UWP App Appears Differently on Different Machines While Debugging
I have a UWP app that I am debugging. However, while debugging, it appears differently on the 2 machines I have tried it on (no code has been changed, and both machines have the same version of Windows 10). The first machine, a Surface Book i7 (my…
SW_HIDE can't hide full screen window
I have a window with exStyle = 0; style = WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; and call ShowWindow(gameWindowHandle, SW_HIDE) not working
SQL Server 2012 upgrade to 2017/2019
Hi, I need to upgrade from SQL Standard 2012 to SQL Standard 2017 or 2019. I found some discussions online, but I couldn't figure out the licensing price issue. Is it possible to use the existing 2012 and 5 UserCAL license and upgrade to the…
Power APPs: Invoke multiple API's with custom connector
I have API-1(api://aud1) and API-2(api://aud2) in Azure AD. In client application given permission for both API's. I have created one custom connector by using scope of API-1, Now I would like to call API-2 by passing different scope. In general we will…
TF30063: You are not authorized to access
I am able to login on local system as well in local IIS but everything is same is not working when published my code on windows server. On which account that I have set on server has access on tfs but still I am facing the same issue TF30063: You are…
[UWP][C#] Datagrid with button column
Hi, I need to add a button column to my grid using C# - not XAML. I am able to add a checkbox and a combobox by creating an instance of DataGridCheckBoxColumn and DataGridComboBoxColumn. What do I use for a button column? I'm guessing…
troubleshooting chat function in MS teams.
I have a group in teams some of the members cannot see group in chat mode. she can see and write in the group in team app. I have try to search for the group call “efterkritik” but she can't see group chat. Same problem online and the desktop…
How to test & debug my app in other computers/configurations?
Hi, I get numerous reports from AppCenter that my app crashes frequently in some laptops, for example, Inspiron 7370. I have four pcs. I am unable to reproduce that bug in any of my pcs. so I want to know, how to test & debug my uwp app in other…
How to set network card priority with serveral cards?
How to set network card priority with serveral cards
Almost nothing works
My laptop shows a lock icon in the taskbar which disappear when I click on it. My taskbar can’t also perform any tasks. When I click on folders at my desktop, it says “an attempt was made to reference a token that doesn’t exist”. I can play videos on my…
Azure Backup
Have a few vms that are backed up, I'm unsure if i'm billed for them and how much it is costing?
Question about UWP and Xbox App for PC (Beta)
I have spent time looking through Developer Resources that Microsoft makes available, however I was unable to find more information about Xbox App for PC that is currently in Beta. Are there plans to develop a set of features, data and infrastructure to…
how do I get my visual studio to show the picture like in the youtube demo
![8335-and-not-this.jpg][1]![8309-how-do-i-get-my-visual-studio-to-show-this.jpg][2] [1]: /api/attachments/8335-and-not-this.jpg?platform=QnA [2]: /api/attachments/8309-how-do-i-get-my-visual-studio-to-show-this.jpg?platform=QnA
Windows Server 2016 WSUS
Все сервера под управлением Windows Swerver 2016(включая сам сервер WSUS) не ищут обновления со WSUS. Ошибка "С установкой обновлений возникли некоторые проблемы, но попытка будет повторена позже. Если вы продолжаете видеть это сообщение и…
Getting a ribbon exception
2020-05-16T16:31:56.411+06:00 Using locale: en_US 2020-05-16T16:31:56.603+06:00 Initialization of 'System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Ribbon' threw an exception. 2020-05-16T16:31:56.608+06:00 at…
OneNote Webhooks in Microsft Graph API
I am trying to create an integration between onenote and my custom application. I see that there are two ways to get the onenote data. Office 365 API and the Microsoft Graph API. I also noticed that the Office 365 API documentation is not being updated…
Trying to understand AIP scan results?
Hi, We have just reviewed the scan results of Azure Information Protection (running against an on-prem file server). We have questions about the following results: Skipped due to Excluded:34510 Failed: 6754 Where can we find more…
Spotty support for UHD/4K 2160p60 video in MediaTranscoder?
I'm trying to use MediaTranscoder to transcode UHD 2160p60 (aka 4K at 60 frames per second) video files. I've had good success transcoding from 2160p60 to 2160p30 (30 frames per second) on two devices I have: a Surface Pro LTE with a Core i5 CPU from…
Skype for Business - Error: "Network issues have interrupted the presentation. Please wait for the presenter to restart sharing."
I can not see any webinar in Skype for Business. I can hear them, but not see them. I have tried on multiple computers, but still get the same error: Network issues have interrupted the presentation. Please wait for the presenter to restart sharing. …