how do I delete my questions iv made on this site and in my activity
how do I delete my questions iv made on this site and in my activity
Hi i have recenly upgraded from windows7 to windows 10 but i have a problem
As I have recently upgraded ny windows 7 to windows 10 It is taking much time on working on updates and saying do not turn off your pc this will take a while and your pc will restart several times it is taking too long please help me
Skype for business 2015 + INternal serverare published + Mcxservices
Hello, I have some security issues regarding my skype for bsuiness 2015 configuration . Our internal servers are published instead of external servers in the link below: Any idea how can i…
Passing custom parameters to powershell script inside of ARM template for Microsoft.Web/sites/functions
Is there any way to pass in runtime parameters to a function app which runs a powershell script which is set up using ARM templates? Here is a function I am deploying which works, as long as I don't use 'customVariable', but I want to be able to use…
How do I get and modify file details in core environment?
How do I get and modify file details in core environment? 如何在.net core 环境下获取和修改文件的详细信息?
Como mudar a minha assinatura do Gold para game pass PC ?
Não consigo mudar a minha assinatura do Xbox Ultimate para Xbox Game Pass Pc, após cancelar a assinatura Ultimate não sou capaz de assinar o Game pass para PC, para mim seria mais vantajoso mudar de plano, solicito uma mudança de plano da Ultimate para…
Can we add application gateway public IP from 2 different subscription within same tenant as endpoint in Traffic Manager ?
Can we add application gateway public IP from 2 different subscription within same tenant as endpoint in Traffic Manager ?
[UWP] Application submission certification process can not be canncelled.
The submission certification process has been in pre-processing state since 2020/5/21. I tried to cancel the certification serveral times, the submission status always been "In certification".
REST API for web app (linux/windows container)
im trying to create a webapp for Linux/windows containers. using${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/${resourceGroupName}?api-version=2019-08-01 body …
How do I Change the Width of a Column in a Library List View on SharePoint Team Sites?
Hi I have been struggling to find a solution on how to change the width of a column. So the width is by default wide enough to see the entire document name. And so that users don't have to change is individually. Best, Christine.
Help with a Registy error!
Hey guys, So I'm having an issue with my computer right now. I keep on getting this error about every 10 minutes, and I've tried getting permissions to over run it, but I can't seem to get it to go away. I could use some help! Here's what it's been…
mein PST-File (12GB) ist nicht mehr lesbar
Hallo, wenn ich versuche, meine PST-File zu öffnen, erscheint die Meldung, die Datei sei korrupt. Auch mit einer neueren Version von OL ist kein öffnen möglich. SCANPST kanns auch nicht lösen. Benötige Hilfe
What would be the response for getting calendarviews from an outlook account that doesn't have calendar enabled?
When we query the O365 api for the Outlook Calendar endpoint, sometimes the error response is not consistent. Some times it is 400, and some times is it 409. We are wondering if one of the error code means the email doesn't have a valid calendar.
Confirm Support For Connect My Azure Window's Vm To My Real Vnc Viewer Mac App.
Confirm Support For Connect My Azure Window's Vm To My Real Vnc Viewer Mac App.
Excel PowerPivot DAX: no NORM.S.INV?
The DAX function reference lists the function NORM.S.INV. However, I get a "not a valid function name" error when I try to use it in a data table calculated column or measure. Is this function available?
Classrooms in Teams
Is it possible to copy the structure of a classroom so that you do not have to create from scratch when a new cohort is enrolled?
Unable to deploy Azure FarmBeats
Tried to deploy through Marketplace, end up with an empty Resource Group. Click through the Deployments to see two listed as successful, but when I try to drill down, the inputs/outs are empty. Also tried to deploy through CloudShell. Error: Entry…
Title: Datahub web url returns {"message":"Unable to resolve resource type.","status":400,"code":"InvalidPath","moreInfo":null}
When going to our we receive the following response: {"message":"Unable to resolve resource…
Create device or sensor metadata
I am following this tutorial to creates a device but it is returning an error. Here is the code I submitted PS Azure:\> curl -X POST…
Microsoft certifications
Our cernter was once certified as a place someone could get their Microsoft Office suites certification. We are not any longer and I need to either reinstate or purchase new license.