
Wiki Life: Survival Guides

Hello everybody, this is my first post on the TechNet Wiki blog. My name is Fernando, and I'm a Microsoft Partner and Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) here in Brazil.

Survival Guides are my favorite Wiki articles.

A Survival Guide is a collection of all Wiki articles and external links about a Microsoft solution. It's a great place for interaction between authors/additions, as a source of ideas for future articles to complete the guide, or as a starting point for knowing the solutions and people that work on the subject, any related Blogs, Youtube channels, Tweeters, and the list just goes on....

Usually the guide is divided in sections to facilitate the navigation and organization of the articles, like the Hyper-V Survival guide.


In English, the tag used to identify the guides is Survival Guide. Also Luciano Lima [MVP] Brazil created a Wiki article that includes all the survival guides in Portuguse:




The same Wiki article was also created in English:



What are your favorite guides? Post a comment below with the link, and share your favorite guide with the community!

Start a Survival Guide in your language, and add the links on the Survival Guides above.

Fernando Lugão Veltem
blog: https://flugaoveltem.blogspot.com
twitter: @flugaoveltem

I want to thank Ed Price for this opportunity and Luciano Lima for the revision on this article.
