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OnCheckboxChange Method [Office 2003 SDK Documentation]

The OnCheckboxChange method specifies actions to perform when a user clicks a check box. Applies to controls that are specified as C_TYPE_CHECKBOX.

Applies to



[Visual Basic 6.0]

Private Sub ISmartDocument_OnCheckboxChange(ByVal ControlID As Long, ByVal Target As Object, ByVal Checked As Boolean)

[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Sub OnCheckboxChange(ByVal ControlID As Integer, ByVal Target As Object, ByVal Checked As Boolean) Implements Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag.ISmartDocument.OnCheckboxChange


public void ISmartDocument.OnCheckboxChange(int ControlID, object Target, bool Checked)

[Visual C++ 6.0]

STDMETHOD(OnCheckboxChange)(INT ControlID, IDispatch * Target, VARIANT_BOOL Checked)

[Visual C++ .NET]

STDMETHOD(OnCheckboxChange)(int ControlID, LPDISPATCH Target, VARIANT_BOOL Checked)


ControlID   Represents the ID number assigned to a control in the ControlID property.

Target   Specifies the Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel Range object that represents the XML element for which the action is defined.

Checked   Indicates whether a user has selected a check box.