Council Spotlight: Who are the former contributors to the Wiki Ninjas blog?
See our 31 members in last week's blog post:
Now let's take a look at our former members! Would you believe it's an even bigger group of folks? Here we go!
Former contributors (they got busy; also in chronological order of when they started):
- TonySoper - MSFT (11/1/11)
- Eric Battalio - MSFT (11/3/11)
- Yuri Diogenes - MSFT (11/4/11)
- † Kurt L Hudson - MSFT (11/8/11)
- Luiz Henrique Lima Campos - MVP, MCC, Partner (11/10/11)
- Bruno Lewin - MSFT (11/18/11)
- Thomas W Shinder - MSFT (11/22/11)
- Monica Rush - MSFT (11/28/11)
- Luigi Bruno - MVP, MCC (12/11/11)
- Rich Prescott - MCC (2/8/12)
- Luciano Lima - MVP, MCC (2/3/12)
- Tord G.Nordahl - MSFT, MVP (3/26/12)
- Yagmoth555 - MVP, MCC, Partner (3/28/12)
- Zoltán Horváth - MVP, MCC, Partner (4/3/12)
- Fernando Lugão Veltem - MVP, MCC, Partner (4/4/12)
- Ana Paula de Almeida (9/11/12)
- FZB - MCC, Partner (9/15/12)
- Gokan Ozcifci - MVP, MCC, Partner (11/29/12)
- Craig Lussier - Partner (2/24/13)
- Serhad Makbuloğlu (3/14/13)
- Markus Vilcinskas - MSFT (4/3/13)
- Patris_70 - Partner (7/2/13)
- Santosh Bhandarkar - MVP (7/24/13)
- LeoPonti - MSFT (8/13/13)
- Maheshkumar S Tiwari - MVP, MCC (10/5/13)
- Benoit Jester - MVP, MCC (11/20/13)
- Matthew Yarlett - Partner (1/8/14)
- Durval Ramos - MVP, MCC (1/10/14)
- Brent Groom - MSFT (2/13/14)
- SathyanarrayananS - MVP (4/14/14)
- Payman Biukaghazadeh - MCC (6/27/14)
- Andy ONeill (3/11/15)
- Edward van Biljon - MVP, MCC (5/13/15)
Wow, we have a lot of legends on this list as well!
And many of these MVPs were awarded after they were Wiki Ninjas: Luiz Campos, Luigi Bruno, Tord (who has joined Microsoft), Yagmoth, Zoltan, Fernando, Gokan, Santosh, Maheshkumar, Benoit, Durval, Sathya, and Edward! (Correct me if I'm wrong.) I believe just Luciano was an MVP first. And even so, it's important to note that most of the MVP winners were contributing in other ways as well. And yes, some MVP winners are no longer MVPs. It's an award that takes a lot of work, each year! But we left the status for the folks where were formerly those things (MVP, MCC, Partner).
From this list, Tord, LeoPonti, and Edward became Microsoft employees after contributing as Wiki Ninjas.
There you go! 33 members! That's a lot! Thanks to all the previous contributions from our former authors!
Wiki, wiki, wiki, whaaaat????
- Ninja Ed
- Anonymous
November 03, 2016
Great post Ed ! Thanks for sharing legends list :)- Anonymous
November 07, 2016
Of course. Sandeep, have we interviewed you yet?Doesn't look like it. Please email me. It's edprice at Microsoft.Thanks!- Anonymous
November 18, 2016
Thanks a lot, Ed :)It's awesome news for me and thanks to providing this opportunity.I'll share email of mine interview.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
November 03, 2016
33 legends and still count is increasing.. ☺Big congratulations to all legends and thank you Ed for sharing this list ☺- Anonymous
November 07, 2016
Yes! We are so grateful for not only our current bloggers, but the legends who have moved on as well!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
November 05, 2016
Thanks for sharing Ed :-)- Anonymous
November 07, 2016
My pleasure! I want our former bloggers to know that their previous contributions are still appreciated!
- Anonymous