Azure AI Foundry: Private IP Compute Creation Confusion
Using Azure AI Foundry with the following settings: Public network access: Disabled Workspace managed outbound access: Disabled The goal is to create compute resources using private IPs from a virtual network (subnet) to connect with enterprise…
Azure Function 4 deployment fails with "Encountered an error (BadGateway) from host runtime."
A few days ago, I started getting the infamous "BadGateway" errors when I attempted to deploy a new version of my Azure Function. Yes, it is the dreaded "Syncing Triggers" issue...(debug log below) This was working before, I made…
How to update my contact number on the Microsoft?
I changed my phone number recently. Now I am not able to login to Azure portal, because the verification is going to my old phone number which I don't have access to. Even to raise a support ticket, I have to login to the Microsoft which I am not able to…
Not able to install and run the bot locally
I'm not able to install and run the bot locally as the 'add' bot popup is not visible long enough. When i run the app from teams toolkit - it successfully opens the browser and proceeds to load the 'add bot' popup screen It loads for a fraction of…
Emails not delivered - unavailable invalid DNS MX or A/AAAA resource record
I have set up Azure Communication Service for email sending, with a custom domain. Emails are delivered successfully to some email addresses but not others. The error I get is: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable invalid DNS MX or A/AAAA…
Can't open some Word files on cloud, says unexpected error is keeping you from copying Error Ox8007017C
Cant open some Word files on cloud, says unexpected error is keeping you from copying (not trying to copy, just open) then Error Ox8007017CC cloud operation invalid--other files in cloud folders open fine. Have done two restarts, last with recent Win11…

My whatsapp business bot can't reply to my customer via azure communication services
In azure it says you don't need approval to start messaging, but it's forcing me coz it won't reply to my whatsapp Please help!!! I can't continue my work.
Access Issues
I am not receiving a code from authenticator. I have a standard support plan nd raise an issue in the founders hub - 2503090040000839
Lost Microsoft Authenticator App setting
I changed my phone and lost my Microsoft Authenticator App setting, now can not log into my Admin account, every attempt takes me back to the Authenticator.
How do I remove a ghost sign in that suddenly appeared
A "user" suddenly appeared on my sign in page. How do I remove it?
Microsoft Office programs will not load
When attempting to open Microsoft Office programs I receive a message that says "Updating Microsoft 365 and Office, pleas wait a moment..." After a moment, the window closes and a new one says "The application was unable to start correctly…

How to fix Microsoft word error code 0xc000012f
When I try to open Word or Excel I get error code 0xc000012f
Emails deleted on Outlook app are not getting deleted in Outlook mobile app
Hello All, Emails deleted on Outlook app and getting deleted in Outlook mobile app, Is there any fix for this.
Custom Domain with Microsoft 365 Family?
Hi all I wish to migrate from Google to Microsoft 365 Family version but I have a personal domain name I wish to use. I have setup a trial version of 365 but cannot find the "Admin" app anywhere and don't think it exists in the family…
Retrieve health information e.g. SMART, remaining live, reallocated sectors etc for all types of HDD, SSD, NvME etc
Any suggestions on reliable solutions to retrieve health information e.g. SMART, remaining live, reallocated sectors etc for all types of HDD, SSD, NvME etc Tried smartmontools but doesn't work for a lot of NvME drives as get…
DISM Not finding source
I am having some difficulty with DISM, and it appears that nothing that I do will resolve the issue. I confirmed that the server in question and the image that I am using for the WIM repair are of the same build - 14393.4169 however every time I run…
Renaming "Save to OneDrive - [my company]" Option in Outlook
Issue Description: In our organization, when users try to save email attachments in Outlook, they see an option labeled "Save to OneDrive - [My Company Name]." This name is misleading, and we would like to rename it to "Save to your…
Unable to validate phone number during azure Sign up
I have problems to identify with my phone. I have tried different web browser, removed cookies and cache, tried in private window. This message appears: "Unable to validate phone number during azure Sign up".
how to bypass/remove company portal on iPad Pro
I would try to sign in to begin with but I would need to connect to the internet problem is I can't connect without signing in. I need to find a way to get in and after that remove this portal and reset as a new iPad
Why is Microsoft Word back to using those horrible robotic voices in read-aloud?
Why is the read aloud realistic voice feature so horrible? It works often, but then for NO REASON WHATSOEVER it reverts back to 2010 robotic voices. This is awful and why I hate Microsoft. This particular issue has been in Q&A for 3 years now but…