Wiki Life: How TechNet Wiki challenges language barriers
In conclusion; I am really not the best in creating graphic art, but I like to think that all the international community’s work just makes a stronger structure for TNWiki’s base. More and more articles translated results in more international people visiting TechNet Wiki, and more English articles will also build a stronger attraction to the Wiki. It's a big wheel.
- French Ninja Phil (Wiki, Profile)
(P.S. A big thanks to Ed for correcting my spelling errors!)
March 28, 2012
+1 Like! Well done Kudos Bien jouer よくやりましたねAnonymous
March 28, 2012
Philippe, this is very impressive, unique, and artistic! Great job!Anonymous
March 28, 2012
Merci pour cette contribution. C'est une perspective différente de ce qu’on entend souvent. Je pense qu’elle peut susciter une réflexion intéressante sur les préférence de la communauté des utilisateurs dont l’Anglais n’est pas la première langue. PS : Tony, I’ll take Philipe’s advise and correct your French: the right spelling is “Bien joué” in this context.Anonymous
March 28, 2012
And here's the English translation of Bruno's French: "Thank you for this contribution. It is a different perspective of what is meant often. I think that it may create an interesting reflection on the preference of the community of users whose first language is not English." Now back to me... To add on that, it seems like the goal here is collaboration and building the community, and language is merely a natural part of that process. It's definitely a great perspective. Thanks Philippe!Anonymous
March 29, 2012
Thanks for the feedback! I like to show different's points of view, that is a good way to spark new ideas and discussions :-)Anonymous
March 29, 2012
Wiki localization is a great enhancement.Anonymous
December 19, 2013
You can find the list of authors here: Wiki Ninjas Blog: The Contributors Anyone can join usAnonymous
March 13, 2014
This blog is a follow up to our last list of Wiki Ninja Blog Authors: Council Spotlight: Who are theAnonymous
July 09, 2014
Hello Community!
Today is Wiki Life and I'll talk about the Blog for TechNet Wiki (Wiki NinjasAnonymous
July 17, 2014