

Connect to the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard for Microsoft 365 customers


The Microsoft Copilot Dashboard in Viva Insights is available to any customer with a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription for business or enterprise, and who has an active Exchange Online account. Neither a paid Viva Insights license nor a Microsoft 365 Copilot license is required to view the dashboard. The analyzed population in the Copilot Dashboard includes all employees who have an assigned Copilot license. However, for tenants with more than 50 Copilot licenses or tenants with more than 10 Viva Insights licenses, the dashboard includes full capabilities with metrics and advanced filters. Learn more about which features are available based on your tenant’s assigned license.

Microsoft 365 Copilot works alongside you to unleash your creativity and help you perform tasks faster. It helps summarize key points and action items in Microsoft Teams, draft new documents in Word, jumpstart replies in Outlook, and more.

The Microsoft Copilot Dashboard in Viva Insights helps organizations maximize the value of Copilot. It provides actionable insights to help your organization get ready to deploy AI, drive adoption based on how AI is transforming workplace behavior, and measure the impact of Copilot.

The dashboard covers the following categories of metrics: Readiness, adoption, impact, and sentiment. Metrics are aggregated at the tenant level or user level, depending on the licenses your tenant has. See the table below for more information.

Screenshot that shows the Copilot Dashboard.


The Microsoft Copilot Dashboard is currently not available for national/regional cloud deployments including but not limited to Microsoft’s U.S. Government clouds and Office 365 operated by 21Vianet.

The types of insights and features provided by the dashboard vary depending on the number of Copilot licenses your tenant has, as well as whether your tenant has a paid Viva Insights license. The table below summarizes the availability of dashboard features based on your licenses.

Feature availability based on licenses


A minimum of 10 assigned Viva Insights licenses, or 50 assigned Copilot licenses, is required for data processing to kick off. Data processing takes an estimated three to five days following license assignment.

Total number of Copilot assigned licenses in tenant Viva Insights assigned license in the tenant (Yes or No) Availability of features in Microsoft Copilot Dashboard
N/A Yes (at least 10) All features:

  • Readiness page
  • Adoption page with tenant-level and group-level metrics plus filters
  • Impact page with group-level metrics plus filters
  • Sentiment with group-level survey results
  • 50 or more N/A All features:

  • Readiness page
  • Adoption page with tenant-level and group-level metrics plus filters
  • Impact page with group-level metrics plus filters
  • Sentiment with tenant-level survey results
  • Less than 50 N/A Limited features:

  • Readiness page
  • Adoption page with tenant-level metrics only
  • Sentiment with tenant-level survey results
  • Access the dashboard in Viva Insights

    Applies to: Employee users

    If you have access to the Copilot Dashboard, you can find it in the Teams or web app. You must opt in to the Viva Insights app in Teams or on the web. Your admin can set users' access to Viva Insights using these steps.

    1. Open the Teams app on desktop or the web. If you have the Viva Insights app pinned, select it from the left bar.

      If you don’t have the Viva Insights app pinned, select the ellipses on the left. Then in the search field, enter Microsoft Viva Insights, and select it.

    2. On the left navigation panel, select Copilot Dashboard.

    3. To learn more about the data in the dashboard, refer to Interpreting the dashboard data.

    Delegate access to the dashboard

    If you have access to the dashboard, you can also delegate access to the dashboard to other people in your company. Learn how.

    How automatic access to the Copilot Dashboard is determined

    For customers who use Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure Active Directory) to manage user profile data like organization or manager data, the Copilot Dashboard is automatically available to a limited number of users. Access is based on Microsoft Entra ID Data, specifically the manager hierarchy attribute. Microsoft 365 Global Administrators can disable access at any time.

    Users who are senior leaders within large teams as determined by their Entra ID data manager attribute can automatically view the report. Tenants must meet both of the following criteria to qualify:

    • The majority of users in the tenant are part of a single reporting line; for example, they report to the same CEO
    • The tenant has at least 2,500 users with an Entra ID

    For those qualifying tenants, only users who meet all of the following criteria are enabled by default:

    • The user’s in the top three levels in the organization

    • The user has a significant portion of the organization in their reporting line

    • Users who are assigned the Global administrator role also have access to the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard


      If you are a Privileged Identity Management (PIM) enabled tenant, the Global Admins might not have access to the Copilot Dashboard. If you want to give Global Admins access to the Copilot Dashboard, add them explicitly using these steps.

    The criteria above are analyzed on a weekly basis to capture any major org changes. Each week, any new users who meet the above criteria gain access to the dashboard. The Microsoft 365 Global Admin can revoke access to those users through the Microsoft 365 admin center and they are not added back unless the admin re-enables them. In addition, admins can disable access to the Copilot Dashboard for their entire organization.

    Global admins can also enable or disable automatic access to the dashboard using PowerShell. If you’re a Microsoft 365 global admin, learn more about how to manage access to the dashboard.

    Manage settings for the Copilot Dashboard

    As an admin, you can configure several features of the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard. Learn how.

    Interpreting the data



    Readiness data in the dashboard represents data over the previous 28 days. There’s a four-day data delay from the current date. For example, if you viewed the data on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the dashboard represents activity between Saturday, February 17 and Friday, March 15.

    The tenant-level number of "Copilot licenses assigned" and "Active Copilot users" includes disabled mailboxes. Learn more about disabled mailboxes. The group-level number of "Copilot licenses assigned" and "Active Copilot users," however, doesn't include disabled mailboxes.

    The information in this tab helps you assess your organization’s overall readiness for Copilot. The tab does not provide a comprehensive summary of all readiness and eligibility requirements. For a full set of requirements see this page: Microsoft 365 Copilot requirements.

    Copilot activation progress

    The metrics in this section summarize your organization’s progress towards activating Copilot for your users. See detailed definitions in the table.

