Get started using the SAP Vendor Payment management app
The SAP Vendor Payment Management app is part of the SAP Procurement solution for Microsoft Power Platform. It allows you to search for and view a vendor payment quickly and easily.
View a vendor payment
You have three options for viewing a vendor payment:
- Enter a known vendor payment number.
- Select a vendor payment that you have interacted with.
- Search for a vendor payment based on vendor and date range.
Enter a vendor payment number
If you know the vendor payment number of the document you want to view, you can type it in the Search vendor payment number field and select Search. You can also optionally provide company code and fiscal year.
Select a vendor payment
You can select a recently viewed vendor payment from the Recently searched payments list. Select a vendor from the list to load the data for that vendor payment.
Search for vendor payment
If you haven't interacted with the vendor payment, and you don't know the exact number, you can search for a vendor payment. Select Search Payments to open the vendor payment search screen.
The vendor payment search screen allows you to search by any individual field or a combination of Vendor and Due date range. If you don't know the Vendor Number you can select Go to advanced search and search for vendors by name and address.
- Enter your selection criteria.
- Select Search to display your results.
- Select the vendor payment you would like to display on the vendor payment overview screen.
Field mappings
The table provides payment screen to function module field mappings.
Vendor Payment Mapping
Area | Table | Field | Display Name | Default value |
Header | BKPF | BELNR | Payment | |
Header | BKPF | BUKRS | CompanyCode | |
Header | BKPF | GJAHR | FiscalYear | |
Header | BKPF | AWKEY | ObjectKey | |
Header | BKPF | BLART | DocumentType | |
Header | BKPF | BKTXT | HeaderText | |
Header | BKPF | XBLNR | ReferenceNumber | |
Header | BKPF | USNAM | CreatedBy | |
Header | BKPF | BUDAT | PostingDate | |
Header | BKPF | BLDAT | DocumentDate | |
Header | BKPF | WAERS | Currency | |
Header | LFA1 | NAME1 | VendorName | |
Header | BSEG | LIFNR | Vendor | |
Header | BSEG | AUGBL/ZLSPR | Status | 'Blocked', 'To Be Paid', 'Paid' |
Header | BKPF | AWKEY | VendorInvoice | |
Item | BSEG | BUZEI | Item | |
Item | BSEG | SHKZG | Type | |
Item | BSEG | HKONT | GlAccountRaw | |
Item | BSEG | DMBTR | Amount | |
Item | BSEG | CrudType | R | |
Item | BSEG | HKONT | GlAccount | |
Item | BSEG | LIFNR | Vendor | |
Item | BSEG | AUGBL | Payment | |
Item | BSEG | AUGBL | Status | |
Item | BSEG | AUGDT | ClearingDate | |
Item | BSEG | KOSTL | CostCenter | |
Item | BSEG | ZTERM | TermsOfPaymentKey | |
Item | BSEG | ZFBDT | BaselineDate | |
Item | BSEG | ZLSCH | PaymentMethod | |
Item | BSEG | EBELN | PurchaseOrder | |
Item | BSEG | EBELP | PurchaseOrderLine | |
Item | BSEG | GJAHR | FiscalYear | |
Item | BSEG | BUKRS | CompanyCode | |
GL Account | SKAT | SAKNR | Description | |
GL Account | SKAT | TXT50 | GlAccount |