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Unified Interface Page (hosted control)

Use the Unified Interface Page hosted control type to load a URL or page from Unified Interface apps in model-driven apps. When a model-driven app page is loaded within a hosted control of this type, it automatically scans the page for data from the entity, and automatically populates the replacement parameters.

This hosted control type exposes a number of predefined UII actions and events that are unique to the handling of model-driven apps Windows, including list manipulation action and a find action for displaying a quick search or advanced search page.

Create a Unified Interface Page hosted control

While you're creating a new hosted control, the fields on the New Hosted Control screen will vary based on the type of hosted control you want to create. This section provides information about the specific fields that are unique to the Unified Interface Page hosted control type.

On the New Hosted Control screen:

  • In the Unified Service Desk area, select Unified Interface Page from the Unified Service Desk Component Type drop-down list.

  • Select Pre-fetch Data to load related information for an entity record in the context along with the entity record page, without having to wait for the full entity webpage to load in the client application. The fetched entity information is populated in the Unified Service Desk context, thus enabling any hosted control to quickly display relevant entity information in the client application. This can help agents instantly act or kick-start discussions with customers, saving crucial interaction time.

  • From the Allow Multiple Pages drop-down list, select No (default) to replace the model-driven app page that's currently displayed and update the browser history when Unified Service Desk receives a navigate action call or a page is routed to the tab. Select Yes to automatically create a drop-down list when a second URL is called or a window navigation rule directs a page to the tab. This allows the user to quickly search between the model-driven app pages that are attached to this control. Also, when you select Yes, an additional field, Maximum Browsers, becomes available where you can specify the maximum number of pages to be displayed in the drop-down list.

  • In the Common Properties area, select the Application is Global check box to set the hosted control as global. Global hosted controls can be displayed outside of a customer session. Controls like the agent's dashboard, wall, or search are common uses for global hosted controls. Global hosted controls don't have a session-specific state, so when you change sessions, these same global hosted controls remain. If this check box isn't selected, the hosted control becomes session-based. Session-based controls exist in the context of the customer session. If the user changes to another session, all the pages from the previous session are hidden.

  • The Display Group field displays the panel where this hosted control will be displayed. MainPanel is the most common choice for this hosted control type.

More information: Create or edit a hosted control

Predefined UII actions

The following are the predefined actions for this hosted control type.


This action loads a specific associated view. These views are typically accessed by expanding the entity record name in the nav bar, and selecting the associated entities.

Parameter Description
etn The name of the entity for which you want to load the list of records of the associated entity. This is a mandatory parameter.
Id The ID of the main entity record for which to display the associated entity records.
navItemId The ID of the navigation item corresponding to the associated entity. More information: formContext.ui.navigation
hideCommandBar If this parameter is supplied and False, the page will be displayed along with the model-driven app command bar.
hideNavigationBar If this parameter is supplied and False, the page will be displayed along with the model-driven app navigation bar.


This action is used to close the hosted control. Unlike the CloseActive action, if this tab (hosted control) is displaying more than one page, this action will close all the pages displayed in the tab in your agent application.


This action is used to close the active window within this hosted control. If the active window is the only window displayed in the hosted control, the hosted control itself will be closed. For Unified Interface Page hosted controls that don't allow multiple pages (Allow Multiple Pages = No), this action is equivalent to the Close action.


This action closes the hosted control, but prompts the user to save or abandon their changes before closing.


Navigate to the quick find list view of the specified entity.

Parameter Description
See description The data parameter should specify the entity logical name of the quick find list view to display. There are some special case values:
- Use case or incident to display the quick find list view for cases.
- Use activities or activity to display the quick find list view for activities.
hideNavigationBar Set to True to hide the navigation bar, otherwise False.
hideCommandBar Set to True to hide the command bar, otherwise False.


Fires a user-defined event from this hosted control.

Parameter Description
name The name of the user-defined event.

All subsequent name/value pairs become the parameters to the event. More information: Create a user-defined event


This action is used to retrieve the selected IDs from the lists.

Parameter Description
See description The data parameter should specify the list name to capture the selected IDs from.

The return value contains a semicolon-delimited list of IDs containing the selected items.


This action retrieves the number of items that are selected. Use the GetSelectedIds action to get the actual list of IDs for the entity.

