
Kirk Evans Blog

.NET From a Markup Perspective

Sharing in Windows 8 Apps

This post will show an example of sharing using a Windows 8 app. Background I am working on a team...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/19/2014

Call Multiple Services With One Login Prompt Using ADAL

This blog will show how to create a client application using Active Directory Authentication Library...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/23/2014

Build Android Apps With Xamarin Using Portable Class Libraries

This post will show how to use Xamarin.Android and Visual Studio 2013 to build an app for Android...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/21/2014

Calling O365 APIs from your Web API on behalf of a user

This post will show how to create a custom Web API that calls the Office 365 APIs on behalf of a...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/15/2014

Using Portable Class Libraries to Reuse Models and ViewModels

This post will show you how to create a portable class library (PCL) to reuse logic across client...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/09/2014

Deploying a SharePoint App to Azure As Part of a Build

This post will show how to use continuous integration with a SharePoint provider-hosted app deployed...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/02/2014

Git for Team Foundation Developers - Merging

This post will show how to merge using Git.  This is the third post in a series. Git for Team...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/28/2014

Git for Team Foundation Developers–Branches

This post will illustrate branching with Git.  This is the second post in a series. Git for...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/27/2014

Building a SharePoint App as a Timer Job

This post will show how to create an app as a timer job. Background One of the complicated parts of...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/02/2014

Creating a SharePoint 2013 App With Azure Web Sites

This post will show how to create a SharePoint 2013 app for Office 365 and publish it to an Azure...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/24/2014

Call O365 using CSOM with a Console Application

This post shows how to use the SharePointOnlineCredentials class to authenticate to O365 from a...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/23/2014

Setting a SharePoint Person or Group Field Value with CSOM

I recently was asked a question about setting a Person or Group field value in a list using...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 11/30/2013

What Every Developer Needs to Know About SharePoint Apps, CSOM, and Anonymous Publishing Sites

This post will show what works and what doesn’t with CSOM and REST in a SharePoint 2013 publishing...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/24/2013

Enabling the Developer Site Collection Feature in SharePoint Online

I have been doing a bit of work updating some of our content for apps lately, and I found a couple...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 10/05/2013

Introducing SharePointContext for Provider-Hosted SharePoint Apps!

One of the more frustrating parts of building provider-hosted apps for SharePoint 2013 was that you...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/24/2013

Moving Path Based to Host Named Site Collections

This post illustrates a problem with detaching content databases that contain site collections...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 09/09/2013

Creating a Fiddler Extension for SharePoint 2013 App Tokens

This post will show how to create a Fiddler extension to inspect SharePoint 2013 context and access...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/25/2013

ALM for SharePoint Apps – Understanding Provider Hosted App Publishing

This post shows how to create a publishing profile for provider-hosted apps and use them as part of...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/20/2013

ALM for SharePoint Apps: Customizing the Build Process with a Custom Workflow Activity

This post shows how to create a custom customize the build process for provider-hosted apps with a...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/16/2013

ALM for SharePoint Apps: Implementing Continuous Integration

This post shows how to implement continuous integration for a provider-hosted app in SharePoint...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/15/2013

ALM for SharePoint Apps: Configuring a TFS Build Server with Team Foundation Service

This post shows how to configure a TFS Team Build 2012 server with Team Foundation Service in the...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/15/2013

Access Services 2013 Setup for an On-Premises Installation

This blog post will show you how to configure Access Services 2013 to use in your own environment....

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 07/14/2013

Build Session: Understanding Authentication and Permissions with Apps for SharePoint and Office

I am privileged to present at the Build 2013 conference Understanding Authentication and Permissions...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/26/2013

SharePoint 2013 (kb2726992) - The installation of this package failed

While patching one of my SharePoint 2013 farms with the April 2013 Cumulative Update, I kept...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/11/2013

My Deck from SharePoint and Windows PowerShell

I am presenting tonight to the Arizona PowerShell User Group on “SharePoint and Windows...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/05/2013

Fixing People Picker for SAML Claims Users Using LDAP

One of the things that frustrates customers when implementing claims authentication in SharePoint is...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/26/2013

SharePoint 2013 User Profile Sync for Claims Users

I have been working with claims authentication quite a bit lately, and something that can be...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/23/2013

Create the Best App for Office 2013 in 5 Minutes

While speaking in Kuala Lumpur for the Ignite developer training, Chris O’Connor (aka...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/06/2013

Clarifying Guidance on SharePoint Security Groups versus Active Directory Domain Services Groups

I received the following question on the SPYam group on Yammer, and decided to share the information...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 05/06/2013

How to Allow Only Users Who Have a Community Badge to Your SharePoint 2013 Site

This post will show how you can secure a web site based on if a user has been given a badge in a...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/22/2013

Inside SharePoint 2013 OAuth Context Tokens

This post will show you how to inspect the SharePoint 2013 context token to better understand how...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/05/2013

Access 2013–Not Your Father’s Access

I worked this weekend to prepare for a presentation this week at the Dallas SharePoint TechFest,...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/02/2013

New Features in Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012

The Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012 have been released and have some...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/01/2013

SharePoint 2013 App Only Policy Made Easy

This post demonstrates the app only policy for SharePoint 2013 app development and show how to...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/23/2013

Configuring LDAP for FBA in SharePoint 2010 or SharePoint 2013 with PowerShell

This post provides PowerShell script to easily configure forms based authentication using LDAP in...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/31/2013

Enable Exchange Mailboxes for All Users in an OU

This is more of a note to myself than anything, but what the heck, why not share it with everyone...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 01/23/2013

Creating High Trust SharePoint Apps with Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012 - Preview 2

This post shows how to create a High Trust app using Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 11/27/2012

Configuring Access Services 2013 on Premises

UPDATE: See Access Services 2013 Setup for an On-Premises Installation for updated guidance for...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/30/2012

Setting Up FBA and SQL Membership in SharePoint 2010 with PowerShell

This post provides PowerShell script to easily configure SQL FBA in SharePoint 2010. A long time...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 08/29/2012

Setting Object Cache Accounts in SharePoint 2010

This post will show how to set the PortalSuperUser and PortalSuperReader accounts for SharePoint...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 06/02/2012

Querying Active Directory Using Principal Extensions in System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

I recently had a project where I needed to query the extensionAttribute1 – extensionAttribute15...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 04/11/2012

What Every SharePoint Admin Needs to Know About Host Named Site Collections

This post intends to tell you everything you need to know about host named site collections so that...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 03/27/2012

Updating SharePoint Managed Metadata Columns with PowerShell

This post shows how to update a field with a managed metadata term. Background As with all software...

Author: Kirk Evans[MSFT] Date: 02/15/2012

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