InvalidToken from Azure Notification Hub (WNS)
Hi, I am trying to use Azure Notification Hub to send WNS notifications. My send is unsuccessful, and in the Notification Outcome, I receive an InvalidToken error. Looking through the ANH docs, I'm unable to find the details on causes of an…
Just reporting a typo in Windows Server 2016
In Group Policy "Turn on Security Center" under Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Security Center "If you do not congifure this policy setting, the Security Center is turned off for…
Office 365 Mover says it's already installed but it's not listed in the Enterprise Application gallery.
I'm trying to user and I can't authorize Office 365. In Azure Enterprise Applications, it's not listed and when i try to add it, it says it's already installed.
.net error
Though I have installed.NET still why I get this error
AZ-400 -The content of this exam will be updated on June 15, 2020 .
If I booked the exam date on (ex-20/06/2020) .Exam question will be based on before 15/06/2020 syllabus or will be after 15/06/2020 syllabus because few new things will be added after 15/06/2020 .Please advice.
UWP,Why I can't pass the windows application test when I use P/Invoke
I use two dll in my project. But ,After packaging, it cannot pass the application authentication of windows C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\xxxxxxxxxxxxx\libdlna.dll has failed the AppContainerCheck check how to solve it
camera error when using microsoft teams video chat
Hello, I'm Jungho Choi. I'm using microsoft teams app on purpose of online course from my school in netherlands. At first, there was nothing wrong with my laptop's camera, but at some point, my camera doesn't work even if I can use my Photo…
Reports available in MS Teams
Teams-can I get a report detailing the time that people leave the meeting?
What files do I need in Windows/System32/spool/PRINTERS and where can I get hold of them?
Cannot add any printers in Windows 10 v 1903
retrieve a video if we're not the person who threw it
Is it possible to retrieve a meeting as a recording if I am the class organizer but have not played the video? I'd like my public thesis defense back. How can I do? Is someone from teams that can help me? Thanks a lot, Gaëtan Devos
Microsoft installation
Which one should I buy an OEM key or standard windows 10 home. In india retailers cheat by pricing heavily and installing fake windows.
Loading Chunk 5 Failed
I have an associate who was able to get into the files in Microsoft Teams yesterday however today is recieving a Loading Chunk 5 Failed. We have restarted her computer, and uninstalled and reinstalled the app. She is able to go through the website, but…
How to append TabItem to TabControl in C# instead of XAML
I'm experimenting with WPF applications. Using the designer I created a TabControl with two TabItems that are set up in XAML. Then I wanted to see about creating a third TabItem in C# code and attaching it to the TabControl using code instead of XAML. …
how do I make both of my icons larger full image, a full icon logo not half like displayed in the photos screenshots
![8924-screenshot-2-li.jpg][1] ![8925-screenshot-3-li.jpg][2] [1]: /api/attachments/8924-screenshot-2-li.jpg?platform=QnA [2]: /api/attachments/8925-screenshot-3-li.jpg?platform=QnA how do I make both of my icons larger full image, a full icon logo not…
Input Layout of UWP Directx12 example app.
void Sample3DSceneRenderer::CreateDeviceDependentResources() { //...... ..... auto createPipelineStateTask = (createPSTask && createVSTask).then([this]() { static const D3D12_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC inputLayout[] = { …
Teams videobeelden
Sinds we van 9 personen de videos kunnen bekijken in een vergadering in teams zijn de camerabeelden niet zichtbaar als ik de personen vastzet. De videobeelden zijn wel zichtbaar als de personen niet vastgezet worden, maar voor het uitvoeren van mijn werk…
c# combobox filtering one combobox based on the value of another combobox
Hi All. I created form with two ComboBox. And I would like that selection in ComboBox1 filter ComboBox2. Here is my code to populate ComboBox1: public partial class Window1 : Window { MyDataSet ds = new MyDataSet(); …
SQL 2019-ExpressAdv_ENU Stand Alone Installation Issue, Setup.exe keep popping up.
Dear Microsoft team, I'm facing issue while installing SQL 2019 express ( ExpressAdv_ENU ) stand alone sql server since last week. Before that, i have installed SSMS Management Studio 2017 and uninstalled it. Many forums said i must installed SQL…
Restore backup of sql database taken to azure recovery services vault to different subscription
I have registered a test server in a Recovery Service Vault and setup a SQL Database backup policy to a VM running SQL Server. The backup is occurring as expected. Now I would like to restore the backup taken from this server and restore it to a VM…
How to limit DTU per job/task for SQL on Azure
Hello I am wondering if there is a way to set a limit on a per job or task basis that a job or task on a SQL DB that is hosted on Azure. So, something like.... Weekly backup is limited to consuming 10% of available DTU Currently we have a…