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OnPaneUpdateComplete Method [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

The OnPaneUpdateComplete method is called when the Document Actions task pane is completely updated and populated.

Applies to



[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Sub ISmartDocument_OnPaneUpdateComplete(ByVal Document As Object)

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Sub OnPaneUpdateComplete(ByVal Document As Object) Implements Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.ISmartDocument.OnPaneUpdateComplete


public void ISmartDocument.OnPaneUpdateComplete(object Document)

[Visual C++ 6.0]

STDMETHOD(OnPaneUpdateComplete)(IDispatch * Document)

[Visual C++ .NET]

STDMETHOD(OnPaneUpdateComplete)(LPDISPATCH Document)


Document   References the specific Microsoft Word Document object or Microsoft Excel Workbook object.


Every time the application refreshes the task pane, it calls the OnPaneUpdateComplete method. Therefore, if you use the RefreshPane method for the SmartDocument object inside the OnPaneUpdateComplete method, you need to provide code that will stop continual refreshing of the task pane. Otherwise, your smart document will enter an infinite loop.

Note  The RefreshPane method and the SmartDocument object are part of the Microsoft Office Word 2003 and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) object models.