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OnRadioGroupSelectChange Method [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

The OnRadioGroupSelectChange method specifies the actions to perform when a user clicks a radio group item in the Document Actions task pane. Applies to controls that are specified as C_TYPE_RADIOGROUP.

Applies to



[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Sub ISmartDocument_OnRadioGroupSelectChange(ByVal ControlID As Long, ByVal Target As Object, ByVal Selected As Long, ByVal Value As String)

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Sub OnRadioGroupSelectChange(ByVal ControlID As Integer, ByVal Target As Object, ByVal Selected As Integer, ByVal Value As String) Implements Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.ISmartDocument.OnRadioGroupSelectChange


public void ISmartDocument.OnRadioGroupSelectChange(int ControlID, object Target, int Selected, string Value)

[Visual C++ 6.0]

STDMETHOD(OnRadioGroupSelectChange)(INT ControlID, IDispatch * Target, INT Selected, BSTR Value)

[Visual C++ .NET]

STDMETHOD(OnRadioGroupSelectChange)(int ControlID, LPDISPATCH Target, int Selected, BSTR Value)


ControlID   Represents the ID number assigned to a control in the ControlID property.

Target   The Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel Range object that represents the XML element for which the action is defined.

Selected   Indicates the number of the radio group item that is selected. A value of -1 for the Selected parameter indicates that nothing is selected.

Value   Represents the text for the item that is selected.


The controls in smart documents don't maintain their state, so if a user has selected a specific radio button, that radio button will not remain selected unless you write code that stores the selections of users. For more information about how to do this, see Maintaining the State of Smart Document Controls.