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One Louder

Exploring the fine line between clever and stupid. Heather Hamilton is a Staffing Manager and Microsoft Employee Evangelist.

I'm back and I'm exhausted

I just got back from New York yesterday. I realize that I didn't blog much about my trip to Miami...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 09/25/2006

Blogs are online balloons

They are. Because we are trying.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 09/25/2006

Because you want the drinking end of the bottle to come as close to sidewalk funk as possible

Some things defy understanding. And I'm definitely not saying you should wear them to work.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 09/25/2006

Air travel isn't as fun as it used to be

Oh, I know. I am just complaining. I was in Miami this week at a recruiting conference. I think that...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 09/15/2006

When does a blog have an effect opposite of that which was intended

And is it really a blog if you have to register to see it? SAP should be thanking Cornelius....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 09/15/2006

Things you should never say to a recruiter, part 3

"How do I break through the bureaucracy?" "What's the secret handshake?" PS: early process...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 09/08/2006

I made I can take it all away

Trump fires sidekick Carolyn As I type this, I look over my should to see if Bill Gates is coming to...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/31/2006

Oopsy, Starbucks

I may have spoken too soon about the great marketing at Starbucks. They should have seen this coming...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/31/2006

Coffee, Swiffers, "good sweats" and understanding your target market segment (when it's me)

I love Target. No need to fluff it up by calling it "Tar-jay". Nope, it's just Target and I love it....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/29/2006

Things you should know but aren't always brave enough to admit that you don't

Ever been in the midst of a conversation when a common topic comes up that you should know about but...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/29/2006

Make it bigger but spend less time

It's review time at Microsoft. Kind of like the new years eve of our internal Microsoft world, you...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/24/2006

Subscription only articles for free with Congoo

So I found this in RealSimple magazine. Congoo has something called a NetPass (warning before you...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/24/2006

Incoming Freshmen

Matt Lauer just mentioned that the incoming college freshman class was born in 1988. He said this...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/23/2006

2006 Marketing Salary Survey

There's a new one up at the Aquent site. This year it isn't blinking. Thanks to reader Alex for the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/21/2006

Protecting your brand name

What happens when your company brand name becomes part of the public domain? Do you complain? Do you...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/15/2006

And speaking of proof

How evil are you? That's called over-selling, my friends (either that or it's called crapola). I...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/14/2006

Proof that we can all be superstars

Here. I think they included the photos of Ashton and Demi to throw us off. But the photos of...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/14/2006

I'm Blog-Jamming!

I'm participating in the Fast Company BlogJam 2006 (whee!). Ah, I'm flattered that they even asked....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/14/2006

Best Movie Marketing Ever

Snakes on a Plane I mean, I'm not going to see it, but you definitely should.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/11/2006

Wanting access to my network is different than wanting to be in my network

Ah, LinkedIn. I love it. It's a great tool for finding who is out there. We've made a number of...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/11/2006

Things you should never say to a recruiter, part 2

You are actually going to interview me? But you're (just) the recruiter!

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/11/2006

Mind the Gap

Over on the Jobster blog, Julian and Shannon from Exceler8ion post about taking a grown-up gap year....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/10/2006

Apple says "Don't blog this"

How do you think this is going over? I think that if you invite people in,and they aren't under NDA,...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/08/2006

It's all about the service

I'm a sucker for good service. At restaurants, I am a great tipper when the service is good and I...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/07/2006

Free Microsoft Software

Blake wants you to know where to find it. This isn't a Microsoft sponsored site...he's just...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/04/2006

And what did you expect?

As I mentioned, we held our invitational career networking event last night. Since most of my work...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/04/2006

I knew what I was doing when I did it and I did it anyway

I'm not sure why, but one week, I'll have a perfectly productive week getting stuff done and the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 08/04/2006

Things you should never say to a recruiter, part one...

I'm willing to take any job at our company...that's how much I want to work there!

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/31/2006

Zip it slacker boy

This is hilarious. I was watching The Daily Show last night (a taped episode) and started to think...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/26/2006

Finally, an international launch page

In the past, when I've been contacted by international candidates interested in working at...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/26/2006

Working It

For those of you that require pictures... We don't need no stinkin' dog toys Notice how the male of...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/25/2006

Technical Documentation Weirdness

From DarrenBarefoot...the funniest Canadian I almost know. If you are sensitive to exotic or potty...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/24/2006

Finishing up my running program

For those of you even moderately interested in what happens when a former couch potato publicly...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/24/2006


I just deleted a bunch of comments. Sorry, you guys. I was trying to approve comments and delete...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/24/2006

If you are thinking about talking to me about Web 2.0, please don't

I hate the term Web 2.0 (almost as much as I hate the term "War for Talent"). I see it as a way for...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/20/2006

Be good, be memorable or be gone

I could never count the number of people I have interviewed in my years of recruiting; many, many...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/19/2006

Some people should not use the Internets

Whether they are a tube or a truck. It's funny, it's disconcerting. It's like listening to the...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/17/2006

My Big Fat Polish Midwestern Family Reunion

I just got back last night from Sandusky, Ohio; home of Cedar Point and my birthplace. Much of my...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/17/2006

Low tech but brilliant...

and only where it's sunny.

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/12/2006

I know you are but what am I?

Here are some mac parody ads from VH1s Best Week Ever (language alert if you are sensitive to that)....

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/11/2006

Real Men of Genius

This is hilarious. I love the Bud ads because they capture an un-spoken-of-until-now anthropological...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/08/2006

You, you, you ought to know

From Seth Godin: Ten things programmers might want to know about marketers. Nine things marketers...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/06/2006

I'm a runner....almost

Actually, "I'm a runner!" was what I said when I got fitted for my new running shoes. I should have...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 07/05/2006

I..don't...get it

I've even been to this Ikea and I just don't get it. For a chance to win a dining table and chairs?...

Author: HeatherLeigh Date: 06/30/2006

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