ISmartDocument Interface [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]
The ISmartDocument interface provides access to the Smart Document API. Following, you will find a list of the methods and properties for the ISmartDocument interface. For more information about these properties and methods, see the individual topics or the tutorials included with this software development kit.
Method Name | Description |
ImageClick | Specifies actions to perform when a user clicks on an image. |
InvokeControl | Specifies actions to perform when a user clicks a hyperlink, button, or document fragment. |
OnCheckboxChange | Specifies actions to perform when a user clicks a check box. |
OnListOrComboSelectChange | Specifies actions to perform when a user clicks an item in a list box or a combo box. |
OnPaneUpdateComplete | Specifies tasks to perform when the Document Actions task pane is completely updated and populated. |
OnRadioGroupSelectChange | Specifies actions to perform when a user clicks a radio group item. |
OnTextboxContentChange | Specifies actions to perform when a user changes the value of a text box. |
PopulateActiveXProps | Specifies the appearance of an ActiveX control. |
PopulateCheckbox | Specifies the appearance of a check box. |
PopulateDocumentFragment | Specifies the content of a document fragment. |
PopulateHelpContent | Specifies the content of help text. |
PopulateImage | Specifies the content for an image control. |
PopulateListOrComboContent Method | Specifies the contents of list boxes and combo boxes. |
PopulateOther | Specifies the appearance of label, separator, button, and hyperlink controls. |
PopulateRadioGroup | Specifies the appearance of radio group controls. |
PopulateTextboxContent | Specifies the appearance of text box controls. |
SmartDocInitialize | Specifies actions to perform when initializing a smart document. |
Property Name | Description |
ControlCaptionFromID | Specifies smart document control captions. |
ControlCount | Specifies the number of controls for an XML element. |
ControlID | Specifies a control number for a smart document control. |
ControlNameFromID | Specifies a string that can be used to access each of the controls from the Microsoft Office Word 2003 and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) object models. |
ControlTypeFromID | Specifies the type of control. |
SmartDocXmlTypeCaption | Specifies the caption for a group of controls. |
SmartDocXmlTypeCount | Specifies the number of elements that have associated smart document actions. |
SmartDocXmlTypeName | Specifies the name of an element with associated controls. |