    Metric Definition More information
    Total Microsoft 365 licenses Number of prerequisite Microsoft 365 and Office 365 licenses purchased by your company. Users must be assigned a prerequisite Microsoft 365 or Office 365 license in order to be assigned a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license. See the full list here.

    This metric represents a license count, not a user count, so the value shown here may be smaller or larger than your total employee count. The metric includes Microsoft 365 E3 and E5 Extra Features licenses in addition to standard Office 365 and Microsoft 365 licenses.
    Total Copilot licenses Number of Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses purchased by your company. This number might be smaller than the “Copilot licenses assigned” figure below because it's limited to Copilot for Microsoft 365 licenses, whereas the metric below might include users enabled for Copilot for Microsoft 365 service plans via other license types, like Copilot for Sales.
    Copilot licenses assigned Number of employees in your company who have been assigned a Copilot license. This number might be larger than the number above, because this metric might include users enabled for Copilot for Microsoft 365 service plans via other license types, like Copilot for Sales.

    This definition is consistent with the "assigned licenses" metric in the Copilot Readiness report in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
    Active Copilot users Number of employees in your company who have completed at least one Copilot action over the previous 28 days. A user is considered active if they performed an intentional action for an AI-powered capability in Copilot within Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat (work), Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, or Loop. This is consistent with the definition used in Usage reports in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center.

    This number may exceed the number above because it counts all active users over the past 28 days, including users who have had their license removed after completing an action in Copilot, whereas the metric above is a snapshot of employees currently licensed to use Copilot.

    How Copilot can transform your work

    This section of the tab summarizes how Copilot can benefit Microsoft 365 users in your organization based on Microsoft’s research on Copilot users. The list displayed on this page does not include all Microsoft 365 apps with Copilot capabilities; more will be added over time. Metric definitions are provided in the table.

    Metric Definition
    Count of Teams meeting users Count of unique active users of Microsoft Teams meetings over the past 28 days.
    Count of Teams chat users Count of unique active users of Microsoft Teams chats over the past 28 days.
    Count of Outlook email users Count of unique active users of Outlook email capabilities over the past 28 days.
    Count of Office app users Count of unique active users of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote over the past 28 days.

    Microsoft 365 admins can use the Copilot Readiness report in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center to create a licensing plan for users based on Microsoft 365 app usage and other readiness info.

    Adoption and impact

    The adoption and impact pages measure employees who have a Copilot license assigned.

    Adoption page for companies with less than 50 assigned Copilot licenses

    After your admin deploys Copilot in your organization, this page allows you to track user adoption trends per Microsoft 365 app and Copilot feature. Information is consistent with data points displayed in the Microsoft 365 admin center including the Copilot Usage report and Microsoft Adoption Score.

    All metrics on this page represent aggregations over the past 28 days with a typical delay of 2-3 days. (For example, if you're viewing the report on a Monday, the data shown would represent the 28-day period ending on the most recent Friday or Saturday).

    Metric Definition
    User count per application Count of active Copilot users per Microsoft 365 application over the past 28 days. An active user is someone who completed any intentional action in Copilot (for example, sending a prompt or generating a Word document) at least once during that timeframe. The applications included here are currently limited to Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Copilot is not yet included in the report.
    User count per feature Count of unique active users per Copilot feature. These counts are currently limited to activities in Teams, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. More features will be added over time.

    Feature definitions:
    Summarize a Teams meeting: user used Copilot to summarize a Teams meeting. Learn more about this feature.

    Summarize a Teams conversation: user used Copilot to summarize a Microsoft Teams chat or channel conversation. Learn more about this feature.

    Summarize an Outlook email thread: user used Copilot to summarize an Outlook email thread. Learn more about this feature.

    Summarize a Word document: user used Copilot to summarize a Word document. Learn more about this feature.

    Draft a Word document: user used Copilot to create a new Word document. Learn more about this feature.

    Create a PowerPoint presentation: user used Copilot to create a new PowerPoint presentation. Learn more about this feature.

    Generate an Outlook email draft: user used Copilot to generate an email draft in Outlook. Learn more about this feature.

    Rewrite a Word document: user used Copilot to rewrite text in a Word document. Learn more about this feature.
    Actions per user per feature Average number of actions completed per active user over the past 28 days for each of the features above. This metric only counts the initial step of prompting Copilot to complete some action; it does not include any post-prompt actions such as copying a meeting summary or inserting drafted email text into an email body.

    This metric helps you assess the intensity of use of each Copilot feature and the degree to which users have come to rely on Copilot for key productivity workflows. For example, if you have 100 users for the “Summarize a Teams meeting” feature and an actions per user value of 10, that means that on average each of those 100 users prompted Copilot in Teams meetings 10 times over the past 28 days (amounting to 1,000 prompts overall).

    Adoption page for companies with at least 50 assigned Copilot licenses or at least 10 assigned Viva Insights licenses


    Adoption and impact data underneath the filter represent the four complete weeks that ended on the last Saturday prior to the current date. For example, if someone viewed their data on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the last Saturday would be March 16, and the dashboard would represent activity between Sunday, February 18 and Saturday, March 16.

    On the adoption page, the group-level number of "Copilot licenses assigned" and "Active Copilot users" doesn't include disabled mailboxes. Learn more about disabled mailboxes.

    Select the filters for your analysis in the dashboard

    Screenshot that shows the filters tool.

    At the top left of the adoption and impact page, next to Scope, select the dropdown to choose between viewing insights for individual teams within your entire company, or teams just within your group. You can select multiple teams for group comparisons. You can also filter by team by selecting View by above the various metric reports.

    By default, the Scope and Organization filters are determined by your Microsoft Entra ID. The Copilot Dashboard can get organizational data in one of three ways:


    If you upload an organizational data file, upload data for every employee in the company. Or, if your Insights admin has limited access to organizational data, upload data for every employee in your analysis, as well as managers in the hierarchy between those being analyzed, and the top-level leader in the company. This ensures that the Scope filter accurately reflects the hierarchy.

