420,891 questions

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0 answers

Double Pointer

So , The Double pointer Works Like We Create an Variable pShape in Stack and It Moves to Heap Through Struct IDrawable and as it is an Double Pointer, There's an reference to it in Stack Memory so It Moves to the Address of pShapre and Again Moves to…

A high-level, general-purpose programming language, created as an extension of the C programming language, that has object-oriented, generic, and functional features in addition to facilities for low-level memory manipulation.
3,880 questions
asked 2020-10-08T10:25:13.697+00:00
MMS 05 61 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T01:44:21.18+00:00
Jeanine Zhang-MSFT 11,181 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Offline Media and Drivers

We support about 28 different models of machines in our Configuration Manager OSD Task Sequence, which requires storing all those drivers on DPs, and also including them in the Offline Media. Having such large Offline Media is causing an issue in our…

Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment
Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment
Microsoft Configuration Manager: An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers.Deployment: The process of delivering, assembling, and maintaining a particular version of a software system at a site.
1,051 questions
asked 2020-10-06T08:24:33.92+00:00
Roger Hendrikse 246 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T01:42:17.33+00:00
Fiona Yan-MSFT 2,311 Reputation points
1 answer

Not Able to Download file from MVC Web API

Hi, I am trying to download a file using MVC Web API, where I am facing two issues. First, I am Getting the CORS error, Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://testservices.lab.com/api/DYRDSP/GetSignatureImage/35/01/1werw12' from origin…

Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,635 questions
asked 2020-10-08T08:35:35.72+00:00
Soni Samuel Panackacheril 66 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-09T01:32:00.007+00:00
Tianyu Sun-MSFT 33,551 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
9 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Showing Remote Desktop Server Licensing mode alert when login to the server

Hello, When login to the Azure VM server through Remote desktop showing alert "Remote Desktop Server Licensing mode is not configured and remote desktop service will stop working in 16 days." We have installed 25 Per User CAL license but…

Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop
A Microsoft app that connects remotely to computers and to virtual apps and desktops.
4,740 questions
asked 2020-09-30T15:22:07.833+00:00
Rocky Mondal 86 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T01:29:18.167+00:00
Eleven Yu (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 10,806 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
6 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

why is this giving me an error,can anyone help.

INSERT INTO [dbo].[FinalReportSource] ( [Row Id] ,[order id] ,[Order Date] ,[Date] ,[Ship Mode] ,[customer Id] ,[Customer Name] ,[Gender] ,[MaritalStatus] ,[Age] ,[Numberofchildren] ,[Segment] ,[Country] ,[City] …

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
4,692 questions
asked 2020-10-04T00:20:10.847+00:00
Laura Ijewere 41 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T01:29:04.753+00:00
Laura Ijewere 41 Reputation points
6 answers

AutoDiscover for Exchange Hybrid

Hi I have been removing our Old Exchange server 2010 from our Hybrid Environment (Exchange 2010 & Exchange 2016 & Office 365) . Now if I turned off Exchange 2010 server, seems AutoDiscovery is very slow, took about 2 minutes to find the user…

Microsoft Exchange Hybrid Management
Microsoft Exchange Hybrid Management
Microsoft Exchange: Microsoft messaging and collaboration software.Hybrid Management: Organizing, handling, directing or controlling hybrid deployments.
2,250 questions
asked 2020-09-10T06:38:13.013+00:00
Namless Shelter 241 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T01:22:28.313+00:00
Joyce Shen - MSFT 16,696 Reputation points
2 answers

How to specify PeerTokenAccessMask in WSAQuerySocketSecurity?

The PeerTokenAccessMask field is a ULONG in SOCKET_SECURITY_QUERY_TEMPLATE. I need to set it to some value to get PeerApplicationAccessTokenHandle and/or PeerMachineAccessTokenHandle. However I cannot find anywhere how that mask field can be set. …

Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
2,745 questions
asked 2020-09-14T20:44:28.233+00:00
beachbear 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-09T01:17:48.17+00:00
Fei Xue - MSFT 1,111 Reputation points
1 answer

backup azure sql paas

dears, can you please advise on how to backup azure sql servers services? not azure vms with sql servers im talking about the paas sql. in the recovery vault, i just have the option to backup azure vm with sql servers. your advise is appreciated …

Azure SQL Database
asked 2020-10-06T08:26:26.28+00:00
eg1995 1,151 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T01:10:54.04+00:00
Navtej Singh Saini 4,226 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Azure Log Analytics or SQL Profiler for AAS?

I think you can use both SQL Server Profiler or Azure Log Analytics for Azure Analysis Services logging. But which one is the better option?

Azure Analysis Services
Azure Analysis Services
An Azure service that provides an enterprise-grade analytics engine.
476 questions
asked 2020-09-21T20:41:03.46+00:00
James H. Robinson 161 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-09T00:02:18.313+00:00
KranthiPakala-MSFT 46,612 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

Visual Studio 2019 Azure KeyVault configuration error when publish

I want to deploy my project to Azure in an App Service I have just created. Also, I created a KeyVault for all my settings. When I try to deploy to app to the service, I have to configure the connection strings for the databases. I click on…

Azure Key Vault
Azure Key Vault
An Azure service that is used to manage and protect cryptographic keys and other secrets used by cloud apps and services.
1,395 questions
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
8,450 questions
asked 2020-10-07T16:58:47.947+00:00
Enrico Rossini 201 Reputation points
commented 2020-10-08T23:36:03.663+00:00
JamesTran-MSFT 36,821 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
0 answers

How to create a 'flow' that creates a shift when List item is modified

Hi, I want to create a ‘flow’ that would automatically create a new Shift when a user updates certain columns in a List. For example; column 1 (title/item column) : Manager Column 2 (yes/no column) : yes Allocated (person column): Jane Doe …

Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,635 questions
asked 2020-10-08T10:01:04.263+00:00
BB 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-08T23:13:29.43+00:00
olufemia-MSFT 2,861 Reputation points
1 answer

Do Blueprints support inline deployment scripts within ARM template?