Parameter Description
See description The data parameter should specify the list name to retrieve the selected IDs from.

The return value contains a number representing the quantity of selected items.


This action goes to the initial URL specified for this browser instance.


This action is equivalent to selecting the back button in the browser instance.


This action is equivalent to selecting the forward button in the browser instance.


This action moves a Unified Interface Page hosted control to a different panel at runtime.

Parameter Description
See description The data parameter should specify the target panel name to move the hosted control to (for example, FloatingPanel).

This action is used to navigate to a model-driven app URL. The App Id for the app that you select from the Select App Module window is appended automatically.

Parameter Description
url The URL to navigate to. This is a mandatory parameter.
HideCommandBar If this parameter is supplied and True, the inner frame will be displayed without loading the model-driven app command bar.
HideNavigationBar If this parameter is supplied and True, the form will be displayed without loading the model-driven app navigation bar.
Frame When frames exist on the page, this parameter specifies the name of the frame to navigate, rather than navigating the main window.
postdata Data that's sent to the server as part of an HTTP POST transaction. A POST transaction is typically used to send data gathered by an HTML page. In Unified Service Desk, this data can be received from any event triggered by using "`https://event/?`". Example: [[postdata]+]

Alternatively, the data can be passed as an encoded string with its header type in the intended format.
header A string value that contains additional HTTP headers to send to the server. When the postdata parameter is used in the Navigate action, you should also specify an appropriate value for the header parameter, for example Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded

If a Unified Service Desk POST event triggers the Navigate action, the default value of this parameter should be header=[[header]+]

To add multiple headers, the value of this parameter should be:

header=$Multiline(headers separated by newline)

Example: header=$Multiline(accessToken;dummyAccessToken==



Creates a page for creating a new record of the entity specified, and treats the page as a pop-up window from the specified hosted control. The window navigation rules are evaluated to determine the location where the page to create the entity record will be displayed.

Parameter Description
LogicalName The logical name of the entity for creating a new instance.


The rest of the parameters should consist of name/value pairs. These are the additional pre-populated values in the form for creating a new record for the specified entity.


Opens an existing instance of the entity specified and identified by the ID, and treats the page as a pop-up window from the specified hosted control. The window navigation rules are evaluated to determine the location where the pop-up window should be displayed.

Parameter Description
LogicalName The logical name of the entity to open.
id The ID of the entity record to open.

"Pops up" a URL from the hosted control and runs the window navigation rules against it for routing the pop-up window to the appropriate location.

Parameter Description
url Routes a pop-up window from this hosted control by using this URL as if it were a pop-up window requested from the displayed control.
frame The frame from which this pop-up window originated.


Displays the hosted control at the specified location on a monitor. You can display hosted controls on up to two monitors. This action is applicable for hosted control instances that are configured to be placed on a USDFloatingPanel or USDFloatingToolPanel panel type.

Parameter Description
screen Specifies the screen on which to display the hosted control. Valid values are 1 or 2. If you don't specify this parameter, 1 is passed by default.
left Specifies the position, in percentage, from the left of the screen on the target monitor where the hosted control should be displayed. Valid values are from 0 through 100. If you don't specify this parameter, 0 is passed by default.
top Specifies the position, in percentage, from the top of the screen on the target monitor where the hosted control should be displayed. Valid values are from 0 through 100. If you don't specify this parameter, 0 is passed by default.
width Specifies the width, in percentage, of the hosted control window on the target monitor. Valid values are from 1 through 100. If you don't specify this parameter, 100 is passed by default.
height Specifies the height, in percentage, of the hosted control window on the target monitor. Valid values are from 1 through 100. If you don't specify this parameter, 100 is passed by default.


This action refreshes the current page.


This action injects JavaScript into the main frame of the application. You should avoid using Microsoft Dataverse client SDK calls with this action; instead, use the RunXrmCommand action.

Parameter Description
See description The data parameter is the JavaScript that will be injected into the form. Note: The replacement parameters can be used in the script, and they'll be replaced before the script is executed.
Frame When frames exist on the page, this parameter specifies the name of the frame in which to inject the JavaScript.


This action is used to run JavaScript code that uses the model-driven apps Client API Reference into the Unified Interface Pages (entity forms and grids).