    If you upload an organizational data file, this permanently changes the source of the Copilot Dashboard data from Microsoft Entra ID to the data file, except for the senior leader list within the "Your company" Scope filter. To keep your organizational data current, you must regularly upload .csv files. To revert back to Microsoft Entra ID as the source, file a support ticket with us.


    If your Global admin and Viva Insights admin both upload organizational data, the dashboard will merge the uploads and prioritize the more recent data.

    The Scope filter is based on the Microsoft Entra ID attribute "ManagerID" to populate "Your company" data and "Your group" data by default.

    • When you select "Your company," the dashboard metrics include all employees who have a Copilot license, which is based on the Microsoft Entra ID "Person ID" by default.

    • When you select the groups listed within "Your company," the dashboard metrics include all employees who report directly or indirectly to this leader. This senior leader list is determined by the top second levels in the company based on manager hierarchy. By default, the manager hierarchy is based on the Microsoft Entra ID attribute "ManagerID."

    • When you select "Your group," the dashboard metrics include everyone who reports to you directly or indirectly. The manager hierarchy is identified based on the Microsoft Entra ID attribute "ManagerID" by default. Different logged in users will see different data for "Your group."

    • When you select the groups listed within "Your group," the dashboard metrics include everyone who reports directly or indirectly to a person who reports to you. These groups are based on your reporting hierarchy and can be updated if your admin uploads more recent organizational data.

    If you find the default data is inaccurate, your admin can upload updated organizational data through the following two ways:

    • If your Insights admin uploads a .csv file with the attribute of ManagerID, the "Your Group" data in the filter will update.

    • If your Global admin uploads a .csv file with the attribute of Microsoft_ManagerEmail, the "Your Group" data in the filter will update.

      Screenshot that shows the scope filter options.


      The hierarchy displayed under “Your company” is based on the user who’s logged in to view the Copilot Dashboard. To view the full list of dropdowns under “Your company,” you need to report directly or indirectly to the CEO.

    The Organization filter corresponds to the Microsoft Entra ID data source field named "Department." If your Insights or Global admin uploads a .csv file with an organizational data attribute of "Organization," it will replace the Microsoft Entra ID data source.

    • If your Insights admin uploads a .csv file with the attribute of Organization, the "Organization" data in the filter will update.
    • If your Global admin uploads a .csv file with the attribute of Microsoft_Organization, the "Organization" data in the filter will update.

    Finally, the Job function filter will only show if your Insights admin uploads a .csv file with the organizational data attribute of FunctionType or your Global admin uploads a .csv file with the organizational data attribute of JobDiscipline.

    • If your Insights admin uploads the file in the Advanced Insights app, they need to upload FunctionType attributes for you to see the Job function dropdowns.

    • If your Global admin uploads the file in the Microsoft 365 admin center, the need to upload Microsoft_JobDiscipline attributes for you to see the Job function dropdown.

    With this version of the dashboard, three main insights are covered.

    At the top of the page, you’ll see tallies for Copilot licensed employees, and Active Copilot users. Let’s define these terms.

    • Copilot licensed employees: The total number of employees with a Copilot license.
    • Active Copilot users: Employees who performed at least one Copilot activity in the previous 28 days.

    Now let’s look at the insights provided by this page.

    Insight #1: High-level overview of Copilot usage across the organization

    Under Adoption by group, a graph shows the change in Copilot adoption over the previous six months, aggregated weekly. Select Metric to see the adoption trends for a specific group. Metrics include active Copilot users, Copilot licensed employees, percentage of active Copilot users, or percentage of Copilot licensed employees. You can select any data point on the graph to see more details for that point in time. Below the graph you’ll find adoption trends for specific groups.

    • All users: By default, the trendline displays the past six-month trend for all users in your company. You can update the filters on the top of the page for specific groups.

    • View by groups, organization, or job function attributes: Select View by to drill down into different groups. To add more groups to your trend graph, select the eye icon under Show trend. To protect individual privacy, we don't show the metrics for groups that are smaller than the minimum group size.

    You can sort the table by the headers. For example, to sort by the metric value, select Metric. To sort by the group names alphabetically, select View by.

    Screenshot that shows the first group of adoption metrics.

    Insight #2: Usage intensity

    This insight lets you analyze how frequently employees in your organization are using Copilot during the given time period. On the Usage intensity card, select Explore more to dive deeper into the insight using filters.

    On the Frequent usage section of the page, you can see which groups of employees are using Copilot one to five times per time period, six to 10 times per time period, or 11 times or more. Select the Gear icon on the top right to customize the number of actions used to group users. Select Category to toggle between the options.

    On the Consistent usage section, users are grouped based on the number of weeks they've taken at least one Copilot action, across the four-week time period.

    Select View by to drill down into different groups, just like you would analyze the first insight category described above.

    Screenshot that shows the usage intensity metrics.

    Insight #3: Returning users

    This insight lets you analyze which groups are consistently active users of Copilot compared to the previous month. On the Returning users card, select Explore more to dive deeper into the insight using filters.

    Then, just like the other insights mentioned above, select View by to filter by group.

    Those who take at least one Copilot action in both the current and preceding time periods are deemed to be "Returning users." Select timeframe to toggle between monthly and weekly retention periods.

    Insight #4: Breakdown of Copilot usage across different Microsoft 365 apps

    App totals reflect the total number of adoption metrics in the following Microsoft 365 apps: Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Copilot Chat (work), and Copilot Chat (web).

    Group totals reflect all users based on the filtered group, including groups that are below the minimum group size.

    Screenshot that shows the second group of adoption metrics.

