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Walkthrough 3: Display model-driven apps (Unified Interface apps) records in your agent application

This walkthrough demonstrates how to display model-driven app records in your agent application. In this walkthrough, you’ll display all the account and contact records in the model-driven apps. You’ll also create a search button with drop-down menu items for displaying accounts and contacts in the agent application.


In This Walkthrough

Step 1: Create Unified Interface Page type of hosted controls to display account and contact records

Step 2: Create a toolbar container type of hosted control

Step 3: Add a toolbar and attach it to the toolbar container

Step 4: Add toolbar buttons and action calls to display records

Step 5: Add the controls to the configuration

Step 6: Test the application


Step 1: Create Unified Interface Page type of hosted controls to display account and contact records

In this step, you’ll create two hosted controls of Unified Interface Page type to display the account and contact records respectively.

  1. Sign in to Unified Service Desk Administrator.

  2. Select Hosted Controls under Basic Settings.

  3. Select + New.

  4. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Accounts Search
    Display Name Contoso: Accounts
    Unified Service Desk Component Type Unified Interface Page
    Allow Multiple Pages No
    Pre-Fetch Data Checked
    Application is Global Checked
    Display Group MainPanel
  5. Select Save.

  6. Select + New to create another hosted control for displaying contact records.

  7. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Contacts Search
    Display Name Contoso: Contacts
    Unified Service Desk Component Type Unified Interface Page
    Allow Multiple Pages No
    Pre-Fetch Data Checked
    Application is Global Checked
    Display Group MainPanel
  8. Select Save.

Step 2: Create a toolbar container type of hosted control

Toolbar Container type of hosted controls are used to hold and display the toolbars in Unified Service Desk. In this section, you’ll create a Toolbar Container hosted control that will appear at the top of the client application.

  1. Sign in to Unified Service Desk Administrator.

  2. Select Hosted Controls under Basic Settings.

  3. Select + New.

  4. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Main Toolbar Container
    Unified Service Desk Component Type Toolbar Container
    Display Group ToolbarPanel
  5. Select Save.

Step 3: Add a toolbar and attach it to the toolbar container

In this step, you’ll create a toolbar, and attach the toolbar to the toolbar container hosted control created in step 2. This is done to display the toolbar in your agent application.

  1. Sign in to Unified Service Desk Administrator.

  2. Select Toolbars under Basic Settings.

  3. Select + New.

  4. On the New Toolbar page, type Contoso Main Toolbar in the Name box, and then select Save.

  5. Attach the toolbar to the toolbar container hosted control created in step 2. Select the Related tab, and then select Hosted Controls.

  6. Select Add Existing Hosted Control. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  7. Type Contoso Main Toolbar Container in the search box. Select the record from the list, and then select Add.

  8. Select Save.

Step 4: Add toolbar buttons and action calls to display records from Unified Interface Apps

In this step, you’ll add buttons on the toolbar and attach action calls to the buttons so that when the button is selected, appropriate records are displayed in the hosted controls that were created in step 1. You’ll configure the search button so that selecting the button displays the account and contact submenu items, and selecting a button displays the respective records.

  1. After you save the toolbar in step 3, Select the General tab.

  2. In the Buttons area, select + New Toolbar Button.

  3. On the New Toolbar Button page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Search Button
    Button Text SEARCH
    Tooltip Search accounts and contacts
    Order 1
  4. Select Save.

  5. Select the Related tab and select Toolbar Buttons.


    You are now adding child toolbar buttons to an existing toolbar button to create a submenu structure.

  6. On the next page, select + New Toolbar Button.

  7. On the New Toolbar Button page, specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Search Account Button
    Button Text Account
    Order 1

    The Order field defines the position of buttons in the toolbar. Buttons are arranged from left to right or top to bottom in an ascending order.
  8. Select Save.

  9. You’ll now add two action calls: first to display the account records in the hosted control created in step 1 and the second one on the Contoso Global Manager hosted control to display the account hosted control.

    In the Actions area, select Add Existing Action Call. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  10. Select the search icon and then select + New Action Call.

  11. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Search Account
    Order 1
    Hosted Control Contoso Accounts Search
    Action Find
    Data account
  12. Select Save. The new action call gets added to the Contoso Search Account Button button.

  13. Select the back button on the browser to go back to the Contoso Search Account Button page.

  14. You’ll add another action call to the button to set the focus on the hosted control that displays the account records in the client application.

    Repeat Steps 9 to 11 and specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Display Account Search
    Order 2
    Hosted Control Contoso Global Manager
    Action ShowTab
    Data Contoso Accounts Search
  15. Select Save.