You must configure the script as a function of the model-driven apps JavaScript webResource. The function's first parameter is a context parameter (reserved parameter) which can have one of the following values:

Parameter Description
webResourceName The name of the web resource in which the JavaScript function you want to execute is present.
functionName The name of the function.

The other parameters to the function are customer-defined and can be used to pass Unified Service Desk replacement parameters at runtime. This action accepts a list of optional parameters without keys. The list of optional parameters are passed as arguments in the same order from the second position after context replacement at runtime.


You want to execute RunXrmCommand action to fill the form attributes of a entity form, where the entity form is hosted by a Unified Interface Page type of hosted control. The value you want to fill, from the perspective of Unified Service Desk, is a replacement parameter—[[$Context.Key1]].

To execute the action, you need to write JavaScript type web resource (say, webResource1), and then write a function in the web resource.

function fillAttributeValue(context, attrValue)

You need to configure the data in the action call as follows:

webResourceName = webResource1
functionName = fillAttributeValue


In the above example, observe the single quotation marks around the replacement parameter, [[$Context.Key1]]. Unified Service Desk considers only the value of the parameter (not the data type) and passes all the characters in context replaced value to the JavaScript function. You must be cautious and take care of the data type while configuring.


This action explicitly sets the width and height of the hosted control. This is particularly useful when using "auto" in your panel layouts.

Parameter Description
width The width of the hosted control.
height The height of the hosted control.


This action saves the "dirty" data on the model-driven app form and closes the hosted control.


This action saves all forms in a hosted control that allows multiple pages to be displayed (Allow Multiple Pages = Yes). If the hosted control allows only a single page to be displayed (Allow Multiple Pages = No), this is equivalent to the Save action.


This action saves the current Unified Interface Page.

Predefined events

The following predefined events are associated with this hosted control type.


Occurs when the active hosted control is closed by using the CloseActive action.

Parameter Description
url The URL that was displayed in the hosted control when it was closed.


Occurs as soon as the related information for an entity record is loaded in the Unified Service Desk context. This event occurs before the PageReadyFor event. If the Pre-Fetch Data option is selected for the control instance, this event occurs as soon as the entity data is fetched in a separate parallel call to the server and won't wait for the full page to finish loading. The entity data is pre-fetched, and the DataReady event is fired for inline navigation as well.


For dashboards, web resources, and search pages, the DataReady event isn't fired.


Occurs when refresh is requested on the current page. Refresh can be requested either by pressing the F5 key or calling the Refresh action by the application.

Parameter Description
url The URL displayed when refresh was requested.


Occurs after a record in the model-driven app page is saved.

Parameter Description
newId The ID assigned to the newly created record.

Occurs when the navigation happens within Unified Interface apps.

Parameter Description
url The URL of the page navigated to.


Occurs when the page has finished loading. On a Unified Interface Page type of hosted control, this event occurs after the data has been saved to the replacement parameter list.

Parameter Description
url The URL of the page that has finished loading.


For dashboards, web resources, and search pages, the DataReady event isn't fired.


The BrowserWindowReady event is invoked when the browser window is ready within Unified Service Desk client application. Use BrowserWindowReady for dashboards and web resources.


The OnClickToAct event is invoked when user selects the outbound communication (ClickToAct) field in a form.

You can also write custom controls to raise the Channel Integration Framework ClickToAct window event and pass any eventData in accordance with business requirements.

More information: onclicktoact


The OnSendKbArticle event is invoked when the user selects Send in the Knowledge Base control. The eventData are the URL and the title of KB article that you need to pass.

More information: onsendkbarticle


We recommend that you not use window.IsUSD in the model-driven app forms; instead, use PageReady or other events as listed in this topic.

See also

Support for Unified Interface Apps in Unified Service Desk
Unified Service Desk and Unified Interface Configuration Walkthroughs
Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application for Unified Interface Apps
Walkthrough 2: Display an external webpage in your agent application
Walkthrough 3: Display Unified Interface apps records in your agent application
Walkthrough 4: Display a Unified Interface apps record in a session in your agent application
Walkthrough 5: Display enhanced session information by displaying session name and overview data
Walkthrough 6: Configure the Debugger hosted control in your agent application
Walkthrough 7: Configure agent scripting in your agent application