    Key metrics in this report:

    Metric Definition
    Copilot licensed employees The number of users who have a Copilot license in the past 28 days.
    Percentage of Copilot licensed employees The percentage of Copilot licensed users out of the total measured population in that group (Copilot and non-Copilot users).
    Active Copilot users The number of users who used Copilot at least once in any of the following Microsoft 365 apps during the last 28 days: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Outlook, Copilot Chat, and Microsoft Office apps including PowerPoint, Excel, Word, OneNote, and Loop.
    Percentage of active Copilot users The percentage of active Copilot users out of the number of Copilot licensed users for the given time period.
    Inactive Copilot users The number of users who have a Copilot license and haven’t been active in Copilot in the last 28 days.
    Non-Copilot users The number of users who don't have a Copilot license in the last 28 days.
    Total Copilot actions taken The total number of actions completed with Copilot by users with Copilot Chat or other in-app Copilot features. With automatically generated Copilot insights such as Intelligent Recap or auto-summarizations in Word, an action is only counted if the user viewed the results from Copilot, such as expanding the document summary. This metric might also include Copilot actions taken using Copilot features that are not available in the Copilot Dashboard or analyst workbench as standalone metrics. (Viva Insights' individual Copilot metrics don't provide a comprehensive view of all Copilot features and total actions taken.)
    Meetings summarized by Copilot The number of meetings summarized by Copilot. Each meeting summarized represents a meeting where the user sent a prompt in the meeting Copilot dialog (including suggested prompts and user-generated prompts). This metric does not include meeting summaries accessed through Intelligent Recap.
    Meeting hours summarized by Copilot The number of hours of meetings summarized by Copilot. Each meeting summarized represents a meeting where the user sent a prompt in the meeting Copilot dialog (including suggested prompts and user-generated prompts). This metric does not include meeting summaries accessed through Intelligent Recap.
    Summarize meeting actions taken using Copilot The number of times users summarized meetings using Copilot. Each action represents a user sending a prompt in the meeting Copilot dialog (including suggested prompts and user-generated prompts). This metric does not include meeting summaries accessed through Intelligent Recap.
    Emails sent using Copilot The number of emails sent with assistance from Copilot.
    Generate email draft actions taken using Copilot The number of times users generated email drafts using Copilot.
    Email coaching actions taken using Copilot The number of times users selected coaching by Copilot in Outlook.
    Summarize email thread actions taken using Copilot The number of times users summarized email conversations using Copilot.
    Draft Word document actions taken using Copilot The number of times users drafted Word documents with Copilot.
    Summarize Word document actions taken using Copilot The number of times users summarized Word documents using Copilot.
    Rewrite text actions taken using Copilot The number of times users modified text in Word documents using Copilot.
    Visualize as table actions taken using Copilot in Word The number of times users converted text to a table with Copilot in Word.
    Chat (Copilot in Word) prompts submitted The number of times users submitted a prompt to Copilot chat in Word. Includes any prompts that don't map to one of the established Word Copilot skills such as "Summarize"-, "Draft"-, or "Rewrite"- actions taken in Word.
    Create presentation actions taken using Copilot The number of times users created PowerPoint presentations using Copilot.
    Summarize presentation actions taken using Copilot The number of times users summarized PowerPoint presentations using Copilot.
    Add content to presentation actions taken The number of times users added a slide or image to a presentation using Copilot.
    Organize presentation actions taken The number of times users prompted Copilot in PowerPoint to help organize a presentation.
    Chat (Copilot in PowerPoint) prompts submitted The number of times users submitted a prompt to Copilot chat in PowerPoint. Includes any prompts that don't map to one of the established PowerPoint Copilot skills such as "Summarize"-, "Add content"-, or "Organize presentation"- actions taken in PowerPoint.
    Create Excel formula actions taken using Copilot The number of times users generated new columns with formulas based on Excel data using Copilot.
    Excel analysis actions taken using Copilot The number of times users analyzed data to show insights as charts, PivotTable objects, summaries, trends, or outliers in Excel using Copilot.
    Excel formatting actions taken using Copilot The number of times users highlighted, sorted, and filtered tables in Excel using Copilot.
    Chat (Copilot in Excel) prompts The number of times users submitted a prompt to Copilot chat in Excel. Includes any prompts that don't map to one of the established Excel Copilot skills such as "Analysis"-, "Formatting"-, or "Formula"- actions taken in Excel.
    Copilot Chat (work) prompts submitted The number of prompts submitted by users in Copilot Chat (work), formerly called Business Chat. Includes prompts submitted through Teams, Outlook, Edge, and the Microsoft 365 app.
    Copilot Chat (work) prompts submitted in Teams The number of Copilot Chat (work) queries submitted by users through Teams, formerly called Business Chat.
    Copilot Chat (work) prompts submitted in Outlook The number of Copilot Chat (work) queries submitted by users through Outlook, formerly called Business Chat.
    Copilot Chat (web) prompts submitted The number of queries submitted by users in the web tab of Copilot Chat, also known as "Copilot with Enterprise Data Protection." Includes prompts submitted through Edge and the Microsoft 365 app. Data is available from 08/20/2024 onwards.
    Summarize chat actions taken using Copilot in Teams The number of times users summarized chats and channel conversations in Teams using Copilot.
    Compose chat message actions taken using Copilot in Teams The number of chats and channel message drafts created in Teams using Copilot.
    Chat conversations summarized by Copilot The number of chats and channel conversations summarized by Copilot.

    Key actions users can take in the report:

    Action What can they do
    View by Default view: Group

    Users can change this to view the data by other organizational attributes like Organization and Job function.
    Filters Default view: No filters applied.

    Users can apply filters on three organizational attributes if available: Group, Organization, and Job function.

    The organizational attributes described above are generated from either Microsoft Entra ID or the attributes uploaded by your Viva Insights or Global admin. If the attributes are generated from Microsoft Entra ID, only “Organization” attribute will be populated. If you want to use other attributes like Job function, the Viva Insights or Global admin needs to upload this data.

    The default attributes available in the dashboard are Organization and Job function. If you need to perform an analysis using different attributes uploaded by your admin, you can set up a custom person query.

