
Interview with Jayakumaur(JK) - Transact-SQL - TechNet Guru Competition Gold medal Winner

Today's the interview will be with Jayakumaur(JK) . JK is a Transact-SQL Technical Guru Gold medal Winner - February 2014.



Here are some his stats:

• Published 4 TechNet wiki articles, including   

               Gold medal article - Transact-SQL Technical Guru - February 2014    

               Bronze medal article - SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - February 2014 

• 5k Recognition Points on MSDN forum

• Published 5 Gallery scripts

He is also a regular visitor to Chennai SQL Server User Group meets.

Let's start the interview:

Who are you, where are you, and what do you do? What are your specialty technologies?

I am Jayakumaur aka JK, a SQL enthusiast from Chennai, India. Being passionate about programming in general, I am currently working as a Database Developer with a leading MNC.

What are your projects right now?

I’m currently involved in developing a customizable payroll report generation system using SSIS and SSRS for a client based out of UK.

What is TechNet Wiki for? Who is it for?

Wiki is for anyone who wants to learn and contribute back from what they have learnt. Also, personally I feel wiki as the place to hold solutions to common problems which are being raised as issues in the forums from time to time like pivoting, splitting a column to multiple ones etc. to name a few.


What do you do with TechNet Wiki, and how does that fit into the rest of your job?

I use TechNet wiki on a day to day basis to learn new technologies, concepts and features. It also helps me to contribute back what I have learnt in the form of new wiki articles, gallery items etc.

What is it about TechNet Wiki that interests you?

Community contribution. Microsoft technologies enjoy one of the most active communities online, and this TechNet wiki is yet another example of that!

The wiki is totally based around the community, with the members posting articles on a varied set of concepts. The exceptional part is that, other Gurus and Experts in the field voluntarily pitch in, edit and contribute to the article taking it up a few notches higher!! And one mustn’t forget the TechNet guru contest that serves as a great motivating factor!!


On what Wiki articles do you spend most of your time?

On TSQL articles generally, looking to learn new tricks and ways of writing better and efficient queries. Also fixing articles that require any additional explanations, corrections etc.

What are your favorite Wiki articles you’ve contributed?

Ha-ha... All of them of course

What are your top 5 favorite Wiki articles?

All T-SQL and SSIS related articles.


Who has impressed you in the Wiki community, and why?

There are many including: Ed, Naomi (she’s omnipresent – Forums, Blogs, wiki everywhere!!), Ronen aka Pituach (Patient and dedicated), Shanky

What does success look like for TechNet Wiki?

TechNet wiki has been and is continuing to be an astounding success. A simple example would be the number of articles being put forward for the TechNet Guru contests and the quality of them! Wow!!


Last but not least, I would like to thank MVP’s Madhu K Nair and Vidhyasagar for having inspired and motivated me always. I am privileged and grateful for having come under their tutelage.

Looking forward for many more successful days ahead...



Thanks JK for this great interview.

Please join me in thanking JK for all his contributions to the community, and feel free to ask him any further questions. !


  • Anonymous
    April 13, 2014
    Thank you for good interview SathyanarrayananS. Nice to meet you Jayakumaur
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    Pleasing to read this interview! Congrats JK! Thanks Sathya! ;)
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    Congrats for getting interviewed JK. I am thankful for your feedback.
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    Cool! Congrats JK!
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    Wow. Congratulations JK. Great interview SathyanarrayananS.
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    Congrats and good to know you !!!
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    SathyanarrayananS, Great interview !

    Congrats Jayakumaur.
  • Anonymous
    April 14, 2014
    Awesome! Great to meet you, JK!

    Also, I think this is Sathya's first blog post, right?

    Thank you both!
  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2014
    Thanks a lot guys :) Great to be a part of this awesum community!! :)
  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2014
    Sathya, this is your first blog post!

    I immortalized it here: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/14459.wiki-ninjas-blog-the-contributors.aspx#Current_Contributors

  • Anonymous
    April 15, 2014

    How long have you been an MVP?
  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2014
    Yes, this is my first post and I was awarded as SQL Server MVP for the first time on Jan-2014.
  • Anonymous
    April 17, 2014
    Congratz sathya ! welcome to the MVP-world !
  • Anonymous
    April 18, 2014
    Sathya, well you have to tell us so that we can celebrate with you!

  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2014
    I just wanted to officially congratulate Sathya on winning the MVP award back in January 2014.
  • Anonymous
    April 19, 2014
    Thanks Gokan..
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2014
    Congrats JK!!!!!
    Great article..Nice interview.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2014
    Thanks a lot Prashanth!! :)
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2014
    Thanks a lot Prashanth!! :)
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2014
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2014
    very nice job
  • Anonymous
    July 09, 2014
    Hello Community!
    Today is Wiki Life and I'll talk about the Blog for TechNet Wiki (Wiki Ninjas