and disks are backed up in RSV, however we are unable to perform file recovery after moving the disks to premium ssd v2 and get the following error. This wasn't listed in…
SQL server on Azure VM
Hi, I want to enable the azure automated backup of my DB which is on SQL server on Azure VM. Please help me