    Impact page for companies with less than 50 assigned Copilot licenses

    Located within the Impact page, the Sentiment section provides information that helps you assess Copilot impact from the perspective of users' subjective experiences. In the main table on this page, you’ll see a list of Microsoft’s recommended Copilot survey questions along with the results from your own organization’s latest survey (if an admin chooses to upload results for visualization here) and Microsoft’s own benchmark results from a study of early Copilot users.

    Suggested Copilot survey questions

    To measure Copilot user sentiment in your organization, we recommend delivering a survey to users in which you ask them to indicate the extent to which they agree with the following four statements:

    • Using Copilot helps improve the quality of my work or output
    • Using Copilot helps me spend less mental effort on mundane or repetitive tasks
    • Using Copilot allows me to complete tasks faster
    • When using Copilot I am more productive

    For each of these, we recommend allowing users to indicate whether or not they Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree, Agree, or Strongly Agree with the statement. You can then combine the “Agree” and “Strongly Agree” responses to compute the % of users who agreed with each statement and compare results with the Microsoft benchmarks shown in this tab.

    Upload tenant-level survey results through the Microsoft 365 admin center

    Microsoft 365 global admins can upload aggregated survey results through Adoption Score in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Learn how.

    Impact page for companies with at least 50 assigned Copilot licenses


    You must enable optional diagnostic data to get comprehensive data for the following metrics in this section: Copilot assisted hours; Total emails sent using Copilot; Number of Teams meetings summarized; Number of Teams meeting hours summarized; and Total chat conversations summarized by Copilot.

    If you disable optional diagnostic data, these metrics still include product usage collected from required diagnostic data.

    All other metrics in the report are powered by required service data and don't require optional diagnostic data enablement. Learn more about diagnostic data.

    This page helps you assess Copilot impact by layering the results of Microsoft's quantitative and qualitative research on top of your organization's Copilot and Microsoft 365 usage patterns.

    At the top of the page, you’ll see graphs that illustrate tallies for Copilot actions taken, Copilot assisted hours, and Copilot assisted value over the previous six months. Let’s define these terms.

    Copilot actions taken: The total number of actions taken using Copilot across Microsoft 365 apps.

    Copilot assisted hours

    This is an estimate of the total time employees were assisted by using Copilot over the past 28 days. Employees can re-invest time savings from Copilot in learning, training, skilling, and having a greater business impact. The metric is computed based on your employees’ actions in Copilot and multipliers derived from Microsoft’s research on Copilot users. The metric should be viewed as a general estimate based on the most relevant Copilot usage data and research currently available. The underlying calculation methodology will evolve over time as new information becomes available. Select Hours and value calculator to see a breakdown of how the total figure is calculated. See more information on the calculation below. To toggle between Copilot assisted hours and Copilot assisted value, select the clock or currency symbol at the top right of the card.

    Copilot assisted value

    This is an estimate of the value of Copilot’s impact over the given time period, calculated by multiplying Copilot assisted hours by an average hourly rate. By default, this hourly rate is set to $72, based on data compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can change the hourly rate and the currency in your settings. To see a breakdown of Copilot assisted value by app activity, select Hours and value calculator.

    • To update the average hourly rate, select Hours and Value calculator and then select Value calculator. You’ll see a breakdown of how the total value is calculated with your updated setting.

    • This feature is on by default. Your Global admin can use Viva feature access management to disable this feature for the entire tenant. Learn more.


    For the time being, if you want to change the hourly rate or currency, you’ll need to do this every time you reopen the Copilot Dashboard, because the updates won’t be saved.

    Details on the "Copilot assisted hours" metric

    The Copilot assisted hours metric is a general estimate that tries to leverage the latest research on AI and productivity to describe your employees’ use of three types of Copilot capabilities described in the table below. Copilot usage metrics are aggregated within each category, then multiplied by an assistance factor to determine hours assisted per category. The three resulting values are then added together to produce the final Copilot assisted hours metric. These are broad approximations based on the best available research rather than precise calculations. As more research becomes available, we'll update our approach.

    Copilot capability Metric(s) counted Assistance factor Source of assistance factor (if applicable)
    Meeting summaries Meeting hours summarized by Copilot The full duration of each meeting summarized is counted towards total assisted hours. For example, if a user summarizes an hour-long meeting after it has ended, that counts as one assisted hour. Meetings recapped using Intelligent Recap aren't included. N/A
    Search and summaries Copilot Chat (work) prompts submitted

    Summarize email thread actions taken using Copilot

    Summarize Word document actions taken using Copilot

    Summarize presentation actions taken using Copilot

    Excel analysis actions taken using Copilot

    Summarize chat actions taken using Copilot

    Chat (Copilot in Word) prompts submitted

    Chat (Copilot in PowerPoint) prompts submitted

    Chat (Copilot in Excel) prompts
    6 minutes per search or summary action In a study of 163 knowledge workers, users were able to retrieve information across files, emails, and calendars 6 minutes faster with Copilot versus without Copilot. See study #4 in section 2 of this blog post.
    Creation Email coaching actions taken using Copilot

    Generate email draft actions taken using Copilot

    Draft Word document actions taken using Copilot

    Create presentation actions taken using Copilot

    Rewrite text actions taken using Copilot

    Create Excel formula actions taken using Copilot

    Excel formatting actions taken using Copilot

    Visualize as table actions taken using Copilot in Word

    Add content to presentation actions taken

    Organize presentation actions taken
    6 minutes per creation action In a study of 147 knowledge workers, people were able to complete a writing task (drafting a blog post) 6 minutes faster with Copilot versus without Copilot. See study #1 in section 2 of this blog post. Creation is especially difficult to summarize in a single number, so this number should be in particular understood to be a broad estimate. As research improves, we will adjust our methodology.

    Key insights for this page:

    On any card, select Explore more to dive into these metrics. You’ll find graphs which illustrate the six-month trends for each card. Select Metric to toggle between the different insights for the card.

    Screenshot that shows the trendline graph for impact metrics.


