Incoming Freshmen
Matt Lauer just mentioned that the incoming college freshman class was born in 1988. He said this while "Sweet Child O' Mine" was playing in the background. GnR was the soundtrack to my college years. Oh, I miss my cut-off jeans.
I think I am going to be sick.
- Anonymous
August 23, 2006
The trigger event for me to stop the madness of remembering just how old I am was when I started talking to people at work about events I remembered that happened before the person I was talking to was born. After that, it was all downhill to the reluctant acceptance that I am now officially part of the "older generation" that just doesn't understand :-) - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Matt Lauer is a hunk. It just has to be said. - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Tora, I can't disagree with you. He has an impressive six-pack. - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
I'm glad I had a cool older sister to keep me in the loop on the tunes. She was a senior in HS and I was the coolest 1st grader ;->. - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
I went to HS and college entirely during the 80's. Sure, my body is "older". But I still feel young. Anytime I start thinking about people's ages and where I was when they were born, I get dizzy (old age?)
That is the first time I've heard of Matt Lauer being refered to as a "hunk". You learn something everyday. - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
I graduated college in June of 2006. Boy do I feel out of place! - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Christien-lucky you ; )
Ed- I nearly did that as well. I still feel young as well, but unfortunately, it sometimes results in people wondering "why is that middle aged woman wearing that?"...I'm probably too paranoid. I am not sure they would know to use the term "middle aged".
Oh Patblue-I'm even older! They don't know what life was like before MTV! Did you have one of those huge walkmans that required a strap?
eRock-as long as you don't mind us calling you Freshman! - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Hmmm...strange. I was just thinking about this today as well. Not that I'm that old, but I was considering that kids who were born in the 90s (like my little sis) will soon be in college!
I remember being teased at work for being an 80s kid! Who's laughing now!? :)
Q: What's the one thing everyone on the planet is doing at the same time?
A: Getting older - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Ian-you are aren't old. I hope things are going well for you, onetruecoolguy ; )
So I am sure that someone is going to disagree with me, but life gets better after your twenties. You could not pay me to be in my 20s again. What a mess that was! I'm thorougly enjoying my thirties (and still will be for a couple more years...for the record). The thirties is where I stopped caring about stuff that didn't matter and stopped worrying too much about things that do matter. - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
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August 23, 2006
Wow. These kids don't remember the Challenger explosion either, do they?
Dang, I feel old.
;-) - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Ditto. You couldn't pay me to do the 20s again either. 30s have been pretty good. If I had known how much fun growing up was, I'd have tried it years ago! - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Deb- I watched "Video Killed the Radio Star"...remember Solid Gold? Hee! I remember going through the drive-through lane of the bank with my....get this...wait for book!
What about the day John Lennon died...I remember exactly where I was. Ditto when Regan was shot, Challenger explosion (college freshmen weren't even BORN yet). Wanna feel real old: Match Game 76, Battle of the Network Stars, Hang Ten and dolphin shorts, feathered hair, Gloria Vanderbilt jeans, Gee your Hair Smells Terrific!, Aspen Soda. I saw Saturday Night Fever and the original Star Wars...IN A THEATER! Without Dolby : ) I played pong on my black and white TV! While I listened to my Shawn Cassidy cassette tape! And then I went and saw Ice Castles. Our brand new microwave oven was HUGE! - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
snicker - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Deb - I was thinking about the MTV thing too. Not only do these kids not remember life without MTV, but they are too young to remember when MTV only played music.
Heather - I probably dress my age (most of the time), but I definitely don't drive a car my age. Without going into details, I drive a relatively rare VW that is only a few years old, plus it is the hottest yellow you've ever seen. It's the car I would've killed to have in HS. Nearly everyday someone under the age of 24 gives me kudos for the car. But people from our generation don't get it. Like the day I went to pick up my daughter from Soccer and the soccer moms thought I was the pizza guy when I pulled in. One mom told me, "all the kids are driving cars like that." (too bad I wasn't wearing my black xBox t-shirt that day!) Since then, my wife has delicately discussed with me the idea of getting a more "age-appropriate" car. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
My friends tease me that I drive a VW Passat (AKA a soccer mom car). I like it for a lot of reasons. I dont have the problem of the leather and dog hair like I did in my last car which had cloth. I find this easier to clean. Someone ought to come out with a car that is dog friendly, just like they have those baby seats in some cars.
Oh and whats up with DVD and tv screens in cars these days? Where was that when our generation went on road trips? We played car bingo way too many times. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Here I am ready to make you all feel really young . . .
If anyone knows any 114 year olds--let me know.
Then, I can happily call myself--" Middle-aged."
Just my opinion but "young" is really over-rated. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Oh yeah... nothing against soccer moms. I'm married to one, she's cool.
But getting back to the 80's. I felt pretty old when I recently saw pictures of a "not-so-svelte-as-a-karma-chameleon" Boy George lately. Middle-age wasn't kind to him (I guess the drugs played a role). On the other hand I got to see Duran Duran a couple years back in New Orleans (hey, that was a Microsoft Partner event!) and they really rocked. In '84 they rocked. By '89 I thought they were cheesy. In '04 they rocked again. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Ok, since you gently twisted my arm... here is a URL to a photo of my car on Flickr.
VW made 4000. 1200 in this color. Many differences from a regular GTI. Since I've gotten it I've only see a couple others. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Wine-Oh, such a car exists. I believe it was a GMC SUV that came out a few years back. I'll try and find out but it had a ramp for the dog to get in and I think you could pretty much hose out the interior (for those of us that have had the fun experience of a fluff of dog hair floating into your mouth when you are driving down the road with the windows open, singing along to the radio...not that I do that...much)
Mommy...cute. (yes, people, that's my real mom).
Ed-I am with you on the Duran Duran thing. I think excess makes people puffy. And I think Sheryl Crow looks amazing! Oh, also...nice car!
tod- the rest of the readers don't have the benefit of knowing how awesome your wife is. Between that and the last item in your list, sounds like you are doing OK. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Oh yea I remember that GMC. Too much car for me in NYC. I'll stick to my soccer mom mobile.
Ed. Nice car indeed. Just dont drive it in NYC or you will be mistaken for a taxi. :)
Tod- I match most of the things on your list. Just got carded the other night at my regular bar of all places. They just had a raid and said it was protocol. Yeah ok. - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
Oops, looks like my comment got messed up when I copy/pasted it. The end should have read (without the extra stuff): "And yes, labs are my favorite breed too, but then I've been around them my whole life so I'm somewhat bias."
I write software applications yet have trouble with copy/paste. :-| - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 25, 2006
Ed- A stick Passat wagon? That is a soccer mom car. I have the 4 Motion sedan and it doesnt come in stick. Plus stick in NYC is not fun.
NYC weather is great right now. Great time to walk around the city. Unlike our heatwave in July. I am headed to Toronto on Monday for vacation. Good luck with your interviews.
VW actually tested the new Rabbit here in NYC and had them going around town as taxi's. Great marketing idea - Anonymous
August 25, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 25, 2006
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August 26, 2006
Haha...that's OK. I enjoy a little car talk now and then. - Anonymous
August 29, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 29, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 29, 2006
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August 29, 2006
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September 12, 2006
Point taken - and I hope that by now noone is still reading this thread so this will pretty much serve as an e-mail.
I am allergic to chicken -
He is the only other person I have ever met who is also allergic to chicken -
I included the reference as an identifier but I guess I failed miserably -
The concert was great by the way.... - Anonymous
March 10, 2008
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