  16. Repeat Step 13, and then select Add Existing Action Call. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  17. Type Contoso Action Call in the search box. Select the action that you created in the Step 11 and 14, and then select Add.

    The new action call gets added to the Contoso Search Account Button button.

  18. Navigate to Contoso Search Button toolbar button to add a child button for searching and displaying contacts. Select the Toolbar Buttons tab.

  19. Select Add New Toolbar Button.

  20. On the New Toolbar Button page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Search Contact Button
    Button Text Contact
    Order 2

    The Order field defines the position of buttons in the toolbar. Buttons are arranged from left to right or top to bottom in an ascending order.
  21. Select Save.

  22. You’ll now add two action calls: first to display the contact records in the hosted control that were created in step 1 and the second one on the Contoso Global Manager hosted control to display the contacts hosted control.

    In the Actions area, select Add Existing Action Call. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  23. Select the search icon and then select + New Action Call.

  24. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Search Contact
    Order 1
    Hosted Control Contoso Contacts Search
    Action Find
    Data contact
  25. Select Save.

  26. Select the back button on the browser to go back to the Contoso Search Button.

  27. You’ll add another action call to the button to set the focus on the hosted control that displays the contact records in the client application.

    Repeat Steps 22 to 23, and specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Display Contact Search
    Order 2
    Hosted Control Contoso Global Manager
    Action ShowTab
    Data Contoso Contacts Search
  28. Select Save.

  29. Select the back button on the browser to go back to the Contoso Search Button.

  30. Select Add Existing Action Call. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  31. The action calls that you created are displayed. Select the action calls, and then select Add.

    The new action call gets added to the Contoso Search Contact Button toolbar button.

  32. Select Save.

Step 5: Add the controls to the configuration

In this step, you’ll add the action calls, hosted controls, and toolbar that were created in this walkthrough to Contoso Configuration to display these controls to the user who is assigned to the configuration. Contoso Configuration was created in Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application for Unified Interface Apps.

Add the following to Contoso Configuration.

Control name Control type
Contoso Action Call: Search Account Action Call
Contoso Action Call: Display Account Search Action Call
Contoso Action Call: Search Contact Action Call
Contoso Action Call: Display Contact Search Action Call
Contoso Accounts Search Hosted Control
Contoso Contacts Search Hosted Control
Contoso Main Toolbar Container Hosted Control
Contoso Main Toolbar Toolbar

To add a control to the configuration:

  1. Sign in to Unified Service Desk Administrator.

  2. Select Configuration under Advanced Settings.

  3. Select Contoso Configuration to open the definition.

  4. Select the Hosted Controls, Events and Action Calls tab.

  5. Select the ellipsis (...) in the Action Calls section, and then select Add Existing Action Call. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  6. Type the name of the action call mentioned in the above table in the search box. The action calls are displayed in the search results. Select the record from the list, and then select Add.

  7. Select the ellipsis (...) in the Hosted Controls section, and then select Add Existing Hosted Control. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  8. Type the name of the hosted control mentioned in the above table in the search box. The hosted controls are displayed in the search results. Select the record from the list, and then select Add.

  9. Select the Toolbars, Window Navigation Rules and Entity Searches tab.

  10. Select the ellipsis (...) in the Toolbars section, and then select Add Existing Toolbar. The Lookup Records pane is displayed.

  11. Type Contoso Main Toolbar in the search box. Select the record from the list, and then select Add.

  12. Select Save.

Step 6: Test the application

Start the Unified Service Desk client application, and sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance where you configured Unified Service Desk using the same user credentials that you assigned to the Contoso Configuration in Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application for Unified Interface Apps. For information about connecting to Dataverse instance using the Unified Service Desk client application, see Connect to a model-driven instance using the Unified Service Desk client.

Your agent application will now have a SEARCH button in the toolbar area with two child buttons (Account and Contact) that are displayed on selecting the down arrow.

Display account and contact records.

Select Account or Contact under the SEARCH button to display the respective records from your instance in separate tabs in the Unified Service Desk client application.

Contact records displayed.


In this walkthrough, you learned how to display model-driven app records in the Unified Service Desk client application. You also learned how to filter access to Unified Service Desk controls using configuration.

See also

Support for Unified Interface Apps in Unified Service Desk

Unified Interface Page (Hosted Control)

Unified Service Desk and Unified Interface Configuration Walkthroughs

Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application for Unified Interface Apps

Walkthrough 2: Display an external webpage in your agent application

Walkthrough 4: Display a Unified Interface apps record in a session in your agent application

Walkthrough 5: Display enhanced session information by displaying session name and overview data

Walkthrough 6: Configure the Debugger hosted control in your agent application

Walkthrough 7: Configure agent scripting in your agent application