    Copilot is not likely to be solely responsible for any metric differences shown in the dashboard. In addition to Copilot, multiple organizational factors, such as seasonality, role shifts, or organizational changes, may influence changes in these metrics.

    Comparison between groups

    This analysis helps you compare usage patterns between two groups. Analysts can use this to compare usage patterns between Copilot and non-Copilot users, or even two different Copilot user groups.

    There are the four categories of users:

    • Copilot licensed employees: Employees who have been assigned a Copilot license

    • Non-Copilot users: Employees who have not been assigned a Copilot license

    • Active Copilot users: Employees who performed at least one Copilot activity in the previous 28 days

    • Inactive Copilot users: Employees assigned a Copilot license but who have not performed at least one Copilot activity in the previous 28 days

    To learn more about the differences in collaboration activities between Copilot active users and non-Copilot users, next to % Difference, select the light bulb icon. You’ll find a glossary page which includes research-backed metric guidance to help you interpret the insights provided by this analysis. The metric guidance is based on research compiled in this e-book. For best results, compare two similar groups of people, such as similar job functions or similar employee rank or level.

    Comparison between Copilot and non-Copilot users

    This analysis helps you compare collaboration activities between employees who use Copilot and those who don’t, based on a specific metric. For instance, you can select Meeting hours as your metric to analyze the meeting hours per person for both Copilot users and non-Copilot users across the filters you’ve selected.

    Key Copilot metrics for this page:

    Category Metric Definition
    Meetings Meetings summarized by Copilot The number of meetings summarized by Copilot.
    Attended meetings The number of meetings users attended in Teams which had two or more attendees.
    Conflicting meeting hours The number of meeting hours where users had overlapping meetings on their calendar. The count includes only the amount of time that overlaps.
    Meeting hours The number of hours users spent in meetings with at least one other person during and outside of working hours.
    Multitasking meeting hours The number of hours users spent sending or reading emails or chats, posting or replying to Teams channels messages, or visiting Teams channels during a meeting or Teams call.
    Meeting hours summarized by Copilot Meeting hours summarized are calculated based on actual hours summarized, not a per action estimate. For example, if a user summarizes after a 1-hour meeting, they'll count 1 hour toward the total. If another user summarizes 15 minutes into the meeting, they'll count 15 minutes toward the total, resulting in an overall total of 1 hour, 15 minutes. This metric does not include meeting summaries accessed through Intelligent Recap.
    Chat Chat conversation summaries created by Copilot The number of times users summarized chats and channel conversations in Teams using Copilot.
    Chats sent The number of chat messages sent by users using Copilot.
    Chat conversations summarized by Copilot The number of chats and channel conversations summarized by Copilot.
    Emails Emails sent using Copilot The number of emails sent with assistance from Copilot.
    Email coaching actions taken using Copilot The number of times users selected coaching by Copilot in Outlook.
    Emails sent The number of emails sent by users.
    Email drafts generated by Copilot The number email drafts users generated using Copilot.
    Email thread summaries created by Copilot The number of times users summarized email conversations using Copilot.
    Documents Document drafts created by Copilot The number of times users drafted Word documents with Copilot.
    Document summaries created by Copilot The number of times users summarized Word documents using Copilot.
    Presentations created by Copilot The number of times users created PowerPoint presentations using Copilot.
    Presentation summaries created by Copilot The number of times users summarized PowerPoint presentations using Copilot.
    Excel analysis actions taken using Copilot The number of times users analyzed data to show insights as charts, PivotTable objects, summaries, trends, or outliers in Excel using Copilot.
    Excel formulas created by Copilot The number of times users generated new columns with formulas based on Excel data using Copilot.
    Excel formatting actions taken using Copilot The number of times users highlighted, sorted, and filtered tables in Excel using Copilot.
    Visualize as table actions taken using Copilot in Word The number of times users converted text to a table with Copilot in Word.
    Add content to presentation actions taken The number of times users added a slide or image to a presentation using Copilot.
    Organize presentation actions taken The number of times users prompted Copilot in PowerPoint to help organize a presentation.
    Chat (Copilot in Word) prompts submitted The number of times users submitted a prompt to Copilot chat in Word. Includes any prompts that don't map to one of the established Word Copilot skills such as "Summarize"-, "Draft"-, or "Rewrite"- actions taken in Word.
    Chat (Copilot in PowerPoint) prompts submitted The number of times users submitted a prompt to Copilot chat in PowerPoint. Includes any prompts that don't map to one of the established PowerPoint Copilot skills such as "Summarize"-, "Add content"-, or "Organize presentation"- actions taken in PowerPoint.
    Chat (Copilot in Excel) prompts The number of times users submitted a prompt to Copilot chat in Excel. Includes any prompts that don't map to one of the established Excel Copilot skills such as "Analysis"-, "Formatting"-, or "Formula"- actions taken in Excel.
    Copilot Chat Copilot Chat (work) prompts submitted The number of prompts submitted by users in Copilot Chat (work), formerly called Business Chat. Includes prompts submitted through Teams, Outlook, Edge, and the Microsoft 365 app.
    Copilot Chat (web) prompts submitted The number of queries submitted by users in the web tab of Copilot Chat, also known as "Copilot with Enterprise Data Protection." Includes prompts submitted through Edge and the Microsoft 365 app. Data is available from 08/20/2024 onwards.

    Key behavior metrics for this page:

    Category Metric Definition
    Meetings Conflicting meeting hours The number of meeting hours where employees had overlapping meetings on their calendar. The count includes only the amount of time that overlaps.
    Attended meetings The number of meetings users attended in Teams that had two or more attendees.
    Meeting hours The number of hours employees spent in meetings with at least one other person during and outside of working hours.
    Total meetings The number of meetings an employee organized, accepted, or joined.
    Multitasking meeting hours The number of hours employees spent sending or reading emails or chats, posting or replying to Teams channels messages, or visiting Teams channels during a meeting or Teams call.
    Chat Chats sent The number of chat messages sent by employees using Copilot.
    Emails Emails sent The number of emails sent by employees.