My aim is to add users to the Cost Management Contributor role as part of my baseline subscription blueprint. My first thought was to try the Role Assignment artifact available in Blueprint GUI. However, this only allows you to select one user - I want…

Azure Blueprints
Azure Blueprints
An Azure service that provides templates for quick, repeatable creation of fully governed cloud subscriptions.
74 questions
asked 2020-10-07T16:29:10.217+00:00
Gavlarc 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-10-08T22:52:39.447+00:00
olufemia-MSFT 2,861 Reputation points
1 answer

MySQL for Azure connection reset by peer - unpredictable errors in Python code

I have a python application connecting to our Azure MySQL database. It parses through a large CSV of items, hits an external API for data, and then posts that data to the db. In the loop, I do a couple of SELECT queries that are parameter driven, an…

Azure Database for MySQL
Azure Database for MySQL
An Azure managed MySQL database service for app development and deployment.
921 questions
asked 2020-10-06T20:14:45.33+00:00
Scott Fergusson 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-08T22:50:41.61+00:00
Mike Ubezzi 2,776 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Get SharePoint site page metadata/properties using Graph API beta

Hello! I'm attempting to retrieve some basic metadata (description, thumbnail) and custom properties for a SharePoint site page using the beta Graph API, but using the basic examples in the documentation isn't giving me all the pieces I need.…

SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server Development
SharePoint Server: A family of Microsoft on-premises document management and storage systems.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
1,639 questions
Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
23,634 questions
asked 2020-09-22T23:19:42.797+00:00
Gardner, Max 41 Reputation points
accepted 2020-10-08T22:50:32.747+00:00
Gardner, Max 41 Reputation points
2 answers

Unable to access my media services rest v2 endpoint with token generated from AAD auth

I created a service principal with owner access. Generated a token and tried to list the Assets through v2 media rest endpoint but I am getting 401 without any error in the body Followed the complete procedure.

Azure Media Services
Azure Media Services
A group of Azure services that includes encoding, format conversion, on-demand streaming, content protection, and live streaming services.
321 questions
asked 2020-10-08T12:51:43.53+00:00
ashutoshvijaysingh101 1 Reputation point
commented 2020-10-08T22:11:16.32+00:00
John Deutscher 241 Reputation points
3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

How to transpose the data

Hi All, Can someone please help me on how to transpose the data, below is my DDL and attached are the input and output : Create Table #Temp ( ID Int, A_10 Int, A_11 Int, A_12 Int, B_10 Int, B_11 Int, B_12 Int )…

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
4,692 questions
asked 2020-10-08T19:05:37.433+00:00
sujith kumar matharasi 351 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-08T21:53:41.827+00:00
Erland Sommarskog 119.4K Reputation points MVP
10 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

SSMA for Access - How can I figure out exactly what table and column or index these warning messages pertain to?

SSMA for Access - How can I figure out exactly what table and column or index these warning messages pertain to? A2SS0030 Identifier name might cause problems A2SS0030: Foreign key '{5A15D9A6-64CE-44B3-AD29-21EAF86F0328}' has a name that might cause…

Azure Database Migration service
SQL Server Migration Assistant
SQL Server Migration Assistant
A Microsoft tool designed to automate database migration to SQL Server from Access, DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and SAP ASE.
558 questions
asked 2020-09-11T09:48:48.66+00:00
Bob Alston 126 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-08T21:48:23.697+00:00
Alexander Ivanov 491 Reputation points
9 answers


Hi all, I am trying to configure our sccm for PXE boot and our farm is configured with PKI for HTTPS commmunication. I have added a cert for my DP and configured PXE. but when i check the SMSPXE log. i am getting the screenshot below. …

Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment
Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment
Microsoft Configuration Manager: An integrated solution for for managing large groups of personal computers and servers.Deployment: The process of delivering, assembling, and maintaining a particular version of a software system at a site.
1,051 questions
asked 2020-10-05T16:39:33.777+00:00
D1enonly 46 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-08T21:36:24.323+00:00
Rahul Jindal [MVP] 10,781 Reputation points MVP
3 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

UWP XMAL c# -- Most effective way to use the MediaPlaybackList

Hi, I'm just learning UWP and hope you can help. I'm looking for just a general outline for the best approach for doing the following. Load audio files from a playlist into a MediaPlaybackList associated with a MediaPlayerElement. I can do this with…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
asked 2020-09-10T23:28:22.59+00:00
CyberSteve 156 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-08T21:34:47.873+00:00
CyberSteve 156 Reputation points
2 answers One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Front Door // Rule Engine - Transform to lowercase (bug)

Hi Microsoft Q&A I want to ensure that the URL path is always in lowercase. This is possible by using the “transform to” in the Rule Engine, but it only works if all the letters in the path is uppercase, and no trailing dash. A few examples…

Azure Front Door
Azure Front Door
An Azure service that provides a cloud content delivery network with threat protection.
779 questions
asked 2020-09-18T06:59:03.443+00:00
Nibbler 656 Reputation points
answered 2020-10-08T20:52:56.077+00:00
Nibbler 656 Reputation points