    Located within the Impact page, this section provides information that helps you assess Copilot impact from the perspective of users' subjective experiences. In the main table on this page you’ll see a list of Microsoft’s recommended Copilot survey questions along with the results from your own organization’s latest survey (if an admin chooses to upload results for visualization here) and Microsoft's own benchmark results from a study of early Copilot users.

    Sentiment results by question

    This section of the dashboard provides the results of employee-level surveys performed at your company. These results can come from up to three different sources: Viva Glint, Viva Pulse, or a .csv file your Viva Insights admin uploads using the steps below.

    If there is more than one source, a Survey toggle at the top left lets you choose which source’s results to display. To start a new Viva Pulse survey directly from the dashboard, at the top right, select Start new Pulse survey. Or, learn how to set up a Pulse survey within the Pulse app.

    Learn more about how to set up a Copilot Impact Survey in Viva Glint.

    Screenshot that shows how to launch a Pulse survey from the Copilot Dashboard.

    Sentiment results by group

    With a Viva Insights subscription, this section of the dashboard also lets you explore the breakdown of sentiment across organizational attributes. You can use custom filters to isolate the results for specific parts of the organization or for specific employee groups. The results are shown in a “heat map.”

    Screenshot that shows the Sentiment heat map.

    Upload group-level survey results with the advanced insights app

    Applies to: Viva Insights admin

    If you have a Viva Insights subscription and you’re a Viva Insights admin, you can upload survey results as a .csv file. The survey results will appear in the Copilot Dashboard within two days after you upload them, and they'll remain accessible until you perform a new upload.

    Your survey should include each of the following statements:

    • Using Copilot helps improve the quality of my work or output

    • Using Copilot helps me spend less mental effort on mundane or repetitive tasks

    • Using Copilot allows me to complete tasks faster

    • When using Copilot I am more productive

    If you upload survey results via .csv file, regardless of the format of survey responses you received, the data needs to be uploaded in a standard format that Viva Insights can understand. It’s possible that different survey tools provide outputs in different formats for the survey. Some tools might provide a 5-point scale, some may provide output as a string (“Strongly agree,” “agree,” “neutral,” “disagree,” or “strongly disagree”), and tools like Glint would provide a precalculated score as the output.

    Therefore, the admin must convert the survey responses to a 100-point scale, with 100 representing the most positive survey response.

    This is how they can convert the scores into a 100-point scale:

    If the survey output is a 5-point rating:

    Survey output (rating) Normalized 100-point scale
    1 0
    2 25
    3 50
    4 75
    5 100

    Or, if the survey output is in a string format:

    Survey output (strings) Normalized 100-point scale
    Strongly disagree 0
    Disagree 25
    Neutral 50
    Agree 75
    Strongly agree 100


    The admin must upload the questions in the same order in which they’re shown below.

    Column name in CSV file Actual question
    Question 1 Using Copilot helps improve the quality of my work or output
    Question 2 Using Copilot helps me spend less mental effort on mundane or repetitive tasks
    Question 3 Using Copilot allows me to complete tasks faster
    Question 4 When using Copilot I am more productive

    Format of the .csv file: The.csv file itself should also be formatted like this:

    User AAD ID/Email address Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 75 25 0 100 25 75 100

    For questions that did not receive an employee response, such as Question 3 for user in the example above, the cell should be left blank in the .csv file.

    For additional guidance on how to format your .csv file, refer to this example formatted .csv: Impact Dashboard survey sample file.

    Once you’ve formatted the .csv file accordingly, use these steps to upload it:

    1. In the Viva Insights analyst experience, select Survey data.

    2. Under Survey data at the top, select Data connections, then select Manage data sources.

    3. Under M365 Copilot Impact Survey data upload, select Start. If you previously uploaded survey data, this new import will replace the old data.

      Screenshot that shows the first steps to upload the survey data.

    4. On the next page, enter an optional survey name and start and end dates. Then browse to find your .csv file, and select Upload.

      Screenshot that shows the final steps to upload the survey data.

    News & research

    Under the Learning tab, here you find research around the impacts of AI on workplace productivity. Use this page to stay up to speed on the latest findings from Microsoft’s own AI research teams.

    Add Copilot metrics to your custom person query

    Applies to: Viva Insights analyst

    You can also add Microsoft 365 Copilot metrics to your custom person query. Learn how in Add metrics.


    Data upload

    Q1. If I’ve already uploaded HR data for Viva Insights licensed users, how do I upload it for all Copilot users and non-Copilot users?

    Your Viva Insights admin can continue to use the advanced Insights app to upload the data for Copilot and non-Copilot users. Or, if you no longer have a Viva Insights license, your Global admin can upload the data through the Microsoft 365 admin center.

    Q2. I previously had a Viva Insights trial license that has expired. Do I need to re-upload organizational or survey data?

    No. However, if you’d like to upload more recent data for additional employees, your Global admin can do this through the Microsoft 365 admin center.

    Setup and licenses

    Q1. I’m getting a connection error when I try to access the Copilot Dashboard. What should I do? Try reassigning your employees' Copilot licenses, then wait at least 24 hours and try again. If you're still having issues, file a support ticket.

    Q2. How does data in the Copilot Dashboard compare to usage reports in the admin center? Both the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard and the admin center usage reports leverage the same underlying data set, but they're intended for different audiences. The Copilot Dashboard is intended for organizational leaders and technology decision makers, while the admin center report is intended for IT admins. Also, differences in each report’s prerequisites and time periods might cause data discrepancies.

    Differences in the data are often caused by at least one of the following:

    • The time frame for which the analysis is being applied may be different. Refer to the time frame provided on each report’s dashboard. The Copilot Dashboard represents data over the previous 28 days. The admin center, however, uses a rolling window for its reports, for the last 7, 30, 90, or 180 days. There might also be differences in data delays. The admin center report is produced within 72 hours, while the Copilot Dashboard might have an additional delay of one to two days.
    • Data in the Copilot Dashboard is aggregated to meet a minimum privacy threshold.

    Q3. Where can users access the Microsoft Copilot Dashboard? Employees can view the dashboard in the Viva Insights Teams or web app.

    Q4. How long after enablement can users access the Copilot Dashboard? Users can access the dashboard less than 24 hours after being enabled.

    Q5. Do I need a paid Viva Insights subscription in order to access the report's aggregated, tenant-level, or group-level insights?

    No, a Viva Insights subscription is not required to access Copilot Dashboard. Your ability to view tenant-level or group-level insights depends on the number of assigned Copilot licenses within your tenants. Learn more here.

    Q6. In the Sentiment section I don’t see any survey responses. Why?

    Either survey data is not uploaded for your organization, or the minimum privacy threshold is not met. The privacy threshold is not met if any of the following apply:

    • The total number of survey responses is less than the minimum privacy group size.

    • The number of responses for a specific question is less than the minimum group size.

    • The number of responses classified as favorable, neutral, or unfavorable for any given question is less than the minimum group size.

    Q7. Who is considered a Copilot licensed employee? Any employee who has been assigned a Copilot license, including the following service plans:

    • Microsoft 365 Copilot in Productivity Apps
    • Microsoft 365 Copilot in Microsoft Teams
    • Connectors and Plugins for Microsoft 365 Copilot
    • Copilot Chat (work)
    • Intelligent Search

    Q8. After I assign new Viva Insights or Copilot licenses for the first time, how long will it take for the Copilot Dashboard to turn on with the data? To start data processing, you'll need to assign at least 10 Viva Insights licenses or at least 50 Copilot licenses. Once you do that, the process could take up to five days.

    Q9. After the dashboard is turned on with the data, if I subsequently assign new Copilot licenses, how long will it take for the new data to reflect in the dashboard? Once you assign a new Copilot license to your employees, it will take up to five days to update and include the employees with the new assigned license.

    Q10. If I assign new Copilot licenses to people, when will I see their data in the dashboard? Once you assign a new Copilot license to your employees, it will take up to one week to update and include the employees with the new assigned license.

    Q11. If I reassign Copilot licenses to different employees who did not previously have Copilot licenses, how does that impact the measured group on each page of the dashboard? The measured period includes all employees who were enabled for Copilot at any point during that time period. This means that employees who had a license that was reassigned will still be included in the metrics.

    Q12. If I don’t assign any new licenses, when and how often does the dashboard data update? The dashboard refreshes with updated data every Tuesday.

    Q13. What can enabled users see in the dashboard? The dashboard’s advanced features provide more granular views of Copilot adoption, usage patterns, user sentiment, and return on investment across groups, functional roles, and more. Business leaders who have a Viva Insights license and access to the dashboard can apply filters and group the Copilot adoption and impact metrics by organizational attributes such as organization and job function. And, Viva Insights analysts can create custom reports based on these metrics.

    Q14. How often is the default-on enablement updated? To capture organizational changes, we refresh the default-on enablement on a weekly basis.

    Q15. If a user is removed, will the default-on enablement refresh impact their access settings? No. Once an admin disables a user, that setting is permanent until the admin adds the user back. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, the admin can view a list of who has been disabled in the Deleted tab.

    Missing data

    Q1. The values I'm seeing are just "--," with a banner that reads, "It looks like your organization doesn’t use Copilot in Microsoft 365 yet." What's happening? In this scenario, your employees don't have a Copilot license assigned or they haven't used Copilot yet.

    Q2. Why can't I see my senior leadership members as a selectable option within the Scope dropdown menu? In this scenario, your Entra data is not reliable, or it does not accurately reflect the reporting structure at your company. Please reach out to your global admin to see how your Entra data is set up.


    Q1. Which apps are the Copilot Chat (work) metrics based on?

    Copilot Chat (work) metrics are based on use of Copilot Chat (work), formerly called Business Chat, across all apps where the capability is available including Teams, Windows,, and more. Copilot Chat (work) metrics do not include usage of Microsoft Copilot with enterprise data protection, which is made available to users with an eligible Microsoft 365 license and does not require a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license. In certain product environments such as Copilot in the Edge browser, users enabled for Copilot might see a "work/web" toggle. The work/web toggle is a feature of Copilot Chat usage and thus usage of this feature is accounted for in the Copilot Dashboard and Viva Insights. Usage, however, is only reported for Copilot licensed employees. Usage of the "free" version of Copilot Chat used by non-Microsoft 365 licensed employees is not accounted for.

    Q2. Within the Copilot metrics tab of the comparison between groups table, why does the % difference not show what I'm expecting to see?

    The values under the first two columns (Group 1 & Group 2) are calculated using the sum. To compare groups of different sizes, the percentage difference is calculated using the per user per month average.

    Q3. Why don't the metrics match on the readiness and adoption pages?

    If you notice a slight difference in the number of Copilot licensed employees or the number of active Copilot users between the readiness and adoption pages, it might be because the adoption page:

    • Uses a slightly different date range
    • Excludes users because an admin created an exclusion list
    • Excludes users with licenses that are assigned to disabled mailboxes. Learn more about disabled mailboxes.
    • Excludes users with licenses that are assigned to disabled accounts

    Q4. On the adoption page, why don’t the app usage totals match the sum of the usage of the individual features below each app?

    There are two reasons for this:

    1. The app total figure is the count of the total number of unique users who leverage Copilot within that app. The feature total also tallies the total number of unique users who leverage Copilot for that particular feature. Therefore, if the same person uses multiple Copilot features within a single app, they are still only counted once in the total app figure.

    2. The app total refers to the total number of unique users who are active on any Copilot feature for that app, and the list of features below the app might not include every feature.

    Manage settings for the Copilot Dashboard

    Delegate access to the Copilot Dashboard